Bad Virgin

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Bad Virgin Page 7

by Kelli Callahan

  Chapter 12: Bethany

  I was sore when I woke up, my muscles protesting my first attempt at getting out of bed. My stomach was rumbling on top of that since I didn’t bother to eat the night before and I was famished. When I finally got to the bathroom, the soreness was resonating through my body. Anton had literally destroyed me and sent me a place I didn’t even think was possible. I turned on the water and stared at myself in the mirror. I didn’t look any different, despite no longer being a virgin. There was no brand on me that would tell the world my pussy had officially opened for business. I spent so much time pretending that I was taking dick on a daily basis that I doubted anyone would notice at all. The shower ran across my tired muscles and the heat started to relax them a little bit. I turned off the water and wiped my hand across the mirror, not even feeling like I had enough energy for makeup, but there was no way I was showing my face to the world without it. Anton would probably cringe in terror if he saw my visage without a layer of Maybelline.

  “Food—I definitely need food.” I finished putting on my makeup and gathered my things for school before heading down the stairs.

  “Well, good morning sunshine.” My mother arched her brow when I stepped into the kitchen. “You were out late last night. Another shopping spree with Amy?”

  “No, the credit cards are safe.” I smiled and picked up a piece of toast. “I was—catching up some stuff at school.”

  “Wow.” She blinked a couple of times in surprise. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard those words come out of your mouth. Grantham University must be doing something right.”

  “You suddenly care?” I bit down on the toast and looked at her.

  “We’ve always cared, Bethany.” She sighed and shook her head. “You’re so damn smart but you just won’t try. If we didn’t care, we wouldn’t be paying for you to go to Grantham.”

  “I thought you just liked telling people I was in college. It can’t be easy for everyone like it was for Steve.” I walked over and poured a cup of coffee as I mentioned my brother’s name.

  “Steve still had to work hard to get good grades. If you’ll just graduate high school, your father and I will figure something out for you. Is that going to happen this year, Bethany?” She sighed again. “Or are we going to be donating money to Grantham next year too?”

  “So, you don’t want me to actually go to college there, you just want me to finish high school? Why didn’t you tell me that from the start?” I sipped my coffee and blinked when the steam rushed up into my eyes.

  “I hoped you would grow up at some point.” She reached over and picked up a piece of toast. “Maybe that’s happening, finally? You’re actually putting some effort into passing?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I’m going to graduate this year.”

  “Thank goodness.” My mother exhaled a long sigh of relief. “I’m proud of you, baby.”

  Proud? Did she just say proud?

  I left home with my mind reeling with what my mother said. I was floating on a cloud after losing my virginity and after hearing her say she was proud of me, my cloud was soaring even higher. The problem was that I had technically lied to her. I wasn’t in line to graduate. I would probably pass Mr. Matthews’ class since I had flashed him my panties enough during the year, but the rest of them—they were mostly shot unless I buckled down and worked my fingers to the bone for the rest of the year. Midterms were approaching and I had hardly cracked a book. A montage erupted in my head of myself pouring over pages and furiously writing papers to get my grades in order while Eye of the Tiger roared in the background, but I knew that wasn’t me. I got things the easy way—I already had the ticket to my future in front of me and cashing it in was as simple as telling Anton exactly what I wanted—and what I would do to get it.

  “WHERE THE FUCK DID you go last night after detention? I sent you like a million text messages.” Amy walked up beside me at my locker while I prepared for my first class.

  “Oh...” I remembered seeing them—and not responding. “I forgot to charge my phone and I was so tired I just went right to bed when I got home.”

  “Seriously?” She rolled her eyes in a dramatic fashion. “You’ve been in high school way too long, Bethany. You’re already turning into an old lady who can’t stay up past nine.”

  “It was one night.” I rolled my eyes right back at her. “I do need to graduate though. The high school parties are getting lame as hell now that Frank has stopped hosting them.”

