Black Dahlia: Book 2 of the Black Burlesque Series, BBW, BWWM romance

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Black Dahlia: Book 2 of the Black Burlesque Series, BBW, BWWM romance Page 16

by Tiffany Patterson

  “Despite all this with the stalker, you look happy, Cedes,” Devyn said calling Mercedes by her nickname.

  Mercedes sighed. “In spite of this crazy person harassing me, I actually am happy,” she smiled, realizing how true that statement was.


  “I had my team expedite a report on her,” Raul told Nikola, as they sat on the couch in the suite’s living room. He’d spoken with his team the night before and told Lorenzo to get all the information he could find on Stacey Coleman by the morning. What he found in her file told a bit of a tragic tale, but everything looked on the up and up as far as her being ruled out as Mercedes’ stalker.

  “And?” Nikola raised his eyebrow, as he leaned back with his arm up on the couch.

  “She’s not our girl. She’s got some history, but everything checks out. Oh guess what, we know her sister,” Raul told Nikola.

  Nikola raised an eyebrow in confusion.

  “Coleman,” Raul said in response to Nikola’s silent question. After a few seconds of pondering, realization settled over his features.

  “That Coleman?” he asked.

  Raul nodded. “The one and only. It was buried pretty deep, but my guys found it.”

  “Small world,” Nikola said raising his glass to his lips. Raul simply nodded his head in agreement. Both men had previously worked with Stacey’s sister while they were in the military. Raul had a few run-ins with her since then through his security firm. Both had an immense amount of respect for the woman.

  “Anyway, I still think there’s a connection between the club and the stalker. I’m not about to let Mercedes perform there until we find this son of a bitch,” Raul said, the mounting frustration in his voice.

  Nikola didn’t miss Raul’s emotion. “Well if you don’t think it’s safe for Mercedes performing there, I don’t want Devyn there either.”

  Raul looked up at his friend. “Oh yeah, how are you going to convince her not to perform until we catch this person?”

  Raul watched as Nikola’s lips spread into that silly smile he got when he thought of his wife. “I can be very persuasive when it comes to my wife,” Nikola stated, confidently.

  “I bet you can be,” Raul chuckled shaking his head.

  “But you’re convinced her stalker is a woman? You think a performer at the club?” Nikola asked.

  “Yeah, the writing in the letters, the break-in and spray paint, all point to someone who is envious of Mercedes. Who wants what she has, and those type of stalkers tend to be the same gender as their victims. So yeah, I’m convinced it’s a woman. She targeted two important aspects of Mercedes’ life, her burlesque performing and her career. I feel like now I’m waiting on the other shoe to drop,” Raul said contemplatively. He knew that these types of stalkers targeted important aspects of their victim’s lives. Mercedes’ stalker went after her as a performer and Mercedes as a career woman. Raul believed their next move would be to target either Mercedes’ friends or her family. These stalkers didn’t necessarily harm their victims’ family and friends, but they would often make threats or bring them into the fold some way. It was the stalker’s way of maintaining control over their victim’s lives. Raul sighed heavily as he thought about Mercedes’ family. She’d talked more about her brother and an aunt of hers than her parents. She told him, she wasn’t particularly close with her parents because they had rather conservative views. He’d had his team compose a file on her family. He knew her mother was a dedicated stay-at-home wife and mother, her brother was a successful accountant at a big accounting firm in Houston, but her father? Her father was a preacher of a rather large African-American church in the Houston area, but his outside activities didn’t often coincide with the messages he delivered from the pulpit. Raul didn’t wonder if her father’s infidelities had anything to do with Mercedes’ fear of commitment, he already knew they did.

