Sins, Lies & Spies (Black Brothers #2)

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Sins, Lies & Spies (Black Brothers #2) Page 7

by Lisa Cardiff

  Did she prefer coffee or tea?

  How many men had she dated?

  Who were her parents?

  Did she have any siblings?

  What were her hobbies?

  How much money did she have in her bank accounts?

  How much credit card debt did she have?

  I called in favors from acquaintances. I hacked into secure databases. I went through her cell phone records. And after nearly five hours of searching, I hadn’t found much of anything, except that her relationship with Benton predated her association with Miles. Lamentably, even with all the information I sourced, I couldn’t determine the exact nature of their relationship.

  On at least two separate occasions, Benton had wired money into her bank accounts. Combined, the money transfers exceeded fifteen thousand dollars. As far as I could ascertain, she had never repaid the money. Granted, fifteen thousand dollars was nothing for Benton. He probably spent that much on a week’s worth of his custom suits, but it was a lot for a woman like Trinity Jones. All evidence pointed to an extra-marital affair, rather than a friendship, but her phone records indicated they didn’t communicate frequently.

  I balled my hands into fists as my legs erased the distance between us.

  “Trinity,” I said, her name tumbling off my tongue with detached coolness. As if she hadn’t starred in my dreams for the past two nights. As if I never imagined tangling my hands in her long dark hair as I moved inside of her. “Why are you here?”

  She angled her head in the direction of the door to my building. “Can we move this conversation inside?”

  “No,” I said, clenching my jaw. “If you want to talk to me, then start talking because I’m not inviting you into my home.” I didn’t want her in my home unless and until I thought I could trust her to some degree.

  She tipped her head to the sky for a beat, apparently considering whether to continue the conversation or walk away. “Fine. Have it your way.” She cocked her hip to the side. “I’m ready to hear the truth about Lang and Benton.”

  I scrubbed my hand down the side of my face. She wanted the truth, but I couldn’t tell her much of anything before I understood her connection to Benton. “Why should I tell you the truth now? You had your chance.”

  She shifted on her feet, but I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. “I don’t work for Miles anymore. Does that change your mind?”

  I laced my hands behind my head, struggling to decide how to handle this development. “Since when?” I asked, my voice gruff.

  “Since this morning,” she said, her face inscrutable, her eyes like onyx.

  I stuffed my hands into my pockets, staring at the clogged traffic in front of my building. The blare of horns filled my ears. People veered around us, caught up in their own lives. I rolled back my shoulders. “I’ll need verification.”

  “Here.” She dipped her hand into her coat pocket and clutched her phone in the palm of her hand. “You can read our texts from today.”

  My brows pinched together. “You quit by text?”

  “No.” She entered her password and waved the phone. “I quit in person, but he’s been texting me all day. Take a look for yourself.”

  I snatched the phone out of her hand.

  Miles: Come back here. We weren’t done talking.

  Trinity: I’m not interested in anything you have to say.

  Miles: You didn’t give me any notice. I won’t give you a recommendation if you walk away like this.

  Trinity: Perfect. I’m not asking for one. I don’t want anything from you. We’re done.

  Miles: I don’t accept your resignation.

  Trinity: I’m blocking your number. Don’t contact me again.

  The messages went back and forth at least five more times before they stopped entirely.

  “Okay, I get the point.” I shoved the phone back into her hand. “What happened?”

  She exhaled loudly. “It’s stupid. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Then I can’t tell you anything.”

  “Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “I walked in on him screwing his ex-wife this morning.”

  I arched my eyebrows. “I thought you weren’t dating him.”

  “I wasn’t. He wanted to get back together.” She folded her arms across her chest. “But he told me things were over between them, yet again. He’s been pressuring me to give him a second chance since we broke up, but he won’t push her out of his life.”

  “Yeah, I’d stay clear from them.” I shook my head. “They’re one fucked up couple. I’m not very fond of Miles, and Sasha is absolutely crazy.”