  “Mr. Thorne put the fear of damnation in him, I guess. He’s joined Braden in the defeated column. How about you—are you ready to walk the straight and narrow?”

  “Hardly.” I grinned. “I’ve got a new plan cooking.”

  “Well share the recipe, because this place is getting boring.” She followed as I started walking towards class.

  “Not yet.” I shook my head back and forth.

  Probably not ever—especially if Anton is willing to go along with it.

  I smiled at Anton when I passed him in the hall. He gave me a stoic look but his intense eyes couldn’t hide the truth. He was thinking about me just like I was thinking about him. When I smelled his cologne it instantly brought back the heat of his breath on my neck, the throbbing feeling of his cock buried inside of me, and the magic of our shared passion. I wanted to be in his arms again and I daydreamed about it as the day wore on.

  Amy could tell something was a little off, but she didn’t push for me to tell her anything new. I lied to her at the end of the day and told her that I was in trouble and had to see Mr. Thorne again. I was going to see him, but I wasn’t in trouble—I had been an angel the whole day and I couldn’t remember the last time that happened. I walked into the front office and closed the door once the secretary was gone. There were still a few teachers there and the few that got put in detention, but I wasn’t worried about them.

  “Anton...” I sang his name as I walked towards his office.

  “I wondered when you would show up. I thought I was going to have to invent a reason to call you to the office tomorrow if you ignored me all day.” He stood up from his desk and walked out to greet me. “Come here...”

  “Taking me out of sight.” I grinned and followed him around the corner where nobody could see us.

  He pulled me close and I felt his breath against my lips. The intense stare in his eyes was so distracting that my plan was almost forgotten in an instant. He tilted his head towards me and flattened my lips as he devoured them with his kiss. The fireworks went off in my head when he ran his tongue into my mouth and twisted it around mine. I tried to maintain my composure as I melted into his arms. My plan to graduate wasn’t going to work if I didn’t come up with a way to pull away from him. His hand moved along my back and started to slide under my shirt. His touch was amazing. I didn’t want him to stop and every desire inside my body was screaming for me to start taking off his clothes, pull him down into the floor between my thighs, and fuck him until we both erupted in pleasure. My pussy was wet and my panties were getting more saturated by the second. I finally found the moment of pause when he drew a breath and I was able to pull away. He looked at me in confusion as I bit down on my lip and shook my head back and forth.

  “What kind of girl do you think I am?” I took a step back from him, but he tightened his grip on my hands.

  “What do you mean? Where are you going? I’ve been thinking about you all day.” He pulled me back towards him.

  “I’m not some girl you can just have whenever you want.” I looked up into his eyes and bit down on my lip again. “I’m not looking for a boyfriend.”

  “Are you telling me that you didn’t enjoy yesterday?” He released one of my hands and put it on my thigh. “You don’t want to feel that again?”

  “How bad do you want it? What are you going to do for me?” I grinned and ran my free hand along his chest.

  “I don’t like games.” He pulled away completely and put his hands on his hips. “If you wa
nt something, just tell me what it is.”

  “You’ll give it to me?” I tilted my head and reached down to my skirt, pulling it up to expose more of my leg. “A trade?”

  “If I can give it to you, I will. I’m not going to trade something for your pussy, no matter how amazing it was. You’re not a whore.” His voice came out in a growl.

  “Fine.” I removed my hand from my skirt and let it fall back into place. “I need to graduate this year. You can make that happen, right?”

  “You can make that happen. They’re your grades, not mine.” He shook his head back and forth.

  “What good is fucking the Principal if I have to earn my grades?” I scoffed at him. “You can fix them in the computer. The teachers won’t give a shit. They’ll be happy to get rid of me.”

  “You’re fucking the Principal because you want to—because I get you so hot and bothered you can’t think of anything else.” He reached for my hand again. “You enjoyed every second of it.”

