Bad Virgin

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Bad Virgin Page 3

by Kelli Callahan

  “Want one?” I pulled my cigarettes out of my purse and shook it.

  “No.” She shook her head and looked around nervously. “Actually, I don’t think I want to skip Mr. Matthews’ class—I really need to pass.”

  “Suit yourself.” I shrugged and lit the end of my cigarette.

  “I’ll see you soon.” She took off at a hurried pace back towards the building.

  Even Amy seemed to be impacted by Mr. Thorne’s new attitude. She normally wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to skip class if I suggested it. I started growing more infuriated with the whole situation as I stood behind the building alone and smoked.

  Grantham University was supposed to be a good alternative to regular school—it was supposed to be fun. I had to find a way to fix things and get the school back to the way it was. I didn’t want to spend the rest of the school year worrying about what would happen if Mr. Thorne decided to retaliate for the way I embarrassed him. I considered a repeat performance of what I did before, or something even more humiliating. Whatever it was, it had to be epic. I could be the hero that saved Grantham University.

  My thoughts consumed me as I stood there and I had the cigarette pressed between my lips when I heard a noise beside the building. I turned in the direction of the sound, thinking that Amy must have reconsidered. Instead, I saw Mr. Matthews walk around the side of the building.

  “I believe you’re supposed to be in my class.” He folded his arms and stared at me.

  “Oh?” I dropped my cigarette and pushed it into the dirt with the tip of my shoe. “I must have lost track of time.”

  “I highly doubt that.” He shook his head back and forth. “You’ve skipped more of my classes than you’ve actually attended this year.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Matthews...” I leaned forward a bit and squeezed my arms to make my breasts push against the tight shirt I was wearing. “I’ll go to class now.”

  “No, I think you should just go straight to the Principal’s office.” He ignored my flirting and motioned towards the building with his hand. “If you want to skip my class, you can sit in there until it’s over.”

  “Seriously?” I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

  “Now!” Mr. Matthews motioned towards the building again.

  I sulked as I walked past Mr. Matthews. If he was immune to my charm and wouldn’t even give my curves a second glance then Mr. Thorne had clearly become a threat. We were past the point of him just trying to impose his new attitude on the school itself; it was spreading like a wildfire burning out of control. I walked into the main office and the secretary just gave me a shake of her head as she pointed to the row of chairs.

  I could hear Mr. Thorne behind the closed door of his office and it sounded like he was giving someone the third degree. A couple of seconds later, the door opened and I saw Frank come out with his eyes pointed straight at the floor. He didn’t even look over at me as he scurried to class when his feet hit the tile floor in the hallway. Mr. Thorne walked to his door and put an arm against the frame.

  There was something different about him—something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. His shoulders were no longer in a permanent slump. He had a stance of someone with a lot of confidence. His eyes had always been hollow and tired, but they looked full of life. When his gaze turned to me, I felt a lump rising in my throat. They were intense to the point it felt like they were staring a hole straight into my soul.

  “Ms. Lewis...” He let out a sigh. “You’re next.”

  This isn’t going to end well.

  Chapter 5: Anton

  I could still taste the whiskey on my tongue when I got done destroying Frank and prepared to come face to face with the devil herself. My brother had told me all about Bethany Lewis. She was the one that pushed him over the edge. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she was sitting across from me. I had been watching her since I first arrived, just waiting for her to fuck up.

  The one thing I couldn’t avoid seeing was her beautiful curves and her drop-dead gorgeous blue eyes. She was the kind of chaos that would have gotten me in trouble when I was younger—eyes like that had held me in their grasp more than once—and with that body, it was hard not to let my eyes linger. She might have been a high school student, but she was almost nineteen and absolutely delicious. A beautiful girl her age should have already been in college, tempting some frat boy, or lining up a beta fool to support her for the rest of her life. Instead, she was born with the silver spoon shoved so far up her ass that she didn’t have to worry about anything.

  I pointed to the chair across from mine as she entered my office and took a seat. She was as arrogant as my brother described, and I could still sense it on her, even as she pretended to be remorseful with her sad stare.

  “Ms. Lewis.” I took a seat behind my desk and shook my head. “Skipping class—smoking on school grounds—why am I not surprised?”

  “I was going to go to class, I just got lost.” She tilted her head and shrugged. “The cigarettes weren’t mine, I was just holding them for a friend.”

  “You really expect me to believe any of that?” I leveled my eyes at her as I opened her file. “This isn’t the first time you’ve been in trouble for either of those things.”

  “None of that is true, Mr. Thorne. You know the teachers have it out for me.” She smirked and shrugged again.

  “Like you’ve had it out for my—me.” I almost slipped up and said my brother, but I caught myself at the last minute.

  “It was just a prank.” She looked down at the floor for a moment before her beautiful blue eyes met mine again. “You can’t seriously be upset about that.”

  “Things are changing at Grantham University, Ms. Lewis. You can either get on board with it or I’ll find a way to get rid of you for good.” I closed her file and folded my arms across my chest as I leaned back in my chair.

  “You can’t do that...” Her arrogance finally started to show. “My parents practically built the gym. They’re not going to let you throw me out.”

