The Good Reaper

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The Good Reaper Page 23

by Dennis J Butler

  “What is it that they are looking for?” scrolled across the bottom of the screen. It seemed many of the attendees were more interested in the Greys than on the purpose for the conference. But I guess I couldn’t blame them. The Greys are an alien race that have apparently violated the human race in many ways.

  “I’ve read much of what your UFO researchers have written about the Greys. I think we are in agreement as far as their purpose for being here. We think they are a very ancient race, perhaps existing for billions of Earth years. We think they may have either evolved naturally or by some tragedy of their environment which has resulted in an inability to reproduce. That is why we continually hear about humans being abducted and being subjected to examinations and experiments centered around human sexuality.”

  “Are their intentions regarding the human race hostile?” scrolled across the screen.

  “No. We don’t believe the Greys are hostile. They just seem to lack a kind of empathy. They are cold as ice. They have an agenda and they follow it. The lives of average people may be altered forever or perhaps even destroyed, but the Greys don’t seem to care. For that reason, we think they see themselves as far superior to humans or Ranjisi. But they don’t have any desire to do harm here. Whatever their ultimate goal is here, they have not reached it yet. They have been here for many decades. If they wanted to actually hurt the human race, they could have done it a long time ago. I don’t think we need to be too concerned with them. They are really more of a nuisance than anything else.”

  The questions on the monitor stopped and I was able to proceed with the rest of my presentation. “Before I close I would like to spend a few minutes showing you a little of our planet.” I proceeded to show a series of photos and videos of Ranjisan. I described the six moons and explained about our extreme summers and winters due to the orbital tilt of our planet. I closed with a series of beautiful pictures of the six moons at Northern Tiara on the first day of Sorex. The scrolling text at the bottom of the monitor came alive with comments about how beautiful it was.

  At the end of my presentation I introduced Russian President Yevgeni Pasternak who asked the attendees to think about when, where and how they would make the announcement to the world. President Pasternak requested that everyone return in forty eight hours to vote on a final venue for the announcement that would change the world.

  A little more than forty eight hours later, a decision had been reached. After a few suggestions like Brussels, New York, London, it was unanimous. The announcement would be made right there in Ponta Delgada. During the next two weeks, invitations went out to all the media broadcast companies of the world. The invitations didn’t go into detail about what would be announced. The invitation simply stated that an announcement would be made to the entire world at the same time and that the announcement would be the most significant announcement in the history of the human race.

  24 – The announcement

  The moment of truth had come, for us and for the human race. Many of the conference attendees had gone home but the stadium was filled with thousands of media people. If you walked through the crowd you could hear the low rumble of speculation about the purpose of the announcement. I thought it was amazing how everyone there already seemed to know the secret. As I walked through the crowd, I heard bits and pieces of conversations like, “Aliens from space have made contact with us,” and “I heard there are actually aliens here who are going to present themselves.” I chuckled at that one, thinking, “Here I am and I’m not very spectacular.”

  As with any huge public announcement, there were delays and more delays so the broadcast was filled with news people trying to fill the gap with interesting speculations and some beautiful flyover videos of the Azores.

  Finally after a three hour wait, Russian President Yevgeni Pasternak and American President Elvin Hawkins stepped up to the podium. President Hawkins made a hand gesture to President Pasternak, indicating that he could take the microphone.

  “Greetings. We know it took a tremendous amount of planning for you all to be here today. There are far too many people to thank, so for now we will just say a simple thank you to all of you. We have already left you in suspense so I want to get right to the point. There have been many rumors. You know, I have found throughout my life that there is often a bit of truth within rumors and this is a perfect example.”

  President Pasternak paused for a moment and continued, “Travelers from deep space are here. Aliens are here and they have introduced themselves.”

  The low rumble in the crowd quickly swelled to a deafening roar. It sounded like six football stadiums cheering on their team. The two presenters had to wait until the crowd settled down to continue. Finally President Pasternak waved to the crowd, indicating that he needed to continue.

  “The first thing you need to know is that this alien race has traveled 9,000 light years to come here and their intentions are purely benevolent. They have come here to ask us, the human race, to join an allegiance of races that share knowledge. We are especially excited to learn about their medical advances. They have wiped out many of the diseases we have been plagued with here for many years. In fact, their advanced medical procedures are capable of curing any and all diseases.”

  President Pasternak turned the microphone over to President Hawkins. “In the coming days and weeks, we will broadcast several follow-up newscasts focusing on the four races that are currently included in the alliance. For now we will show a quick slide show and overview.” President Hawkins went through an abbreviated version of the presentation I had given at the conference. It took about a half hour. The crowd was silent and watched in amazement.

  President Hawkins closed the broadcast with one final statement: “Governments of the world have been hiding the truth about UFOs for decades. Those days are over. From this day forward there will be no more secrets.”

  President Hawkins paused for a long moment and continued, “We are not alone in the universe.”


