In Your Shadow

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In Your Shadow Page 26

by Middleton, J

“Your phone.”

  “Yes.” She reached down and picked it up and quickly putting it in her pocket.

  Pulling up right beside the door of the barn she walks in and gets some hay and throws it on the back of the small trailer she was pulling. She watched him go in and walk around his car and then he gets in the front seat and started it.

  She took a deep breath relieved that it started. Walking in behind him she looked over in the window she seen the seats were covered in blood. The color drain from her face instantly looking at such a horrifying sight. She didn’t notice it last night when she pulled him out of it. Nausea hit her hard she felt like she was going to start gaging. Taking a deep breath, she turns her head and starts walking away.

  “How is that possible? How could someone lose so much blood and still be alive? What in the world happened? What kind of trouble is he in?” All these thoughts going through her head as she starts to panic. There was something that just wasn’t right. She began to get an eerie feeling about him. Stepping a few feet back she turned and walked toward the door.

  He seen her walking off so he jumps out of the car.

  “Where are you going?”

  She stopped a few inches from the door, not being able to move with just the sound of his voice.

  “I am taking the hay to the animals.” Her voice was scratchy.

  “I will help you.” He noticed she was a little nervous around him now.

  Her face was pale after she had seen the looks of the inside of his car. Knowing that she seemed anxious to leave. He had to keep is eyes on her. Time was essential at this point. All he needed was just a few days to get things in order. He wasn’t going to let her turn him in.

  They drove to another field where her horses were. She gets out and starts throwing the hay on the ground. He watched her carefully noticing she never looked his way. Her back was turned to him and she looked like she had something in her hands. He jumps out of the seat and walks over to her and seen she had her phone.

  “Calling someone.” His voice deep and harsh.

  She jumped at the sound of his voice as her phone slipped out of her hand and hits the ground. He reaches down and picks it up.

  Her heart racing so fast she could feel every beat. Looking down at his hand as he held her phone tightly.

  “Oh no Tom I was just seeing if it worked it had been out for two days.” She said trying not to sound nervous.

  “I will check it out for you when we get back.” He gave her a slight smile, as he just stared into her eyes. He could see panic and fear written all over her now.

  He puts it in his pocket with his hand touching her back leading her back to the jeep. She was trembling so bad she could barely put it in drive.

  He looked over at her face when his phone started to vibe in his pocket. Reaching in his pocket he put the phone to his ear, nothing but silence on the other end. Finally, the voice on the other end spoke.


  His heart jumped out of his chest and started beating so fast it took his breath. He started to tremble. Shocked to even here that voice.

  “Hello” the woman voice said again.

  Now he knew for sure, it was Katie voice.

  “How did she get this number? Am I dreaming, why would she call me.”

  His mind going crazy as he held the phone to his ear. A few seconds later it went dead. He was so nervous he couldn’t focus on anything but her. Trying to hold his composer as they pulled up at her house.

  Chapter 31

  Star stormed out of the vehicle and runs in the house and slams the door and locks it. She was trembling so bad she couldn’t breathe.

  John get out of the car and starts beating on the door, he was in rage no.

  “Star open the door.” He yells.

  She runs to the other door and locks it noticing her windows was up. Frozen in fear, she jumped as the door groaned open. Tears rolled down her face as she run to her bedroom. Barely shutting the door before he started hitting the it with his fist.

  “Open the door Star, I’m not going to hurt you. Please.”

  She stood there trembling in fear with her adrenaline running though her veins like running water. She looked over at her window and it was open. She climbed out and started running around the house.

  She jumps as she heard her door hit the wall, ducking down behind her bushes. She seen his head stick out of the window.

  “Star” he yells again.

  “I will find you. Answer me know” yelling at the top of his voice.

  Tears running down her face as her knees started knocking together. She covers her mouth with her hands as she watches his head go back inside. Taking a deep breath, she was afraid to move.

  Tom knew she was going to the police, he ran out the door and got in her jeep. The keys were still in it, so he starts the vehicle and backs it up. Driving slowing around the house looking out the window.

  Chapter 32

  She seen him a few feet from her as she ducks her head even further in the brush. Watching him go back around the house. She jumps out and heads for some trees jumping over a fallen stump she ducks behind it and lays on the ground. He was still circling the house looking. Her legs were burning and she could hardly breathe. Her eyes scanned the area looking for a place to hide, this was the only place he couldn’t see. After a few deep shaking breathes, she knew she had to run as far and fast as she could. The neighbor was a mile away. If she could only get to her horse’s she could ride one across. She knew that was no use it was too opened and he would see her. She sat there for a minute before she seen him move towards the barn. She jumps up and runs through the woods. Tripping over veins and limbs that was on the ground she finally stopped and hit behind a tree. Her heart beating so loud she couldn’t hear nothing else. Breathing in and out trying to catch her breath, she could finally her jeep. It sounded like he was right behind her.

  “Oh my God he is right behind me!” she was in a state of panic.

