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Gemini Page 6

by WL Knightly

  “There are only twelve signs,” said Darek. “That person’s out of their mind. Another lunatic.”

  “Look at this symbol.” She leaned forward and held it closer. “It could be a match to some of the symbols we’ve seen made with the brand.”

  “I’ve never seen anything like that,” said Darek.

  She glanced at it a little bit longer. “I’m going to put it to the side.”

  Darek laughed. “Put it in the nutjob pile with all the others.” He had a hard time not being cynical about the entire turnout, and that was only because he was a part of it and way too close to the center.

  “Well, I have to try and find some of this useful.” She sank down in her seat.

  He realized that she wasn’t going to admit defeat and that her idea was a lot more trouble than it was worth or that the entire plan of simplifying only made things harder.

  “Hey,” said Max. “Chin up, Lizzy. I believe in you.”

  The two exchanged a smile, and Darek decided that he was going to find out if they were spending time together. He knew asking Lizzy was only going to cause more of a rift, but if he asked Max, he wouldn’t have to worry about his reaction.

  He went back to his stack of papers and kept his head down until twelve-thirty when Lizzy got up from her desk and left for lunch. Max eased back in his chair as Darek got to his feet.

  “Hey, man. You want to go and have some lunch?” He figured the two could talk then, away from the office.

  “I have to meet someone, sorry.” He gave Darek a sly smile that didn’t sit right.

  He knew it was time to ask. “Hey, I couldn’t help notice that you and Lizzy are rather chummy these days. Is there any reason she’s suddenly laughing at all of your jokes and smiling at you?”

  Max chuckled and leaned back on his desk. “You really have to ask me that, friend? I mean, come on. I know you actually have feelings for her.”

  Darek was glad he knew, but it didn’t answer his question. “You know a lot these days, so tell me what’s going on.”

  “Look, we had a drink after work, and she poured her heart out about you, okay? She needed an ear; I listened. There wasn’t anything more to it, although I did tell her she could be a little easier on me.”

  “You went on a date?”

  “No, I was already there when she showed. She was just as surprised to see me as I was her. I didn’t know she was such a heavyweight when it came to drinking.”

  Darek didn’t know that either. “So, you’re trying to tell me she was drowning her sorrows and poured her heart out and nothing happened? You were just an ear?”

  “Look, despite a few women I knew weren’t good enough for you, I’d never try and hit on your ladies. Especially when they have it bad for you. Her words, not mine.”

  “She said that?” He narrowed his eyes and figured that Max was just fucking with him.

  “She did, and she also said that you’d moved on and that it probably wasn’t real to begin with.” Max gave him a nudge. “So, tell me what’s up with you and this other woman.”

  “I didn’t intend for anything to be up, honestly, but it just happened. Lizzy was starting to distance herself, and then she said that Reed sent her away, and I found out that was a lie. I thought she was screwing around or something or not interested. I found someone who was. It’s purely sexual.”

  “Then dump her and get back with Lizzy before it’s too late.”

  He knew it wasn’t that simple. Especially with him feeling so responsible for her and her situation. “I can’t. It’s complicated. And Lizzy hates her. She walked in on us goofing around and thinks Raven’s the woman from that fucking composite sketch. I mean, really man? What am I supposed to do with that kind of fucking crazy?”

  “She’s just angry. If she’s the one, man, it will work out. But as for me, Lizzy is a gorgeous woman, but she’s a little too out of my league.” Darek thought so too, but he didn’t see a reason to be insulting.

  “You lending a shoulder isn’t going to turn into anything else?” He needed Max’s assurance.

  Max held out his hand, and Darek took it. “Look, Darek, women are a dime a dozen, but you’re a real, true friend. I promise, even if she instigates it, I would never. Besides, I’ve got my own hot little thing going. She’s perfect for me too, young, gorgeous, and down to fuck. That’s who I’m meeting for lunch.”

  Darek laughed and shook his head. “Well, have a good time. And thanks for being there for Lizzy. I do think I love her, but it’s so messed up. I don’t know if it can get back to the way it was.” What he didn’t want to say out loud was that he didn’t know for sure he wanted things to go back, and only because of her safety. If Raven’s house getting broken into had anything to do with his past and the zodiac killer, then what would they do to someone he truly loved? He had a lot to think about.

  His phone buzzed, and it was Raven. He looked down at her smiling face. The photograph she’d taken and put on his phone was smiling back at him, at least until he answered. “Hey, gorgeous.”

  “I just wanted to see if you wanted to meet me for lunch today?” she asked. “It’s my treat.”

  He knew he had no reason not to go, nothing to keep him hanging around and thinking about Lizzy who was already gone and was probably enjoying a fat, juicy burger, just how she liked them, but he couldn’t do it. Besides, things were getting a little too comfortable for him and Raven, who had agreed that they didn’t want a relationship with strings. “I can’t, Rave. I’ve got to work through a bit and take a late one.”

  She sighed into the phone, and the breathy sound gave him chills. “Okay, I’d wait on you, but I’m already in enough trouble these days, and I’ve already made it to the car.”

