In Your Shadow

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In Your Shadow Page 9

by Middleton, J

  His heart went out to him he was a father that only wanted happiness for his daughter. He loved her deeply and he could tell she was his world.

  “I can tell” he laughs.

  John gets a glaze of Katie coming into the room her hair was down, and it framed her round face. Her jeans fit her perfect hugging her hips in such a way it was dangerous. Her blouse tightly fitted her breast is not giving anything away. John had to fight every instinct not to carry her back upstairs, if her father wasn’t standing there he would have.

  “Feel better beautiful,” John said smiling at her.

  “Much” she answered as she stood by his side with her eyes never leaving her fathers. She noticed he was watching her closely. John grinned, he could tell by the way she was biting her lower lip she was nervous. John put his arm around her waist as his face was barely inches from her. She was nearly impossible to resist even in front of her father. He could feel her breathing becoming faster, all he wanted to do at this moment was kiss her again.

  They talked business for a few hours. Katie got bored listening to them be masters of the universe so she went to the kitchen. Katie grabbed the pitcher of tea and poured her a glass. Taking her glass upstairs and stopped at her mother’s old room. She opened the door and went in. The room was still the same as she left it nothing had changed. The desk was by the window overlooking the shoreline, the bed was at the far corner of the room. Her room was exact large it was the size of two apartments put together. She looked up and her mother and father’s portrait was over her bed. She stared at the picture as cold chills ran down her arm. Taking a few steps to the window she looked out. It was a prefect view of the ocean. The white capping waves were hitting the shore lines and rolling back out. Over the horizon was dark gray clouds that was forming in the distance. She could see the lighting for far away. It looked like a storm was approaching. Turning around and taking one more look around the room she could feel her presences.

  She jumped as she heard Johns voice.

  “Katie” he called.

  Katie went to the door and opened it and John was standing a few feet from the entryway.

  “I have been looking all over for you, are you alright.”

  “Yes I am fine,” she said closing the door behind her.

  “Your dad wants us to join him for supper.”

  “What’s for supper?”

  “I’m not sure.” His arm went around her as they walked to the dining room. Sitting beside her father and John on the other side. She started to yawn, covering her mouth quickly hoping they would notice.

  “You seem tried dear.”

  “Not too bad.”

  “Well after dinner why don’t you go on to bed, John and I will have us a night cap.”

  They finished their dinner, and Katie excused herself and went up to her room. She changed into her t-shirt and laid across the bed and dosed off to sleep. When John finally finished a few drinks with Daniel he went upstairs to bed. When he opened the door to the bedroom he seen her crawled up and fast asleep. He changed his clothes and climbed in beside her, pulling her into his chest. She crawled her back into him and fell back to sleep. Kissing the back of her head with his arms wrapped around her he fails fast asleep.

  Chapter 10

  It was time for her to get off work, Tom watched out is window waiting for her driver to bring her home. Thirty minutes passed then an hour and another hour nothing.

  “Where is she now?” he was getting so inpatient.

  He picked up his phone and called her office there was no answer just an answering machine. He slammed the phone down on the corner rubbing his fingers through his hair.

  “How could see slip away so fast?”

  He grabbed his jacket and went out the door. The wind was cold and crisp blowing hard against the sidewalk. A few couples were out bundled up with wraps covering their skin. With the harsh wind against his face, walking down the sidewalk until he stood right in front of her townhouse. He looked up and he didn’t see any movements anywhere, it was already dark and the street light lit up every corner.

  “Maybe I missed her and she is asleep” everything going through is mind.

  He stood there for it seems forever until a large man with dark hair came out of the building beside her with his dog.

  The gentleman watches him for a moment before he spoke.

  “Hey man, what are you doing.”

  “Huh, I thought this was my friend’s house but just noticed I have the wrong house” he answered quickly as he turned and walked back down the sidewalk.

  “That was really a stupid answer,” he thought.

  He turned and looked back to see if the gentleman was still there but he was gone. He hurried into his apartment and closed the door. Running to the window, he pulled out his binoculars and began scanning the streets and back up to her window, still complete darkness at her house. His heart sank in his chest.

  “I had to have missed her or maybe she is just asleep.” He was holding own a conversation with himself.

  He paced the floor as he went back and forth to the window. He finally goes to bed just to be haunted by images and dreams that kept waking him up. Laying there in complete darkness her face was still visible even with his eyes open. Minutes later he found himself in complete darkness.

  The room was a little brighter as he rolled over and looked at the clock. It was still early he got up and made him some coffee. Sitting at the kitchen table he could see her in his mind sitting across from him. As he sipped on his coffee she would stare into his face with though deep eyes of hers. Just that quick she would disappear just like that. He was so angry that he had to depend on his visions of her to make it through the next day.

  “This is enough? I need her now.” He said out loud.

  He walks over to the window holding his cup looking over her house. There were no moments.

  “Well it’s the weekend so she is still sleeping.” He told himself.

  He showed and changed cloths and walked back to his favor place. Still no signs of life.

