In Your Shadow

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In Your Shadow Page 23

by Middleton, J

  “How are you feeling?” The nurse asks.

  “I feel fine just a little woozy.”

  “It took a minute for him to stop the bleeding, and retrieve the bullet. How did you say this happened?” Giving him a concerned look.

  Tom didn’t remember what he had told her, everything was a little foggy at this point.

  “It was an accident, just cleaning my gun.”

  “Huh, really.” The nurse answered narrowing her eyes.

  Tom knew that she didn’t’ believe him but he wasn’t answering any more questions. He was more worried about getting out of here. He knew they would have to report a bullet worn to the police so it was a matter of time before they would walk in. Looking around in the room he noticed two I V bags hanging on the side of his bed going to the needles in his arms. One was blood and the other was liquid from dehydration. All he could think about at this point was getting out of this hospital. He was like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Trying to focus, he looks up at the clock that on the wall it read 5.30 in the morning. He had been in this hospital sense one o’clock in the morning. Hearing the nurse’s in the hallway one came in his room to take the I V’s out of his arm.

  “The doctor will be in shortly to check your vitals. Do you need anything.” She asks.

  “No I am fine. I need to go home.”

  “You can talk to the doctor about your release when he comes in” she answered.

  Tom new that she was hiding something because the nurse normally can tell you if you are able to go home. He wasn’t waiting on the doctor to release him. He was leaving himself. Waiting for the noise to quiet down in the hallway. He slides out of bed trying to keep his balance. He grabs his cloths and puts them on. Quietly he grabs the door handle and opens it. Peaking his head out he looks down the hallway, there was no one insight. He walked fast to the elevator and pushing the bottom. Watching at the corner of his eye, still the hallways were clear. His leg thumbing as he stands there waiting for it to open. Trying to get a clear focus on his surrounding as the elevator door swung open. It heart pounding fast as he rode down to the bottom floor. The door opens quickly, as he looked down a small hallway. There was two woman sitting at the reception desk at the end. He walks quietly behind them not making a sound. The only thing he could her was his accelerated heartbeat. He goes out though the emergency entrance. Fumbling for his keys he finally pulled them out and jumped in his car. His hands were shaking so bad he could hardly get them in the ignition. He put it in reverse and slowing started backing out. Looking over he seen two police cars pulling up in the emergency entrance and went inside. He put his car in forward and drove away.

  “Damn it, they did call the cops. Now they will know who I am now. That is just great. This is all your fault Katie. It’s just a matter of time you will know. Why did you do this to me?”

  Trembling so bad he could barely hold the steering wheel as he drove back to the cabin. When he opened the door the smell of blood filled his nostrils, instantly he felt nauseated. Holding his nose, he grabs a large plastic bag. Putting his bloody clothes in it and tied them up.

  Opening the windows to let fresh air in, he grabbed his mop and cleaned the bathroom floor. Little by little the smell was going away. He sat down on a chair looking out his front door.

  “What if they find me here? Where am I going to go now? This isn’t nothing like I had planned? Why couldn’t you just come with me Katie, none of this would have happened and we would be together.”

  He was starting to panic, as fear ran though him. He started to pace the floor.

  “I’m just going to have to stay here in hiding until the come here. Then I will come for you but this time you will have no choose. You are going to pay for this.”

  He sits back down as the room around him started to spin. Minutes later he finally gathered his composer he walked to the bathroom and started some water.

  Sitting in the hot warm water he could feel the tension slide off his body. The pain from his leg seems to ease up. Laying his head against the back of the tub his mind goes back to the shooting. All he could see was her eyes and the fire from the gun.

  Her beautiful eyes were full of pain and mostly fear.

  “Oh Katie you just don’t understand do you. I still can’t believe you shot me.”

  He was so deep in his thoughts he didn’t see the water was turning a little pink from the blood. When he finally realized the color of the water was different he got out of the bath water. A stitch from his leg had come lose and blood was running down his leg. He grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around it. Sitting there on the lid of the toilet he applied pressure, the bleeding finely stopped.

  He moved from the bathroom to his bed and propped his leg up.

  “Katie you are going to pay for this. Yes, you are.” He thought.

  Finally, he drifted off to sleep with sweat rolling down his forehead.

  Chapter 27

  She opened her eyes as darkness was still around her. Feeling the heat from his body next to her. He was in a deep sleep, as she listened to his breathing. Not wanting to wake him she ease’s out of bed. Her mind still on last night as questions of who and why rolling though her mind. She slowly walks over to a small desk in the corner of the room. Picking up her phone she notices voice mails from work. She opens her laptop and turns it on.

  “I have to do something to divert my mind off of this.” She thought.

  She started clicking away on her laptop, she was consumed with her work.

  John woke up hearing the sound of her fingers typing away. Looking over at her long dark hair down around her face. He slipped out of bed when he heard her say.

  “Finely all finished.”

  Leaning in and kissing her neck her sweet scent fills his lungs. She closed her eyes as he pressed his nose against her hair. Before she could say anything, he scooped her up and carried her back to bed. Laying her down, he lies on top of her body. Not waiting for a response he presses into her, with his lips covering hers. He’s inside of her with his love-making at a perfect pace.