  Raul and Nikola spent a few more minutes talking about safety concerns before changing the subject to other matters. Raul told Nikola about lunch with his mother a few days prior, and Nikola shared having spent time with Raul’s parents in Rio. Nikola pulled out his phone to show Raul pictures of the boys from their vacation. Looking at the pictures, Raul realized how much he missed home. It’d only been a few months since his last visit, but he craved the feel of the sand between his toes or hearing the steady rhythm of the waves as they broke along the shoreline in the morning. He desired to bring Mercedes on a trip to his beloved country with him. He wanted to see her appreciation for the land he often thought of as magical. He swiped the phone screen and saw the final picture that showed Nikola, Devyn and their two boys, posing on the beach. Raul’s heart lurched in longing to have that. And he wanted it with Mercedes. He looked up to see his best friend staring at him knowingly. Nikola was gracious enough not to say anything, but he knew that look. It was the one he’d had on his face when he realized the depth of his emotions for Devyn.

  A few minutes later the two women emerged from the bedroom with smiles and ready to go. The couples took a chauffeured vehicle to the dock where they boarded the steamboat that would take them on a two-hour cruise around the Mississippi River with views of the city. They dined on local seafood, steamed vegetables and cornbread for the first part of their tour. For the second hour, all four stood to watch and dance to the live jazz band that accompanied the tour. Raul and Mercedes stepped out on the deck to get some fresh air. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she leaned back into him, as they swayed to the music that could still be heard from inside. He swept the braid Mercedes had placed her hair in, to the side and placed a gentle kiss on the side of her neck. She relaxed fully into his embrace and sighed. Content. They spent the remainder of their cruise in that position.

  Chapter 13

  It was Mercedes’ and Raul’s third full day in New Orleans. They had just seen Nikola and Devyn off, as the couple needed to get back to their two boys in Atlanta. Mercedes had performed for the first time the night before. She gave two performances to a packed audience, which included Devyn and Nikola, and of course, Raul keeping a constant watch on the side of the stage. The entire night had gone off without a hitch, and when she appeared from back stage her friends applauded and congratulated her on a performance well done. Mercedes was elated at the turn out. She was even more overjoyed at having Raul there to share it with. He was more than just a bodyguard, or the man she was fucking regularly. Everything she’d told Devyn the day before was right. He had all the qualities most women would find appealing in a partner and he had a way of making her feel as if she was the most important person in the room. Was it love? Mercedes couldn’t know for sure. It had only been a few weeks that they’d been together. It was too soon to tell if it was love, she thought. Or maybe she was just denying the inevitable. Either way, she knew when she was in his arms it felt right. For now, that was good enough.

  On this third day in New Orleans, Mercedes did not have to perform. Raul had set up the reservations for the swamp tour. They spent the day out touring the swamp around New Orleans, seeing alligators emerge as the tour guides encouraged them out of the water with food, and seeing the numerous types of wildlife that resided in marsh. Once the tour ended, the pair strolled the streets of the French Quarter, stopping for lunch of crab cakes and corn on the cob followed up by freshly prepared beignets. Later in the day they did one of the Voodoo tours, where topics such as the Haitian Rebellions, Slavery and the Code Noir in Colonial New Orleans were covered. Raul told Mercedes how much of New Orleans’ culture and history reminded him of Brazil’s history and different cultures. As the tour ended he told Mercedes about Candomble, a Brazilian religion that emerged out of slavery and was a combination of West African religions. Many of the beliefs and traditions of the religion mirrored that of New Orleans Voodoo, which also, was born out of West African religions and beliefs. Once they reached their hotel, the couple opted to shower and order room service for dinner.

  An hour later, Mercedes emerged from the bath
room to find the room lit by numerous candles spread throughout the bedroom and living room area. The floor was sprinkled with rose petals as was the bed. Mercedes smiled as she heard the light sounds of Carl Thomas’ Emotional floating through the air. And in the middle of it all, stood a barefoot Raul dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a V-neck that perfectly sculpted his chest and arms.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “This is dinner,” he said coming over to her and placing a light kiss on her cheek.

  “Finish getting dressed and meet me in the other room for dinner,” he said moving away from her. “I already picked out your outfit on the bed. It’s for easy access,” he said before turning and walking into the living room. On the bed lay one of Mercedes’ strapless summer dresses and nothing else.