  She wanted to turn around and look but if he seen her it was over he would catch her. She just stood there frozen to the tree not making any kind of sound. Suddenly, the woods got quiet, she couldn’t hear anything not even her vehicle. Kneeling down to the ground she puts her head down in her knees. Taking deep breaths, she tries to slow down her heart rate and her breathing. Then the vehicle started back it was closer then she thought, it sounded like it was right behind this tree. Looking around she seen him a few feet in front of her, she quickly lays down on the ground and covers herself with leaves, she knew if she moved he would see her. Her body trembling in fear, petrified. She laid there for it seemed forever before her jeep moved away. Hearing it in a distance she got up and dusted herself off. Looking around she didn’t see him so ran until she seen a break in the woods. The road was coming in view, if she could just get to the neighbor’s house she would be ok. She was only a few feet from the road about that time the jeep came flying past her. She ducks down on the ground praying he didn’t see her. His breaks lights go on and he starts to back up towards her. She runs back into the woods and jumps behind a fallen tree. Peaking around the side she seen him staring straight her way. She was staking so bad at this point she knew she was going to die. Holding her breath trying not to breath, she just sat there until she couldn’t hear anything at all. Her knees were knocking so bad she knew that he could hear them. Holding her legs with her arms, she listened for him.

  Finally, it seemed hours had passed and she heard nothing, not even animal. It was just silent. Her arms started to burn as she turned and looked at the scratches from the brushes and limbs that she had fallen on. She peeks around the corner and she didn’t see him. She jumped up and started running again this time she stayed in the woods just a few feet from the road. Her heart beating so fast she having trouble breathing. Stopping for a few minutes to catch her breath, looking around to make sure he wasn’t around. Finally, she seen her neighbor’s house came in view. Their truck was in the driveway. She was s
o excited that they were home. She looked around to see if she seen Tom, but nothing. She picks the pace running so fast her side was starting to hurt. Stopping at the door she banged on it until someone opened it.

  “Oh my dear what is wrong.” Mrs. Williams ask.

  Katie runs in her house and closed the door. Star sat down in a chair with her body trembling trying to talk but she was breathing so hard she couldn’t speak.

  “Calm down, let me call for help.”

  Mrs. Williams called the police and they were there less than ten minutes.


  John finally gives up Star was gone, she had too much of a lead. He knew that she was going for help and he had to get out of here.

  “Damn it, Katie?” he mumbles out loud.

  He got back to the barn and pulled his stuff out of the car. He knew at this point they had an I D of his vehicle so he jumps back in the jeep and makes one more run around her house before he drives off.

  Headed to the road he thought he seen something in the woods he backs up and takes a look but it wasn’t nothing but a rabbit crossing the street. He put it in forward and drives slowly ahead. He seen a house on the corner, pushing down on the gas he kept going until the woods was in his rearview mirror. He sees the highway and jumps on it.

  “Where the hell am I going to go?” he was so angry no he had nowhere and no money.

  It seemed like he drove for miles when he looked down and he seen a few dollars in her console. He pulls beside a gas station and counts it.

  “Ten dollars isn’t going to get me anywhere.”

  His brain started thinking, he had to get back to his mother’s house. She has money in her safe, and he needed to get it. Looking down at his gas gage he noticed it was all most on empty. He puts the ten dollars in gas and heads into town, he barely made it to a parking lot a few block from Daniel Enterprise and he parked. Jumping out of the car he starts to walk to her building. His side was hurting so he ducked down in an alley and sat there between two boxes and dosed off. The sound of his phone vibrating in his pocket and woke him up. He looked down at the number and it said unknown. He started no to answer it but he put it to his ear. It was silent for a few seconds before someone said hello.

  He started trembling again, it was Katie. Just hearing her voice made him want to jump and run to her. All the things she had done just didn’t matter, just her mattered. He tried to speak but words wouldn’t come out of his mouth.

  “Hello Tom.”

  He heard that soft voice again.

  “How does she know it is me? Does she want me this time? Has she come to her sense’s. What is going on?” Questions after questions went through his mind as he sat there and held it to his ear.

  “My sweet Katie, you will finely be mine.” He thought.

  Chapter 33

  When Katie reached the top of the stairs she looked back to see if John was following her. He wasn’t there, chills ran down her arm just knowing that Tom was here before. She tried to erase the thought out of her mind as she continued to walk down the hallway. Stopping right in front of Jewels’ bedroom door. She put her hand on the knob and turned it, slowly opening the door and walking in. Her heart was racing out of her chest, just the thought of being in this room made her sick. She walked over to her rollback desk in the corner of the room. Pulling out every drawer trying to find some kind of clue on what was going on. Opening the bottom drawer there was her check book. Then she seen her phone bill.

  “One of these numbers has to be him.” She folds the bill up and sticks it in her pocket. She was going to find him one way are another.

  Before she walked out of the room she decided to look in her closet. Her closet was so large it was almost the size of one of the bedrooms on this floor. Standing looking though her closet at all the clothes her father had bought Jewels’. Her rage was coming to the surface, she grabs some scissors and starts cutting them in up. Standing there looking over at her destroyed clothing all over the floor, she smiled.