  “I have no problem talking with your parents about this. Perhaps we should give them a call and ask them to come join us for a longer discussion about your behavior.” I reached for the phone.

  “Wait...” Her eyes flickered with concern. “No, you don’t have to do that.”

  “You’re going to spend the afternoon in detention, Ms. Lewis. If you end up in my office again, you’ll be suspended.” I pointed to the door.

  “Fine...” She glared at me and stood. “I guess I’ll have to be on my best behavior going forward.”

  I didn’t expect Bethany Lewis to cave so easily. I thought I would be dragging her out of my office kicking and screaming before she would accept any form of punishment. It was almost too easy and that didn’t sit well with me. I let my eyes linger on the curve of her hips and her legs until she was out of sight and then pulled the bottle of whiskey from my bottom drawer. I certainly understood why the job had sent my brother to the bottle, but I just needed something to take the edge off.

  The rest of the day was uneventful. I had a few more wayward students that got sent to the office and I did some administrative work that I hardly understood. Luckily, the assistant principal was good at that stuff, so I passed a lot of it off to him. The day was almost over and I was ready to head back home. I tapped the keyboard on my computer aimlessly until I saw Mr. Matthews appear at my door.

  “Can I come in?” He looked at me nervously.

  “Sure, come on in.” I motioned to the chair.

  “Mr. Thorne, I can’t do this.” He sat down with a look of panic on his face.

  “What are you talking about?” I tilted my head in confusion.

  “Detention!” His tone got a little louder and his voice squeaked. “Not with Bethany Lewis, please!”

  “She’s just a kid, besides—you’re the one who sent her to the office.” I stared at his face and saw a bead of sweat form on his forehead.

  “Things have been be
tter lately. I don’t know what got into you, but you’ve really started to turn things around. You just don’t understand how she torments me. She makes it her mission to mess with my head...” He swallowed hard.

  “I see.” I nodded. “Okay, then I’ll handle detention today.”

  “You will?” Hope seemed to build up inside him instantly. “Thank you so much!”

  I would have preferred to go home, but if I was going to keep the respect I had started to earn with the teachers, I had to be a leader. Being a leader was what often got me into trouble, so it felt good to use my power for something positive.

  I waited until the last bell rang and instead of going home, I headed down the hallway to the room where detention was held. Bethany was expecting Mr. Matthews, who had come a long way in the week I had known him, but he was still too timid to stand up to her. I thought we were making progress when he sent her to the office after he caught her skipping his class, but it seemed we still had a ways to go before he was man enough to teach her that she was not in charge.

  I looked into the window of the door and saw that she was the only one in attendance. The first day I started handing out detention, it was a packed house, but behavior was slowly improving. I took a deep breath and pulled the door open.

  Chapter 6: Bethany

  I considered just blowing off detention, especially after I got a text message from Amy asking if I wanted to go shopping after school. They only reason I stayed was because Mr. Matthews was in charge of detention and I had a bone to pick with him. I still couldn’t believe he had stood up to me. I was going to have to turn up the heat if I expected to keep him under my spell, and I knew exactly how to do it. He had spent the whole school year struggling to keep his eyes off my panties when I spread my legs. It was time for me to let him get a view of what was underneath them. I stopped by the bathroom after my last class, stripped off my panties, and stuffed them in my purse. I took a seat at the front of the classroom and pulled my skirt far enough down my legs that everything was covered unless I let my knees separate. When I heard the door open, I turned with a smile on my face, expecting to see Mr. Matthews—instead, I saw Mr. Thorne. My eyes got wide with surprise and I felt a bit uneasy when he walked into the room.

  “Where is Mr. Matthews?” I looked up at him.

  “He couldn’t make it today, so I’ll be handling detention.” Mr. Thorne walked to the desk in front of me and took a seat.

  Shit—this is not going to go well.

  “Mr. Thorne, I need to go to the bathroom.” I rubbed my knees together, but kept them tightly closed.

  “You should have went before you came in here. You know the rules—once detention starts, you don’t leave this room until it’s over.” He glared at me.

  “Fine...” I sulked into my chair and opened my textbook.

  Mr. Thorne took off his jacket after being in the room for several minutes and I tilted my head as I saw his muscles pressed against the white shirt he was wearing underneath it. It seemed that Mr. Thorne had been hitting the gym because I had seen him without his jacket a couple of times and never noticed that he was ripped. His upper torso certainly didn’t match the flabby thighs I had seen when I pulled his pants down to his knees.

  I looked down at my book, but I couldn’t help but lift an eye every now and then to get another look at him. I had never really thought of Mr. Thorne as hot, but the way he been carrying himself since I embarrassed him was so different than what I was used to that I started to see him in a new light. He ran his fingers along the edge of his neck, tugging at his tie to loosen it a bit and I saw his biceps flex against his sleeve. He was definitely cut—there was no doubt about that. I started to understand why he was able to deal with Braden’s father so easily. I looked back down at my textbook, but the words were blurring together.

  “How long do I have to stay here?” I knew the answer, but I was bored.

