Black Dahlia: Book 2 of the Black Burlesque Series, BBW, BWWM romance

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Black Dahlia: Book 2 of the Black Burlesque Series, BBW, BWWM romance Page 19

by Tiffany Patterson

  “Ro-Ron what’s-”

  “Hello, Mercedes,” a cold voice welcomed her. Mercedes didn’t even notice the face of the person who the voice belonged to. She was too busy looking down the barrel of the gun that was now pointed at her. When she finally took her eyes off the gun and looked up into the face of the person who held the gun, she was shocked at who was there.

  “Roxxy?!” She gasped.

  “It’s you? You’re the-”

  “Oh, no. Now is not the time for questions. In!” Rochelle insisted, waving the gun in the direction of Ron’s office for Mercedes to step in.

  “Sit!” she commanded, pointing at the chair across from Ron’s desk. Mercedes noticed at that time, that Ron’s wrists had been duct taped to his chair.

  ‘I’m sorry’, he mouthed to her as she looked at him. She knew he was apologizing for being forced to make that call to her. Setting her up.

  “Well, look who we have here. The famous Mercedes Holmes, or should I say the Black Dahlia?” Rochelle asked loudly, arms flailing.

  “Rochelle, what is this about? Why are you doing this?” Mercedes asked, trying to sound as calm as possible. She knew she had to keep her cool if she wanted to get the answers she needed and to make it out of this alive. She found relief in knowing she had left that message for Raul.

  “Why am I doing this? You really want to know, Black Dahlia?”

  “Yes, I want to know what I did to you to make you hate me this much,” Mercedes answered honestly. She could see the glossed over look in Roxxy’s eyes. She knew the woman was not dealing with a full deck right now.

  “Because you took everything from me!” Roxxy shouted, aggressively pointing the gun at her. Mercedes flinched at the movement of the gun.

  “If it wasn’t for you, my life would be so different. Better,” Roxxy screamed.

  “I-I don’t understand. What did I do?” Mercedes asked confused.

  “You were born!” Roxxy yelled, hysterically.

  “If it wasn’t for you, my father would be with me and my mother. I wouldn’t have had to take care of her myself. I would have been able to be a kid, finish school, go to college. But no! You are the reason he wasn’t around so I had to do it all!” Mercedes was still confused. She had no idea what Roxxy was talking about. She stared at Roxxy trying to make sense of what she was saying.

  “Your father? I don’t understand. What does your father have to do with me?”

  “For an assistant principal of a school, you really are stupid aren’t you? You did a bang up job hiring this one,” she derided Mercedes as she looked over at Ron who sat silently at his desk with a grim face. He too, looked just as confused as Mercedes felt.

  “My father, or I should say, our father is one Dwayne Holmes, of Pearland, Texas,” Roxxy said as she walked closer to Mercedes, bending so their faces were even with one another. Mercedes looked into Roxxy’s face. She noticed the eye color that mirrored her own, the similar skin complexions, and even the shape of Roxxy’s wider nose—a physical trait Mercedes inherited from her father. Realization began to settle in the pit of Mercedes’ stomach. Roxxy was her sister…her father’s illegitimate daughter. Mercedes had even more questions now. How old was Roxxy? Where had she been? Who was her mother? And most important, why did Roxxy blame her for her father’s absence?


  “Rochelle!” she yelled.

  “Wha-what?” Mercedes asked.

  “My name is Rochelle. I hate that fucking stage name!”

  “Okay, Rochelle. I don’t know what you think you know about me, but I had no idea you even existed. If I had known I had a sister I would have sought you out,” she tried to find some sort of connection with the woman.

  “Oh is that right?” Rochelle laughed sardonically. “You would have tried to find me? So, what? So, we could be a family? So we could be what? Sisters?”

