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Timeless Page 44

by Lucinda Franks

  Rowan (orchard worker)

  Rutherford, Margaret

  Sadat, Anwar

  Safire, William

  Sainte-Marie, Buffy

  Sale, Courtney

  Samuels, Dorothy

  Sanchez, Frank

  Sandifer, Jawn A.


  Sarnoff, Susan

  Sayre, Nora

  Schiele, Egon

  Schlesinger, Arthur

  Schneiderman, Eric

  Schumer, Charles E.

  Screwtape Letters, The (Lewis)

  Selma-to-Montgomery civil rights march

  Semple, Kirk

  Semple, Robert

  Sevilla, Sage

  Seymour, Whitney North

  Shulman, Micki

  Silver, Sheldon

  Silverman, Irene

  Simon, Anne W.

  Sindona, Michele

  Sharon, Ariel

  Sharon, Lily

  Smith, Ray

  Smyth, Ted

  Snyder, Leslie Crocker

  Soblen, Robert

  Sotomayor, Sonia

  Spiegel, Der

  Spielberg, Stephen

  Springsteen, Bruce

  Stalin, Josef

  Stans, Maurice

  Steinem, Gloria

  Stewart, Michael

  Stimson, Henry

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

  Styron, Rose

  Styron, William

  Sulzberger, Arthur O.

  Sulzberger, Iphigene


  Temkin, Susie

  Temkin, Victor

  Terpil, Frank

  Thalheimer, Eva Lehman

  The Thin Edge: Coast and Man in Crisis (Simon)

  Thomas, Dylan

  Thomas, Frank

  Three Days of the Condor (film)

  Tiny Tim

  Trilling, Diana

  Truman, Harry S.

  Ulster Volunteer Force

  Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)

  United Press International (UPI)

  Vanderbilt, Gloria

  Van Lindt, Ida

  Vassar College

  Vassar Haiti Project

  Velez, Luis S.

  Vietnam War; and draft

  Von Furstenberg, Diane

  von Hoffman, Nicholas

  Wais, Pauline

  Wall Street Journal

  Wallace, Henry

  Walters, Barbara

  Warhol, Andy

  Warner, Sam

  War Refugee Board

  Washington Conference Principles on Nazi-Confiscated Art

  Washington Post

  Watergate, see Nixon, Richard

  Waterston, Sam

  We Are the People Our Parents Warned Us Against (von Hoffman)


  Weinberger, Caspar

  Weinstein, Harvey

  Weisbach, Rob

  Weiss, Ted

  Wellesley (Mass.)


  Welty, Eudora

  Wenner, Jann

  Werner, Nan

  Whalen, Philip

  Whitely, Horace

  White, Theodore

  Wielunski, Peter

  Wiesel, Elie

  Wiest, Dianne

  Williams, Betty

  Williams, Roger Neville

  Willkie, Wendell

  Wilson, Woodrow

  Wolfson, Louis

  Young, Rep. John

  Younger, Irving

  Yousef, Ramzi

  An eighteen-year-old debutante. And a dashing young Robert Morgenthau

  One of the high points in our lives, literally and figuratively: reaching the pinnacle of Mount Sinai, just before it was returned to Egypt

  On the trail of a story

  An early high point—finding out that, at age twenty-four, I’d just become the youngest woman to win the Pulitzer Prize, and the first woman to win for national reporting

  Three generations of public service—from left to right: Bob’s brother, Henry Morgenthau III; their father, Henry Morgenthau Jr; their grandfather Henry Morgenthau I; and Bob himself

  More illustrious company—from left to right: New York governor Nelson Rockefeller, Italian ambassador Sergio Fenoaltea, President John F. Kennedy, Bob, and Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New York City, at the Columbus Day Parade in 1962

  Bob riding through New York City with JFK in 1962

  Bob, an early supporter of the civil rights movement, meets one of his heroes on the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard

  Interviewing Robert Redford on the set of Three Days of the Condor in 1974

  Never scared of a little controversy, Bob and I were always full-blown supporters of Israel. Here we are in 1983 with Ariel Sharon and his wife, Lily, on their farm; and here I am, shaking the hand of Shimon Peres, the then–Israeli prime minister, while Bob and Ed Koch look on.

  Sometimes you have to go to great lengths to get your story, literally: on a plane to Africa with Hillary Clinton in March 1999, in pursuit of an exclusive interview

  Our son, Josh, and I providing Bob with a bit of support on the campaign trail as he faces his first challenger for the office of DA

  But it wasn’t always business. Here we are, with Josh and our daughter, Amy, happy and off duty, in the apple orchards at the idyllic Fishkill Farms

  Josh and Amy, then eighteen and twelve, make us proud

  The whole Morgenthau clan: from left to right, Paul Grand, Annie, Jenny, Barbara, Noah Grand, Hilary Grand, Harry Morgenthau, Bobby, Susan, Josh, Amy, me, and Bob

  And one of our closest friends, Marina Kaufman, who organized virtually every detail of our wedding ceremony, and stuck by our side throughout the marriage that followed

  Bob and me at a dinner dance during the early years of our marriage

  Still in love after all these years


  My Father’s Secret War: A Memoir

  Wild Apples

  Waiting Out a War: The Exile of Private John Picciano


  Lucinda Franks is the author of the acclaimed memoir My Father’s Secret War. A former staff writer for The New York Times, she has also written for The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, and The Atlantic. She won a Pulitzer Prize for her reporting on the life and death of Diana Oughton, a member of Weatherman. A graduate of Vassar College, Franks lives in New York City with her husband, the former longtime District Attorney for New York County, Robert M. Morgenthau.

  Sarah Crichton Books

  Farrar, Straus and Giroux

  18 West 18th Street, New York 10011

  Copyright © 2014 by Lucinda Franks

  All rights reserved

  First edition, 2014

  eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to [email protected].

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Franks, Lucinda.

  Timeless: love, Morgenthau, and me / Lucinda Franks.

  pages cm

  ISBN 978-0-374-28080-2 (hardback) — ISBN 978-1-4299-4927-9 (ebook)

  1. Franks, Lucinda. 2. Franks, Lucinda—Marriage. 3. Women journalists—United States—Biography. 4. Lawyers’ spouses—United States—Biography. 5. Morgenthau, Robert M.—Marriage. I. Title.

  PN4874.F6155 A3 2014





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