  “Detention lasts for an hour.” The words sounded like they were being read off of a page and he didn’t even look up.

  “That’s so long...” I sighed and started tapping my fingers on the desk.

  “Maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to skip class.” He finally lifted his eyes from the paper and leveled them on me.

  “You wouldn’t consider letting me go early?” I was about to take a risk, but I had no real interest in staying in detention with Mr. Thorne.

  “No.” He shook his head back and forth.

  “Are you sure?” I let my knees open slightly and ran my hand down to the edge of my skirt.

  “What the...” His head tilted slightly. “Why the hell aren’t you wearing panties, Ms. Lewis?”

  “I must have lost them somewhere.” I grinned and pulled my skirt up my thigh. “You should probably let me go home early so I can look for them.”

  “So that was your plan.” He let out a sigh and stood up. “You were going to tease Mr. Matthews and make him uncomfortable so he would let you leave?”

  “Maybe...” I bit down on my lip. “Is it working?”

  “No.” He shook his head back and forth. “In fact, you just made things a lot worse for yourself.”

  “How so?” I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

  “I’m going to get my paddle.” He walked to the door and threw it open.

  “What?” My eyes opened wide as he left the classroom and started stomping down the hall towards his office.

  My heart started to race in my chest. He couldn’t be serious. I had never heard of anyone getting paddled at Grantham University—I didn’t even think it was allowed. I thought about running. I was definitely faster than him. I reached for my purse and stood, pulling my book tight against my chest. I took two steps before I saw him appear again at the end of the hall. He was walking towards me with a purpose and in his right hand was exactly what he promised he was bringing. I was mesmerized by the sight like a deer caught in the headlights. I had never been paddled before—I had never even been spanked. My parents preferred to yell at me when they even bothered to show a hint of attention.

  He entered the classroom and closed the door with his eyes locked on me. I thought I was going to melt into the floor from the intensity of his gaze. He didn’t look like he was messing around and it seemed like he was as serious as he said he was. I took a step back as he lifted the paddle and tapped it against his palm.

  “Bend over the desk.” He nodded towards the desk that he had previously been sitting behind.

  “Come on, Mr. Thorne. You can’t paddle me!” I took another step back and felt my knees shaking.

  “Yes, I can.” He took a step forward. “The rules are very clear about what I can and cannot do—trust me, I read every single one of them.”

  “Yeah, but nobody gets paddled here—that kind of stuff only happens in public school.” I tried to take another step backwards, but my knees were too shaky to move.

  “That’s the problem with this place, isn’t it? It’s full of spoiled rich kids like you that are used to just getting away with everything and never facing the consequences.” He tapped the paddle on his hand again. “You’ve gotten by with more than most people have, so I think it is only fitting that you are the first one to learn about real consequences.”

  “Surely we could work something out, I mean...” My words got trapped in my throat. “I could do extra homework, you could even suspend me!”

  “I don’t think so, Ms. Lewis.” He tapped his palm with the paddle again. “Bend over the desk—you don’t want me to have to tell you again.”

  I looked at the oak desk and then back to Mr. Thorne. He was definitely serious. He fully intended to paddle me. There was something about him that compelled me to obey him, even with the fear surging through my veins. My nerves were in turmoil and my stomach was doing flips. I was scared of being paddled. I had done so many terrible things to Mr. Thorne, but I never thought I would get my actual comeuppance. As much as I hated having to go to school, I didn’t want t
o be thrown out. My parents would certainly not forgive me for that. They definitely wouldn’t let me sit at home doing nothing if I was expelled. With my grades, I wasn’t going to get accepted into another school. Even if I got my GED, it would take a lot of donations to convince a college to let me attend. That was only if they were willing to throw more money at the wall. There was a good chance they would force me to get a job and actually earn my keep. I looked at the desk again—I didn’t see another alternative except the punishment I had earned. I forced my wobbly knees to carry me to the desk and leaned against it with both palms flat on the surface.

  “I said bend over the desk, not lean against it.” Mr. Thorne walked over. “Grab the other side with your hands.”

  “Yes sir.” I pushed my hands further across the oak, bending more with every inch. When I could touch the opposite side, my stomach was almost flat against the desk.

  “I think five is sufficient punishment for being out of dress code.” He tapped the paddle against his palm a little harder. “Since you like showing off the fact you’re not wearing any panties...”

  “What? Wait!” I looked over my shoulder as I felt his hand on my skirt.

  “I think this should help you remember to wear panties tomorrow.” He pulled my skirt up and folded it along the small of my back, leaving my ass exposed.

  “Please, Mr. Thorne—I’m sorry.” Genuine fear filled me when I felt the paddle touch my bare flesh.

  “Eyes forward.” He glared at me until I turned my head.

  “Yes sir...” The second my eyes were facing the opposite direction I saw a shadow move on the wall and then I heard a loud crack that echoed through the classroom. The sound echoed in the room for a moment before I felt the sting erupt across my ass. “Ow!”

  “It isn’t so much fun being a disrespectful little brat when there are consequences, is it?” His words were followed by the second swing of his paddle.


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