The McGilley Trilogy

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The McGilley Trilogy Page 32

by B J Wane

  Pulling up to the bunkhouse, he saw Keith, Jimmy and Tony were all in and he had no idea what he was going to tell them about where he had been. Hell, fuck it, he thought as he got out of his truck. He was tired of the bitterness as well as the subterfuge. Maybe, he considered as he headed inside to the only friends he had, he ought to just come clean with the McGilley’s and offer to work off the damages he had caused if they’d give him a chance before he lost the only thing in his life that had meaning, this job and the horses he had come to love. It was something worth thinking about anyway.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Anna didn’t hear from Donovan all week, but that didn’t keep her from looking forward to Saturday night and seeing him again. She spent Sunday reliving every moment of the night before, her sore nipples, pussy and anus gentle reminders of the pleasure he had given her despite the fact he didn’t fuck her. She had felt the evidence of his arousal through his jeans numerous times, ached to feel that bulging hardness filling her, stretching her more than any toy or any other cock had. Of the three men she had had sex with, Donovan was definitely the most endowed, and if she could tell that by feeling the size and shape of his cock through denim, she could just imagine what the bare reality of him would feel like.

  She suspected Donovan would be a hard, demanding partner and her excitement over his invitation and her anticipation of finally getting fucked the way she longed to, had shoved aside her initial discomfort of his touch on her marred skin. Exposing herself was the only thing she was hesitant about this next step. Ever since spending those thirty minutes viewing firsthand what she had only read about, seeing for herself that people did get pleasure, enormous pleasure from kinky, alternative sexual practices, she had wanted to experience them for herself. For years she had put her slow and less than fulfilling responses in bed down to the teachings of her overzealous father, believed his brainwashing sermons that a woman’s role, when it came to sex, was to please her husband and bear children. Her first lover had been a good friend and a kind and gentle lover, but other than enjoying the feel of lying naked with a man for the first time, he hadn’t set off any sparks. After a brief affair that started to interfere with their concentration on their schoolwork, they amicably went back to being friends and still kept in touch, often calling each other for advice or a second opinion on a case. Her second lover had been another fellow vet student, a man she now realized she was attracted to because of his no-nonsense take charge manner as well as his physical appeal. They had only gotten together five times, but he had managed to do what her previous lover hadn’t, give her first orgasms. Even though she found pleasure with a man for the first time, she still felt something was lacking, that there was more to be had from sex and if she hadn’t met Diane and let her much envied experience convince her of that, she might still be going through life unaware of the pleasures she was missing out on.

  Of course, the occasional ache in her arm and the scars on her back were a constant, vivid reminder of the price she had paid for her attempt at seeking out what she thought she was missing. For the past two years, she had lived with the guilt of knowing she should never have married a man she didn’t love, especially as an attempt to please her parents. She didn’t know what she had been thinking, she had failed to please them her whole life and she should’ve remembered how good they were at piling on the guilt inducing comments to get her to comply with their wishes. After her father’s heart attack they had doubled their efforts to see the two of them wed, and between them, Todd and Todd’s parents she had simply given in as soon as she graduated from veterinary school and returned to Kentucky.

  Diane, her best friend now for over eight years despite her living in Virginia, had been her only anchor in the storm of indecision and regret that had bombarded her since then. She had agreed to stand up for her even though she spent the week before the wedding with her trying to do her best to talk her out of going through with it. Even when she had succeeded in talking her into going out that night, into indulging in alcohol enough to lower her inhibitions and let her talk Anna into going up to that private club so she could show her her fantasies and desires weren’t just the stuff penned in romance novels, it hadn’t been enough for her to ignore her sense of obligation to her parents.

  But reality has a way of rearing its ugly head and biting you on the ass when you least expected it, and when Todd discovered her surfing the internet for ways to spike up their sex life, then found her stash of erotica’s, his anger and sense of betrayal knew no bounds and a side of her husband she had no clue about came roaring to the surface. For over a week, he had attempted to beat her sins out of her, refusing to let her go to work by locking her in their closet when he was gone, the wounds on her back left to bleed and fester. When she had managed on the fifth day to pry open the lock on the door only to have him return before she could get out of the house, he had simply twisted her arm until it snapped, calmly stating that should take care of that before asking her if she was thirsty. She knew then she was going to have to take drastic measures to escape the fanatic she had married.

  Her penance for her actions was seeing Todd lying in that bed at Shady Oaks for two years now, the coma she had put him in by smashing a lamp over his head three days later the price they both continued to pay for their actions.

  As Anna contemplated what she should wear to the club that night, wondering how long she’d have it on, she was glad she wasn’t letting the past dictate to her any longer. For months after escaping Todd’s abuse, she had floundered in despair, her parents disowning her and Todd’s irreversible prognosis dragging her down until once again Diane had been the one to be there for her. Arriving on her door step unexpectedly one day, she had simply barged into her apartment, stating ‘I’m here for as long as you need me’. Right then Anna knew neither her parents nor Todd had ever cared for her as much as her friend did and it was that enlightening proof of unconditional support and true caring that enabled her to set the past aside and to embrace whatever her future had to hold. Right now, her immediate future held every desire, every dream she had ever fantasized about exploring and a man who could make them all come true.

