Boxed Set

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Boxed Set Page 68

by Brenda K. Davies

  He chuckled as he shook his head. "Sometimes, I'd like to strangle her."

  "I think that also comes from having siblings."

  He kissed the top of her head. "I think this is where we exit."

  She followed his gaze up the hill to the small house where she was staying. "Jill and Mandy are probably still awake."

  "Then I promise not to jump you in the entryway again."

  Emma couldn't stop a burst of laughter from escaping; she pinched his side before darting away from him and fleeing across the sand. Her feet slipped in the loose sand, but she forced her small legs to move faster. She could hear him steadily gaining on her. She tried to dash to the side but his arms encircled her waist, and he lifted her off the ground. A squeal of delight escaped her as he pressed her back against his chest and spun her around in a circle. Lightness filled her heart as he stopped spinning and walked with her the rest of the way across the beach to the road.

  "I don't think carrying me is helping with the not being jumped in the entry part," she told him when she felt his erection pressing against her spine.

  "Maybe not, but I'm not ready to let you go."

  Was he trying to make her fall in love with him? If so, she was dangerously close to it as he set her on her feet in the driveway. "Ethan..."

  She found words failed her as his emerald eyes met hers in the moonlight. Emotion swelled so vehemently in her chest she almost threw herself into his arms and buried her head in his chest. "What is it, Emma?" he asked worriedly.

  She shook her head and turned away from him. She'd sound like a complete moron if she started stuttering on about feelings and whatever other foolishness had been about to spill from her mouth. Pulling the key from her pocket, she slid it into the door and pushed it open. Jill and Mandy were sitting on the couch with drinks in their hands. Classical music, Mandy's favorite, drifted through the room.

  "Hey, guys!" Jill greeted. She'd taken all the braids out of her hair yesterday; it tumbled around her shoulders in waves emphasizing her high cheekbones and pretty features. "Did you have fun?"

  "We did," Emma answered. "What about you guys?"

  "It's a party wherever we are," Jill assured her.

  "Very true," Emma agreed as she kicked off her shoes and placed them in the hall closet.

  "There's some margarita mix still in the blender, help yourselves," Mandy offered.

  "I'm good," Ethan said as he walked over to stand beside her.

  "I think I've had enough for tonight," Emma told her and cast a shy glance at Ethan. "I'm ready for some sleep."

  Jill and Mandy both smirked as they took another sip of their fruity drinks. "Sleep tight," Mandy said as they turned away.

  "I don't think there will be much sleep going on in there," Jill whispered, and they both burst into loud giggles.

  Emma shook her head but followed Ethan to her room.

  "I have something for you," Ethan said as he ran his index finger in a circle around the small of her back. Her hair tickled against the bottom of his chin, but he didn't move to brush it away.

  Emma had to force herself to lift her head to look at him. She was so thoroughly exhausted and satisfied all she wanted to do was lie there and never move again. "You do?" She stifled a yawn as she asked the question.

  "I do."

  He sat up and swung his legs off the bed with far more energy than she had right now. Emma put her elbow on the bed and plopped her head on her hand as she watched him walk across the room to his backpack. The light from the single candle on the nightstand revealed his skin was still slick with sweat as it played over his taut muscles and firm ass. Much to her surprise, she found herself growing aroused again as he dug into the bag.

  He pulled something out and turned back to her. It looked incredibly small in his hands, but the sight of the dress she’d admired in the store earlier caused her to bolt upright in the bed. Her exhaustion vanished as the blanket fell away to reveal her breasts. Her mouth dropped as he walked over and sat on the bed beside her.

  "You shouldn't have," she breathed.

  "I saw you looking at it today; I hope I got the right size."

  She finally tore her attention away from the beautiful dress and focused on his exquisite face. Something in her chest swelled as she met his eyes; she wasn't quite sure what the feeling was as she'd never quite experienced it before, but she knew she never wanted it to end.

