Her Vampire Love

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Her Vampire Love Page 1

by M. J. Perry

  Her Vampire Love

  M.J. Perry



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen


  A note from M.J

  Other Works


  © 2017 Stacey Perry. All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  I can’t believe I came here I grumbled to myself. I looked around and saw that nearly every person in here was wearing black, black leather to be exact. Heather and Janey my two best friends had disappeared to the toilets to check their make-up, so I made my way to the bar to get a drink. I’d already decided it was going to be a whiskey night, and I wasn't wrong. The club, I, unfortunately, stood in was a place people came to pretend they were rockers or something, but the music playing was pants. There were no Slipknot or Metallica songs, not even a Kiss song to be heard. The music playing sounded like cats being strangled. The girls dragged me here basically against my will telling me they wanted to check out a hot new club, but I knew the real reason was that they wanted to give me a new scene and a night where I was in no danger of bumping into my ex Craig. He wouldn’t be seen dead in a place like this, he much preferred wine bars and sushi restaurants. Classy was what he liked and classy was what he made sure he had. We were together for eighteen months until last week when I caught him kissing a man. Yes, a man. To say it shocked me was an understatement. When I asked him why he stayed with me when he obviously liked men, he just said he felt confused.

  He felt confused? I was confused and worried; I mean did I turn him gay? I didn’t like the idea of that at all. Sighing, I leant against the bar waiting to catch the eye of the bar staff. There were so many men in this place, probably a lot more than there were women. The thing is most of them were wearing more make-up than me! Men wearing make-up is a turn-off, I’m sorry I just can’t get excited when I see eyeliner on a man. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around hoping it was one of the girls, but I wasn’t that lucky.

  “How you doing gorgeous?” the guy asked me with a smile. I forced myself not to roll my eyes at him, I didn’t want to be rude, but seriously he was wearing eyeliner and a black shirt with claw marks!

  “Fine, thanks,” I replied, turning back to the bar praying he’d get the message that I wasn’t interested. He tapped my shoulder again and this time I did roll my eyes. I mean seriously take a hint, dude. It was a different guy though. Did I have a sign above my head saying fresh meat or something?

  “Hey baby, fancy a dance?”

  “No thanks. I’m waiting for my friends.”

  “Maybe later?” he asked hopefully.

  I shrugged. “Maybe,” I wouldn’t be here then, but he didn’t know that. I was leaving just as soon as I could without getting a hard time from Heather.

  Finally, the barman came over to me and I ordered a double whiskey. Where the hell Janey and Heather were I didn’t know, but they needed to hurry up. I wasn’t being a bitch by saying no to guys, I just wasn’t ready to even dance with anyone. I’d thought that Craig and I had been solid, but obviously, I'd been wrong. As well as feeling hurt and upset by his actions, I also felt incredibly embarrassed and definitely scared that I’d helped him realise he was gay. My confidence had taken a huge knock, and there was no way I was putting myself out there again, not just yet anyway.

  Hands grabbed my hips pulling me out of my thoughts. It pissed me off that someone actually had the nerve to touch me. I spun around, but relaxed when I saw it was Heather.

  “Thank god.” I groaned.

  “What’s up?”

  “I don’t like it here at all,” I shouted in her ear over the god awful music. “But now you’re here at least the men will swarm around you instead.” With her blonde hair and blue eyes, Heather was beautiful. They wouldn’t look twice at me.

  She shook her head at me. “George you’re so stupid. You’re gorgeous. There are some seriously hot men here; you could take your pick.”

  “Where?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Over there.” She pointed to a group of boys. Well, they looked like boys and they were way too pretty.

  It was my turn to shake my head. “Boys dressed as men, Heather.”

  “What do you mean? They look good to me,” she purred making me chuckle.

  “I want a man who doesn’t need to pretend to be a man. Who will take charge, but still treat me right.”

  “You’ve been reading too many romance novels. Besides Craig wasn’t anything like that and you loved him.”

  “Did I? I’m not so sure anymore.” Wouldn’t I be more heartbroken than I felt?

  “Enough sadness, let’s do shots,” Janey ordered and Heather nodded in agreement.

  I watched Janey push her way to the bar and when she came back with a funny coloured shot I downed it quickly before chasing it with my whiskey. “Let’s go dance,” I said, grabbing their hands and heading to the dance floor feeling buzzed.

  Heather kept telling me I didn’t have fun anymore, but her definition of fun was men. She expected me to go on dates and she’d already set me up twice. She didn’t understand that I wasn’t ready yet even though I’d told her enough times, she kept telling me it’s similar to falling off a horse and you just have to get back up and jump on it again. It’s amusing really as well as annoying because she had no idea whatsoever about it. She’d never had a long-term relationship preferring to have a different date each weekend.

  Shaking off my thoughts, I allowed my mind to think of nothing except the beat, my body moving in time to the song. I closed my eyes and relaxed, finally feeling free. I loved dancing, I loved the rhythm. When the song changed I opened my eyes and found myself looking into a pair of eyes across the room. They were so big, so dark and it felt like I was drowning in them. I couldn’t look away, I couldn’t blink and I suddenly found myself moving towards them, towards him, one foot in front of the other like I was in a trance. The only thing I could think of was him. He hadn’t released me from his stare, yet I knew what he looked like. I knew his hair was dark and his cheekbones were defined, and I knew he had lips so sensual I wanted to kiss them. I had to be close to him, I had to touch him.