  “Then maybe I should tell a few of my friends about our tryst. I’m sure they’d love to hear the details about what we did—I bet it would get them hot and bothered, too—probably wouldn’t sit too well with their parents though when they ultimately spilled the beans.” I pulled my hand away.

  “You’re really trying to blackmail me? Wow.” He sighed and glared at me with his intense eyes flickering with anger. “Maybe I need to take you into my office and teach you a lesson with my paddle—one that ends with you masturbating in your car again instead of getting fucked.”

  “You don’t have to be a jerk about it.” I sighed angrily. “You’re not even the real Principal. Why do you care if I pass my classes or not?”

  “I came here to fix problems, not give students a free pass. If you want to graduate, you’re just going to have to earn it. If you only slept with me because you wanted to try and blackmail me, then you can fuck off.” He walked past me and slammed the door of his office before I had a chance to respond.

  I felt sadness and anger at the same time. I couldn’t believe Anton would just dismiss me like that without even considering what I asked for. He was even more complex than I realized. He had good intentions, even if he was an ex-con masquerading as his brother.

  The anger started to fade and was replaced with embarrassment. I didn’t want the man who took my virginity to hate me. I did like Anton, even if he wasn’t going to cave in to my request. I certainly didn’t want to leave things the way they were. There was no way I would actually go through with my threat—I had no desire to see him in get in trouble. I swallowed what was left of my pride and walked over to his door. I let my hand rest on the knob for a moment before I finally turned it and walked into his office. He looked up at me with a glare on his face and no emotion behind his stare.

  “I’m sorry...” I sat down in the chair across from him. “I crossed the line.”

  “You’re fucking right you did.” He kept his eyes locked on me. “Yesterday meant something to me and I thought it meant something to you too.”

  “It did. I promise you it did.” I sighed heavily. “I just saw opportunity and tried to take it.”

  “I thought you didn’t give a shit about school?” He eyed me suspiciously.

  “I normally don’t. I was just talking to my mother this morning and graduation came up. Like I said, I saw an opportunity and tried to take it.” I left out most of the details, but told him enough to hopefully help him understand.

  “I’m not someone you fuck around with like that.” He shook his head but his anger started to fade.

  “I know—it was a mistake.” I looked down at his desk and then back up to him. “I guess I have to be punished.”

  “I think that would be appropriate—get over here.” He motioned to me with his hand.

  “Yes, sir.” I smiled and stood, walking around his desk.

  “I think you need this beautiful ass of yours blistered red.” He pulled me across his knee and flipped my skirt up to expose my panties.

  “Do I get a reward after you’re done?” I reached underneath my abdomen and ran my fingers across his cock.

  “A reward?” He yanked my panties down to my knees. “When I’m done spanking your ass, I’m going to fuck it. You don’t deserve to cum after threatening me.”

  His hand came crashing down on my exposed ass an instant after the words left his lips and I yelped from the sting. It caught me off guard, but before I could really process what happened, his hand came down again in the exact same spot making the sting even more intense. There was little hesitation between the smacks and no time to prepare for the next one. He bounced from one side of my ass to the other so fast that the impact barely settled before I was feeling the stinging smack of another handprint being left on my tender flesh. It was clear that he was mad at me for threatening him and the spanking was meant to be punishment. I started to squirm as he continued spanking me, feeling the sting erupt into a flurry of agony underneath his palm. The paddle hurt and it left a mark, but the constant fury of his hand was like being set on fire and having the fire set ablaze again and again each time he delivered another smack.

  “I’m sorry! Ow!” I squealed and squirmed, kicking my legs as I tried to remain in position for my punishment.

  “You should be sorry.” His hand came down again. “You almost ruined something beautiful—something I never want to forget.”

  “It meant a lot to me too!” My whimpers got louder.

  “Then you should act like it.” He accentuated his point with a hard smack in the center of my ass.