  Easy access indeed. Mercedes thought as she removed her robe, quickly moisturized her skin, and slipped in the purple dress. She put her hair in a loose chignon, and made her way into the living room. The furniture had been rearranged to make space for the table the waiter brought up. In the center of the circular table sat a bottle of champagne chilling in ice. Raul ordered the chicken breast for himself and vegetable risotto for Mercedes. She walked towards Raul, who held a glass of champagne out to her.

  “A toast,” he said, once she took the glass.

  “What are we toasting?”

  He smiled that mischievous smile. To a great performance last night, a great one tomorrow, and a very fun night tonight,” he said as he clinked his glass to hers. After finishing their glasses, Raul placed them on the table, pulled out the chair for Mercedes, and then seated himself. They ate and talked about Mercedes’ performance the following night. She’d considered paying tribute to her idol, Josephine Baker by doing a rendition of her famous banana skirt dance, but that felt too contrived because it’d been done so many times before. Mercedes herself had even done it a few times. Instead, she opted to pay tribute to another famous black burlesque dancer, the iconic Elizabeth “China Doll” Dickerson. In her act, Dickerson used balloons that were strategically placed around her body, and let the male audience members pop each one. Once all the balloons were popped, she’d run off stage in the nude. Mercedes contemplated letting audience members pop her balloons, but Raul nixed that idea. She speculated it had more to do with jealousy rather than her safety, but she let it go. She’d just pop the balloons herself. Mercedes finished her meal, and placed her fork down. She took another sip of her champagne and looked up to see warm brown eyes staring at her. Instantly, she felt electrified by the intensity of his gaze.

  “Finished?” he asked nodding to her plate. Mercedes bobbed her head up and down. “Yes, it was delicious.”

  “Good,” he said pushing his chair back, standing and moving to the small speaker that played music from his laptop. He turned up the music. He walked over to her extending his hands towards her. “Dance with me,” he commanded softly.

  Placing her hand in his, Mercedes allowed herself to be guided away from the table and pulled in his embrace. He closed his arm around her waist and brought her hand to his lips, before placing it around his neck. Mercedes put her other hand around his neck and leaned into his warmth. They moved to the rhythm of the music for a little while before Raul pulled back.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, looking at her with such desire in his eyes that it made Mercedes shiver. He pulled her in, taking her lips in a kiss filled with everything he wanted to say to her. Mercedes pressed herself deeper into Raul as his lips continued to take possession of her. As their lips and tongues continued to explore each other’s mouths, Raul walked Mercedes back to their bedroom, stopping at the edge of the bed. He moved back slightly, his lips hovering over hers.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked above a whisper. Mercedes, still reeling from the kiss was confused.

  “What?” She asked breathless, wanting to feel his lips on hers again.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked more forceful this time. Mercedes searched his eyes for what he was really asking. She could see that her answer mattered a great deal to him. She nodded.

  “Yes, I trust you,” she said softly, meaning it. Raul brought her in for another kiss, and moved his hand behind his back, pulling out a blindfold he had tucked into his back pocket. He pulled back.

  “Close your eyes,” he commanded. Mercedes complied, and then gasped when she felt the blindfold cover her eyes, but she didn’t pull away. Raul secured the blindfold around the back of her head, not too tight, but enough to know that it wouldn’t easily come undone. He placed kisses on Mercedes’ forehead, nose, and mouth moving down to her neck and shoulders. He allowed his hands to gather the ends of her dress so he could access her soft thighs. He made circular motions with his hands on her thighs before moving around to palm her ass cheeks.

  “Mmmm,” Mercedes moaned, when he bit her earlobe. He moved back to her mouth, absorbing the end of her moan in his. He let one hand trail back around to her front and graze over the hood of her pussy. Mercedes automatically parted her legs to grant him access, but Raul was not ready to go there yet. He moved his hands to the top of her dress, and slowly pulled it down, letting it pool at her feet. He picked Mercedes up in his arms and moved to the side of the bed, kneeling down to place her in the middle. Grabbing her arms overhead, he straddled her naked body before leaning down and whispering in her ear.

  “They say that when blindfolded your other senses are heightened. Your sense of hearing is increased. Sense of touch is more magnified. Even taste is more intense. You’ll have to let me know if they’re right. Don’t move, Querida. Stay just like this,” he said before rolling off the bed.


