Devlin Dynasty 3: Mountain Moonlight

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Devlin Dynasty 3: Mountain Moonlight Page 11

by Jaci Burton

  Elena looked at her with sympathy, as did the rest of them.

  They pitied her! She must look like a fool. Half-human, half-lupine, and wrestling with female emotions that threatened to send her into a curled up ball of misery.

  This was all too much.

  “You follow him?” she asked, inclining her head to the closed door.

  No one looked her in the eye.

  “Cousin, you know the lupine laws,” Elena said, her voice quiet.

  “You are all fools,” she spat, not even trying to hide the disgust in her voice.

  She turned and walked down the hall with her head held high, refusing to swipe at the tears that pooled in her eyes and slid slowly down her cheeks.

  The wolf within her retreated as melancholy replaced anger.

  In the blink of an eye, she’d lost it all.

  God help her people now, because the Devlins didn’t have a clue.

  Chapter Nine

  Conner stood at the window of the office, looking out over the thick green and gold forests below and wondering what the fuck had just happened between him and Katya.

  Last night it seemed as if they might have struck a tenuous peace, both in bed and out. They’d shared a night of great sex, followed by an easy conversation that led him to believe things might work out for them.

  He’d pleasured her that much he knew for certain. She’d come several times, each time more intense than the last. Then she’d slept soundly in his arms last night, tucked against his side as if she’d spent her entire life there.

  He’d assumed everything had been settled between them, but then she exploded because he sat at her desk? He just didn’t get it.

  The door opened and Noah slipped in, closing it behind him and crossing his arms.

  “Well, you handled that well, brother. Anything else you care to fuck up or was that your big one of the day?”

  “What the hell are you talking about? You know I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to. Setting things in motion to protect the wolves here. I’m doing my job, Noah.”

  “I know what your job is. I’m talking about Katya.”

  “What about her?”

  “You screwed up.”

  Conner leaned his hip against the window ledge. “How?”

  “She was in charge here. You took over without even consulting or warning her what would happen. Then you made decisions and didn’t ask for her advice.”

  “I don’t need her advice. I also didn’t ask to end up here, but it looks like that’s what’s going to happen, so I might as well take charge and get things rolling. I know what needs to be done.”

  Noah shook his head and approached, sitting next to him on the ledge. “You don’t know shit about women, Conner. You never have. All you do is fuck them. You never consider their feelings.”

  Conner’s jaw dropped. Who was this stranger across from him? Noah waxing philosophical about women’s feelings? “And where did you amass this great knowledge about women?”

  Noah smirked. “I pay attention to details. It’s my job to read people so that I can manipulate a situation. One of the things I’ve learned along the way is how to use a woman’s emotions to my advantage. And you learn that by observing, by knowing what makes them happy and what pisses them off.”

  “Uh-huh. Well, Katya knew what she was doing when she set out to play her little game. She gambled and long term, I win. I’m the alpha here now, and the sooner she gets used to it the better.”

  “This is all because you feel trapped into something you didn’t get to decide for yourself. This is your revenge, right?

  “No, this is business.”

  “Bullshit. It’s payback. So you’d rather have the princess at odds with you instead of on your side.”

  “There are no sides. We’re all the same pack now. She’s my mate. It’s her duty to follow my rules.”

  “That’s all well and good for lupine laws, Con, but we’re also partially human. And that means emotion comes into play. Women’s emotions. You don’t want to fuck with those, trust me.”

  “I know what I’m doing,” Conner said, moving back to the desk.

  “You don’t have a goddamned idea what you’re doing. This venture will be a helluva lot more successful with Katya’s cooperation. Without it, you’ve got one major battle on your hands.”

  Heaving an exasperated sigh, Conner looked up at Noah. “So what do you suggest I do?”

  Noah’s lips curled in a smirk. “First thing you’ve got to do is pull your foot out of your mouth. You’re going to have to learn that being alpha doesn’t necessarily mean that you bully everyone into doing it your way. Besides, Katya knows this area. She can help you.”

  “I can figure it out on my own. Plus, her people will help me.”

  “They will, but only because they’re honor bound to do so. If they see you mistreating their princess, you could end up with a mutiny someday. Hell, Con, you had her right where you wanted her. Then you had to go act like an ass. You think they didn’t notice how you treated her like she was nothing? Don’t you think they’re going to wonder if you’re really here for their best interests, or your own?”

  Noah had a point. Maybe he’d been a little bit too domineering with her. But dammit, it galled him that he’d been so easily manipulated. Maybe he had been lashing out at her instead of acting logically. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to enlist her aid.”

  “Yeah, if she ever speaks to you again. Hope you got a good fuck last night, bro. It’ll probably be the last one you get for a while.”

  Noah turned and left the room, his snicker echoing down the hall.

  Shit. He didn’t need this. Why couldn’t things run more smoothly?

  And how the hell was he supposed to figure out how to deal with a woman and her emotions? He’d never been able to fathom that mystery before.

  He knew how to treat them in the bedroom. Never had any complaints there.

  But business was different, and this was business. Didn’t Katya see that?

