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Hero Page 12

by Julia Sykes

  “Better?” I asked, my voice coming out low and rough.

  She nodded mutely.

  I pressed a tender kiss against them. Before I could pull away, she tentatively traced my lips, her soft fingertips lighting up my nerve endings. Her chocolate eyes were riveted on my mouth.

  I reached for her, caressing the delicate line of her jaw. She leaned into my touch, and I slid my hand into her hair, the dark, silken strands spilling over my fingers. I curved my hand around the back of her head, pulling her closer.

  Her hand dropped from my lips to press against my chest. But she wasn’t pushing me away. She explored, her slim fingers tracing the lines of my muscles through my shirt.

  I closed the short distance between us with a hungry growl, my lips crushing down on hers. The heat that had been building between us ever since we met ignited, exploding through my veins and sending white-hot lust shooting throughout my entire body. My cock was suddenly rock hard, aching to get inside her after being denied too many times.

  She moaned into my mouth, and I took advantage of her parted lips. My tongue surged in to devour her. She kissed me with equal fervor, her lips shaping to mine as my tongue tangled with hers. Her fingers curled into my shirt, her fingernails raking across my chest. My hand firmed at the back of her head, fisting in her hair as I tipped her face back so I could plunder her mouth more thoroughly. Her touch shifted to the nape of my neck, her nails pressing into my skin as she pulled me closer, urging me to claim her.

  I groaned against her, needing more, craving to take and tame the fiery woman who so enflamed me. Keeping my grip on her hair, I tugged her down to the mattress. I followed, not breaking our sensual contact as I settled my body over hers.

  My hard cock pressed into her thigh. She gasped and turned her face away, tearing her way free from the kiss.

  “Don’t,” she whispered.

  I cupped her cheek, redirecting her face to mine. “I’m not going to hurt you,” I promised, my voice rumbling with lust. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. You don’t have to be scared of my cock. I don’t want you to be scared.”

  “I…” she swallowed. “I haven’t touched anyone since… It’s been a long time.”

  I knew what she couldn’t say: she hadn’t been with a man since she’d been violated. By her ex-husband.

  The knowledge sent primal rage searing through me.

  Her fingertips touched my jaw, calling me back to her before my anger could fully take hold of my mind.

  “It’s okay,” she said softly. “I don’t want to think about that. I want to be here. With you.” Her hand snaked between us, and she boldly caressed the length of my cock through my jeans.

  “You don’t have to do this,” I struggled to control myself. All my instincts told me to rock my hips into her, to grind my dick against her pussy to get her as hot for me as I was for her.

  “I think I want to,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper. “I think I want to touch you.”

  “You think. You aren’t certain,” I countered. “I won’t push you into anything.”

  Her chin lifted. “All right, then. I know I want to.” She rubbed me again, and I bit back a groan. “You don’t have any STDs, do you? Sorry if I’m ruining the moment, but I need to be sure.”

  “I’m clean,” I promised. “And you’re not ruining the moment. That’s not possible.”

  She smiled, and her small hands found the button on my jeans, unfastening it before pulling down my zipper. She moved quickly, eagerly, reaching into my boxers to draw me out. I hissed at the first tentative touch of her fingertips across my bare flesh. Emboldened, her hand fisted around me, and she stroked.

  “Fuck, Chloe,” I ground out her name. The light contact that would usually do very little for me now sent sparks of desire shooting from the base of my spine to my head. My balls tightened, and my dick throbbed.

  “I want to see you,” she said huskily.

  More than happy to oblige, I rolled off her and rested my back against the headboard, sitting up so I could watch her explore me. Her mouth popped open as her eyes fastened on my cock.

  “You’re so big,” she said softly, as though she barely realized she spoke aloud.

  My dick jutted toward her, craving more. “I’m not going to do anything you don’t want,” I reiterated. “We can stop whenever you want.” I said the last tightly, forcing it out. I didn’t want her to stop. I wanted to hold her down while I fucked her hard.