  Mercedes’ body hummed with excitement and arousal. She felt the loss of warmth when Raul moved from the bed. She felt the softness of the rose petals that lay under her body. She tried to figure out where Raul was, when she heard his feet padding along the carpeted floor. A few seconds later, she heard the music turn up, and recognized the opening lines of Kelly Rowland’s Motivation.

  Go, go, go, go

  Oh lover, don’t you dare slow down

  Go longer, you can last more rounds

  Push harder, you're almost there now

  So go lover, make mama proud

  Mercedes gasped when she felt the tip of a rose petal brush along the underside of her foot. She felt the petal move up her legs, the inside of her thighs, up her stomach, where she felt the softness of Raul’s lips kiss her belly button, before he stuck his tongue inside. Wetness instantly pooled in her pussy. Her belly button was a particularly erogenous zone for her. He placed kisses up her stomach, before encircling a nipple with his mouth and letting his hand play with the other. She felt the warmth of skin-to-skin contact, and she knew he was completely naked when she felt his stiff cock pressing in between her thighs.

  “Mmmm, Raul,” she cooed when he nipped her nipple and allowed his thumb to make small circles on her clit. Before she became too lost in what he was doing, she once again felt the absence of his warmth as he moved from above her. She almost called out in frustration, but bit her lip instead.

  And when we're done, I don’t wanna feel my legs

  And when we're done, I just wanna feel your hands all over me baby

  but you can’t stop there, music still playin in the background

  And you’re almost there

  You can do it, I believe in you baby

  So close from here

  The ending words of the song played is if foreshadowing Raul’s intent for the rest of their night. Mercedes knew he’d chosen that song on purpose. Her body burned-ached to be touched. To feel his hands all over her. She, once again, felt the bed dip.

  “Aaahhh,” she cried out, as she felt a freezing cold and wet substance circle her nipple

  “Ice, to cool you off, Querida,” Raul’s voice sounded nearly as strained as her body felt. He circled her second nipple with the ice before dragging it down her body. As he crawled down her body,
he allowed the ice to melt, stopping to lick along the way. Mercedes thought the ice was completely melted when she only felt his kisses on her belly and his hands part her thighs. She felt Raul’s weight shift as he positioned himself between her legs.

  “Aaahhhhh,” she cried, as her back arched up off the bed. She felt the chilling cold sensation of the ice on her pussy lips.

  “Ra-Raul pl-please,” she moaned in a strained voice, as his mouth dragged the ice up to her clit, circling it and then down to her pussy, using his tongue and lips to push it in and suck it out of her until it melted completely. He continued to suck and nip at her lips, moving up to her clit. His mouth circled around her clit as he pushed two fingers inside her. Wasting no time, he used his tongue to play with her clit and then curled his finger, angling to reach her g-spot deep inside her walls. When his fingers hit that spot, Mercedes let out a loud moan, releasing her climax, as Raul continued to suck and finger fuck her through it. Panting heavily, she felt Raul’s finger press against her mouth, urging her to open. She obliged, and he stuck his two fingers in, moving them in and out as she sucked her cream off them. Removing his fingers from her mouth, he deftly moved his hands around to the back of her head and untied the blindfold. Taking a few moments to let her eyes adjust to seeing again, she blinked looking up to see Raul hovering over her.

  “Et te adoro,” he whispered, as she felt him ease his cock inside her. As soon as Raul’s cock was lodged deep inside her core, Mercedes turned the tables on him. Moving quickly, she reversed their positions, so she was straddling him. She smiled sexily at the surprised look on his face. When Mercedes raised her hips and moved down slowly impaling herself on him, Raul’s expression changed from one of shock to pure ecstasy. She knew he loved when she was on top. Raul’s hands reached around to firmly grip Mercedes’ ass, spurring her on. She bounced on his cock in a rhythm that drove them both wild with passion. Rising slowly then swiveling her hips as she descended, Mercedes threw her head back as the tip of his cock pressed against her g-spot. Raul’s hands gripped her ass even tighter, as he raised his hips to meet Mercedes’.


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