  He glared at the phone, not wanting to make the call but knowing he had no choice. Before he chickened out he lifted the receiver and dialed the international codes to the U.S., hoping she’d actually answer her cell phone for once.

  “This had better be good. It’s the goddamned middle of the night.”

  “Hello, Chantal.” He ignored her surly attitude. His sister was always grouchy when she woke up.

  “Conner, somebody had better be dead for you to be making this call.”

  Yeah. Him, if he didn’t get Katya figured out. “No one’s dead. Sorry to disappoint you.”

  “Then what is it?”

  Her biting tone made him smile. God he loved his sister. He flinched as he blurted out the words. “I need woman advice.”

  He rolled his eyes at the sound of Chantal’s hysterical laughter. Okay, he only loved her sometimes. Other times she was a real ball-busting pain in the ass.

  * * * * *

  By nightfall, Conner had at least made some inroads on the construction aspect of the mission.

  That had been the easy part. After Chantal had chewed him a new asshole and pointed out all the ways he’d screwed up with Katya, he figured the hard part was about to begin.

  Admittedly, both Noah and Chantal had been right. In his zeal to prove to Katya that he really was the big dick in charge, he’d handled the situation less than responsibly. Chantal had reminded him that the alpha female of the pack was his biggest ally. She could also be his worst enemy. The last thing he needed was a mate who couldn’t stand the sight of him.

  Now he had to work to rebuild the trust he’d broken. As strong-willed as Katya was, that wasn’t going to be an easy task. He’d tried to see her today, but she’d been busy, unavailable, or simply unwilling to take a minute to exchange two words with him.

  Her glare had been lethal, the “drop dead” signals quite clear. Her anger was palpable, and now that he’d had the chance to replay this morning’s e
vents, he couldn’t blame her.

  Sometimes he was a prick. Especially as it related to business and what he wanted to get done. In his work, nothing and no one got in his way. Only Katya wasn’t in his way. She was an important part of the pack and he was going to have to do one hell of a job of backpedaling to undo the damage he’d done this morning.

  First thing he’d done was enlist Noah and Elena’s aid in once again emptying the castle of all inhabitants for the night. Noah was more than happy to shift and shack up with Elena in the woods for the night. The rest of the castle population disappeared, and he had no idea where. But Elena assured him they’d be alone for the evening.

  He finished up in the kitchen, then popped the cork on a bottle of wine he’d found in the cellars. Fires had been lit in all the fireplaces, rendering the castle warm and toasty.

  The table was set, the wine breathing. Now he had to find Katya and convince her to join him. Elena had told him that Katya was holed up in her room, unwilling to come downstairs.

  Taking a deep breath, Conner stepped through the door to the bedroom.

  Katya was sitting up in bed reading. She didn’t even bother to look up at him.

  “I made dinner.”

  She ignored him.

  “I’d like you to join me.”

  Still ignoring him.

  “I opened a bottle of wine.”

  Clearly she’d gone deaf.

  Or she was ignoring him.

  Deciding to try a different tactic, he said, “Princess Katya, would you do me the honor of dining with me this evening? There are important matters related to the land and the wolves that I’d like to discuss with you.”

  Finally she looked up, her eyes as cold as a mountain winter. “Why are you dressed up?”

  “I thought it would be nice if we had a special dinner tonight. Everyone in the castle is gone and we’re alone. We can…talk.”

  She frowned. “Why do you want to talk to me about anything? I thought you had it all under control.”

  Touché. And he’d deserved that one, too. “It’s important. Please.”

  Damn, it was hard to beg. But Chantal told him he’d have to kiss ass, and most likely all night long, whether he liked it or not. Then, if he was really, really lucky, she might start talking to him again.

  “You have to eat anyway. Might as well have dinner with me.”

  “I can eat up here.”

  “Katya, I need your advice.”

  The book dropped to the bed and her shoulders hunched in a big sigh.

  “Very well.”

  She slipped off the bed and started to follow him from the room, but he stopped her.

  “Would you mind wearing a dress?”

  Arching a brow, she said, “Don’t press your luck, Conner. I said I’d eat with you, not parade around in a dress for your benefit.”

  “You have beautiful legs. I’d love to see them.”

  “Is that an order from the alpha?” she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

  “Will it work if I say yes?”

  Judging from the “fuck off” look he’d just received, it didn’t work at all.

  “Get out, Conner.”

  Shit. Chantal said not to push her. It would only piss her off more.

  “I understand. I guess I’ll just have to figure this out on my own. Goodnight.”

  He turned and left the room, heading back into the kitchen and pouring himself a large glass of wine. He downed it in one gulp, then poured another, determined to enjoy the dinner he’d prepared.

  It wasn’t like he cooked a meal every goddamned day.

  As soon as he’d finished loading his plate with steak, potatoes and vegetables, Katya walked in.

  No dress, but at least she was here. That was progress.

  “Well, are we going to talk?”

  He nodded. “If you’d like to go sit in the dining room, I’ll bring our plates and drinks in.”

  She nodded and whirled around, teasing him with a glimpse of her ass in tight black pants.

