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Bad Virgin

Page 17

by Kelli Callahan

  Should I really be going with him to a cabin in the woods—alone?

  For all I knew, I was on my way to be raped, murdered, and possibly even eaten. I looked over at him and tried to determine if he looked like the kind of man that would eat people. He looked like a mountain man, the kind of man you would expect to live in a cabin, but he was clean for the most part. His dark brown hair was a little long, but it was trimmed. His beard was thick, but it was groomed around the edges and not totally out of control. He looked over at me with a peculiar arch in his brow and I looked away quickly.

  I really hope he can’t read my mind—that isn’t possible, right?

  No, he didn’t look like a murderer, but what did one look like anyway? It wasn’t like I had researched them or studied them. The truck rolled through the snow, climbing the incline in the mountains easily, and then the headlights illuminated a moderate sized log cabin. It was quaint, but it was a lot better than my car.

  “We’re here.” He said as he put the truck in park. “I’ll help you down.”

  He pushed on his door and found it frozen shut, so he gave it a hard nudge with his shoulder which quickly dislodged the ice and allowed him to exit the truck. It was a rather large four-wheel drive pickup, so I was happy I didn’t have to get out of it on my own considering I still felt a little weak. He walked around the truck and pulled my door open easily, swinging it wide like it was nothing even as the ice cracked and fell against the ground when he broke the seal that had formed while he drove.

  Wow, very strong.

  I handed him my bag and then braced myself on the edge as I tried to step out. He took my hand and tried to guide me down the side to the running board, but I felt my feet give way. They were still cold, even with the time I spent in the heat. I went tumbling towards him and grimaced at the thought of hitting the cold ground below, but instead I felt straight into his arms.

  Very, very strong—and great reflexes.

  He caught me easily, one hand around the back of my neck and one hand firmly on my bottom. I looked in his eyes in shock and he laughed with a shake of his head. He sat me down on my feet and picked my bag up off the ground.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry, I am a little out of it.” I held my hand to my head for a moment.

  “No problem. Can you walk to the cabin?” He kept his grip on my arm.

  “Yeah, I think I’m fine.” I nodded.

  I followed him towards the door and he opened it, which cause a wave of heat to rush out towards me. The walk from the truck to the cabin was already giving me chills again, so I was happy to find a fire roaring inside. I walked to it immediately and held my hands out. He walked behind me and put his fingers on my coat. I let him take it from my shoulders and I rubbed my arms, trying to force the chill away.

  Murders aren’t chivalrous—I don’t think.

  “First things first, let’s use the radio and let everyone know you’re okay. There could still be some people out there searching for you and it would be nice if they could go home to their families.” He motioned me over to an old desk that had a rather ancient looking radio.

  “Good idea, thanks.” I walked over.

  I didn’t understand half of the lingo he used, but a few minutes later he had someone on the radio who said they had been in communication with my family and friends. I let them know I was safe and Shane gave them my location. They suggested I stay where I was since I was safe, at least until the storm was over. The roads had been closed and travel wasn’t recommended at all.

  I could only imagine how worried everyone was. It made me feel sick to my stomach thinking about the repercussions of that wrong turn. The radio went quiet and I walked back to the fire. I was feeling a little better overall, but my toes ached and my joints were still a little sore from the cold. My ears were ringing as well.

  I felt like I should be tired, but I just didn’t have the energy for sleep—it was a strange feeling. I sat down in the chair and started removing my shoes. They were not made for walking in the snow, and my heavier bag with actual winter wear was in the trunk. Shane poured both of us a glass of what smelled like whiskey when he handed one of them to me.

  “You should probably drink this.” He motioned to the glass.

  “Thank you.” I smiled and sipped it.

  It was rough on my throat, but it felt good once it was in my stomach. I was never one to do shots or drink hard liquor but I appreciated the way it started to dispel the chill from the inside out. It was definitely stronger than the wine I had tried to use to keep me warm.

  Chapter 4: Shane

  I love snowstorms—snowstorms are amazing.

  The blonde goddess was sitting in my cabin. She was sitting in the same damn chair I sat in hours before when I fantasized about her. Her body, even hidden behind her clothes, was so much better than my imagination.

  Fuck me, she’s a damn angel.

  I could tell she was younger than I imagined. I thought twenties when I saw her on the road, but she clearly hadn’t made it there yet. My fantasy didn’t do her justice and as I stared at her, I couldn’t help but want the reality that lingered in my thoughts when I envisioned her earlier in the evening. If my predictions were correct, we would have a few days before travel was recommended.

  I don’t even need that long.

  There would be plenty of time for the things I wanted to do to her. I risked my own life to track her down and save her. She was alive because of me and that was going to require a little bit of payment. I was sure with her beauty, she was used to guys like me who wanted a little bit from her when they saw how gorgeous she was. It was probably the time I had spent alone without a woman’s touch, but there was something primal inside of me that was trying to get out. It was a piece of myself I had forgotten while I lived off the land and took care of my own needs.

  Calm. Stay calm.