  The spanking definitely wasn’t over. He shifted me on his knee and continued to bring down the constant flurry of pain on my unprotected ass. I deserved to be punished. I deserved to be over his knee even more than I deserved the first sting of the paddle. I wanted the man that had such a tender touch when he was with me the night before, even if his passion was rough. I had jeopardized the best thing that ever happened to me and if I had to pay the price with a blistered ass, then I was willing to do it. Even with the agony spread across both sides of my ass, it was still making me wet. The intense desire between my legs was mixing with the pain as each smack vibrated into my pelvis and teased me. I started squirming more out of lust than discomfort, grinding myself against his leg as he continued to spank me. Each time I got into a position where I could rub my clitoris against him, he hoisted me back and stripped the feeling away.

  “Please...” I begged as I tried to shift my hips again.

  “I don’t care if this turning you on or not, you are getting punished, not rewarded.” He grabbed my arm and folded it against the small of my back.

  He tilted me over the edge of his knee so that I could no longer move my hips against him at all. His tight grip on my arm held me there with my nose only inches from the floor as I lay across his powerful thigh. My ass was completely at his mercy and no matter how much I tried to actually move, I was stuck in his grasp until he was done spanking me. Without the surge of pleasure I was creating with my motions, the spanking got even more agonizing. The sting overpowered the pleasure that the vibrations brought and I started to feel tears welling up in my eyes from the torment of being punished. He kept me in that position for several minutes, raining down the furiousness of my attempt at betrayal on my exposed ass before his hand finally started to slow down. I felt like I had been broken—no longer a stupid teenager with blackmail on my mind—but a woman that had paid the ultimate price for forgiveness.

  “I’m really sorry. I promise I won’t ever try something like that again.” I whimpered my apology while a tear ran from each eye and my lips quivered.

  “There’s not a lot of forgiveness in me. I can accept that this was a mistake you paid for, but if it happens again, I’ll lock my door when I slam it in your face.” He pulled me back up so that I was laying across both of his thighs.

  “It won’t happen again, I promise.” I looked over my shoulder and showed him the sorrow on my face.<
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  “Come here.” He scooped me in his arms and pull me tight against his chest. “I’m growing very fond of you, Bethany. Please don’t make me regret that.”

  “I won’t—never again.” I pushed my face into his shoulder and felt a few more tears start to roll from my eyes, soaking into his shirt.

  It was the truth. I had seen the error of my ways and the horrors of my mistake. I cared about Anton a whole lot more than I should have considering we had only known each other a short time. The feeling that coursed through me when he slammed his door was one I didn’t want to feel again. The emptiness wasn’t something I could fill up with someone else. His hands that had been as hard as his paddle when he used them to punish me turned to velvet as he stroked my hair and squeezed me tight. My punishment wasn’t completely over. There was still more that he intended to do to me and I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it or not. The thought of having his cock inside of me made me tingle with desire, but I had never really considered anal sex. He held me until my emotions were spent and then he lowered me to the floor until my feet were touching the tile. He pushed me face first onto the desk and his hands grasped my punished ass, which burned underneath his touch.

  “This is going to be even tighter than your pussy.” I felt his breath on my anus and then his tongue flicked against it.

  His tongue moved in a circle around my tight, untouched hole. I wasn’t sure what to make of the sensation at first, but after a few seconds it started to send tingles of pleasure through my body. The nerves were stimulated and brought to life as his tongue continued to saturate my asshole with his saliva. I wasn’t sure it was going to be punishment after all. I moaned and gripped the desk when his fingers slid between my thighs. One of them pressed against my pussy and went into it, twisting and turning with several thrusts. I thought he was going to give me the pleasure I craved, but then I felt the finger being removed and dragged along the skin between my pussy and anus. The saturated finger was plunged into my anus, penetrating me quickly. The lubrication from my lust let it go into me fast and it hurt when the hole was stretched. He drove it into me several times before licking around the circumference again while it was buried inside my anus. He started pumping his finger, pulling it out and shoving it in over and over while the feeling brought sensations I had never felt before.


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