The Men With the Golden Cuffs

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The Men With the Golden Cuffs Page 36

by Lexi Blake

  Game Misconduct

  Copyright 2011 Bianca Sommerland

  The game has always cast a shadow over Oriana Delgado's life. She should hate the game. But she doesn't. The passion and the energy of the sport is part of her. But so is the urge to drop the role of the Dartmouth Cobra owner's 'good daughter' and find a less...conventional one.

  Playmaker, Max Perron, never expected a woman to accept him and his twisted desires. Oriana came close, but he wasn't surprised when she walked away. A girl like her needs normal. Which he can't give her. He's too much of a team player, and not just on the ice.

  But then Oriana's father goes too far in trying to control her and she decides to use exposure as blackmail. Just the implication of her spending the night with the Cobra's finest should get her father to back off.

  Turns out a team player is exactly what she needs.


  This ebook contains material not suitable for readers under 18. In also contains scenes that some may find objectionable, including BDSM, ménage sex, bondage, anal sex, sex toys, double penetration, voyeurism, edge play, and hockey equipment being used inappropriately.


  Dominik rested the rim of the wine glass against his bottom lip as the balcony door opened. Oriana stepped into the moonlight, and the faded white T-shirt she'd borrowed from either Sloan or Max billowed around her. She leaned against the sturdy white railing, gazing out at the black expanse of the ocean, oblivious to him.

  He decided to wait awhile before making himself known. Give her the illusion of privacy, see what he could learn about her. Within moments, one thing was clear. The girl found peace in the sound of waves crashing in the distance, in the cool night air saturated with the scents of the sea. Perfectly still, she closed her eyes, seeming to absorb it all. This gave her peace.

  Something they had in common.

  Max's house had two balconies, one on the east side, one on the south side. The south side one was connected to Sloan's room—he'd gotten to pick first since he'd moved in before the rest of them. This balcony belonged to Dominik, and over the years he'd added little personal touches to mark his territory. An antique bistro set in the corner, close to where Oriana stood. A small rock garden against the wall by the door with a small, inlaid fountain. Hanging plants curtaining off the area where he sat on one of two wooden lounge chairs with thick red padding. Several succulents in his room which would join the decor when the weather got warmer.

  His private sanctuary. The men only came here when they needed to talk—more often than not, Max or Sloan, wanting his guidance. Both believed becoming "true masters" would save them from their twisted desires.

  Lately, Sloan's faith in even that seemed to be slipping. Their last conversation had gotten pretty intense.

  "I made the bitch bleed, Mason." Sloan had fisted his hands against the wall so hard the bricks grated his knuckles. He'd bowed his head between his arms. "You still gonna tell me I'm not sick?"

  Not likely. I'm getting pretty fucking tired of repeating myself, Dominik had thought. Out loud he'd said. "Did she want you to?"

  Sloan's shoulders curved inward. "Yes."

  "Did you lose control?"

  "Of course not."

  "Did you leave any lasting damage besides the shallow cuts, which I assume you took good care of?"

  "Fuck, Mason, I said I must be sick. Never said I didn't know what I was doing. 'Course I took care of her." Sloan lifted his head and sighed. "I guess this means I'm not getting your vote at the club."

  "You're not ready, Captain. Give it another year and we'll talk." Dominik grinned to lighten the mood. "Am I getting an A on my jersey this season?"

  "Over three hundred penalty minutes last year, Mason. Sorry, not happening." Sloan laughed. "Get it under two this year and we'll talk."

  If he could deal with two insecure baby Doms, a natural submissive testing the waters would be easy. She wouldn't be the first sub he'd helped train. Granted, he rarely had sex with trainees, but he'd shared with both Max and Sloan before. His combined experience would benefit them all until the men came up with a lasting arrangement.

  Max and Sloan can't take care of her. A voice snarled from the deepest, darkest caverns of his mind, where he'd stashed his own insecurities—and his possessiveness—long ago. She needs you. She'll always need you.

  The sappy country music he'd been listening to before Oriana came out was giving him crazy ideas. He powered off his mp3 player and slid the earphones off his head, letting them hang over the back of his neck.