  Mercedes could feel Rochelle’s anger rising. She wanted to keep her calm for as long as possible. “Yes. I would have wanted that. I always wanted a sister. I’m sorry my…our father wasn’t there for you. He should have been-”

  “Yes, he should have been! But because of you he wasn’t! He loved my mother, but he told her he couldn’t leave his bitch of a daughter. Even when he found out my mother was pregnant he refused to leave his wife or you. He said he couldn’t scandalize his church like that, so he turned his back on us. He chose you over us. It’s your fault I grew up without a father!” Rochelle yelled and ranted. Mercedes began to realize what Rochelle’s anger was about. She blamed Mercedes for missing out on the life she thought she should have had growing up. Instead of putting her anger at her father’s abandonment on him, she misdirected it at Mercedes, who was just a child herself when their father abandoned Rochelle and her mother. Maybe she could reason with Rochelle.

  “Rochelle, I’m so sorry you went through everything you did as a child. If I could change what our father did to you and your mother I would. He is not the perfect father you believe him to be. He’s cheated on my mother for years. He has never been faithful. He may have told your mother he loved her, but he had many women he’s said that to. He only loves himself,” Mercedes told her truthfully. The truth was her father was a selfish man who only cared about himself and his image. He came across as the preacher who was a doting husband and father, but looks could be deceiving. He’d cheated on Mercedes’ mother with many women over the years. He used his position as a pastor to seduce women into confiding in and trusting him before bedding them. Some of those women had even confronted Mercedes’ mother over the years, but her mother refused to abandon her husband, ever the dutiful wife and faithful servant.

  “You’re lying!” Rochelle shouted at her. “He loved my mother. She told me. It was you. You’re the reason he stayed. You’re the reason my father never saw me. Never reached out to get to know me. It was you!” Mercedes could feel the woman spiraling out of control. She realized that trying to reason with Rochelle was out of the question. She’d probably spent years blaming Mercedes for something that was beyond her control. Mercedes would not be able to undo a lifetime of rage and anger in a few minutes, and she knew she only had mere minutes left if she didn’t regain control of this situation. Mercedes thought to try another tactic. She’d use the first rule of Capoeira that Raul had taught her; trickery and evasion.

  “I’m sorry, Rochelle. You’re right. It was me, I begged him to stay,” she lied to the woman, “I saw him packing to leave one day and I couldn’t let that happen. I needed my father. I didn’t know he had another daughter though,” Mercedes tried to sound sincere as she lied to Rochelle. She hoped confessing to her own selfishness would mollify Rochelle in some way.

  “I knew it!” Rochelle said satisfied with Mercedes’ confession. She began pacing back and forth. “I knew it was you. My mother told me it was your fault…” Rochelle continued to ramble to herself, pacing back and forth in the room. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Mercedes saw movement. She turned her head slightly, to see Raul standing in the shadow of Ron’s doorway. A wave of relief washed over Mercedes. She knew they weren’t out of the woods yet, but knowing he was there gave her the added confidence that she needed to believe she’d make it out of this alive. Raul nodded his head and put his finger over his lips, signaling for her to keep quiet and not draw attention to his presence. Mercedes turned her face to see Rochelle still pacing and mumbling to herself. Mercedes looked to see Ron, who still sat quietly, his face a mask of alarm and fear. Mercedes refocused her attention on Rochelle. She could see the woman become even more unraveled right before her eyes. She continued to pace and mumble about knowing her father loved her and it was Mercedes’ fault that he left her. Mercedes got the eerie notion Rochelle was gearing herself up to finally end this, and not in the way Mercedes would want it to end either. Raul must have sensed the exact same thing, since once Rochelle paced in the opposite direction again, he made his move. Mercedes didn’t see it coming, but she saw a flash of white in fr
ont of her, before she felt strong arms grip her and throw her down to the floor. Something heavy covered her face and body. All she saw was darkness, but she could hear. She heard Rochelle screeching and a male grunting, before the loud “pow” of a gun went off. Mercedes could hear what sounded like someone or something heavy falling to the floor. She tried to maneuver her body to see what was going on, but the body on top of hers wouldn’t budge. Somehow she instinctively knew it wasn’t Raul who covered her. She had come to know the feel and scent of his body on hers and even in a life or death situation such as this, she knew that whoever was on top of her, it wasn’t Raul. It felt like an eternity to Mercedes before the sounds quieted and the body on top of her shifted, easing their weight off her.

