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Gemini Page 15

by WL Knightly

  “Dead? Who?” He narrowed his eyes and looked to Darek to answer.

  “We’re expecting Corey and Justin. The others are dead.”

  Bay quickly spoke up as he lowered himself back to his seat. “Technically, for all intents and purposes, Alan is not dead but missing.” He gave Darek a sharp nod.

  “Oh, right. Well, anyway. We’re not expecting him.”

  “Damn, we’re dropping like flies. What the hell is going on?”

  About that time, Justin walked through the door with Corey behind him. “Why don’t you ask Corey? He might be able to explain it better than any of us.”

  Corey’s eyes widened, and he stopped short of joining them. “Explain what?”

  Darek hoped that Bay wasn’t about to play the blame game.

  Bay shrugged. “What happened to the others.”

  Corey walked forward. “Why should I know? I mean, Tad jumped out of a window. I believe Logan mysteriously died for no reason in prison, and Finn—well, to be honest, I have no idea what happened to Finn.”

  “He was gunned down and thrown into the river,” said Bay, while pouring a round of drinks. “As a matter of fact, the rest of our fallen friends have all been shot. Finn, Seth, and well, I believe that’s what’s happened to Alan, is it not?” He looked at Corey, and the guy walked over and sat on the couch across from Bay, and Justin joined him.

  “We’re all here,” said Darek. “Let’s get to it.”

  Carter spoke up. “I say we should. I knew there was someone coming after us, but I didn’t think it had gotten this bad.”

  “Easy, Carter,” said Bay. “I know you’re used to leading these days, but this is my congregation.”

  Carter gave him a pointed look. “Well, let’s get on with it.”

  “First thing’s first, gentleman. It’s been so long since we’ve all been together. I’d like us all to renew our vows.”

  Ethan sat up straight. “You mean, our vow to be in the fucking Zodiacs?”

  “Yes, it’s been long enough. I think that a little renewed faith in each other is necessary.”

  Carter glowered at Bay. “The only person I pledge any vow to these days is God above.”

  “I’m not asking you to worship me, Padre, I just think there are sensitive matters to discuss, and I’d like to know that we’re all on the same page. Because when and if this shit continues, someone is coming for all of us, and we need to be ready.” Bay stood up and began to unbutton his shirt. He revealed his mark, the Scorpio still bright red on his tan skin. “Show your marks and swear your honor.” He looked over at Ethan, who sat at his left.

  The man got to his feet and took off his shirt like it wasn’t that big of a deal at all, and with his stunning six pack of abs, Darek couldn’t blame him. He also knew what would happen when the circle got back to him.

  “Come on, Carter. You’re not selling your soul.”

  “How do I know?” asked Carter with a sneer. “You might have some teenage virgin to bring in here for us all to defile.”

  “Don’t act like that was all my doing, Carter. You took up the blade and did your part for your own selfish reasons.”

  Darek knew there would be no girl this time. Bay couldn’t control them as he used to, and he knew it. He would be lucky if he could get them all to show their marks and speak their vows. And he knew that this was all designed to show the others that Darek no longer bore his.

  “Fine,” said Carter. He stood up and stripped off his shirt. There were dark marks all along his torso, leading straight down to his waistband.

  “Looks like someone didn’t pledge a vow of celibacy,” said Lane. He and Bay chuckled as Carter’s face turned red with anger.

  “I’m a married man,” he snapped.

  “Aren’t we all, but those look fresh.”

  Darek couldn’t help but wipe the smug smile off his face. “Didn’t you tell me your wife was away leading a mission trip?” He had been with someone, and it wasn’t his wife.

  “Like I care what you all think? You’re no better than me; all sinners in your own right.” He looked away and turned his nose up.

  Justin didn’t wait for him to shut up. He sat up in his chair and stripped off his shirt. His mark was surrounded by tattoos. So many, it blended in and was barely noticeable.

  Corey stood and took his off then sat back down, and Lane soon followed. Everyone was waiting on Darek, and he stood up and stripped off his shirt, waiting on the reactions.

  It didn’t take long.

  “How’d you do that?” asked Lane.

  Corey and Justin whispered something to each other. Then Justin spoke up. “He’s too close to the case. He had to do it.”

  “I just want to know so I can get rid of mine, too.”

  Bay gave Lane a sharp look, and Carter agreed. “I think that would be way better for the rest of us too. I use my mark as a testament, but I’d love to have it taken off.”

  “He’s tired of explaining it to the women he’s fucking,” said Lane with a snicker. Darek pulled his lips in tight and tried not to laugh. But with the others staring, he knew he needed to say something about the matter at hand.

  “Justin’s right. I am way too close to the case. I was romantically involved with my partner, and before she could see the mark and give me a million questions, I had it removed.”

  “It’s understandable,” said Corey.

  “Look,” said Darek. “I don’t know how all of you feel about your marks, but there is a call out in New York, and once the DA gets ahold of this guy we arrested, there might be a nationwide call for anyone with this type of marking. You do what you want, but it might be best for us all to lose them.”