  "It''s beautiful," she stammered. "But it was so expensive and—"

  "No ands," he said forcefully. "I wanted to get it for you, and that's that."

  She was tempted to argue further with him, but she couldn't when he was smiling at her and holding that dress. "Thank you," she whispered.

  "Come on, let's see if it fits," he said. He rose to his feet and gestured for her to do the same.

  Emma stared at him for a second before tossing the rest of the blanket aside and climbing out of bed to stand in front of him. She tilted her head back and raised her arms for him to slide the dress over her head. The material felt like a feather caressing her skin as it settled over her. It hugged her curves before flowing out at her waist. The bottom of it spun out around her as she twirled in it.

  "I love it!" she cried and stopped spinning to throw her arms around him.

  Relief filled Ethan as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. He hadn't been sure how she would react when he gave her the dress, thought maybe she would believe it was too much or he was moving too fast. He knew they needed to talk about everything, but his experience with conversations about relationships consisted of three words, don't get attached. Those were the last three words he would ever utter to her.

  There was nothing more perfect than her, or the joy she radiated right now, he was certain of it. He was already growing erect again as he slid the dress up her body and pulled it over her head. Her pert breasts, rounded hips, and soft skin were bared to him once more. He draped the dress over the chair and began to edge her toward the bed. He was going to enjoy burying himself inside her for another couple of hours, relish feeling every bit of her all over again.

  The sound of her laughter was contagious, and he found himself laughing with her as they tumbled onto the bed together. She had the most radiant smile he'd ever seen. He traced his finger over her lips and across her chin.

  "It's a perfect fit," she whispered as she threw her arms around his neck.

  "Just like you," he muttered against her lips.

  Something flickered through her eyes; her grin turned playful as she wiggled beneath him. "I'll have to give you an extra special thank you for the dress and the flowers," she said as she nibbled his bottom lip.

  Ethan was in the process of losing himself to her when her words registered. He propped his hands on either side of her head as he held himself above her. "What flowers?"

  Emma frowned as the smile left his face and his eyes became as icy as the tundra. Her hand fell away from his cheek as he stared at her.

  "What flowers?" he demanded again.

  "The flowers in the kitchen. The ones you sent me this afternoon," she said hesitatingly. An almost lethal air surrounded him as he pushed himself off her.

  "I didn't send you flowers," he said.

  He turned and walked to the door so fast, she barely registered he was leaving before she was gaping after his naked backside. She scrambled off the bed as he disappeared. Grabbing her robe, she tugged it hastily on as she followed him down the hall, praying with every step Mandy and Jill weren't still awake. He was completely heedless of his nudity as he stalked across the living room to the kitchen. He was either nuts or the most brazen man she'd ever encountered.

  Emma caught up with him as he stopped by the island where the flowers sat. He frowned at them before grabbing the card. Scanning it, he returned it and turned to her. "I didn’t send these, Emma."

  Her forehead furrowed in confusion, then the color drained from her face as she stared at the flowers with a look of abject ho
rror. She snatched the vase off the counter, stalked over to the trashcan, stepped on the foot pedal, and dumped them unceremoniously into the trash. The lid slammed closed with an air of finality as she turned away. Ethan watched her agitated movements as she hurried across the living room and jerked the curtains closed over the glass doors leading to the balcony.

  There was a firm set to her shoulders, but he didn't miss the tremble in her hand as she finished closing the curtains. "Emma, do you know who those are from?" She didn't speak as she walked around the room and pulled the rest of the curtains shut. "Emma?"

  "I thought I saw him the other day, but I didn't believe it was possible," she muttered as she returned to the kitchen and yanked the curtains over the sink closed.

  Ethan clasped her hand before she could walk past him. Hostility grew inside him as he took in the frantic look in her eyes. He hated that look, and with sudden certainty, he knew he would do anything he could to make it go away.