  “Well I guess I will just walk down there he thought.”

  Grabbing his jacket and beanie he walks out of the apartment. The wind was so cold his body started to quiver. Heading into the wind he walked until he had a complete view of her front door and every window. Still there was no movement, no lights. The blinds were drawn and no noise came from the building. He couldn’t take the cold any longer so he walked back to his house. Running start to the window to see if there was any change, but none. Everything was the same.

  Chapter 11

  Her eyes are barely open as the sun blared through the blinds. Slowly turning to her side, she looks up into his face. Memories of him touching her made her body state to ache again. Her heart was spinning at that point she knew he won her heart. Thoughts became to swirl around in her head, will he die too, will I lose him as well. A small tear rolled down her face as pain shot through her. Her body reacted to him like someone dying for thirst. His body, his eyes, his touch, just his voice was sending her into his world of passion and desires. The world she had been missing. Could she let herself feel this way again? Gently turning around, she tries to slide out of the bed. One hand went around her and pulled her back.

  “Where are you doing beautiful?”

  Her body laying against him again, with her heart pounding against her chest. She felt a soft kiss on the back of her neck that sent shivers down her spine.

  “I have to get up,”


  “Yes, plus dad will be looking for us for breakfast. “

  “Well I really don’t want to release you right now, but if you insist.”

  He crawls on top of her pinning her hands above her head as his lips cover hers. Totally taking her breath away one more time.

  “I could totally make you scream right now but this will be continued” he smiled as he released her hands and rolled off of her leaving her speechless again.

r face was blushing a rosy pink and a small smile was on her face. John realized he needed her more than the air he breathes and he was going to show her. He could tell she wanted him, but just how far did her feeling go.

  “I can linger in her embrace forever,” he thought.

  He watches her get up from the bed and go to the bathroom. A full view of her bare skin and perfect body. He loved the way she looked and especially how she felt against his body. A few minutes later he walks to the doorway of the bathroom and watches her as she puts her hair up in a ponytail.

  “You are a beautiful woman Katie,” he reaches out to pull her close to him but she manages to walk around him before he could grab her.

  He laughs as he turns around and watches her get dressed. He walked over and put his pants and shirt leaving it open still revealing his bare chest. It was silent in the room with the noise being her moving around nervously. John walks up behind her as she was buttoning up her shirt and puts his arms around her. He could hear her sign as he turns her around and his lips went on hers ever so slowly. His mouth descended upon her in a tender kiss that left her studded. He let her go as he just smiled and continued getting dressed.

  Katie eyes never leaving him as the taste of his lips was still on her mouth. He heart was beating a million times a minute and her body was aching for his touch again. She realized he had broken her wall down around her and the feeling for him was coming alive.

  “Could she really be happy again without worry? She didn’t know but her body wanted it and her mind was against it.

  “Well you ready for breakfast,” she said trying not to show how nervous she was. She had to get out of this room before she ended back in bed with him.

  “When every you are?” John smiled with his eyes light up like fireworks. He looked like he had just won the lottery.

  She opens the door and walks out John was right behind her with his hand on her back. He wasn’t going to let her get too far from him. When they got to the kitchen she saw her father pouring some coffee

  “Morning daddy” she kisses him on the cheek.

  “Morning dear,” he said as he smiled at her walking over to the table.

  “Looks like you two slept well.”

  “Yes, sir we did” John answered pouring his cup.

  He turned around and Katie was sitting at the table with her father. He walked over and sat beside her as soon as he looked over at Daniel just about to speak Katies phone rang.

  She looked down and seen it was the realtor. He watches her get up and take the call to the kitchen. A few minutes later she returns.

  “Everything alright” her father ask.

  “Yes dad everything is fine, it was the realtor. They are going to start on the repairs of the house Monday and they want me to stop by this week and look at it.”

  “That sounds great, you are not going by yourself are you.”

  “Father I am a big girl it will be alright”

  “Katie I can go with you, I don’t have any meeting Tuesday” John asks.

  He was jumping at every chance he could to see her again.

  “That sounds like a good idea Katie,” he father said.

  Katie paused for a minute with a sudden thrill that came over her with a wave of panic.

  “ I will call you with the time John thanks.’

  “Sounds like a plan can’t wait” John answered as he grinned and moved closer to her.

  His hand went down on her leg, as it made her jump to attention, she looked over to see if her father was looking her way.

  John didn’t let the fabric get in the way of trying to touch her soft skin. He was just letting her know that he was still interested in her.

  “Well, what are you plans for today Daddy, we will have to head back this afternoon.”

  “Well thought we would show John around.”

  “Oh,” she smiled.

  As Daniel gazed over at his daughter he could tell she had this enter glow about her. That old sparkle was back in her eyes, the sign of love. He loved that the glow was back in her face and the joy was brought in her life again. He had missed that so much.

  Katie’s phone rang again but it didn’t pick up the name. She grabbed it and answered it,

  “Hello” she paused for a minute but heard nothing.

  “Hello” she said again.