  “I agree,” said Corey. “This is a serious thing we’re facing. The killer is trying to take us all down.” He reached forward and got the drink that Bay poured. “Let’s swear our honor with a toast and be done with it. I’ve got so much to tell you.”

  The others leaned forward and took their drinks. Bay leaned forward, and even though he’d lost control of his little circle of animals, he seemed content to listen. Once they all had their drinks in their palms, Darek raised his glass.

  Around the circle, the others followed, including Bay. “On our honor,” he said.

  “On our honor,” said the others in unison, and Darek put the drink to his lips and downed it, and the others followed, all sealing their commitment to the vows they’d once spoken.

  “Now,” said Bay. “A drink to our fallen.” They put their glasses in, and more liquor was poured. Then Bay lifted his glass again, and the others followed. “Gone but not forgotten.”

  “Gone but not forgotten,” they repeated.

  Bay looked over at Darek. “Tell us about this man you’ve arrested.”

  “Well, he came in and gave himself up. His name is Ken Sin. He’s a washed-up musician who some claim has a bit of an ego problem.”

  “Maybe you know him, Ethan?” Lane asked. “Sounds like you have a lot in common.” Darek had forgotten how much he liked to tease.

  Ethan held up his middle finger. The two could never play nice. “At least I’m still working in my field,” he said. “Better an employed musician than a washed-up attorney.”

  Lane chuckled loudly and raised his glass. “Stop by my restaurant; kids eat free.”

  “So, this guy, he’s supposed to be something to us?” Carter downed his drink and then poured another.

  “I’m not sure, but if he is the killer, he knows we’re all related.” Darek found a picture of the man on his phone. “He had no idea who I am, and if he did, he sure played one hell of a show.” He turned the photo around. “Does he look familiar?”

  Everyone looked at the photo, and Carter’s eyes widened. “I know this lunatic.”

  “You do?”

  He shook his head. “Yes, I wish I didn’t. He came to the church.”

  “When?” asked Bay with a harsh tone.

  “It must have been two years ago now. I
had to ask him to leave the church. A few of the women were complaining. They said he had made lewd remarks to them, and he even exposed himself to one of them.”

  “Sounds like a winner.” Lane scrunched up his nose.

  “That’s the only time I ever talked to him, and I didn’t tell him anything about me. I don’t see how he’s connected the dots. He doesn’t even know me.”

  “Maybe it’s a coincidence.” Darek shrugged.

  “The killer does know us, though,” said Corey. “You can bank on that. I got a text out of the blue. They knew where I lived and my phone number. Does this man seem the type to be able to get that kind of information on a bunch of men he doesn’t know?”

  Carter shook his head. “He didn’t seem like he’d be that smart. Look at him.”

  “This killer knows computers and how to find out what they want to know about us all. They knew the same information about Alan Lowe. More, actually, because they went to take his wife and locked her in an abandoned house.” He turned to Carter. “Think about that? If that were your wife? Would you think that nut was responsible? They left her there to die and only sent him the address to save her when they were certain that Alan had killed Seth like they wanted.”

  “He killed Seth?” Carter narrowed his eyes. “How do you know all of this?”

  “Because he came to my doorstep. I was next.”

  The others gasped, and Justin didn’t look surprised, which further supported his belief that Corey was staying close to Justin to hide out. He didn’t blame the man, and for the next half hour, they sat and talked strategy, and when they were done, Corey had their forgiveness and understanding.

  “So, we have to make a pact, all of us,” Bay said. “We can’t let this tear us down and put us against one another. From this moment on, we tell each other everything that happens, no matter what. If we can help one another, we do. This person, whoever they are, whether it’s this Ken fucking Sin and his followers or someone else. We agree today that it’s all for one and one for all, or we’re all going to die.”

  Corey was the first to raise his glass, and the others followed.

  Bay held his glass a little higher. “All for one, and one for all.”

  Once the words were repeated, they downed their drinks.

  Chapter 25


  Corey stood in the mirror of the hotel room and straightened his tie. He and Brandy had gone shopping and bought new clothes for their night out at Lane’s restaurant.

  “I feel like a girlie girl in this dress,” she said as she walked out and spun around.

  “You look like a woman,” he said, pulling her close. He wondered if any of the others would be hanging around the restaurant, and even though Justin was going to be with them, they were still excited for the night out together.

  He couldn’t help but think about the night before. As the meeting wound down, Corey felt a bit like they’d all made progress. Even though he was glad, he didn’t waste time hanging around with the others who were all planning on dragging Brother Carter out to a strip club.

  Instead, he’d gone back to the room with Brandy, and they’d made love all night. He looked into her eyes and wondered how he’d gotten so lucky. Then he lifted her hand and kissed her engagement ring. They’d bought it at a jeweler in the city. When she saw it, she just had to have it. He didn’t think that Justin had noticed.

  There was a knock at the door that pulled him away from her. And when he answered it, sure enough, it was Justin. He had bought himself a new shirt and had his hair pulled back in a ponytail.

  “I guess I’m ready. How about you guys?” He turned and looked at Brandy, who had traded her cotton sundresses and boots for a silk one with heels. Her hair wasn’t braided but swept up in a messy bun that made her look sophisticated and sexy. Justin’s eyes widened. “Dayum, girl.”