  She had already finished her first drink and I certainly needed another so I took her glass and walked over to the bottle of whiskey. It was a damn good thing I decided to stock up. I poured two more generous glasses of whiskey and handed one to her. As I did, I realized her feet were practically frozen. They weren’t frostbitten but they were damn close.

  “You need to soak in a warm bath.” I said as I looked at them.

  “Is that safe? I read somewhere that it wasn’t a good idea after nearly freezing to death.” She looked up at me with her innocent eyes blinking, resonating with concern.

  “You weren’t that far gone.” I put my hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

  “It sure felt like it...” She held up her hands and compared them to her feet.

  “Luckily, you were in your car, so that helped. The wind and the snow would have done the job a lot quicker if you weren’t. The heater in the truck and the fire has done most of the work, but a bath will make you feel a lot better.” I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. “We should check you for frostbite though, just to be sure.”

  You’ve got a lot of places I want to check.

  “They look okay.” She walked into the bathroom and put her foot on the edge of the tub. “But my toes are still cold.”

  “Well frostbite can get you anywhere, so we’ll need to check more than just your toes.” I tried to suppress a smile, but I saw a slight grin forming on her concerned face.

  “Oh.” She looked over at me and her eyes got wide. “You mean?”

  “A full body examination. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.” I suppressed a laugh, only allowing a slight chuckle.

  “Um...” She furrowed her brow and looked at the water.

  “Come on, strip down before the water gets cold.” My words had a bit more bite than before.

  “You better not be lying to me.” She started removing her shirt.

  Why would I lie? Who would lie to see your gorgeous tits?

  “I’m not.” A huge grin spread across my face while her shirt was covering her eyes, but it retreated to the serious stare when she cou
ld see me again.

  “This doesn’t look very good.” I reached over and touched her shoulder, which was red and starting to bruise. “Did I do that pulling you out of the car?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I banged it on the door when I tried to force it open.”

  “The skin isn’t broken, so it should heal without any issues.” I looked at her other shoulder, tilted her chin to look under her neck and then examined the rest of her upper torso except for her breasts, which were still covered by her bra.

  “Anything?” She asked.

  “Everything looks good so far.” I replied. “Let me help you with this.” I took her bra clasp between my fingers.

  I bet they’re beautiful.

  “Can nipples really get frostbitten?” She held her hands over her breasts as I unsnapped it.

  “Yes, they can.” I nodded with confidence. “Let’s have a look.”

  She didn’t say a word as the bra fell loose. I turned her back around and lifted it so it wouldn’t touch the injured area on her shoulder, dropping the strap on her arm. I pulled her hands down and let the bra fall to the floor, exposing her breasts.

  They were perfectly rounded with small circular areolas. They still had the firmness of youth and they were voluptuous. I was seeing them at their best. I couldn’t help but stare for a moment as I let the image sear into my mind.

  I won’t have to imagine those again—that’s a permanent memory.

  I knelt and pretended to examine the area underneath them, while keeping both eyes firmly entrenched on the splendid sight. If I hadn’t taken time to pleasure myself earlier in the evening, I would have been rock hard seeing them so close. When I felt like I couldn’t stare any longer without causing her to get uncomfortable, I stood up and gave her a nod that everything was okay.

  She had a rosy tint to her cheeks and they were flushed with a little bit of embarrassment. I got the feeling she had never been examined like that before. She reached down to her jeans and unfastened them. My heart was pounding with excitement when I got a glimpse of her neon pink panties peeking over the top of the denim.

  “Pretty sure I’m safe down here.” She pushed her jeans to the floor and stepped out of them.

  “Put your foot on the edge of the tub.” I motioned towards the edge of the ceramic.

  Let me see that gorgeous pussy—I’m ready to add that to my permanent memories as well.

  “Okay.” She perched on her right foot and I took a moment to examine her long slender leg.

  “Looks good.” Now the other one. She swapped over to the other leg and I gave it the same treatment.

  “Am I in the clear?” She asked.


  “We’ve got a couple more places to check.” I motioned to her panties.

  “I think everything beneath them is perfectly fine. I’ll check it myself while I’m in the water.” She raised her eyebrows in concern.

  Nope, not interested in taking no for an answer.

  “Heather, let me make sure you’re safe.” I reiterated in a rather commanding tone that caused her to snap to attention and swallow a lump in her throat.

  “Fine...” She reached into the waistband of her panties and pushed them down. “Just a quick look though...”

  That’s really all I need, blonde goddess.

  “The front looks okay, both hands on the tub and I’ll check the rest.” I walked behind her.

  “Seriously, it’s okay.” She placed her hands on the tub, bending over. “I really don’t think my butt got frostbite.”

  “If you were going to get it, that would be the best place for it.” I leaned over and admired the curves that formed a heart-shaped aura around her lower abdomen.

  “Why is that?” She asked.

  Of course she fell for that line.

  “Because it is the easiest spot to warm up.” I gave her a firm smack in the center of her ass.

  “Hey!” She said with in a startled tone. “That wasn’t very professional.”

  “Just checking to make sure you still had feeling back here.” I suppressed a laugh as I stood up.