  Touch him. Whoa, where did that come from? I stopped abruptly breaking the spell. I dragged my eyes away from him with difficulty and looked back over my shoulder at Janey and Heather who were still dancing. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I was freaking out. Keeping my eyes aimed at the floor, I made it to the bar and ordered another whiskey. While I searched in my bag for a note a hand appeared in my vision and paid for my drink. I closed my purse and turned to say thank you when I realised it was him. I looked him over slowly; he wore black jeans that clung to his strong thighs, a black t-shirt which moulded his abs leaving me in no doubt that he worked out and a black leather jacket. I looked at his face next and it was just like I pictured except he had a bit of scruff, and his sensual, kissable lips were tipped up in a grin. He was an attractive package. I took a deep breath and looked into his dark brown eyes; they were the same colour as his hair which was slightly long and curling over the collar of his jacket. I wanted to
run my fingers through it and the urge was so strong I had to clench my fists. Was it as soft as it looked?

  “Try it.” He said startling me.

  “Try what?”

  “Running your fingers through my hair,” he answered.

  I blushed. I couldn’t believe I’d said that out loud. “No, I’m ok thanks.” His voice was doing things to me, things I hadn’t felt before. My whole body felt alive with currents of electricity and it was scrambling my brain. I needed to get away from him.

  “You can’t.”

  “I can’t what?” I asked confused.

  “You can’t get away from me. I'll find you anywhere.”

  My heart pounded harder than before. I turned away from him, from the threat in his voice intending to leave his crazy ass, but I couldn’t. My body wouldn’t move. It was like I was frozen to the spot. I stared up at the man in front of me and his face was like granite. I officially was freaking the fuck out. I tried to move again, but I lost my balance and nearly toppled over, a hand came to my elbow and steadied me.

  “Come on Georgina, let’s get you home. You’ve clearly had too much to drink.”

  I shook my head. What the hell was going on with my body? I had no control over my actions. Did someone drug me? Mystery man tugged me by my elbow and he started to lead me slowly to the exit. I found the strength somehow to yank my elbow away from him.

  “No.” I cried.

  I was not leaving with him. I ran away from him and searched for my friends, but I couldn’t see either of them and I didn’t want to waste time searching when he could come and grab me again, so I left through the back door sending a quick text to Janey telling her I’d gone home so she wouldn’t worry.

  Chapter Two

  The night air was cold and it helped to clear my wild thoughts. For a minute there I’d actually started to believe that the strange man was reading my mind, but that couldn’t be true, could it? I must have spoken out loud without thinking. Perhaps I had, had too much to drink. I picked up my pace aware that it was a stupid idea to walk, but I didn’t want to risk waiting for a taxi. My heels clicked loudly on the pavement and I cursed softly. I couldn’t take them off, but I wished they'd quieten down. A feeling of panic hit me and I started to run. I had a terrible feeling I was in danger. I didn’t look behind me because I didn’t want it to slow me down.

  Out of nowhere, I bumped into a hard wall. I let out a gasp of surprise as I wobbled on my stupid heels. Arms came around my waist in a steel grip, and I looked up into the dark eyes of the man from the bar. Did I have a stalker now?

  “I’m not a stalker Georgina, I’m your mate.”

  I bypassed the mate business because I was already freaking out. “I didn’t speak out loud then did I?”

  I watched him shake his head. “No, I read your mind.”

  My heart rate increased. “Yeah, and I’m psychic,” I said sarcastically. The need to get away from him was strong. If I kicked him in the shin could I loosen his grip?

  “I wouldn’t try that honey, you’ll only hurt yourself.”

  I was looking at his lips when he spoke, but they hadn’t moved. “What the hell! Your lips didn’t move.”

  “That’s because I’m speaking in your mind.”

  “No, that’s not true. I’m crazy, I must be or someone must have drugged me. This cannot be real, mind reading isn’t real.”

  “You aren’t crazy Georgina and no one has drugged. You’re special.” He said into my mind again.

  “How on earth are you doing this? How do you know my name?” I hadn't told him, had I?

  “I asked your friend Heather when I spoke to her earlier. She told me all about Craig and how he hurt you. She told me your favourite flower, where you work, and where you live.”

  “You got that all from Heather?” I said in a small voice. How could she do that to me?

  “Don’t feel hurt honey, she didn’t know she was telling me. I read her mind.”

  Curious despite my fear I stared up at him, “How?”

  “I don’t know. I've just always been able to do it.”

  “That’s weird.” And cool, but no way would I admit that out loud. Shit, could he read my mind right now? I pictured a white wall in my mind hoping it would erase all my other thoughts.

  He chuckled. “It doesn’t work like that. I can find any information in your mind; you don’t have to be thinking it.”

  “Good for you.” I huffed.

  “I’ve heard you curse quite a lot tonight. I’ll let it go because you’ve obviously had a shock, but from now on you need to stop else there will be consequences.” He warned.