  Donovan tried to ignore the anticipation he felt upon seeing Anna enter Casey’s right on time. Although why he bothered, he didn’t know since he hadn’t been able to go more than two minutes all week without thinking of her and planning what to do with her tonight. It was because of that constant obsession he seemed to have for this woman that he had decided on giving her what she had been asking for, he just didn’t plan on giving it to her the way she might have wanted or thought of. Dressed in a calf length denim skirt and a button up, multi colored sweater, she definitely didn’t dress like most of the women who were regulars upstairs, he thought as he watched her make her way through the crowd towards him, but then, from the looks she was getting, she didn’t need sexy clothes to draw his or any other man’s attention.

  “You’ve got some admirers, sugar,” he said as he put his hands on her hips and drew her between his legs as he sat on the bar stool. “And that’s with your clothes on.”

  Anna didn’t care about other admirers, but she knew better than to say anything like that to Donovan. Even though she kept telling herself she was here, with him, for the sex like she knew that was all he was in this for, there was a small part of her that she was beginning to suspect wanted more from this man than he would ever be willing to give. Which was why she kept that part buried, denied it existed and concentrated solely on what he was willing to give her.

  “Since I know I’m no diva, I’m sure any looks are because I’m a new face around here. I don’t do the club scene.”

  “What do you do for fun?” Donovan asked as he realized how very little he knew about her.

  “You mean before meeting you? Work, an occasional dinner or movie then more work. I much prefer the company of animals to people. Well, most people.”

  Donovan answered her cheeky grin with a slow smile. “We
have that in common anyway. Would you like something to drink?”

  Anna shook her head, her nerves and anticipation didn’t need any stimulation. “I’d rather just go upstairs, if you don’t mind. If we dally down here, I might lose my nerve or you might change your mind. I don’t want to chance either one.”

  “Then let’s go.” Standing he took her hand, turned to catch Colin’s eye at the other end of the bar then led her to the private exit that would take them upstairs all the while wondering if he was making a colossal mistake by giving in to a pair of dove grey eyes that were as adept at shielding her emotions as he was at keeping his buried.

  It was just as she remembered, Anna thought when the elevator taking them to the second floor opened its doors to the echo of slapping flesh, low moans and high pitched screams and the sight of several people in the midst of having very public sex. Swallowing convulsively, she took in the sights as her body responded without hesitation, her nipples tightening into taut peaks as her pussy swelled and creamed with the need to be filled and stroked. Several couples had taken a place on the wall length wide padded bench and were fucking in every position imaginable and, up until now, Anna had thought she had had a pretty good imagination.

  Spread out in small intimate groupings were several seating sections occupied by a few people in each, some just visiting with each other, others naked and writhing together much like she longed to be doing with Donovan.

  Donovan watched Anna closely, saw her reaction in the way her eyes widened before glazing over with arousal and decided not to give her any time to question herself. “Do you want to undress here and hang your clothes on a hook or use the restroom? There are lockers in there.”

  Anna’s head swiveled quickly to look up into his face. Yup, she thought as he gazed steadily at her, he was serious about jumping right into the fray. It wasn’t as if she wasn’t expecting to get naked in front of strangers for the first time, or that she didn’t want to, but now that the moment was here, it wasn’t as easy as getting naked with Donovan last weekend had been.

  As if reading her mind, he asked, “Not as easy as you thought?” When she licked her bottom lip and shook her head, he decided it would be better, possibly for both of them, if he eased her into the action tonight. Tightening his hand around hers, he lifted his other hand to the buttons on her sweater. “How about if we start with your top and work our way up to the rest?”

  “Okay,” she answered, relieved even though he was making quick work of the tiny pearl buttons responsible for keeping her breasts covered. Had she picked this top purposely because she knew undoing the long row of small buttons would take time? If so, she had underestimated Donovan’s experience and skill with women’s clothing. Within seconds he had half the buttons undone, enough that he could slip the sweater off her shoulders and pull her arms through the sleeves, leaving it to drape around her waist. Her bra went with just as much quick efficiency and was shoved under his belt and then he was leading her over to one of the seating areas where two men and a woman were sitting, all of them fully clothed.

  “Anna, this is my brother, Brett.” Donovan watched a blush spread across her pale face as Brett rose and held out his hand, his eyes, so identical to his own, warm as they looked over her pink tipped, full breasts slowly.

  Feeling awkward, exposed and aroused, Anna shook his hand, relaxing when his green eyes lifted from her bare breasts and he smiled warmly at her. “It’s nice to meet you, Brett.”

  “And you. This is Kayla, the bane of my existence.”

  “You’d be bored without me,” Kayla said as she smiled up at her. “Hi, Anna. Sit down and tell us how you met Donovan. I didn’t think he ever left his barn long enough to meet anyone new.”

  “Shut up, brat,” Donovan said fondly as he sat down opposite them next to Mitch and pulled Anna down on his lap.