  Lord, she had a sexy walk.

  After he’d carried their dinner and drinks into the dining room, he pulled a chair next to her. He’d lit candles earlier, and their glow reflected off the soft dark waves of her hair, illuminating her face. Why couldn’t he concentrate on her beauty, on the way her pulse beat against her neck, instead of how to extract himself from this mess his big mouth had gotten him in?

  He lifted his glass and said, “To a successful union between the Braslieu and Devlin packs.”

  She didn’t toast, instead looked down at her plate and began to eat.

  At least she didn’t complain about the food. She ate well, too, and didn’t pick like some women did. He hated when a woman left her food on the plate, like it was some great sin to eat a meal. Wolves ate for strength, knowing they’d need it to survive. A picky woman wouldn’t last an hour in the woods with a pack of wolves.

  They ate in silence. Conner struggled for an opening, wondering how he was going to broach the subject of his behavior earlier.

  When they’d finished the meal, she drained her glass and he refilled it. She swirled the red liquid around the glass and stared at him expectantly.

  Christ, he’d never been nervous before. How goddamned hard was it to utter an apology?

  “I behaved like a prick this morning, Katya. I’m sorry. This is all very new to me and I handled it badly.”

  She arched a brow, but said nothing.

  “I’m used to people staying out of my way and following my lead in business. I went ahead and made decisions that I thought were best for the pack. I have to do that as alpha and you know it.”

  Still no reaction.

  “I’m still more than a bit pissed off about not having a choice in who I mated. But that’s done now, and I could use your help. You’re the native here, and I’m the outsider. I should have asked you to consult instead of charging ahead and making decisions.”

  It galled him to apologize for being himself, but he swallowed the bitter taste and forged on. “I didn’t consider your feelings in this. I won’t make the same mistake again.”

  He waited while she looked at him for a minute. Then she said, “I accept your apology.”

  “Thank you.” One hill climbed, about a thousand more to go.

  He stood and reached out for her. She looked down at his hand and then back up to his face.

  “I accepted your apology, Conner. Let’s leave it at that.”

  She stood without taking his hand and took her plate to the kitchen. He followed her, watching the soft sway of her hips, his cock coming to life.

  Now was not a good time for an erection. He had a feeling more apologizing was in order.

  “Come with me,” he said, not reaching out to touch her this time. Grabbing the wine and their glasses, he moved them to the living room and turned on the old stereo. Soft music played, a tune unfamiliar to him but obviously not to Katya as she turned and stared at the speakers.

  “This is a love song.” She looked at him accusingly, as if he purposely chose this particular song in order to torture her.

  “Is it? I found some CDs. I don’t read your language, so I just put one on.”

  “It’s my favorite music. My parents loved it. They’d dance in here, sometimes late into the night. I would watch from the stairs as my father held my mother close and moved her slowly around the room.”

  She seemed lost in her memories as she continued to stare at the stereo. He came up behind her, stopping just short of reaching for her.

  “Dance with me, Katya.”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  Now he did touch, sliding his hands up and down her arms. She shivered, but didn’t turn around.

  “I want you,” he whispered against her ear, breathing in her scent that no perfume could mimic. She smelled of wildflowers, sunlight and heavenly woman.

  “You’ll have to get off with another female.”

  His hands stille
d and he turned her to face him. “What?”

  “You heard me. You’re never going to touch me again.”

  Obviously he’d been wrong about the headway he thought he’d made with her. “Katya, I said I was sorry.”

  “I know. And I’m sure you meant it. But I was foolish enough to let my guard down once. I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

  “We’re mated.”

  “Indeed we are. And when it is necessary to procreate, I will allow it. But for fun and fucking? No. You’ll have to go to someone else for that.”

  All this had been for nothing. She really hadn’t forgiven him.

  “I won’t be going to anyone else for sex, Katya. I only want you.”

  “You can’t have me.”

  He advanced on her, taking her into his arms and pulling her against him. The time for listening to advice was over. He might consult her on matters related to the castle and wolves, but in this he wouldn’t be defied. “I chose you as my mate, Katya. Make no mistake. We will make love, and often. You can argue with me about anything else, but not this.”

  She stiffened and pushed against his chest, but he held her firm. “So you plan to rape me?”

  His lips curled into a smile. “No, honey. I’m not Peter. I won’t be taking what you don’t willingly give me.”

  “Then we’re at an impasse, because I don’t intend to give you anything.”

  “Katya, I know your body. I can smell when you’re aroused, I know your needs.”

  She was tense in his arms, but her body told him what she refused to admit.

  She wanted him. Her scent gave her away. Sweet, tangy, desire filled the air around them, that musky perfume of aroused female. She might be ticked off at him right now, but she was also hot, aroused and primed for sex.

  He’d just have to show her that she couldn’t deny herself the pleasure she so desperately craved.

  “You want me,” he said, leaning in to inhale her scent. When he licked the pulse point at her neck, she shuddered.

  “I don’t.”

  “You lie.” He kissed his way from her neck to her shoulder, slipping the sweater down her arms, then drawing the strap of her flimsy lace chemise down.


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