  But that wasn’t what she needed. My dominant instincts might usually tell me to claim and conquer, but right now my responsibility was her comfort. I needed to make her feel safe. I would exercise my control over myself rather than dominating her body.

  “I don’t want to stop,” she said breathily, still staring at me. She licked her lips, her eyes clouding with lustful hunger.

  Bracing her hands on either side of my hips, she slowly leaned down toward me. Her long hair touched my skin, the soft silk further stimulating me. It took all my determination to stop myself from rocking upward and pushing myself into her mouth. I gritted my teeth, waiting for her to be ready.

  She glanced up, and her dark eyes locked on mine as her tongue flicked out to taste the drop of pre-cum that had beaded at my cockhead.

  “Chloe,” I groaned her name again. But while my need tormented me, satisfaction settled in my chest. She’d gone a long time without touching a man, and she was choosing me, trusting me.

  Her lips curved in a saucy smile just before she parted them to take me inside her mouth. She sucked on my cockhead, swirling her tongue around it.

  “Fuck!” My fingers threaded into her hair at either side of her head, and I only barely stopped myself from pulling her down onto me. She stilled.

  “I’m not going to force you,” I ground out. “But don’t tease me. If you’re going to take me, take all of me. Can you do that?”

  Instead of giving a verbal answer, she slid down, her mouth slowly engulfing my dick until I hit the back of her throat. Her hand found the few inches of my shaft that wouldn’t fit inside. She stroked upward at the same time as she lifted her head, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked me all the way up to my cockhead. The flat of her tongue pressed firmly against the underside of my dick, further stimulating me.

  “Good girl.” I massaged her scalp with my fingers rather than using my grip on her hair to fuck her mouth. That wasn’t what she needed right now; she needed encouragement and praise.

  She responded by moaning around me as lust claimed her as well. The sound vibrated through my dick, making my balls draw tight. I sucked in a deep breath. I didn’t want to come yet. After being denied sexual gratification with Chloe during our hot scenes, it was going to take all my willpower to prevent myself from reaching orgasm within the first few minutes.

  Then she began taking me in earnest, her mouth sliding over me while her hand worked the rest of my shaft. I watched her, savoring the sight of her lustful abandon as she sucked me. She was confident, beautiful. There was no fear in her eyes as she held my gaze, studying me every bit as hungrily as I studied her.

  The pleasure built to a peak, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I came with a rough shout, my cum lashing into her hot mouth. My pleasure increased when she eagerly swallowed it down, sucking me clean. As I softened, she released me, but she pressed a tender kiss against my cockhead before pulling away with a smile.

  “Come here, princess,” I urged her to settle her body over mine, tucking her face against my neck. I kissed the top of her head and stroked my hand up and down her back, communicating how pleased I was with her. “I’m very proud of you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you for not pushing me.”

  I curled my fingers beneath her chin, lifting her face to mine. “I would never force you. I’m glad you trusted me.”

  She grinned. “Me too.”

  Her stomach rumbled loudly, and she giggled, blushing. “Um, can I have some of that pizza

  I brushed a kiss across her forehead. “You can have anything you want, princess.”



  “You look happy,” Sharon commented as I stepped out of the elevator into the FBI field office.

  “I am,” I said cheerily. I still felt high after my night with Dex. I’d touched his cock, and it hadn’t been scary at all. It was as though a weight had been lifted my shoulders. Some of the darkness that had plagued me for three years had been purged.

  He hadn’t pressured me to have sex. He’d allowed me to go at my own pace, encouraging and praising me, making me feel strong and beautiful.

  And after we finished, he’d been content to share pizza and talk about my ideas for my next novel. He’d stayed until two in the morning, listening intently and offering insight into BDSM when I had questions. Despite the late night, I didn’t feel remotely tired. I was too excited. Today, I’d get to continue my research on the Latin Kings. And I’d get to see Dex.