  “I definitely have feeling back there.” She muttered as she stood back up.

  “Hold on...” I took her right leg in my hand. “There’s something...Oh.”

  I would recognize the sight of a woman’s orgasm anywhere, especially when it’s all over the outside of her pussy and dried up in the crevice of her thighs.

  “What?” She stood up and looked at me with a confused stare.

  “I see you found a way to pass the time while you were waiting on a rescue.” I winked at her.

  “Oh my God!” She took a step back and then climbed into the tub. “That’s beyond embarrassing.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed. That is what I’d do as well if I thought I was going to freeze to death.” I gave her another wink and walked back towards the living room.

  That was surely unexpected.

  Heather gave into the examination easily, so I felt like the odds of getting her into my bed before the storm was over were in my favor. While she was soaking and cleaning herself, I sat down in my chair and picked up my drink. The chair had a very strategic location I had never really realized until that moment.


  The mirror in the bathroom reflected the tub and the mirror reflected off the window. I could watch her bathe without her having any idea. My cock started to swell up in my pants, lusting for the beautiful blonde goddess that was there in the flesh. We had no future and frankly, I didn’t want a future with her, I just wanted to fuck her.

  I’m so going to fuck you.

  She was the hottest piece of ass I had seen in six years and the fact she was deposited in my lap—figuratively and soon to be literally—was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. She soaked for nearly forty-five minutes before finally draining the water and standing up.

  I watched as the towel glided across her smooth skin and then rubbed the water out of her hair. I had a chuckle when she tied it around her breasts to reenter the living room. She had nothing to hide at that point.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” She picked up her bag and walked around the corner to the bedroom.

  “Take your time.” I nodded and smirked.

  She shuffled through her bag and then I heard a hairdryer, followed by silence. I was disappointed I couldn’t watch the process, but I decided to just bide my time with my drink and the thoughts I had already turned into permanent memories I would remember long after she was gone.

  When she was done, she walked around the corner looking like the same goddess I had seen earlier that day. A fresh pair of yoga pants formed a perfect seal around her ass and the t-shirt she chose to wear was tight on her stomach. The University of Tennessee logo was stretched across her breasts and I couldn’t help but laugh at the word Volunteers along the bottom—I certainly had a lot of wonderful, dirty things she could volunteer to do.

  She entered the room and picked up her cell phone, staring at the screen. I watched as she walked to the wall and pressed her charger into the outlet, letting it remain on the table to charge. It wasn’t going to matter much if she did get it charged because the spotty service wasn’t going to let her send or receive calls. She finally got her necessities tended to and walked over to the chair across from me, taking a seat.

  She immediately picked up the glass of whiskey and swallowed an impressive gulp. There was color in her skin again and she didn’t seem to have any hint of the time she spent in the cold except for a few light red spots around her feet.

  “Are you feeling better?” I lifted my glass and stared at her.

  “Much better, thank you.” She nodded. “I really do appreciate you saving me and—just everything you’re doing for me.”

  “Are you hungry?” I looked over at the clock on the wall. “It’s technically morning now.”

  “I’m okay for now. I don’t think I’m quite ready for food. Did you even sleep?” She followed m
y eyes to the clock.

  “No, not really.” I answered honestly.

  “I’m feeling pretty worn out.” She sighed and stared at the floor. “Do you have a couch I could crash on hidden anywhere?”

  “Don’t be silly, you can sleep in my bed.” I pointed towards the bedroom.

  “I’m your guest, I can’t make you sleep on the couch.” She yawned.

  “I don’t have a couch, but it is a king-sized bed. You stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine.” I shrugged with a smirk on my face.

  “Well you’ve seen me naked, so I guess it’s okay to sleep with you.” Her words lingered there for a moment. “In the same bed.”

  Right. Nice play. I should have come up with that.

  “I’ll be in there in a minute. The right side is mine.” I stood up and gathered our glasses.

  I cleaned up the living room as she walked into the bedroom. I wasn’t going to push for what I wanted so soon after what she had been through, especially after I plied her with alcohol, but there would be plenty of time when she had some sleep to refresh her beautiful eyes.

  My possessive nature was already starting to really kick in. I hadn’t felt that way about any other woman except the one I married. The hardest part would be just letting her get back in that red sedan and drive away once the storm passed. I hoped the lust and desire I was feeling would pass once I was able to finally fuck her. I really didn’t want to get involved with anyone, I just needed to get my dick wet.

  I finished cleaning up enough for it to be presentable again and walked into the bedroom. She was already in bed with the covers pulled up tight, but her eyes were open. I pulled off my shirt and tossed it in the hamper. I could see a bit of interest in her sparkling green orbs when she saw it come off.

  That’s right baby. You’ve never seen a man like me.

  I removed my pants and stood there in my boxers, turning away to put them in the hamper with my shirt. She didn’t take her eyes off me as I walked around the bed and pulled back my side of the covers. I stretched once to let her see the outline of my cock against my boxers before I put a knee on the bed. If she wanted to stare, I’d give her something to look at.


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