  “You okay, boss?” Mercedes heard a voice ask. Despite her haze and confusion, she could make out Lorenzo’s voice.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” That was Raul. Mercedes felt a hand grip hers, pulling her up to stand. She blinked a few times, turning in search of Raul. She first saw Ron standing behind his desk with a weary look on his face. He was fine. She found Raul standing a few feet from Ron’s desk, leering over Rochelle, who was now sitting on the floor with her arms handcuffed behind her back. She appeared to be dazed.

  “Raul!” Mercedes shouted taking the few steps over to him and reaching out to throw her arms around him.

  “Are you okay, querida?” he asked her as she buried her face into the crook of his neck. She breathed deeply, caught between never wanting to leave his embrace and wanting to get answers to her remaining questions. The next words she heard caused her heart to leap into her throat.

  “Shit, boss, you’ve been shot!” Mercedes’ head popped up from Raul’s neck as soon as Lorenzo’s words registered.

  “What?” Pulling back, Mercedes saw the red stain that was growing larger by the second on Raul’s white shirt.

  She gasped, her voice thick with fear and emotion. “Oh my God, Raul! You’ve been shot!”

  Chapter 17

  Two weeks later

  “Thanks for coming, Jamal. I’m excited for you to get to know Raul,” Mercedes hugged her brother as they prepared to sit down in her living room. Jamal, having heard about everything Mercedes had gone through in the last couple of weeks, finally took his vacation time and came for a visit. Mercedes insisted he stay in her apartment, which she’d gotten newly refurbished, while she continued to stay at Raul’s. The trio had had dinner the previous night at Raul’s home.

  “Speaking of, how is he feeling? I’m surprised you left his side for this long. You’ve been attached to that man’s hip since he left the hospital,” Jamal joked. It was true. Upon learning Raul had been shot, Mercedes felt fear unlike any she’d ever felt before. He suffered a gunshot wound to the shoulder. Luckily, it wasn’t life threatening, but it had done some damage to his muscle and arteries, so he required surgery, and there would be months of physical therapy to get him back to 100%. Mercedes had taken off the first couple of weeks of the school year, given what happened, and in order to tend to Raul. He’d been home for the last two days and she was so grateful to have him home.

  “Shut up,” Mercedes playfully swatted at her brother. “He’s doing well. His parents and Iris are with him at the house now, which is why I decided to come check-in with you. I really appreciate you coming to visit,” she told Jamal sincerely.

  “Oh, please. You think after I heard everything that happened that I wouldn’t get on the first thing smoking to make sure you were all right?” He asked almost affronted.

  “No, I knew you would and I still appreciate it. I love you, bro.”

  “I love you too, sis. So, tell me how you’re really doing? It had to be a trip learning our father had an illegitimate daughter like that, and realizing that’s who’s been stalking you. That had to be hard,” Jamal said sympathetically.

  Mercedes thought about it. “Truthfully, what was hard was, not knowing who was stalking me all these months and why. I mean, I was shocked of course to learn the truth, but once it all settled in, I was over the shock. It’s not really a stretch to believe our father had at least one illegitimate child. As much as he’s been stepping out on mama over the years. I actually feel sorry for Rochelle,” Mercedes said shaking her head. She’d developed a sense of sympathy since finding out the truth. The younger woman had had a hard life, growing up in Chicago with a sick mother. She directed her pain and resentment at Mercedes instead of the father her mother had taught her to hero-worship. Since that day in Ron’s office, Rochelle had been arrested, and then taken to a mental institution after an evaluation found her incompetent to stand trial. Rochelle had been spiraling out of control for months, trying to sabotage Mercedes’ life. Once Raul thwarted her attempt to end Mercedes’ life she just continued to rant and rave about her life being Mercedes’ fault. Rochelle would probably spend years in that institution, if not the rest of her life. Mercedes was grateful it was all over with, but she still felt sympathy for the woman, and her anger with their father only grew.

  “Yeah, I don’t know about that, but I’m glad Rambo was there to save you.” Mercedes laughed. Jamal had taken to calling Raul, Rambo after learning his background and hearing he’d taken a bullet for his sister.

  “You know mama is moving in with Aunt Sheryl?” Jamal asked.