  “I want whatever you put in your coffee this morning,” Sharon commented. “You look far too bubbly for eight AM.”

  “You’re not a morning person?” I asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that. But I don’t look ready to run a marathon when I get to the office this early.”

  “I’m just looking forward to getting more research in,” I said, not willing to tell her what I’d done with Dex last night. Sharon might know that we’d had scenes at Decadence, but what we’d shared in my hotel room was far more intimate. And—to my surprise—that intimacy didn’t scare me. It should, but I didn’t feel a shred of regret over what we’d done.

  “You’re already here. Good.” I turned to find Dex grinning at me. I returned his smile, my own wide and slightly silly.

  “Hi,” I greeted him brightly.

  “Right,” Sharon said drily. “You’re excited about your research. I’ll leave you to it.”

  She walked away, but I didn’t watch her go. I couldn’t stop looking into Dex’s sparkling blue eyes. My lips tingled with the memory of his kiss. For a moment, I thought he was going to lean down and take my mouth again.

  “Scott,” Kennedy barked, severing the connection between us. “Stop mooning over Miss Martin and get to work.”

  I looked at the carpet, blushing.

  “Javier called in,” Kennedy continued. “You need to go out and meet him.”

  My head snapped up, my attention captured. I hadn’t gotten the chance to interview Javier Santiago yet, but I was dying to ask him an entire notebook’s worth of questions.

  “Javier’s in the field?” Dex asked, puzzled.

  I recalled what Kennedy had said about promising Javier’s wife that he would keep him out of the field. And from what Sharon had told me about his time undercover with the Latin Kings, he’d more than put in his time risking his neck.

  “He is,” Kennedy confirmed. “He’s meeting with a contact he had while undercover. A Ms. Ana Lucia Ramirez. Her husband was arrested a few years ago, but she called this morning and said his cousin, Manny Hernandez, has come in from Chicago. She thinks he’s trying to get a foothold for the Kings in New York again. You will go take her statement. Javier’s there because she knows and trusts him, but I want you to take over so he can return to his desk. His my best analyst, and I want him here.”

  “I’m on it, boss,” Dex said, all business. He turned and pressed the button to call the elevator.

  I stepped through the silver doors as soon as they opened. He frowned at me.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as we began to descend.

  “We’re not going to the safest neighborhood. I don’t like the idea of you being there.”

  I planted a hand on my hip. “You agreed to let me shadow you, so I’m coming.”

  He sighed. “I was ordered to let you shadow me. If it were up to me, you’d conduct your interviews in the safety of the office.”

  “Well, good thing it’s not up to you,” I declared. “I want to know more about what your day is like, what it’s like being an agent. That’s just as important as my interviews. Besides, this is the first case that’s been directly connected to the Latin Kings since I got to New York. I’m not going to miss out on the action.”

  He shook his head as we stepped out of the elevator and crossed the garage to his sedan. “There won’t be any action. I’m taking Ms. Ramirez’s statement, that’s all.”

  “Then there’s no reason for you to worry,” I said definitively.

  “I still don’t like it,” he grumbled as he opened the passenger door for me.

  Deciding not to comment further, I slid into the seat and retrieved my notepad from my bag. Dex got in the driver’s side, eyeing my pen.

  “Do you have a problem with me taking notes?” I asked, a hint of a challenge in my words.

  “I guess not. I just don’t like the feeling that I’m being studied. I’m not some interesting specimen or something. I’m a person.”

  “Of course you’re a person.” My eyes roved over his body.

  But you’re definitely an interesting specimen. I decided to keep that quip to myself.

  “But if it makes you uncomfortable, I’ll write my thoughts down later.” I moved to return my notebook to my purse.

  “You don’t have to do that. I know how important your work is. Do what you need to do.”

  My heart warmed.

  “I know how important your work is.” He didn’t qualify it with a “to you.” He didn’t think it was some silly exercise I indulged in. He really did respect my careers, both my journalism and my fiction.