  “No, go ahead, enjoy your lunch, and think about me. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “I’ll order us a pizza, and you can watch the game while I blow you. How does that sound?”

  His voice dropped an octave, and he gave a sly chuckle. “Like heaven. You’re going to spoil me, you know?”

  “I’m going to try.” He heard her car start on the other end.

  She was just too much fun to quit. “I’ll see you then, babe.” He turned the phone off and then spun around in his chair to stand, only to find Lizzy across the room. She had heard his end of the exchange, and her mouth was turned down in a sad expression.

  “I just came to see if you’d gone to lunch yet. I wanted us to talk about what happened between us.”

  “I’m sorry, Lizzy.”

  “Don’t be, Darek. I’m over it.” She gave him a look that told him she was lying, and he sank back in his chair as she turned and walked away.

  Chapter 10


  Corey didn’t think that he could actually start to like the job, and while it was a far cry from his usual grind, which he’d worked on most of the night alone in his room, he had to admit it wasn’t that bad.

  He loaded up the rest of an old lady’s chicken feed and then shut her tailgate before giving her the all-clear to drive away. The sun beat down on him, and he rolled up the sleeves of his tee-shirt so he didn’t get a farmer’s tan before turning to go inside.

  When he walked into the store, he turned to see Brandy looking at him. She gave him a wink and turned her attention back to the customer, who picked up his bag and headed out of the store.

  “There’s a spill over on the lure aisle, and a man needs bait from the cooler,” she said to Bob, who passed by cursing under his breath.

  She waved Corey over as the older man went to tend the store.

  He leaned on the counter to join her. “How do you like it so far?” she asked.

  “It’s okay. Gives me something to do.”

  She leaned in over the counter to be closer. “You’re doing okay. A little slow, but you’re strong.” She placed her hand on his arm and gave his muscles a squeeze. She was close enough that she could fog his glasses if she wanted.

  “Do you have to wear
these?” She took the glasses off his face and looked through them.

  “Only if I want to see your pretty face,” he said. “Why? Do you hate them?”

  “I don’t hate them, no. And I don’t mind if you look. You know, at my face. Or anything else for that matter.” She gave a wink.

  “I can’t believe it’s nearly closing time,” he said, thinking of how the store would soon empty and they’d be the only two left around.

  She brushed her hand across his shoulder, smoothing down his sleeve over his tight muscles. “What do you have planned for dinner?”

  He had been hoping to spend a little time with her and forget all about his problems, but he didn’t want to cross Justin. “I don’t know. Why?”

  “I just thought we might find something at my place.”

  “I’m not sure Justin would be okay with me in your house.” He had told Corey to watch out, and that was a bit too close to a warning for him.

  Brandy laughed. “Who cares what he thinks? He’s got his own company to entertain him.”

  “He had someone else staying with him?”

  “No, but he sees a few women. Some of them even like to share, but look at him. He’d wear one out in no time.” She looked at the clock and then walked over to lock the door. “Unless you don’t like me.”

  “I do like you; I just don’t know how healthy it would be to lay a hand on you.” Corey laughed nervously as she crossed the room to stand in front of him.

  “Did he tell you not to be in my house?” She lifted her chin and glanced up at him.

  He hadn’t noticed until that moment how small she was. He was going to have to throw caution to the wind and give in to her. He could already tell. And that was fine by him. He felt his body respond to her touch as he hardened. “He didn’t tell me I couldn’t. Just that I should be careful.”

  She took his hand and led him across the store, and he wasn’t surprised when the other men had already gone. They usually cut out so quickly in the evening, never saying “goodbye” or “see you later.” She brought him to the back, and as she led the way, holding his hand, he tried to think of a good reason not to give her anything she wanted.

  “Well, if you don’t want to come to my place, then maybe I could just join you in yours.” They took to the stairs, and once they were up to the top, they walked the opposite direction of the breakroom but stopped short in front of the offices to punch her card.

  Then as she walked him back toward the stairs, he pulled her to a stop. “I thought we were going to my room.”

  She gave him a pointed look. “What kind of a girl do you think I am?”

  He stepped back and dropped her hand. “I’m sorry. I guess I misread—”

  Her laughter echoed in the small space and carried down the stairs. “Come on. We’re going to my place. Unless you want to use one of the camping stoves to cook my dinner, but I don’t think you have any groceries hiding in that closet you’re living in.”

  He followed her down the stairs and out the back door to the back of the store where her trailer sat across the small truck lot. He went inside and found the space tidy and surprisingly new.

  “This is a nice place.”

  “Thanks,” she said, gesturing to him to have a seat in a grey recliner. “Justin helped me get it. I pay the notes, which are a lot cheaper than any apartment I could rent.”

  He wondered why she didn’t just crash with him but hated to ask. “It’s nice to have your own space.” He suddenly missed his apartment and recalled the blood he’d cleaned up off the floor. He tried to forget all that and focus ahead. “Are you ever going to tell me why Justin took you in?”

  “I will if you do,” she said, walking over to her tiny kitchenette. She took some eggs out of the small fridge and then cracked them into a bowl.