  “Space aliens introduce themselves”

  The headline on the front page of the New York Globe was misleading and obviously intended to sell papers. The picture that went with the front page article showed a picture of a Grey alien. It implied that it was the Grey race that had introduced themselves. The article continued with some random reactions of people from around the world:

  “Meifen Jiang is always upbeat, but anyone who knows her, can see how she seems to be walking on a cloud since the announcement. Meifen is in the Master’s Degree program in Astrophysics at Beijing Normal University. She is completely overwhelmed with joy that there is finally proof that humans are not alone in the universe. Meifen carries an ear-to-ear smile that seems to be frozen on her face. ‘We are so lucky to be alive in this time,’ Meifen keeps saying to anyone who will listen. Meifen can’t wait to learn more about the exciting visitors who have traveled all those miles to greet the human race.”

  “Amateur astronomer Sigurfinnur Ingolfsson is well known in the small town of Reykholt, Iceland. He has spent a lifetime gazing up at the crisp, clear night sky, so when the announcement was made, the local press was anxious to print a few comments from him. ‘I can’t think of anything more wonderful than getting to meet beings from another world. I am so anxious to learn about their medical and technological advancements that I feel like packing my things and traveling to the Azores.”

  “Brian Kelly, a construction worker from Boston, Massachusetts was not so sure about the good intentions of the aliens. ‘These people are obviously much more advanced than we are. How do we know that this is not all a trick to lull us to sleep? How do we know that they are not going to make us slaves, once they have infiltrated our society and governments?”

  The reaction to the announcement was like a rogue wave that was heading toward the shoreline. You could feel the tension everywhere. The announcement and proof of extraterrestrial intelligence caused a worldwide questioning of spiritual faith. Much of the human
race was going through a period of religious confusion as they tried to reconcile their beliefs. They asked themselves if their belief in god and the afterlife applied to races from far away galaxies. The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the CIA expected at some point there would be protests or riots as the human race sank into a kind of cultural religious state of confusion and turmoil. We knew this would happen after the announcement was made but we also knew that humans are resilient and that they would eventually come to accept a world where god may be a universal god. After all, it was what they always taught themselves. They just needed to believe it.

  The first protests began peacefully and they popped up where you would least expect them to. The theme of many of the protests was anti-Ranjisi with a religious prejudice weaving through them. People carried signs down 15th St. in Sacramento with slogans like, “Ranjisi go home,” and “God is for humans,” and “Aliens want hell on Earth.” After what happened to Chara and Atik, I was not surprised to see the protests.

  Similar protests popped up in New York, Chicago, London and Sydney. It had become clear that there was a portion of the human population that did not trust us. There wasn’t much we could do to convince them our intentions were good. It would require the passing of time. I still believed that eventually they would accept the concept of other races and other religious beliefs. I expected the anti-Ranjisi sentiment to grow even more when our beliefs about assisted suicide were made public. I was afraid it made us appear coldhearted but in reality, it was the opposite. Most of the people of the world appeared to agree with us. It was the first and only positive reaction I had seen since the announcement.

  But the reaction to the announcement varied from country to country and from city to city. The Midwestern US seemed to accept us and even prayed for us in some of their sermons. It was the same for the Middle East. Muslims across the globe had no problem at all adjusting to the concept of the existence of extraterrestrial races from faraway galaxies. It was odd that the resistance and denial seemed to emanate from the most progressive areas of the world. Protests were still going on in Amsterdam and San Francisco, months after the rest of the world seemed to accept us.

  Without a doubt, the most outspoken critic of our presence came from the Vatican. They insisted that they should have been consulted before the announcement. “Perhaps they are correct,” I thought, “but it is too late now.” The church had to scramble to come to a consensus and make an official statement about the announcement.


  After the announcement, our team headed to Guinea in western Africa. Chara and Mesarthim had done extensive research on human biology and they were convinced that there wouldn’t be any adverse reactions to the attorobobiotic transfusions. Doctor Nnenna Bockarie had come from Sierra Leone to help in the Dubreka Mobile Hospital and Clinic. She was a bundle of tireless energy who moved so fast through the clinic, if someone was looking for her you could just tell them to look for the long swinging braids. Chara and Mesarthim explained to Doctor Bockarie that although the serum was there, it needed to be programmed.

  “Programmed?” Doctor Bockarie asked, sounding confused.

  “Yes,” Mesarthim replied. “First we need to get tissue from the virus and then we’ll perform some tests to create the code. The code is essentially a generic template. We just need to add the parameters to it. As soon as that is done, we can begin injecting patients with the serum. On Ranjisan, this medical procedure is known as Zaurak Elakribi. We’ve adapted a human, English name for the medical specialty based on our knowledge of human science. We have translated the name of the procedure to a human label that hints at a description. We call it attorobobiotics.”

  Doctor Nnenna Bockarie pressed Mesarthim for a better explanation. “I need to understand exactly how this treatment works if I am going to administer it,” Doctor Bockarie said.