  “Thanks,” I smiled, uncapping my pen. “So, what can you tell me about Javier? Sharon said he was undercover with the Latin Kings and helped the FBI take them down.”

  Dex nodded. “He was in deep cover for nearly three years. He’s the reason we were able to decimate the Kings in New York.”

  “That must have been a difficult assignment.”

  “I’m sure it was. But it was before my time here. I was in Chicago back then. You’d have to talk to Javi if you want details.”

  Oh, I definitely wanted details.

  “I will,” I declared. “Sharon said he’s married to Derek’s sister, Charlotte. She said Derek’s father sold her to the Kings as leverage and Javier protected her.”

  “That’s the story.”

  He wasn’t being very forthcoming. “But how did they end up getting married? Did Charlotte know he was FBI? Or did she fall for him when she thought he was with the Kings?”

  “You’ll have to ask Javier. It’s not my place to say what happened between them. They’re very happy now. That’s what matters.”

  I huffed out an exasperated breath. “Can’t you tell me anything about them? It would help me know what questions to ask.”

  He glanced over at me. “I’m not trying to be unhelpful, but Javier’s my friend, and I won’t go around sharing his business. That’s something Smith would do, not me.”

  I chewed my pen cap, thinking. If Dex wouldn’t give me the details, I’d have to come up with my questions on my own. And I already had plenty of them. I started scribbling them down, prepping for the interview.

  “Okay,” Dex cut through my concentration a while later. I looked around and realized he’d parked the car in front of an aged brick townhouse. The stoop was narrow, the black paint on the door peeling.

  “I’m going in,” he said. “Stay here. And when I say here, I mean in the car. Don’t go wandering off. If you see something interesting, write it down. You can ask me about it when I get back.”

  He started to open his door.

  “Wait a minute!” I exclaimed. “I’m coming in with you. I want to talk to Javier.”

  “Now isn’t the time for an interview,” he said calmly. “I’m here to take Ana Lucia’s statement.”

  “I know. And I want to be there to hear it.”

  “I can’t let you come in with me. She’s scared. It’ll be difficult eno
ugh getting her to open up to me with Javi’s help. I can’t take in a stranger. Not this time.”

  “This is the first case connected to the Latin Kings since I came to New York. I’m not missing out.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re going to stay in the car, and that’s final.”

  “I came here for my story,” I insisted. “I’m not going to just sit here like a good girl and wait for you to come back.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, princess.”

  He opened his glove compartment and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Before I could process what was happening, he grabbed my right hand and clicked the cool metal closed around my wrist.

  “What are you doing?” I exclaimed.

  “Making sure you follow my orders.”

  He secured the other cuff around the handle above the door. I tugged against the restraint, accomplishing nothing.

  “Don’t struggle. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  I glowered at him. “Yes, Sir,” I flung the honorific at him.

  He had the gall to grin. “Good girl.”

  My angry growl clashed with the sound of his door shutting.

  I couldn’t believe it. He’d actually handcuffed me to his car to keep me from going in with him.

  I watched him disappear through the front door to the townhouse, then waited thirty seconds.

  He’d made a crucial error: he hadn’t cuffed both of my hands. Too bad for him, I’d researched how to pick a handcuff lock for one of my books.

  Luckily, I’d chosen to pin my hair back that morning. It took less than three minutes for me to pluck the pins from my bun and work the lock open. The cuffs clicked as they released, the sound filling me with triumph.

  I paused, planning my next move. I couldn’t just go barging into the townhouse. Dex had been right when he said it would be difficult to earn Ana Lucia’s trust. It would have been hard enough if I’d been invited in. This situation called for snooping.

  I got out of the car and shut the door softly behind me. Judging by the age of the home, Dex would be able to hear the sound through the single-paned window. And if he could hear me, that might mean I could hear him. At the very least, I could take a peek inside and get a feel for the setting.


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