The McGilley Trilogy

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The McGilley Trilogy Page 1

by B J Wane

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  The McGilley Trilogy

  by BJ Wane

  ISBN: 978-1-939916-41-9

  A Pink Flamingo Ebook Publication

  Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, including mechanical, electronic, photocopying recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the publishers.

  For information contact:

  Pink Flamingo Publications

  P.O. Box 632 Richland, MI 49083


  Email Comments: [email protected]

  Part One

  Brett & Kayla

  Chapter One

  Brett McGilley was greeted with the loud beat of old time rock and roll music as he entered Colin’s club and immediately felt his tension from a long grueling week in court ease as he made his way to the bar. Casey’s, named after his, Colin’s and Donovan’s father, boasted its typical Saturday night crowd. Acknowledging people he knew with a nod or a wave, he waded through the throng until he got to the circular bar in the middle of the room manned by his brother, Colin.

  His pro bono work as an advocate for child welfare and spousal abuse was emotionally draining at times but infinitely rewarding when he won justice for a neglected or abused child or woman as he did today. Knowing Sheila Monroe’s scumbag of an abusive ex was going to prison for a good long while and his children no longer had to live in fear of their own father made the hours he had put in on this case worthwhile. Right now he needed a stiff drink to wash away the distaste of dealing with such scumbag.

  “Congratulations.” Colin greeted him by setting down a glass of his favorite bourbon from Knob Creek distilleries and thumping him on the back. “You haven’t lost your touch big brother.”

  “Thank God, otherwise I might have been tempted to take matters into my own hands.” Saluting him with his drink, Brett added, “Thanks, I needed this,” before sipping the smooth liquor, savoring the smooth way it went down. “Donovan upstairs?”

  “Yeah, said he needed to relieve some tension after dealing with the newer hires during foaling. Apparently college hasn’t changed much since we attended. Young guys fresh out of high school still want to spend more time partying and screwing around than working and keeping their grades up.”

  “He’ll have them sweating and loving it within a month and then they’ll be too tired to party and screw around.” Donovan’s love of horses and the outdoors made him the logical choice out of the three of them to take up the reins of their father’s two hundred fifty acre horse breeding farm that they all inherited after Casey McGilley’s death in a small airplane accident five years ago. Even though Brett and Colin pitched in whenever possible, the stables required several full time employees as well as providing jobs for college students. The three of them had grown up in those stables, worked and played around the prized American Saddlebred horses since they could walk and could all agree that the hard work provided a satisfying outlet for young men who had a tendency to get into trouble if left on their own.

  “You’ve got a good crowd tonight.” Brett swiveled sideways on his stool so he could easily scan the crowd, a good number of them on the dance floor. His gaze skimmed over most of them until his attention was caught and snared by a girl who looked barely old enough to be in there legally. Long, wavy black hair whipped around a laughing attractive face as she spun and gyrated to the fast beat that the younger crowd preferred. She had kicked off her shoes sometime after entering the club, which, by the way she was moving, was a good thing. Dancing like that in heels could have been as detrimental to her safety as her dancing was to his libido. A quick twirl made her calf length, multi colored skirt flare out around her, revealing long, bare legs. She seemed totally oblivious to the lustful stare of her dance partner as he leered openly at the way her full, braless breasts swayed under her bright yellow halter top. Irritated with himself for lusting after a kid twenty years younger than him, he forced his attention away and turned back around to find Colin grinning mockingly.

  “She’s a sight for sore eyes, isn’t she?”

  Colin’s grin widened at something the girl did, but Brett refused to turn back around. “She’s a fucking kid, Colin.”

  Shrugging, Colin replied, “Old enough to be in here and drink. You know I’m careful about I.D. checks.”

  Colin had spent over ten years in the Sheriff’s department and he had a reputation for running a tight ship and being a stickler for enforcing the rules. Their private club on the upper level was run with just as tight a fist, something they and their friends who were granted access to it helped reinforce.

  “That doesn’t make it right. I prefer a woman who knows the ropes instead of a naïve kid barely out of high school. I’m forty-one, for God’s sake.” Unfortunately, his body didn’t care how old the girl was. The image of her wild beauty and unabashed dancing tempted him to turn back around for another look, but he refused to be led around by his dick and kept his back to the dance floor.

  Colin threw back his head and laughed. “And I’m right behind you at thirty-nine with forty staring me in the face and I’m not having a problem imagining her naked.”

  “Perv,” Brett snapped but couldn’t help grinning back at his brother. Brett knew damn well there was only one woman Colin was interested in just as he knew he wouldn’t pursue her because of his misplaced guilt. Instead of seeking a relationship with the only woman he had ever wanted for more than a fling, Colin continued to ease his lust, and his conscience, with a different woman every few weeks, keeping his heart carefully guarded. He just wished Colin would confide in him about why he felt so guilty about his friend’s death.