  Twin lines bracketed the side of her mouth as she pursed her lips. “Do you know Sasha?”

  I mock shivered. “Let’s just say, I’ve had the distinct displeasure of running into her a few times, and I go the other direction any time I see her.”

  Her lips tugged downward and her cute nose crinkled. “Should I ask for an explanation?”

  “No. Definitely not,” I said, dryly as I gestured to the glass door of my building. “Let’s go inside.”

  She forced a weak smile, the small action warming her brown eyes fractionally, and damn if I didn’t feel a spark of uninvited attraction. “I thought you’d never ask. I’ve been standing out here for an hour, and my feet are completely numb.”

  “Well, Jones.” I chuckled. “We wouldn’t want that.”

  I believed she broke up with Miles, but I didn’t know how long it’d last. Everything Jack told me about their relationship indicated Miles wouldn’t let her go easily. I could handle Miles, but I still didn’t know what to make of her relationship with Benton. I needed to see them in the same room together. Fortunately, I had the perfect way to make it happen and simultaneously put Miles on notice that Trinity wouldn’t be working for him any longer.



  Knox pushed open the door to his apartment. “It’s quicker with keys,” he said, arching one eyebrow.

  “I brought my tools just in case,” I said, patting my pocket. “I planned to give you fifteen more minutes before I let myself in.”

  One corner of his mouth twisted upward. “I guess I need to upgrade the security in my apartment.”

  “You could do that, but it wouldn’t stop me. I’ve been trained by the best.” I followed him inside, pausing near the kitchen. I didn’t turn on the lights the last time I came here, so I took a few moments to survey my surroundings. The kitchen and living room were one big space separated by a kitchen counter with three bars stools and a round bistro table. Two beige colored sofas flanked a sliding glass door.

  “Miles?” he said, disbelievingly.

  “No, my uncle. He believed every woman should know how to pick a lock, shoot a gun, and land a punch.”

  “Ah. Consider me warned.” He dropped his keys on the kitchen counter. “Do you want something to drink?”

  My gaze swung to his and I pushed my fingers through my hair. “No. I’m good.”

  The last thing I needed was to lower my guard around him. I needed his help, but I’d be stupid to trust him. I hadn’t figured out his motives yet. Maybe he wanted to help his client…whoever that was. Maybe he hated Miles and wanted to use me to needle him. Maybe he was knee-deep in this mess with Benton. I couldn’t be sure. I had to keep my eyes open and my mind clear.

  “Are you sure?” He pulled a bottle of white wine from the wine refrigerator beneath the counter and poured himself a liberal portion. He lifted the glass by its stem and swirled it before taking sip. “I’m not going to take advantage of you if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  For some strange reason, this man had the ability to read between the lines and piece together everything I was thinking. Oh God, I hope not everything. I didn’t want him to know the mixed, idiotic tangle of emotions he brought out in me.

  “I’m not worried. I can handle myself,” I answered, contradicting him.

  “Good. Because I don’t like
to drink alone.” He handed me a glass, and damn my wandering eyes for noticing the way his sinewy muscles rippled beneath his fitted navy shirt. “You can sit down,” he said, as he sat in a barstool at the kitchen counter.

  Nodding, I settled into a chair at the small table instead of sitting next to him. “So, where do you want to start?”

  He grinned at me, then took a sip of wine before his gaze swept down my body. It almost felt like a physical touch. “What do you know about Representative Lang?”

  I tapped my finger on the table. “Not much. He’s a member of the House of Representatives. He’s from a district in Northern California. He’s married with two kids.”

  “Right. Now tell me what Miles wanted from his computer.”

  I bounced my foot up and down, the heels of my shoes clicking against the floor like a typewriter. “Honestly, I don’t know. I told you everything I know about it already. Miles keeps me in the dark sometimes.”

  “I don’t believe you,” he said archly.