  "Who, Emma?" he asked in a deceptively calm voice.

  Her eyes zipped wildly around the room before settling on him. "Tristan."

  It took him a minute to place the name, but when he did, rage settled over him. He somehow managed to keep himself composed as her troubled eyes watched him.

  "You saw him the other day?" he asked.

  "Yes, I mean no!" she cried. "I thought I did, but it couldn't be him. What would he be doing here? How would he know I was here? But who else would have sent them?”

  He pulled her against his chest as tears spilled down her cheeks. It wasn't until her tears wet his skin that he realized he was naked. Bending down, he lifted her and swung her into his arms. It amazed him how little she was as he carried her down the hall and placed her tenderly on her bed. He turned back and noiselessly closed the door before settling beside her and pulling her into his lap.

  "Tell me what you think you saw," he coaxed.

  Finding comfort in his strong arms, Emma curled closer as his presence helped ease some of the instinctual terror sprouting forth with the realization Tristan might be on this island. She told him what she saw the other day on the beach.

  "My parents wouldn't send them; I know Jill and Mandy didn't do it. If they weren't from you, that only leaves him," she whispered.

  Ethan brushed her glossy hair back from her forehead as he tried to soothe the shivers racking her small frame. "If they are from him, then I will take care of it," he vowed.

  "I don't want to see you hurt over this. Tristan is unstable; I don't know what he's capable of doing. I don't understand how he found me."

  Ethan's jaw clenched, but he couldn't tell her why he had no fear of any human. "Are you sure it couldn't be someone else?"

  She frowned as she searched her mind for anyone else who would send her flowers. She came up with nothing. "I'll call my parents and ask them tomorrow, but I know it wasn't them. They would send more of a card with them."

  Ethan rested his chin on top of her head and ran his hands up and down her arms. The desire he'd felt for her earlier disappeared. All he wanted now was to keep her protected and ease her worry. He would do everything he could to make sure she stayed safe, even if it meant killing his first human.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jill was about to dump the leftover eggs into the trash when she froze and looked up at Emma with consternation. Emma was tempted to hide behind her coffee mug; unfortunately, it didn't offer her much protection from her friend's probing gaze.

  "Why are the flowers in here?" Jill demanded.

  Mandy leaned forward on her crutch to see what caught Jill's attention. Her forehead furrowed as she lifted her head to look at Emma. "Did you two have a fight or something?"

  "From the sounds I heard last night there is no way they were fighting," Jill said.

  It may be useless, but Emma lifted her coffee mug and held it before her face.

  "Then what is going on?" Mandy's hand pushed the mug back down so she could look Emma in the eye.

  "The flowers aren't from Ethan," she admitted.

  Mandy frowned at her before glancing at the trashcan. "Then who are they from?"

  "Your parents?" Jill asked as she finished scraping the eggs into the trash.

  Emma shook her head. "I called them this morning; they didn't send them either."

  "Then who would..." Mandy's voice trailed off as her hand slipped away from Emma's mug. "No, that's not possible."

  Emma closed her eyes and placed her mug on the counter. "I thought I saw him the other day."

  "Are you serious?" Jill blurted and tossed the frying pan into the sink.

  Emma winced at the clattering sound and glanced over her shoulder. She'd left Ethan in the shower, but he wouldn't be in there much longer. She didn't want to retell this story in front of him. She knew he wouldn't, but the look in his eyes last night made her think he might kill Tristan if he got his hands on him. Emma didn't want to see that look again now.

  Mandy and Jill pulled the stools around to the other side of the breakfast bar and settled across from her as she told them what happened. "Does Ethan know about this?" Jill whispered.

  "I told him everything," Emma said.

  "What does he think?"

  Emma shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. "Probably that he got messed up with a girl with far too much baggage for his liking."

  "Emma," Mandy said in a disapproving tone.

  "He was really understanding," Emma admitted. "But would you blame him if he did feel that way, especially if Tristan is here? That is beyond insane."