  “Now it is time to destroy her hundreds of pair of shoes.” She mumbled.

  A few minutes later it was a complete disaster in her room.

  “That bitch will have to buy her own shit now.” She thought.

  After destroying everything she pulled down some shoe boxes that were on top of a large shelve. When she opened it up there was pictures of Tom before he got the surgery and after. Now she knew why she couldn’t recognize him, he was completely different. The only thing that stayed the same was his smile and eyes.

  “Now I know why he looked familiar them eyes!”

  She grabbed the picture and put it in her pocket and walked out the door. Her heart starting jumping as she heard footsteps coming down the hall. She made it to her room and shut the door behind her with her body trembling. Her head was beginning to spin, she grabbed the corner of her bed post. She jumped as she felt hands going around her waist.

  “Katie are you alright.” She heard Johns voice behind her.

  Her heart was beat so fast she could fell the thumping in her ears. She turned around quickly and put her trembling arms around him and held on until the dizziness stopped. She releases her arms and looked up in his eyes, before she could say a word his lips went down on hers. Warmth went through her body like an electric shock. This was the only place she felt safe.

  “I thought you were taking a bath.” He said with a puzzled look on his face.

  “I am” she smiled as she pulled away and walked to the bathroom and started her some water.

  She could feel his eyes own her as she turned around and seen him sitting on the bed.

  “How is your head?”

  “It is fine just a little sore.”

  “You heard the doctor say take it easy.”

  She walked over to him and sat down in his lap, and put her arms around his neck. She could feel her body come alive. He looked at her and her cheeks turned the brightest red he had ever seen. Feeling her that close to him was enough to drive him insane, but he had to control himself this time.

  “Katie you are going to be the death of me yet.” His face was barely inches from hers, he knew she had crossed the line. His mouth devoured hers that instant. He could hear her breathing get faster. She jumps up quickly forgetting about her bath water, and almost hits the floor. John grabs her before she lost her balance. He sits her on the bed and turns the water off. When he went back to the bed, she was staring at him with her passionate bedroom eyes. He walked over to her and helped her to the bathroom and watched her get in the tub of hot steamy water.

  “Join me!”

  “Oh no, you are not in the condition for that tonight, but I will take a rain check.” Just smiling at her watching her sink down in the water. Knowing just the temptation was killing him.

  He splashed some water on his face so he could calm down. He turns back around and watches her as her knee was sticking out of the water.

  She stood up letting the water drip off her naked body staring straight at him. She was so invited he almost could stand not touching her. He reaches for a towel wraps it around her body.

  His lips were so close she could feel his warm breath against her cheek. If only he would just kiss her again he wouldn’t be able to pull away. His eyes were still glued to her as she was holding the towel.

  He knew what she was doing and she wasn’t going to win tonight. She had just come home from the hospital and she needed her rest. With one swift move of his arm he picks her up and carries her to bed and lays her down. Her body melted as he pressed his lips on her forehead and kissed her softly. He stood there staring at her, wanting her, needing her, but he couldn’t not yet.

  “Coming to bed.” Her voice so seductive.

  He was trying to avoid her if she only knew how hard it was for him not to touch her. It was driving him crazy inside.

  “Yes I am as soon as I make a call.”

  He walked over to the corner of the room leaving her in shock with her heart racing an
d her body on fire. She couldn’t believe it, he turned her down.

  “When I am better just wait?” she thought.

  He turned his head looking back over at her she was fast asleep. Taking a deep breath and undressed and crawled in beside her. Pulling her close to him breathing in the scent. This was his heaven, were he wanted to stay.

  They slept later than usual this morning as he opened his eyes. She was still curled up in a ball with her back up against his chest. He couldn’t take it anymore just feeling her body next to him made his body come alive.

  His lips went to her neck, just below her hair line. Hearing her let out a sigh of pleasure from that simple touch, which awakened every part of her body. His hands moved down her body caressing every inch of her. His fingers curled around her hips. Then he turns her to him as his lips cover hers, she tastes even sweeter then she smelled. Her lips were soft and lushest. He heard a low moan, as her tongue slid into his. His mouth pulled away from her as he kissed his way down her neck. She was awake and alive. Then he put his body on hers as he pushes her into the mattress. She wanted him and now she got him, all of him. His lips covered her softly and so gentle. He deepened the kiss, he wanted more much more. He moved to her ear as he whispered.

  “I love you.”

  Her heart skipped a beat melting into him. Her legs felt like jelly and she was sure she was floating on air. Her breathing was shallow with longing.

  “I love you to.” Her lips went on his again.

  He entered her gently as she gasped for air with her heart racing, pounding right out of her chest. Her body heat was rising so high with every touch. She was so hot sweat was rolling off her forehead. John kept thrusting, as he grabbed her legs, lifting her higher. She squeezed the pillow tight with her hands as she groans. His lips moved to her neck on the spot that always made her weak. He exploded with a release so hard it consumed her whole body.

  She could feel every beat of his rapid heart as his breathing got heavy. He moved to beside her as his hot gaze stayed down on her. She could still fill him inside of her even though he wasn’t.


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