  I sucked in a breath. “Look. I know it sounds far-fetched, but according to Miles, I was still in training. Most of the time, we discussed the details, but he was particularly tight-lipped about this deal with Lang. He told me you might show up at the party and that you planned to lift information off Lang’s computer. He wanted me to take the thumb drives from you and destroy the computer with a virus.”

  “That’s it?” he prodded, his sapphire eyes cataloging every twitch, blink, and movement I made. “Can you remember anything else?”

  I angled my head as I replayed the conversation with him in my head. “Wait,” I said, wringing my hands underneath the table. “He made a passing comment about the stupidity of keeping that kind of evidence on his computer. How it would screw up everything.”

  He nodded absently, then stood. “I’ll be back in a second.”

  “Sure,” I said, watching him walk down the hallway without further explanation.

  A few minutes later, he reappeared with a file folder in his hand. “Take a look at this.” He dropped it on the table and hunkered down on the chair across from me.

  Casually, I guided the file closer to me and flipped open the cover. I flicked through picture after picture of Miles meeting with Representative Lang. One in an alley. One at the National Mall. One on the sidewalk outside of Lang’s home.

  “So what? They know each other,” I said, closing the folder when I reached the last picture. “Miles isn’t working for Lang. Otherwise, Lang would’ve let Miles destroy his computer. He wouldn’t have asked me to do it.”

  “You’re right. I think Miles blackmailed Lang into helping him.”

  My mouth hinged opened. “Blackmailed him with what?”

  “That’s what I wanted to figure out.”

  My shoulders slumped. “Did you find anything on the thumb drives?”

  He glanced to the side. “Not yet, but I haven’t made it through everything.”

  Feeling unsettled, I swirled the gold bangles on my wrist. This story sounded eerily similar to what Derrick told me. “Does Miles demand money in exchange for his silence?”

  He cupped his chin between his thumb and index finger. His eyes never veered from mine, and I felt the physical weight of his stare all the way down to the tips of my toes. “No. Miles is extorting votes out of members of the House of Representatives.”

  I crossed and uncrossed my legs, the direction of this conversation making me increasingly uncomfortable. “Why? What would he get out of forcing them to change their votes?”

  “I don’t think he’s doing it for himself. He’s working for someone who has a vested interest in certain legislation being passed. I have my suspicions, but I haven’t put the pieces together.”

  I rubbed my suddenly numb fingertips along my thighs. “Why are you telling me this? It seems risky. How do you know I’m not part of this scheme? I could run back to Miles and tell him everything.”

  “You’re right.” One side of his lips tugged upward. “I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I don’t care if you tell Miles.”

  My eyebrows crinkled together. “Why not?”

  Bending forward, he braced his elbows on top of the table, his hands a few inches from mine. “I haven’t told you anything Miles doesn’t know. That’s why he sent you to Lang’s party to stop me. He knows I’m getting close.”

  I took a sip of the wine, and I could feel every millimeter of its descent until it hit my stomach like a leaden weight. “What do you want from me?”

  “I want you to help me get evidence against Miles.”

  “What kind of evidence?”

  “I need to know if he is working with anyone else, if he has contacts I don’t know about. I want copies of his emails, his bank statements. Everything.”

  “Why don’t you hack into his computer and his phone? Isn’t that your specialty?”

  His face darkened. “I’ve been trying, but so far I’ve been unable to do it. My partner, Jack, is still working on it, but I’ve been investigating him for six months, and I’m running out of time.”

  I laced my hands together in my lap. The fact that Miles had such advanced security likely meant he was into some bad stuff, but maybe I was just paranoid and it was a necessary part of his job. “I don’t think I can help.”

  “You know him. You know how he works, and for the most part, he trusts you. You can infiltrate every part of his company and personal life without too much effort.”

  I snorted. “I don’t think so. You saw our text messages. We’re over. He wouldn’t believe it if I called him and apologized. He’s not stupid.”