  Mercedes nodded. “Mmmhm, we talked a couple of days ago. She’s going to come out for a while to visit once she gets settled in,” Mercedes confirmed. She’d had a long talk with her mother, who’d apologized for allowing her father to treat her so harshly growing up, and not being strong enough to leave him when she and Jamal were younger. Mercedes heard the pain and anguish in her mother’s voice as they talked. She’d finally had enough. It was one thing to have women confront her over the years, but now to have an illegitimate daughter threaten the life of her own daughter. Linda was done putting up a front for other people. Mercedes was proud of her.

  “Yeah, I helped her move. After I cursed dad out.” Mercedes could hear the thread of anger in Jamal’s voice.

  “You did what?” she asked surprised.

  “You heard me. Fuc-forget that man. What? You think you were the only one who heard mama crying alone in her room all those nights? Nah, you weren’t. I promised myself I’d never treat my woman like that, if I ever get married-and that’s a big if. Anyway, after what happened to you and mama telling me what he said to you in New Orleans I lost it on him. I would never put my hands on my father, but after seeing the way he hurt the two most important women in my life, I was tight. I’m sorry I never said anything sooner, Mercedes. I wish I had stood up to him about this years ago,” Jamal admitted, looking down at his hands as if he was ashamed.

  Mercedes’ heart swelled with love and gratitude for her younger brother. “Jamal, listen to me. You have nothing to apologize for. That was all dad’s doing. He made his own bed, let him lay in it alone. You don’t place the burden of shame on yourself.”

  Jamal continued to look down for a few moments, taking in what Mercedes just told him. Eventually he lifted his head looking at Mercedes and nodded. “Okay, so tell me about this Raul, cat. You love him don’t you?” Jamal asked not even trying to beat around the bush.

  “Damn, just dive right in, huh? What makes you think it’s love?” she asked.

  “Oh, please, sis. I saw you doting all over him last night. You were acting like the man had just had major heart surgery or something. I’ve never seen you that way over anyone. So tell me, when’s the wedding?” he asked laughing as he dodged Mercedes playful punches.


  “Raul, where are you?’ Mercedes called as she entered the house. She’d just returned from her visit with her brother.

  “I’m here, Querida,” she heard his sexy voice as he bounded down the steps dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. Her heart raced as he approached her with that sexy glint in his eyes. With his good arm he pulled her into a warm kiss. She allowed herself to get lost in his kiss as their lips
got reacquainted with one another.

  “How’s Jamal?” Raul asked when they finally broke apart.

  “He’s good. He told me he likes you,” she told him.

  “I’m sorry, Querida, you’ll have to tell him I’m flattered, but I’m taken,” he joked. Mercedes laughed and playfully slapped his arm.

  “Anyway, smartass. Where are your parents and Iris?” she asked, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was still around.

  “They left. I had to shoo them out of here. I needed some time alone with my woman. Come,” he said tugging her hand and walking towards the back patio. Mercedes stepped out to see a candlelight dinner had been set up on the table.

  “Raul, you didn’t do this yourself, did you?” she turned and asked.

  “I had some help. Both mamas and even papa helped,” he told her. Mercedes was relieved to hear he hadn’t done all this by himself, and risk further injury to his hurt shoulder. As it stood now, he often refused to wear the sling the hospital had given him, which he wasn’t wearing now.

  “And before you ask where my sling is, it’s in the room. The doctor said I could spend a few hours a day out of it. Sit,” he said pulling out a chair for him. Mercedes eyed him suspiciously.

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay and not overdoing it,” she defended of her sometimes overprotective ways.

  “I know, Querida. That’s just one of the reasons why I love you,” he said casually, placing a kiss on her forehead. The day Raul had gotten shot, was also the first time he’d told Mercedes he loved her. It was on the way to the hospital in the ambulance as she held his hand. He’d managed to tell her every day since and Mercedes still hadn’t gotten tired of hearing it. Mercedes hadn’t said the words yet, but she was ready to change that, after she confessed something first.

  “What is all this for?” Mercedes asked.

  “A token of my appreciation...and a little something else. You’ve barely left my side since I was in the hospital and I am grateful.”


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