  “As a matter of fact,” Anna answered her as she tried not to notice how the blatant looks from both Brett and the good looking man next to her and Donovan had her nipples hardening even more, “we met at his stables. I helped him deliver Belle’s foal the other night.”

  They were chuckling over that when Donovan introduced her to the other man. “And this is a good friend, Mitch.”

  Anna would have reached out a hand to greet him also, but Donovan had wrapped a steely arm around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides and cupped her right breast with his other hand. “Hello, Mitch,” she managed to say despite the instant rush of heat that not only flooded her face but her pussy as well. She was slowly finding public nudity not only a turn on, but a highly erotic experience. The feel of Donovan’s hard cock pressing against her ass added to the pleasure and she ached to feel it filling her empty sheath, ending her long drought with celibacy.

  “Donovan’s told us absolutely nothing about you, Anna, but we’re happy you’ve joined us.”

  There went that telltale sign of both her excitement and her nervousness as she stroked her tongue over the lush fullness of her lower lip and Donovan was hard pressed to keep from shoving her head down to his aching cock and demanding relief from the arousal he hadn’t been able to completely sate since meeting her. The irritation he was feeling at the way Mitch was looking at her didn’t help. He didn’t feel put out by Brett’s look or interest, but he did by Mitch’s and the only reasoning he could make of that hypocrisy was because he knew how Brett felt about Kayla. He was now more determined than ever to go through with his plans for her tonight.

  “There’s nothing to tell. She’s interested in learning more about the lifestyle so I offered to introduce her tonight.”

  Brett knew there had to be more because they knew Donovan, and Donovan didn’t do favors for anyone, especially sexual favors. But he could see the tense frustration on his brother’s face so he decided to help move things along, more for Anna’s sake than his brother’s. Pulling Kayla onto his lap, he smiled when she pulled her top over her head revealing her bare breasts without being told. She was coming to know him really well and that didn’t bother him at all, something he still had trouble getting used to considering how hard he had fought getting involved with her because of their age difference. Her sparkling blue eyes as they looked at him had the power to render him mute with longing and his cock rising with demanding intent even after fucking her practically nonstop for the past two months.

  Cupping her head under the fall of her curly, black hair, he pulled her face towards his and whispered against her mouth for them alone, “Shall we show Anna how it’s done?”

  Kayla’s lips curved above his. “Who cares about Anna? Show me how it’s done.”

  Anna watched avidly as Brett rolled Kayla’s nipple between his thumb and forefinger as he took her mouth in a deep kiss. When he pinched that same nipple, they could hear Kayla moan into his mouth as she arched into his hand. Anna squirmed on Donovan’s hard as rock thigh, her pussy practically weeping when Brett shoved Kayla’s skirt up and thrust three fingers into her.

  “I think Anna wants a little more attention, Donovan,” Mitch drawled as he watched Donovan toy with her nipples, Anna’s constant shifting on his lap giving away her need for more.

  “Is that so, Anna?”

  Did he expect her to admit it in front of everyone? When he pinched her nipple and said warningly, “Answer me, Anna,” she had her answer.

  “Yes, I want more.”

  Donovan quickly stood her up and stripped her before he could change his mind about his course of action tonight, then just as quickly pulled her face down over his lap, her head on Mitch’s thigh. Smacking her right buttock, he ordered without preamble, “Take out his cock, Anna.”

  The sting from that first slap went right to her crotch and had her gasping in instant reaction, which was one reason she hesitated. The other was sheer surprise at the order. She wasn’t shocked that Donovan was including Mitch in their play tonight, she had figured that one out on her own within moments of being introduced to him, but she was hoping Donovan would fuck
her first before subjecting her to a totally new experience. A week of anticipation following the intense night of play at his house had left her needy and on edge. The highly charged atmosphere of the club had only added to the constant hum of arousal and she was hoping her first climax tonight would be around his cock. She had never wanted anything as bad as she wanted to feel Donovan taking her with rough possession.

  She cried out when he peppered her ass with a series of sharp, hard slaps that raised an instant throbbing heat across her buttocks.

  “Are you ready to call it quits or are you ready to do as I say?”

  “I’m sorry, I was just surprised.” Anna reached for Mitch’s zipper, grateful that he was wearing loose slacks instead of tight jeans, and slowly lowered it over his impressive cock which sprang free easily into her hands since he was going commando.

  “It makes things easier, don’t you think?” Mitch asked her, his brown eyes warm as he looked down at her, his hand coming to rest casually, reassuringly on her head.

  Grateful for his easy manner, she simply nodded then practically shrieked with the next series of swats on her tender skin.

  “Do you need instructions on how to give a blowjob?” Donovan asked her as he lightly caressed the red flesh he had just swatted. Her ass was soft, but firm, and her response to being spanked was evident in the slick moisture spilling from her slit and the way she unconsciously undulated her hips up and down on his thighs. Despite her response and the relative ease with which she was participating tonight, he sensed her experience with even vanilla sex was limited, which would explain her hesitation now as she cradled Mitch’s cock between her hands but didn’t automatically lower her head to take him into her mouth.

  “I have a little experience,” Anna admitted, not telling them that out of her five times with her second lover, she had gone down on him twice and both times with his instructions guiding her.


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