  Consequences my ass, “Can you let me go, please? I’d like to go home.”

  “No. We’re both going to your home; we have some talking to do.”

  I shook my head. “If you think I’m going to let you into my home then you’re as mad as I think I am.”

  I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew I was laying on my sofa with my throw over me and no idea how I'd got there. I looked warily around and my eyes landed on him. He was in my bloody home and I didn’t even know his name.

  “It’s Dexter now stop swearing I’ve already warned you and that’s twice you’ve gone against my wishes.”

  “Don’t listen to my thoughts and you won’t hear me do it.”

  He frowned at me.

  “How did I get here? The last thing I remember is telling you I wasn’t going to let you in. Clearly, you didn’t take any notice.”

  “You were being difficult so I took control of the situation.”

  “Huh. What did you do? Knock me out?”

  He shrugged.

  “Great well thanks for bringing me home, but I’d like you to leave now, please.” I got up to walk to the front door meaning to open it, but I didn’t get there. I think I only moved two steps. “What the hell is going on?” I glared at him. “How are you doing this?”

  “I can read minds remember. I read what you had planned and I stopped you. Did I forget to mention I can control minds too?” He asked with a smile.

  “Yes, you did. Please release me and leave.” Tears hit the back of my eyes. I felt scared and overwhelmed. I didn’t want to believe all this was real. My tears started to fall hard and I couldn’t stop myself. I hated crying. My body unlocked, but before I hit the floor he pulled me into his arms. I stiffened and tried to get away without any luck. He was so strong. When he rubbed his hand through my hair and down my back I leant into his warmth on a sigh. I snuggled closer seeking his comfort and no matter how my mind was screaming at me to stop, my body knew where it wanted to be. He smelled amazing and I took a deep breath somehow finding myself relaxing more.

  “I’m sorry.” His big chest rumbled as he spoke causing thrills to go through me. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  I pulled away from his chest to look at him. As soon as I did I knew it was a huge mistake, I couldn’t look away. I felt that if I didn’t kiss him right that minute I would expire.

  “Look, sweetheart, this is normal. The turmoil you feel is normal, but you have to know that you are my mate. You are made for me. You need to accept it.”

  “I’m your mate?” Did this explain my intense attraction to him?

  “Yes, you are. I know you are confused and you have questions, but right now you need to listen to me and afterwards I will explain things to you.”

  I noticed he didn’t say everything, as in, he would explain everything. How could I be his mate? Humans don’t have mates. Shit. “Are you human?” I asked softly. Please say yes.

  “No questions Georgina until we’ve talked.”

  “Shit.” He pretty much just answered that he wasn’t.

  “That is four times now that you’ve cursed. I'll punish you later.”

  My eyes widened in fear. “Punish me?” I asked.

  “No more questions.” He growled. His eyes seemed darker and his lips tightened until I could see lines bracketing them. I sw
allowed harshly.

  “I don’t want you to be afraid of me, but if it keeps you from fighting me I’ll take it for now.”

  I stared at him warily. “What do you want?”

  “Why, you, of course, sweetheart, can’t you tell?” He gestured to the front of his pants.

  My eyes closed in distress. He had quite the hard-on. Did he want to sleep with me?

  “Yes Georgina I do, but sleep will come much, much later I can assure you.” He chuckled darkly.

  Fu… I cut myself off mid-thought and I saw his lips tip up in a grin. “Good girl.”

  “I’m not having sex with you.”

  “We both know that is a lie. Your body is begging for it.”

  He, unfortunately, was right. I looked down and saw my nipples were hard and pressing into my black shirt. I had tingles between my legs and I could feel how damp my knickers were. I didn’t understand my reaction. Wasn’t I angry? Didn’t I hate this person who had taken control of my mind and forced himself into my home? The thing was I didn’t think I did.

  “Your body knows better than your mind.”

  “My body is just horny and you’re good-looking, it can’t help itself. My mind, however, is stronger.”

  “No Georgina you’re wrong there. Your mind isn’t stronger. How do you explain this?”

  “Explain what?” I asked in confusion.

  He was looking down my body and I looked down only to yelp when I saw I wasn’t wearing my shirt. I put my hands over my bra to hide my breasts.

  “Looking for this?” He swirled my shirt around his finger before dropping it to the floor. “You took it off.”

  “Bull. No way did I take it off.” I exclaimed.

  “Drop your hands. I want to see what belongs to me.”

  “No,” I said and then I felt it. A stirring in my mind sort of like a static on a radio and then my arms were at my sides.

  “That’s better.” He walked towards me and I backed up until my back hit the cold wall making me hiss. Dexter didn’t stop, I held my hands out as if to ward him off and he took my wrists in one of his hands and pinned them above my head. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his. The heat I could see in them would have scorched me if it became free. He kept staring into my eyes and I felt he was seeing so deep inside of me he could see my soul. It was a scary thought. The whole situation was scary, but I didn’t feel scared of him. Other than earlier when he promised to punish me I didn’t fear him. That right there showed me I needed help, maybe a straitjacket and a padded room.


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