  She blushed. “Thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment. And you both look so handsome I’m going to be the luckiest girl in the whole place with two hot escorts.”

  Corey grabbed his wallet and the keys to their rental, and they headed out into the muggy New Orleans air.

  They followed the directions to the restaurant and parked out front. Then they went inside and were greeted by the hostess, who led them to the VIP section.

  “Looks like we’re not the only ones who took Lane up on his offer,” mumbled Justin. “Let’s hope that ‘all for one’ bullshit is going to keep them from pissing me off.”

  Corey chuckled, knowing that he was always going to be cautious no matter what.

  He held Brandy’s hand a little tighter and was proud to show off his girl, who was the sexiest woman in the place.

  Bay sat at a table with a young girl and Darek and his dark-haired goddess. Both women, while hot, couldn’t hold a candle to Brandy in his opinion.

  “Hey,” said Bay, standing to his feet. “The gang’s all here. And they’ve brought an angel with them.”

  Corey caught how Brandy lowered her chin and blushed. “Easy, Bay. Only a devil would know an angel when he sees one.”

  “It’s nice to see you all together and happy. Justin, where is your lovely lady?”

  “Ladies,” said Justin. “And I left them at home.”

  “Do join us.” They got up, and with the help of a waitress, the entire group was sitting together, and the ladies were not asking any questions.

  “That’s a beautiful color on you,” said Darek’s girl. “I’m Raven.” Raven extended her hand.

  “Wow, your name suits you,” said Brandy. “I love your hair.” And just like that, the two women hit it off. They made small talk about shopping, and while they tried to include Bay’s younger girlfriend, Corey could tell that she was miserable.

  “You’ll have to forgive my Mia,” Bay finally said. “She’s got a case of the red ass because I made her come along on the trip.”

  “New Orleans is a fascinating city,” Brandy said. “I wasn’t going to miss it for the world. I’m from the south.”

  “You have a lovely accent,” said Bay, who Corey kept noticing was smiling like a snake.

  “It’s a shithole with smelly wet air,” said Mia as Lane walked over to the table.

  Darek laughed so hard, he nearly choked on his drink.

  Lane stood behind Mia. “Then you should feel right at home.” The others from New York all laughed, and it even got a smile from the sour girl.

  After one of the best meals he’d had, Corey overheard the others talking about a club in town. And he knew that he and Brandy should just go back to the hotel room.

  “I want to go,” said Brandy with hopeful eyes. “Can we?” She not only plead to Corey, but to Justin too.

  “It’s not up to me,” said Justin, who earned a strange look from some of the others who didn’t quite understand that she and he were much like brother and sister.

  Corey hated to tell her no, but since Lane and Darek were going, he decided it would be okay. “Sure. I don’t see why not. We’re only in New Orleans once, right? Besides, we can celebrate our engagement.”

  Justin’s eyes widened, and he looked down at her hand which rested on the table.

  “I thought I saw an engagement ring,” said Raven. “Congratulations! Oh, you for sure have to come out now.”

  Corey picked up her hand and kissed her ring.

  Soon after, Lane announced he’d taken care of the check, and they put in a big tip for the waitress and got to their feet.

  As they made their way out, all laughing and talking, Corey couldn’t help but notice Bay scold his girl. Corey wondered what the story was but thought better than to ask.

  “Okay, you guys, we have a rental and could probably fit a few of you,” said Brandy. She turned to smile at Corey as Raven moved forward, crowding past Bay to join in the plans.

  No one even heard the shots until it was too late, and Corey saw blood splash onto Brandy’s dress. By the time he could react, Justin tackled them down to the ground and covered
her with his body.

  There were more pops, and Darek got down on his knees, using a nearby potted tree for cover, and pulled his gun, but the person sped off before he could fire.

  Corey’s hearing faded in and out, and he heard screaming and looked up to see Mia reacting to the blood covering her arm. She grabbed Bay’s collar and screamed for him to get up, but the blood kept flowing from his shoulder as he lay still.

  Darek cradled Raven in his arms, blood covering his shirt as he looked around, his eyes widening when they met Corey’s.

  Justin lay as still as a stone. The blood splattered around him, but then Corey looked down and realized that blood was coming from him too.

  Brandy crawled over to him, blood speckling her face. “Stay with me, Corey!” He closed his eyes, and as everything faded, he wanted to tell her so badly that he was sorry.

  To be continued…

  The Zodiac story continues with Cancer

  Grab your copy HERE!

  About the Author

  WL Knightly is a thriller/murder mystery co-writing pen name for USA Today Best Selling Authors Lexy Timms and Ali Parker.

  When she’s not writing, Lexy can be found dealing in Antique Jewelry and hanging out with her awesome hubby and three kids.

  Ali is a CPA turned fiction writer who is married to her best friend and travels the US as a nomad. She spends her days writing, traversing the city and chasing her last kiddo in the house, a teenage quipper with too much time on his hands!

  The two friends met years ago when they both started writing and publishing in various young adult genres and needed a critique partner. The rest is history…

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  Zodiac Killers #7

  * * *

  Copyright © 2018 by WL Knightly


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