  She heard heavy breathing for just a minute and the caller hung up. She looked over and John and he was staring at her.

  “Something wrong.”

  “No, I guess it was a wrong number.”

  It got quiet for a moment before her dad spoke.

  “Do you want to stay another day, we can all go deep sea fishing? I would love to show John how well we can fish.”

  “Daddy I would love to but I really have to get back by tomorrow I have a meeting at ten with some investors on the Allen contract. Maybe after New Years, we can plan to come back and go fishing.”

  “Well alright dear, I will hold you to it. Plus I have loved being with you enough if it was just for a day are two.” He smiled.

  “Fishing sounds great Daniel but I have to agree with Katie. I would love spending time down her with you fishing, I will make plans soon to do so.”

  “Thank you, John, I will hold you to it.”

  Katie got up and from the table and walked to the glass door. Looks like a storm is approaching out of the south. She turned and looked at her father.

  “We might want to head back, the weather is going to get bad and I don’t know about you but I don’t like the looks of this storm.”

  John got up and stood by her with his arm around her waist, she leaned into him breathing in his cologne. He smelled as sexy as he looked. He was enjoying every bit of time he was spending with her, he didn’t want it to stop.

  “Well out flight leaves in a couple of hours so I guess we need to broad things up around here before we leave.”

  “I will help you Daniel” John kissed Katie on the cheek as he followed Daniel to a storage room and got some broads to put over the windows that didn’t have wood shutters. It didn’t take long to close the house down before they left. Daniel called the driver and a few minutes later they left for the airport.

  The wind was getting stronger, as the clouds weren't far from hitting the shorelines. It was white capping as the waves were banging against the beach.

  John sat beside her in the car with his arm around her shoulders.

  The plane ride was bumpy as the storm approached. They barely made the flight before all airports were canceled. The made it safely back to the airport in Manhattan. She looked out the window and it was snow on the ground. What a differents hours had made. The car was waiting in front of the plane. They hurried off as the harsh winter winds blew hard against their bodies. Katie was shivering when she got in the car. She sat as close to John as she could, his body heat was keeping her warm and she loved it. He felt like and electric blanket. He held her tightly against his body until she shaking. He realized then that he might have a chance with her, she was easing up to him and he could feel the closeness.

  The driver pulled up at her father's house first.

  “Are you coming in Katie” he ask.

  “I need to get home it will be dark less than and hour. Love you dad and thanks for the trip.” She smile

  “Love you too, oh don’t forget Friday is New Years eve and I expect to see you both here.”

  Katie had done forgotten about their party. Not another party” she thought.

  “I look forward to it sir” John answered.

  “Good I will see both of you here. Good night”

  Katie didn’t say anything after that.

  Daniel gets out of the car and goes in the house as the driver heads to Katies townhouse. It was a forty-five-minute drive for here.

  “Are you really coming to the New Years Eve party?”

  “I am, I look forward to it. I am hoping you will go with me.” He paused for a minute looking over at her. He n
eeded to see her again, every day if he could.

  “I don’t want to disappoint my father so yes I will go with you.” Smiling at him.

  “You don’t want to disappoint him” he laughed.

  Why he had the chance he cupped her face and turns her to him and his lips covered hers. She responded this time with longing and much passion.

  Chapter 12

  His slowly pulled away from her lips not wanting to but he noticed the driver had stopped. Night had fallen, and she didn’t even notice. She was to wrap up in the moment. They both stared at each other not wanting to move. John turns and gets out of the car and the driver opens the door of Katie’s.

  He grabs her into his arms and kisses her feeling nothing but her warm lips against hers.

  Suddenly they both jump as a scream was heard. Then there was a loud thump as something hit the concrete.

  “It almost fell on me, son of a bitch?” the woman yelled.

  “What was that?”

  “Who knows?” she answered.

  “Let me walk you in” his arms still around her as he took the keys and opened the door.

  He followed her and waved to the driver. He closed the door behind her and watched her put her things down on the table.

  “Well, I guess I owe you money for the weekend, thanks for accompanying me, but I no longer need your service.” She turns her head so he doesn't see her smile.

  John looked at her with his mouth opened. She didn’t just say that.

  “Oh, you no longer need my service. You are not getting rid of me that easy. You really think I came for the money.”

  “Well, I would hope not.” She answered with a slight grin.

  “Got you.” She laughed.

  “So you think that was funny do you.” Standing there trying to catch his breath.

  Katie could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She slowly took a few steps backward not letting her eyes move from him. All she could think about was the touch of his flesh against hers. He had penetrated her hard heart and now she couldn’t get enough of him. She watched him move closer to her dropping his jacket on the floor and unbuttoning his shirt. She moved a few steps backward again. John jumps forward and grabs her, she gasped. His lips waste no time and cover’s hers, with his tight grip she is held against his body.They stood in her hallway with a dim light shining under a door. He picked her up his lips still own hers and walked toward the light hoping it was a bedroom. He pushed the door opened with his foot. Maybe a guest room but there was a bed in there and that is all he needed. He carried her to the bed and laid her down.


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