They know his name, or at least the name they know him by, but they never thought to ask what he does for a living.
Then one day one of their waitresses stops showing up to work and the guy stops coming around and no one ever puts the two together.
Never underestimate the absentminded carelessness of the average person.
There are normal looking guys like me living lives of quiet desperation anywhere you go.
We are legion.
This post-script is just for you.
About this book.
I know you said I should write a book and you probably got a little bit more than you bargained for.
But as long as you don’t tell anyone anything about me then I guess we’re cool.
I hope the book goes on to have a life of its own.
Maybe I’ll stop off in Manhattan and mail a copy of my confession to every major newspaper and a couple book publishers.
I figure maybe someone somewhere will want to publish it.
I don’t think they’d be allowed to though, what with victims rights, and not wanting to be associated with a mass murderer. It’s a bitch that I won’t be able to get paid for my work either.
Anyway, allow me to assure you that if you ever tell anyone anything about me I assure you that I will find you and I will kill you.
Forget about the witness protection program.
They only do that kind of thing for mob informants and government stooges.
I’m not really into killing guys, as you might have figured out for yourself.
That’s just violent, crude, base.
There’s no art to it.
Murdering men isn’t beautiful.
I’m trying to do something else.
But if you decide to turn me in, I’ll make an exception in your case.
I’ll get creative.
I’ll make your death a performance art masterpiece.
I’ll make you famous.
If you’ve read this far, you might’ve figured out that I’m pretty good at making things happen the way I want them to happen.
If you skipped to the end because the suspense was killing you, you might want to go back and pick up where you left off.
I don’t make mistakes.
I leave this with you.
Do what you will.
It is what it is.
You do what you do, then you move on.
I don’t figure I’ll be seeing you again if you finished reading this.
But if I do, you’ll know when you know.
The room will be dark and you’ll feel like there’s someone else in the room with you.
This happens to people every day, but unlike all of them, there will be someone in the room with you.
I won’t try to throw you a scare by elaborately detailing what the next few and your last days would be like.
I’ll just let you use your imagination.
To KTAD for inspiring the decline and teaching me a lot about love and despair.
To Sable for “letting” me put cigarettes out on her.
To any woman who decided that we were in an “open relationship” without letting me in on it.
To O as a woman willing to read the work in progress and never being offended by anything I wrote and for being excited when I said I was going to rape and torture and murder her.
To R.A.L. for helping with the conspiracy.
To J.C. for teaching me that the only thing worse than not getting what you want is getting it and losing it.
To my friends for tolerating my unflagging pessimism and criticism of everything and having the integrity to sometimes admit I was right.
To the Marquis De Sade, Leopold Von Sacher Masoch, Charles Baudelaire, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Bukowski, Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, and Bob Flanagan for their openness, earnestness and courage.
To Frederic Chopin, drowningman, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, Neurosis, Psyopus, Dethklok, Tom Waits, and Leonard Cohen for making the air sound beautiful and for musically complementing my emotions.
About the author:
Sean Douglas does not want to get to know you and isn’t interested if you want to get to know him. He’s not interested in coming to your town and making small talk with you or meeting your unattractive girlfriend.
Sean Douglas is interested in smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee and not sleeping.
Sean Douglas does not have any distinguishing scars or marks and where he lives is none of your fucking business.
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