  He angled his head to the side. “I know that, but I’m going to make him fight for you. Once he believes he’s won you back, you’ll have access to everything.”

  I arched my eyebrows in disbelief. “Right. How are you going to do that?”

  A smile spread across his face, and my heart fluttered inside my chest. He was too beautiful; too appealing. “You’re going to attend a fundraiser tomorrow night as my date.”

  I chewed on my lower lip. “And Miles will be there?”


  I lowered my gaze. “Why should I help you?”

  “Because you need a new job and I’ll pay you. If you do a good job, I might have a permanent position for you at the end of this.”

  “How much?”

  He waved his hand dismissively. “Whatever Miles pays you.”

  Logically, I should run fast and hard from his offer. Nothing good would come of further entangling myself in this situation, but I needed the money. For Faith. For myself. And with any luck, I could help Derrick and figure how to permanently bury any evidence linking me to my biological father.

  “Fine. I’ll do it.” I took another sip of my wine, not feeling the same rush I normally did when assigned a new job. “What’s the fundraiser for?”

  “It’s to raise money for Speaker Benton’s reelection.”

  The wine I’d drunk sloshed uncomfortably in my gut. “Speaker Benton?”

  “Yeah.” He smiled blandly, but his eyes were alert and probing. “You know him, right?”

  My heart came to a grinding halt, and when it resumed, it thumped at a rate of a hundred miles per hour. “No. Not really. I’ve heard of him, and I’ve seen him at a few events, but we’ve never been introduced.”

  His jaw tightened. “Really? I find that hard to believe.” His tone was cold, and a shiver of unease rippled down my spine. Did he know Derrick and I were related?

  “It’s the truth,” I said, jerking my head up and down like a bobble head doll with an overly bright smile. Folding my hands in my lap, I smoothed my expression, and I mentally slapped myself for being so transparent.

  “Huh, that’s interesting.” He pushed his chair away from the table, and it scraped against the floor. “We’ll have to rectify that tomorrow night. By most accounts, he’s a relatively likable guy. So is his wife.” His eyes narrowed fractionally, and I felt like I had
liar carved into my forehead.

  “What does Benton have to do with Miles and Lang?”

  “I’m not entirely sure.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled, my heart squeezing. Eager to get away from him, I scrambled out of my seat. I whipped my phone out of my pocket and opened my calendar. “What’s the address of the fundraiser?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll drop by your place at six to pick you up.”

  I took a step backward, avoiding his gaze. “That’s unnecessary. I’ll meet you there.”

  “I insist.” Standing, he crossed the room, pausing next to the front door. “Besides, it’ll look more convincing if we arrive together. We can’t have people suspecting our involvement is a farce.”

  “Fine,” I conceded, sucking in a strangled breath. There was more to his request than that, but questioning him would be futile. He had a practiced blank look on his face that said he had no intention of enlightening me. Besides, if Miles saw me arrive alone, I’d have to face him without Knox’s support, and I didn’t want to do that. Not yet anyway. I had to unravel all the pieces to protect Derrick and myself. Only then could I turn the tables on Miles.

  “By the way.” Knox opened his front door. “Has Miles ever mentioned Dima Antonov?”

  I frowned. “No. Why?”

  He lifted, then dropped his shoulder. “No reason.”

  “Okay. See you tomorrow.”

  As I left his apartment, his eyes burned a hole in my back until the elevator opened, and I disappeared inside. Once I was out of his line of sight, the knot in my chest loosened a fraction.



  At five minutes after six, I pulled up in front of Trinity’s place. The day had been hell. I’d combed through the files I lifted from Lang’s computer, and I didn’t find a single link between Miles and Lang or Miles and Benton. Then, fifteen minutes before I needed to leave, I stumbled upon a series of encrypted files. Instead diving headfirst into the new obstacle, I packed up and headed home. I knew if I tried to open the files, I wouldn’t let myself leave the office for hours, and I had to keep working every angle of this case, which meant moving things forward with Trinity.


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