  “This was a wonderful way to start a day.” She thought.

  Slowly, he unwraps himself from her body, sliding out from under the covers. Leaning down he cups her face, his mouth came down on hers. He nuzzled her ear and presses his lips against the soft flesh just below her ear lobes. His tongue moves to her mouth commanding her to open for him. All he wanted to do was take her pain and worry away. She was good at hiding her feelings but he could see them in her eyes and feel them in his touch. He pulls away, resting his chin on her forehead.

  She looks up into his eyes holding back the lump that was in her throat. Instantly she could see the love that he had for her. It made her heart flicker, as warmth ran though her body.

  He winks at her before he makes his way to the bathroom and slips on some jogging pants. He turns around and she is standing by the bed pulling a shirt over her head. He caught a gleams of her small scar. It made anger build up in his body.

  “I will not let no hurt her again.” He thought.

  He could stare at her all day. She is really perfect. He walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her holding her in place. Reassuring her that everything will be alright.

  “Well I guess we better go see what’s going on down stairs. As much as I don’t want to leave your arms I feel I must.”

  “I feel the same, beautiful.” He turns her around and his lips cover hers with a soft kiss.

  He walks away from him and pulled her jeans on throwing her hair back into a knot. She turned around and his eyes were on her.

  She walked to the door and opened it, Olivia was standing right in front of it with her hand out like she was going to knock.

  “Morning Olivia.” John said.

  “Well good morning to you Mr. Hot Pants.”

  Katie nods her head as they head downstairs for breakfast. She could hear her father talking from a distance but couldn’t make out what he was saying. />
  “I wonder what is going on” she thought.

  They reached the dining room and breakfast was already on the table. John sits down beside her as she looks up at her father. His face looked tried with his blood shot eyes.

  “Daddy you didn’t sleep did you?”

  “I rested some.” He gave her a slight smile.

  Katie knew not to say anything with Jewels siting at the table. She noticed her eyes was on her but she never spoke.

  “That was odd for her, she always had something to say.” Katie thought.

  “Excuse me, I have some calls to make.” Jewels said as she got up from the table.

  “Daddy what is the matter with her.”

  “Nothing dear she is just upset because her night didn’t go as planned.”

  Katie wanted to answer her father but she knew Olivia was soaking in every word everyone was saying. She changed the subject so Olivia would get suspicious.

  “Daddy we have to head back today.”

  “I know. I wish you would stay longer. Dear before you leave r come see me in my office later.” He gave her a slight smile.

  “Sure daddy.”

  She knew he wanted to talk to her. Taking a small bite out of her food she could feel John’s hand running down her back. It gave her a sense of comfort and warmth. He was her safe zone and she knew it. All these years she took care of herself and now she felt herself depending on his safety. She needed him, and she knew it. She had never been so happy in her life, and to think it could have been taken from her yesterday made her tremble in fear.

  John could feel her body shaking as his whispered in her ear.

  “I’m here, nothing is going to happen to you. I promise.”

  With that said he could feel her body relax. Then he kissed the side of her head as she giggles.

  “How could he know what was on my mind? Did he already know me that well?” she thought.

  She didn’t care he made her feel safe, and she wasn’t going to lose him.

  “Well love birds, we have some packing to do if you can pry yourself away from each other.”

  Daniel started laughing, as the tension finally eased up around the table.

  “Olivia I will sure try, but you know it’s going to be hard. Extremely hard.” Katie started giggling.

  “I’m sure.” She nods her head.

  “If you would excuse me I have something to take care of. How about joining me John?” Daniel said as he got up from the table.

  “Of course sir.” John answered as she stood up from the table.

  He kissed Katie on the cheek as he got up and followed Daniel to another room.

  Katie knew she had to get rid of Olivia for a minute so she could go find out what is going on.

  Katie’s phone started to ring as she got up from the table and walked to the foyer. It was Zoe on the house confirmer the closing date. Katie got off quickly as she watched Olivia walk upstairs. She hurried to her father’s office where John was. Before she opened the door as stood there and tried to listen to their conversation but could hear anything. Easing the door open both of the stopped what they were saying and stared at her.

  “Did I interrupt anything important?”

  “Of course not dear.”

  “We were just talking about you living with me.”

  “Oh well it’s just going to be until I move into my house. It will close Thursday.”

  “Katie why don’t just stay at John’s until we find this man.”

  “Daddy I don’t know I will think about it, besides the house has wonderful security. I think I will be alright.”

  “Well I just think someone should be with you until we catch him.”

  “Sir I will protect her even if I have to lock her up and not let her out.” He giggles.

  “I am counting on you. I know how stubborn my daughter can be.”

  “Oh Daddy. Have you heard anything yet?”

  “No not yet it is still early, but I will let you know as soon as I do. In the mean time I am counting on you to keep your word and don’t go anywhere with no one, and stay at John’s.”

  “Okay daddy.”