  Across the balcony, Oriana buried her face in her hands and moaned. "What am I doing?"

  A question he could answer. "You're regaining control of your life, pet. Your methods may seem a little . . . unorthodox to some, but you did something unexpected, saw what you wanted, and took it."

  She jumped, stared at him, and then let out a sharp laugh. "Unorthodox? Yeah, I guess you could call letting five guys fuck me and boss me around unorthodox."

  Dominik stood and Oriana took a quick step back. "Fuck you? When did any of us fuck you?" He strode across the long balcony, and his lips curved up as the wall blocked her retreat. His hand on the railing prevented her from slipping past him. "As I recall, you continued fucking me when I told you to stop. I fully intend to punish you for that."

  Her eyes went big and round as the full moon overhead. "You do?"

  "Yes." He held out his hand, then waited. She placed her fingers on his palm. He shook his head and took hold of her wrist. "Even if a punishment isn't immediate, it's always inevitable. Understand?"

  The pulse under his palm quickened. Nervous little bunny. "I think so."

  "Good." He towed her with him to the lounge chair, then released her. She fidgeted while he reclined on the chair, and her eyes flicked uneasily in the direction of the door. He counted down from ten. By the time he reached one, she'd stopped fidgeting. A quick study on patience. He smiled. Next lesson. "Now strip."

  "I don't—" She clamped her lips shut and ground her teeth. Without another word, she peeled off the oversized shirt. She was naked underneath.

  If she's a switch, I'm a fucking Bruin. No switch that he'd ever met obeyed commands this readily outside of play. He trailed his gaze over her, admiring the body he'd touched and tasted and possessed, from her curvy thighs and her delicious pussy, all the way up to her equally delicious lips.

  "Brave girl," he said. "I didn't think you'd be comfortable being so exposed outside, but, aside from a negligible protest, you did as you were told. I'm impressed."

  Her teeth worried her plump bottom lip, but her eyes glowed with pleasure. She'd likely forgotten they were outside, yet, even with the reminder, her need to please over-rode her shyness.

  "Come here, Oriana." He sat up and patted his knee. "Sit."

  She perched on his knee and folded her arms over her breasts. "Is my punishment over?"

  "Punishment?" He pried her arms apart, then arched a brow when she tried to put them back. Her eyes narrowed. She licked her lips. Then lowered her arms to her sides. "Fingers laced behind your neck." When she complied, he wrapped an arm around her waist and scooted her up his thigh. Her small, soft body fit nicely against his big, hard chest. "That wasn't a punishment. I just wanted to look at you."

  "Oh." She bowed her head. "So I guess now you'll—"

  "Now, we'll have a chat." He watched her chest rise and fall with each rapid inhale, causing her breasts to jiggle. Interesting. The idea of a "chat" increased her anxiety more than the prospect of being punished. That would have to change. "Are you okay with what happened earlier?"

  "Sort of." She ducked her head. "As long as I don't think about it too much."

  Should I be insulted? After wetting the tip of his finger with his tongue, he traced the pale, brown areola of one breast. Her little wiggles forced him to shift her away from his swelling cock before she crushed it. "And why's that?"

  She curved her spine, and her eyes fluttered shut. "Becaus
e I liked being fondled by all of you. Once we started, I couldn't care how slutty I might look. But I'm afraid of what will happen tomorrow. We can't keep doing this."

  Probably not. But . . . . "There will be plenty of tomorrows. There's only one tonight."

  "I know." She hissed in a breath as he circled his fingertip closer and closer to her very hard nipple. Her eyes shot open when he pinched it. "Ouch!"

  "Straddle my thighs, Oriana." His jaw clenched as the thick head of his dick rubbed the rough insides of his jeans. "Keep your hands behind your neck, then stay perfectly still. Your punishment should fit the crime. Once you've come a few times, I may show mercy."

  The swift way she complied gave him primal satisfaction. Her arousal sweetened the salty sea air. He had all the time in the world, and he planned to use it.

  Please visit for more information!




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