  “Yeah, but you love me anyway. You headed upstairs?”

  “I’ll reprieve Donovan shortly and hold the fort until you make it up.”

  The private club on the second floor was remodeled by the three of them to cater to their taste for alternative sex and they were selective about who they granted membership to. Because anything and everything consensual was allowed with the exception of S and M practices, they made sure they knew those who applied either personally or professionally, and kept the membership to a minimum. Their active sexual lifestyle and their green eyes were the only traits the three of them inherited from their father, thank God.

  All three McGilley brothers had scattered by the time they were in their early twenties, but eventually had returned to their home in the Bluegrass Region of Kentucky, a move none of them regretted now that the old man was gone. It wasn’t that Casey McGilley was a bad man or a bad father; he had simply been a self-centered bastard. When Casey had returned home to his wife, Maryann, after one of his frequent absences carrying six month old Col
in, confessed his affair and begged for forgiveness; Brett’s mother had forgiven him. After hearing that Colin’s mother wanted nothing more to do with Casey or his offspring, her young, soft motherly heart caved and she had agreed to raise him with two year old Brett. But Maryann’s forgiveness and soft heart weren’t enough to make her stay with her husband when a scant year later he had once again returned home with a baby boy he had fathered whose mother had died in a drunk driving accident after leaving him with their son while she went out and partied.

  Brett’s mother promptly filed for divorce and joint custody of all three boys and moved into Lexington where she still lived. While the boys had run wild when at their father’s farm, their mother kept a tight rein on them when they were with her, and the three of them were smart enough to credit her loving, but strict influence for making sure they didn’t reach manhood as irresponsible as their dad.

  “Now that your case is done, it’s time to get back to McGilley business,” Colin stated. “Donovan has a couple of buyers he needs you to do a background check on.”

  “Yeah, so do the Montgomery’s and the Tanner’s. I’ll get started Monday. This weekend I need to unwind.” Brett handled all the legalities concerning their farm as well as those of neighboring horse breeders. All sales had to be approved by him which meant doing all the background checks of potential buyers, ensuring their livestock went to responsible owners.

  “As soon as it slows down here I’ll turn it over to Mitch and head up. Catch you later.”

  Brett nodded and sipped his drink as he continued to stifle the urge to turn around and seek out the girl he kept telling himself was way too young for him to be thinking about.

  After laughingly eluding the groping hands of her dance partner, Kayla headed back to her table and her friends, her gaze seeking out the tall, broad shouldered man who had caught her eye the minute he had entered the club. She was pretty sure he was one of the McGilley brothers, the trio being well known in the county for the continued success of their father’s farm and for the wild rumors that abounded about what went on in their private domain above their bar.

  Today was her twenty-sixth birthday and Kayla didn’t need any urging from her friends to come out tonight and kick up her heels at Casey’s, one of the few clubs they hadn’t patronized yet. Located just outside Lexington’s city limits, a few miles from the McGilley spread, it was one of the hottest clubs in the area. Before tonight, her friends had shied away from venturing out here, mainly because there were several clubs within walking distance of their apartments that they could frequent without naming a designated driver. But her nagging had finally paid off and as a birthday gift they agreed to satisfy her curiosity about the place. She didn’t tell them her curiosity was more for what went on upstairs behind closed doors than it was for the club.

  Having gotten the kinks out from sitting behind a desk all week by spending the last hour dancing, Kayla was more than ready to seek out the man who had caused a warm gush of dampness between her legs just by looking at him.

  “Hey! Who finished my wine?” she demanded when she returned to her table and spotted her empty glass. It hadn’t taken them long after arriving to learn that the catered buffet tonight was from a very popular French restaurant, and Kayla had chosen wine as her drink of choice to compliment all the delicate French pastries she had sampled from among the French cuisine appetizers of Brie cheese balls, different Tapenades for dipping and quiches as well as a wide variety of cheeses.

  “You did, so when you go get a refill, get me one too,” Beth answered.

  “Okay, I will, but only because you and Monica were the only ones who would agree to come here with me tonight.” And because she had spotted tall, dark and lust inspiring sitting at the bar, she thought. “Be right back.”

  He was even more attractive up close, Kayla noticed as she hopped up on the bar stool next to him before hitting him with a megawatt smile when he turned moss green eyes on her. “Hi,” she said as she held out her hand. “I’m Kayla Holden.” Normally she wouldn’t divulge her last name, but what better way to get his than to give him hers? Not only was she attracted to him, if he was a McGilley, he could be her pass to visit the second floor tonight.

  Brett’s heart nearly lodged in his throat when he turned to see the sprite he had been unsuccessful in putting out of his mind sitting next to him, a wide smile and vivid blue eyes staring at him with refreshing openness. The hand she held out to him was small and delicate, each finger adorned with a ring, bright red polish shining on her nails. Big, silver hoops peaked out between her thick hair when she moved her head. Cursing fate and his cock, which didn’t seem to care how old she was, he took her hand briefly and returned her smile. “Brett McGilley.” Maybe if he didn’t encourage her, she’d get her drink and go back to her table quickly.