  Katie walks over to him and kisses him on the top of the head. She knew that he wasn’t telling her everything, but she played alone with it.

  “Daddy I am going to pack.” Katie turned and walked out the door.

  She found that kind of odd that John didn’t follower behind her. She stood there at the closed door for a moment but never heard a word. Finally, she walked up the stairs and went to her room. She grabbed her luggage and packed up her things. Putting the last piece of clothing in her bag, she felt his arms go around her.

  “Well what is going on with my father and you!”

  “He is just worried about your safety.”

  “I know he is and I feel awful that he knows now.”

  “Do you think he can help find out who he is?”

  “I know he will.”

  “Well I am all done everything is ready to go.”

  “Are you sure you want to leave today. We can stay another day.”

  “I’m sure, I don’t like the idea that man was here and what if he come back. I need to keep my father safe and the only way I can is if I am not here.”

  “I can’t make you stay, but you are staying with me and I want take no for an answer.”

  “Yes John I am, I made a promise to my father. Besides I don’t have anything in my apartment I had it moved.”

  “I am glad to hear that.”

  He grabs her by the waist and his mouth covers hers. When he released her Olivia was coming in the door way.

  “Do you ever give it a rest?”

  “Olivia!” they both said.

  “I am ready to go.”

  “We are leaving soon.”

  “Good I am getting bored.”

  “You bored because you don’t have a hunk to hand on.”

  “Something like that.”

  Katie nods her head as John grabs their luggage and carries it down stairs.

  “Here let me give you a hand.”

  She grabs Olivia bags and walks behind John. Katie was ready to get out of her to, she couldn’t shake the feeling he might still be here. Just the thought made her skin crawl.

  The ride home was quiet no one said a word. She kept looking out the window to make sure no one was following her. Memories flooded through her mind, as she tried to place where she heard that voice. The eyes she couldn’t place them, but she felt she knew him. She could still here his voice, “Katie”.

  She jumped at the sound of Olivia’s voice.

  “We are here.”

  John looks over at her he could see that she was trembling again.

  “Calm down Katie, it’s alright.” He whispered.

  Katie took a deep breath and help Olivia out of the car and walked her to her door. She watched ever car that went by her apartment making sure she didn’t see him. John was standing at the car with the door opened watching her walk to the car. She crawls in with a sign of relief.

  “Finally Olivia is home.”

  “Yes, she is something else isn’t she.”

  “I have to agree with you on that.”

  She held his hand tightly all the way back to his apartment. They pull in the service entrance again and they jump out and get on the elevator. Katie’s heart was still thumping from the excitement of the weekend, she was ready just to crawl up in the bed and disappear. The elevator door popped opened as they walked in the foyer. All of a sudden she felt at ease that she was in a safe place. Then her mind started again,

  “What if he finds me here? He said he knew everything about me. Does he?”

  Katie walked to the bar and poured her a glass of wine and sat down by the window. She stared out into the big city of Manhattan.

  “Where could he be? Who is he?”

  Her eyes roaming the city wondering where he could be. She was into the thought of him, she didn’t hear John come up
behind her.

  “Katie you have got to calm down, he will be caught. I promise it will be over soon.” He said as he put his arms around her and held her tightly to him. He kisses the side of her head as a sensation of warmth came over her body. The feeling of being safe in his arms gave her some comfort.

  “Am I that easy to read, are does he know me that well?” she thought.

  They stood there for a few minutes before she got ready for bed. She crawled into bed and cuddled up to him. It wasn’t long after that she fell asleep.

  Chapter 28

  Days had passed when he finally got the strength to get out of bed. He was staving, and it wasn’t only for food. The pain had subsided in his leg it was just a little sore. Opening the refrigerator there was nothing in there but a water bottle and a few eggs.

  “This is just great?” he slams the door as it rattled the trays inside.

  He walks to the cabinet and grabs some crackers. Knowing then that he had to go into town now. He walked to the shower and turned it on. He stood under the spray for a long time, the hot steamy water felt good against his skin. It took the soreness away from his leg. As the water began to cool his fingers turned into prunes. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his body as he stepped over his clothes that were on the floor. He put on some lose pants and a shirt, grabbing his keys he headed out the door.

  It didn’t take long to get down the old road on to the main highway. With his nerves on edge and his paranoia hitting him full force. He looked out his rear view mirror and his heart dropped rapidly as soon as he seen police cars turning down the gravel road.

  “What? They couldn’t have found me that fast it’s only been a few days.? Oh my god the hospital I put that address down! That is just great? What was I thinking? See Katie you have caused all of this, I can’t even think because of you.”

  He quickly turns off the main highway on to a side road looking for somewhere to hide his car. Finally, he seen an old drive way to an abandon house. He pulls in until his car is out of sight. He sits there for a view minutes before he gets out and looks around. He sat there for it seemed hours before he heard cars fly by from the main highway. He slowly backs out and gets back on the highway. His hands were shaking so bad he could barely hold the steering wheel. Looking out of the mirror every so many miles, thinking they were right behind him. He looked up and there was a motel sign. He knew then he would have to get a motel room.


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