  “I needed to get away from life for a while. I have a stalker, so to speak. I figured this was the best place to get away from them.” He hated to lie, but it was as close to the truth as he could get.

  “Wow, that’s exciting. I wish my story was that cool, but it’s not.” After digging in a drawer, she pulled out a spatula and a whisk and beat the eggs.

  “Try me; it might be.”

  “No, trust me. I had a shitty boyfriend. He used to beat on me. Justin stood up for me one night, and I haven’t seen my ex since.”

  “What do you think happened to him?”

  “I’m not sure.” She shrugged. “I don’t really care either. I know it might sound mean, but as long as I don’t have to take any more of his shit, he could be dead for all I care.”

  Corey felt his temperature rise just thinking about anyone putting their hands on her in a bad way. She was way too small, and even though she seemed tough as nails when it came to her attitude, she was just a little thing.

  She laughed. “It makes you mad too, doesn’t it? That’s because you’re a good guy like Justin. I could tell, and no matter what you’re here for, that won’t change my opinion.” She turned, fired up a skillet, and made their eggs while he sat thinking of how wrong she was.

  If she knew anything about what happened in Phoenix, she’d run scared.

  Finally, the eggs were finished, along with a couple of pieces of toast she’d managed to make, and she scooped them onto a couple of plates and then brought them with her to the small dining area where he joined her.

  “Thank you for this. It beats going out, and I like the company.”

  “It’s nothing and likewise. It’s nice to have someone else staying around here. It gets kind of lonely at times, with no neighbors.”

  “I can see that,” he said. “So, what do you all do around here for fun?” He wasn’t trying to be flirty when he asked, but she giggled and then took a bite of her eggs.

  She waited until she was done and shrugged. “We go to the bars and hang out. There’s not much else to do around here. Sturgis is nice when the rally is in town, and I like to show off my bike.”

  “You have a bike? A motorcycle?” That surprised him.

  “Yeah. The only person I ride with is Justin, though.”

  “How did you get into that?”

  “My ex, the abuser. He was a biker, and he brought me to town. I fell in love with it here and never left. The locals are great, and I’ve made some friends for life, like Justin, of course.”

  “It sounds like it all turned out pretty good in the end.” He was glad to hear that she had found her happiness after all she’d been through, and the more they talked, the more he realized how close she and Justin were. He’d probably kill him for his thoughts alone, and maybe he should heed the warning and not mess with her.

  “What about you? Do you like it enough to stick around?”

  “I don’t know about that. I mean, my home is in Phoenix.”

  “Do you have a wife and kids there?”

  “No, nothing like that. Just an apartment full of collectibles.” A whole lot of stuff that he’d filled his life with to compensate for the fact that he didn’t have many friends.

  She giggled. “You sound like an old lady. Do you have cats too?”

  He gave her a sideward look. “No, no cats. I’m a video game designer. I actually work for a gaming company. The one I sold the game I developed to hired me on as a consultant, and I do a few small tweaks in programming here and there.”

  “That’s cool. What game did you create?”

  He doubted that she ever played. “Metal Monsters.” He gave a shrug like it was nothing.

  She dropped her fork. “No fucking way.” She reached over, grabbed her phone, and turned it on. “This Metal Monsters?” She turned the phone around, and he was shocked to see that she played.

  “You know it, huh? What level are you on?” He knew the game was successful but figured only young boys were that into it.

  “I’m on two-sixty,” she said with pride in her voice. “I have five more, and I’ll be done with the game.”

  “I guess I better get to work then,” he s
aid with a snicker. “I have to say, that makes me happy. I put a lot of hard work into that game.”

  “That explains the money.”

  “The money?” He played aloof to the subject, not wanting to come across as a rich prick.

  She laughed. “Yeah, and why I said you look like you have it. I’d guess you do, unless you’re an addict of some sort, but you don’t seem the type.” She looked at him like she was sizing him up.

  He found her fascinating that she could figure out so much. “There are more important things in the world than money, right?”

  “That’s just what someone with money would say. Because they’ve probably rarely been without it.” Her expression softened a bit. “Sorry, I don’t mean to be a busybody. I just make these observations, and I guess it’s just a coping mechanism. I like to figure people out. I guess my ex really did a number on me.”

  “It’s okay. You’re not that far off, but I’m curious what else you might have realized about me.”

  She took another bite of her eggs and then got up to pour them some sodas. “You’re thirsty, for one.”

  “What else?” he asked with a laugh.

  After a minute, she brought the drink to him and sipped her own. Then she put it down on the table. “You’re on the run. You’ve done something you’ve never done before, and you’re not sure if your life will ever be the same again.” She took his hand and moved into his lap. “And you really, really want to kiss me, but you’re too afraid of Justin to make the first move.” With that, she brought her lips to his and kissed him long and hard.

  Chapter 11


  Friday came with no luck and no leads, and Darek had read just under four-hundred reports, all of varying lengths and levels of insanity. He finished up the last one of the hour and decided that since it was Friday, he was going to go home and take an early dinner with Raven.


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