  "And it sounds like something Tristan would do," Jill said.

  Mandy rested her hand on Emma's arm. "And we'll kick his psycho ass if he thinks about coming anywhere near you."

  Emma couldn't help but smile at Mandy's ferocious tone. "I know you will."

  "Are you okay?" Jill asked.

  "I'm scared," she admitted. "If he was on the beach and sent those flowers, that's a whole new level of craziness. If he followed me here then how long has he been following me without my knowledge, and what else is he willing to do?"

  Emma didn't want to think about what he might have seen her doing without her being aware. When he'd been harassing her daily, she'd been extremely conscious of her surroundings and what she was doing nearly every second she was awake. A few months without him in her life had loosened her vigilance of her surroundings and actions. As more time passed, she'd returned to a nearly normal life—a life he may have been hiding in the shadows and spying on for a year. The thought almost made her throw up the eggs, but she managed to keep them down.

  "You're not going to find out," Ethan said.

  The three of them jumped in surprise. They were so intent on their conversation, they hadn't heard Ethan approach until he spoke and rested his hands on her shoulders. He bent down and kissed her cheek before straightening.

  "Want some eggs?" Jill asked and swung her legs to the side of the stool.

  "No, thank you," Ethan answered. "I need to run home for a bit; I forgot to pack a toothbrush."

  "Then you must go," Emma teased him.

  "Are you going to be okay here?"

  "I'll be fine," she assured him. "Jill knows Karate."

  "Hiya!" Jill said and chopped at the counter. "Proud yellow belt right here."

  "Isn't that the lowest one?" Ethan asked.

  "What color is your belt?" Jill retorted.

  Ethan released a low laugh. "You got me there."

  "Don't worry," Emma said and rested her hands on his chest. "Flowers aren't really ominous or threatening."

  Ethan studied her as she slid off the stool and stood before him. The last thing he wanted to do was leave, but he had to feed, and he needed to do it soon if he was going to remain around her and her friends for the rest of the day.

  This morning, he'd woke to the rhythmic pounding of her heart and the almost cinnamon scent of her blood as it pulsed through her veins. It was the first time her blood had ensnared him in such a way.
He knew it was an indication their relationship was progressing faster than he’d anticipated, but that would have to wait. She had too much going on in her life right now; he refused to put even more on her.

  He would have to keep himself in control and feed better from now on, but upon waking he'd been torn between taking her again and sinking his fangs into her throat. The decision was made for him when she rolled over and cupped his balls with her small hand. He grew aroused again at the thought of her tiny hand running up and down his shaft before her body slid on top of his.

  Ethan bent and kissed the top of her head before he decided to pull her back into the bedroom and push the limits of his restraint. "I'll be back in a little bit," he promised.

  "You don't have to be concerned about me, really," Emma said as she walked with him to the door. She didn't want him coming around because he felt he had to, or because he felt sorry for her, and she definitely couldn't handle him getting hurt because of her. She hoped their relationship would continue, but she wouldn't blame him if he walked away. "If Tristan is here, you don't want to get wrapped up in the mess he creates."

  He took her hand and turned her toward him when they arrived at the door. "If I didn't want to be here anymore, I wouldn't be."

  She smiled at him and turned her cheek into his hand. "Thank you."

  He bent and kissed the tip of her pert nose. "I'll see you guys soon!" he called to Jill and Mandy.

  Jill leaned across the breakfast bar to look at them. "We're going to hit the beach soon, so we'll probably be by the volleyball nets!" she called.

  "Maybe you should stay here until I get back," he said quietly to Emma.

  Emma shook her head. "Even if it is Tristan, I didn't let him win before, and I won't let him win now. I'm not going to hide from him. We'll be fine."

  He didn't look at all appeased, but he kissed her again and stepped out the door. Jill and Mandy had stopped smiling when they entered the living room after she closed the door.


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