  “Nice to meet you, Brett,” she replied, nonplussed by his obvious reluctance to engage in conversation with her.

  Kayla had started this evening with a long suppressed desire to take a walk on the wild side, to not only cut loose and have fun, but to slake her curiosity about what went on upstairs with someone who was a regular member. Luck was with her when she found herself instantly attracted to Brett, and who better than one of the McGilley’s to give her a sneak peek and maybe a trial run at the goings on of the private club? Ending another staid relationship over six months ago, made her start to wonder if she was one of those people who needed a little extra kink to have a satisfying sex life, but she didn’t think the last months of celibacy while she explored different venues online was the sole reason she was dying to get naked with this man. His moss green eyes moved slowly over her features, lowered to her breasts long enough to have her nipples peaking before narrowing to green slits. He was attracted, but it was plain he wasn’t happy about it. She relished the challenge of changing his mind.

  “You too, Kayla. Enjoy your evening.” Brett turned away from a face that was too cute and breasts that had him itching to unveil. When was the last time he had felt such a strong instantaneous lust for a woman? And why the hell did it have to be now, with one so damn young?

  “I will if you’ll dance with me,” she answered, liking his rugged profile as much as she did the strong features of his face. His chocolate brown hair was thick and wavy, the lines bracketing his eyes indicated he smiled a lot and he had a firm mouth that she was dying to see if it would soften under hers.

  Brett turned back to her, somehow not surprised by her request. She obviously wasn’t good at taking a hint. “Thanks for the offer, but not tonight. You looked like you weren’t having trouble finding a dance partner.”

  “So you noticed me. “ Cocking her head, she refused to let him go easily. “Come on, Brett,” she cajoled as she ran her finger over the back of his hand which was resting on the bar. His white shirt was open at the collar, revealing crisp brown curls, the sleeves rolled up to just below the elbows, enough to show off strong forearms. She really wanted to feel those arms around her, that chest against hers. “Just one little dance, to help celebrate my birthday?”

  “You might be able to wrap young, hormone driven college boys around your finger with those baby blues and that tone, but you’re playing with one of the big boys now, Kayla.” Removing her hand off of his, he said gently, and with a twinge of regret, “Go back to your friends. I don’t play with little girls.”

  To his surprise, she simply laughed at his rebuff, her eyes looking at him with all too knowing appraisal. “I’m twenty-six today, Mr. McGilley, and it’s been over ten years since I was a little girl. But, if you’re that intimidated by your,” her eyes shifted to the obvious bulge in his pants, “attraction to me, then I’ll quit bothering you.”

  Brett frowned but before he could think of a reply, she simply turned from him, ordered her drinks and struck up a conversation with the man on her other side. By the time her drinks had arrived, she had won him over and he followed her back to her table, his tongue practically hanging out. Di
sgusted, more with himself than the poor sap who fell so easily for her charm, he signaled Colin for another drink. It looked like it was going to be a long fucking night.

  Two hours later, Brett’s interest hadn’t waned despite every effort on his part to divert his attention elsewhere. Unfortunately, the only seat left available to him at the table of friends he joined was one facing the dance floor and Kayla’s table of friends. During heated conversations ranging from sports to politics to women, he couldn’t help but catch glimpses of her dancing with a multitude of partners and socializing with her friends, her face pink from exertion, her body never seeming to tire from the constant sensuous movements that had kept him hard as a brick. She certainly wasn’t shy, he thought as she teased her partners with seductive moves only to back away with a laugh when they made to get closer. Some would call her a tease, but Brett just put her flirtatious actions down to harmless fun. She was either completely naïve about her sex appeal or completely indifferent to the reaction she inspired, either way it seemed his response to her was just as strong as the younger guys she had eating out of her palm.

  At one point, Kayla had looked over at him just when he had again given in to the urge to sneak a peek at her and had grinned knowingly then waved her bejeweled fingers at him before turning her attention back to her dance partner. Cursing under his breath, he had made a concentrated effort to ignore her once again and had been relatively successful until someone else at the table made a comment that defused his good intentions.

  “Uh oh, it looks like someone’s getting out of line,” Tom Rawlins commented, his hard gaze aimed toward the dancers.

  Brett glanced over just in time to see the young punk he had seen dancing with Kayla when he first spotted her grab her arm as she shook her head no and tried to move away from him. By the scowl on his face and the wince on Kayla’s face as he obviously tightened his grip, he wasn’t taking no for an answer to whatever he wanted from her. Emotions rose swiftly, annoyance and anger rising quickly to the surface. Both were to be expected, but it was the spark of jealousy that irritated him the most, as it definitely wasn’t expected or welcome.


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