  “We’ll be spending a lot of time together Doctor. I can explain it as we proceed. It will be much easier to understand if you shadow me while I develop the parameters for the serum. We will be analyzing the tissue, extracting and sequencing DNA and then adding the parameters to the software.”

  “We can’t possibly do this here,” Doctor Bockarie said. “We need a safe and sterile lab to do the sequencing.”

  “You are correct Doctor,” Chara said. “I’ve been told there is such a place in Conakry. Turais and Enif are making arrangements as we speak. It looks like we won’t be able to get there until tomorrow.”

  The following day a small plane landed at the mobile hospital. The medical specialist team consisting of Chara, Mesarthim, Gomeisa, Azha and Doctor Bockarie were on their way to the research facility in Conakry. Doctor Bockarie was on the phone, speaking to someone at the facility. She spoke French so the rest of the team had no idea what she was saying. “Well, at least we won’t have to do a biopsy. There are live specimens there waiting to be sequenced,” Doctor Bockarie said.

  “Then it should only take about eight to twelve hours and we can be on our way back to the hospital,” Mesarthim said.

  The team had time to rest while they waited for the cut cells to move through the gel using the electrical current. As soon as it finished, they made a copy of the Zaurak Elakribi application and began modifying it with the data from the Ebola DNA model. Doctor Bockarie watched silently. Her big dark eyes seemed to never blink. She appeared amazed as she leaned in to see the front end of the Zaurak Elakribi application which displayed the computer simulated models. “It actually is beginning to make sense,” Doctor Bockarie said. “The pods will hunt down and destroy the cells with the matching DNA. It’s amazing.”

  Back at the hospital, the problem was logistics. Good news has a way of spreading and it only took about eight hours for all the beds and all the cots to be filled. The darkness of night did not slow the steady trickling of people. The team took rotating cat naps and continued working non-stop. By the third day, several nurses and local doctors were added to the team and the whole operation became a well-oiled machine. It only took about ten minutes to set up a patient with the drip which only took about an hour. After the drip, the patient could sit almost anywhere within the wireless range. Each patient wore a numbered ID on their shirt, indicating that they had been given the serum and they awaited the activation of the attorobobiotic code. There were no side effects caused by the activation of the attorobobiotic code since the pods didn’t attack any normal blood cells.

  Monitoring the treatment for the Ebola virus was something new to the Ranjisi team since they had never seen the virus before. After the first two weeks, they documented that it took six to eight days before the first signs of remission appeared. The fever generally broke and returned to normal while the patient slept. The vomiting and diarrhea faded over the following two days. The fatigue continued for several days and the Ranjisi team determined that the cure spanned about two weeks from beginning to end. After the two week period, the patient was tested one more time to make sure the pods had self-destructed and the patient was released.

  Record keeping was not the priority at the Dubreka Mobile Hospital and Clinic. The team was too busy saving lives. But Turais and Enif managed to keep a hand-written chart with patient names in five categories: Infected, not-infected, registered, treated, cured & released. Turais and Enif estimated that by the end of the first thirty days they had cured over three hundred people.

  It seemed that Doctor Bockarie’s entire personality had changed. She was calm and humble and she was frequently heard asking Mesarthim what he needed. Doctor Bockarie was awe inspired by both Mesarthim and Chara. She never seemed to be more than a few feet away from Mesarthim who had become her mentor. The nurses were quick to notice that Mesarthim and Doctor Bockarie frequently took breaks together. “Look at the Doctor’s smiles,” Nurse Abeni remarked.

  “Her big dark eyes are smiling too. She seems to have taken a liking to the space doctor.” Aide Folami agreed.

  The Ranjisi team consisting of
Gomeisa, Chara, Turais, Enif, Azha, Mesarthim and me was considered the first Ranjisi medical team. Many more would follow, assuming the human race came together and agreed that they did want to join the alliance. We continued treating and gradually wiping out the Ebola virus in Western Africa. We began with Guinea and when they reached a point where more than half of the hospital beds were empty, the team moved on to Liberia for a few months. The local medical staff at Dubreka had been trained, monitored and re-trained so when the Ranjisi team left for Liberia, we felt we were leaving the Dubreka Clinic in good hands. The Dubreka staff weren’t surprised to see Doctor Bockarie leave for Liberia with the Ranjisi team. After Liberia it was on to Sierra Leone. By the end of the first year, Ebola was reduced to a few scattered cases that were quickly treated and cured. “Ebola is finished,” Doctor Bockarie stated in a television interview broadcast from Freetown. “Ebola loses, humans win, thanks to the wonderful Ranjisi people. We owe them every thanks.”


  We had done our part. We had greeted the human race with openness and honesty. We had brought the first wave of medical treatments. We had left the ball in the hands of the human race. We knew it would be difficult but they would need to come together once and for all. They would need to unite as one race and join us. We waited patiently for an official commitment from a unified human race.


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