Her Vampire Love

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Her Vampire Love Page 6

by M. J. Perry


  “That two men want her; I don’t mean the whole sex part. How would that even work?”

  Dexter grinned. “I can explain it to you if you like.”

  I blushed. “I know how that will work; I meant how will their relationship work?”

  “You’ll have to ask Janey when she works that out herself.”

  My eyes searched her out, and I smiled at her. They’d all calmed down, no longer tense and in fight mode they were both touching her. Xavier touching her back, Zack touching her shoulder and she was beaming. “I was right.” I mouthed at her and she laughed. Xavier and Zack smiled down at her before looking over at me. I saw Xavier say something and then Janey waved bye to me. I waved back and snuggled into Dexter’s arms.

  “Now I just have to make sure Heather is ok.”

  “Janey will be happy.”

  “I wasn’t worried.” Well, not much anyway.

  “Good. Heather is over there.”

  I turned to where he pointed and cringed, she looked drunk, really drunk and she was all over one of Dexter’s friends, I couldn’t remember his name. He looked pissed and I couldn’t really blame him. Heather had her hands all over him, touching his chest, his arms, I saw them slip down towards his groin and I pulled away from Dexter to save him.

  “Heather, what are you doing?”

  “I’m finding my next hook up.”

  I caught the guy’s eye and he shook his head in disgust. “He’s not interested,” I said gently.

  “How can he not be interested in me?” She said with a confidence that was stunning.

  “He has a girlfriend.”

  “Oh. Ok. I’ll go and find someone else.”

  “No, you won’t. I’m taking you home.”

  “I’m not going home; I’m going to get laid.”

  I shook my head. “What is the matter with you?”

  “I saw Janey with those men. Why should she get to have all the fun?”

  “She’s sober and in control of herself. You’re going to get yourself into trouble.”

  “I can handle myself.” She slurred.

  “Sure you can. Walk to me.”

  “Easy peasy.” She did as I asked, but she wasn’t steady at all.

  “I meant in a straight line,” I said with sarcasm.

  “Walking straight is overrated.”

  “Oh honey, I’m taking you home.”

  “We’ll take her home,” Dexter said as he walked behind me. I felt a light touch on my shoulder.

  “Ok, we should do it now.”

  “I’m not going home,” Heather argued in a sing-song voice.

  “Do you need help?” The guy asked and I knew what he meant. It seemed all Dexter’s friends could mind control when they needed.

  “Dexter has got this, but thanks,” I said politely.

  “No worries. She’s lucky I’m not interested or she could have got herself into trouble.”

  I nodded. He was completely right. “Come on Heather, its home time.”

  “I’m not going…” She trailed off and started walking towards the door slowly.

  I met Dexter’s eyes. “Thanks.”

  “The quicker we get her home the quicker I can strip you naked and feast on you.”

  “Wow, I’m definitely looking forward to that.”

  “Oh I know I can smell you from here.” He licked his lips.

  “That’s embarrassing and sexy all rolled into one.” I blushed.

  “Are we home yet?” Heather called.

  “No honey we’re still walking to the taxi.” She closed her eyes and I dragged her quicker to the car hoping she wouldn’t fall asleep before we got there.

  Climbing in, I gave the driver her address and settled for the short drive. Dexter didn’t take his eyes off me and I was squirming by the time we pulled up at her house. He helped me get her out of the car and paid the driver telling him not to wait. Heather was a dead weight and Dexter helped me get her inside then he carried her to her bedroom and placed her gently on the bed. I pulled her shoes off and tucked her in. She’d have one hell of a headache in the morning, but there was nothing I could do. I closed the door behind me and went in search of Dexter. He grabbed me from behind making me squeal in surprise.

  “Finally,” he groaned. “Close your eyes.” He ordered and I did.

  When I opened them we were in his bedroom and were both standing naked.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been as turned on as I am right now,” I admitted.

  “That’s good to hear, but first I think you’re forgetting something.”

  “I am?”

  He raised his eyebrows, “Your punishment.”

  “It’s my wedding night.” I grimaced hoping he would let me off. In all honesty, I had forgotten about his threats.

  “No, I won’t forget Georgina.” He sat down on the chair in front of the dressing table. “Come here.” He ordered.

  I hesitated.

  “I’ll start adding more spanks for disobeying me.” He warned.

  I walked over to him slowly. “You’ve killed my buzz.” I groused.

  “Not for long. Lay across my lap.”

  I did as he asked, awkwardly I might add.

  “Good girl. I’m going to do them quick.”

  “And softly?” I added hopefully.

  “Don’t push it.”

  I bit my lip as his hand caressed one cheek then the other; I could feel myself getting wet as his hand got closer and closer to my pussy.


  I tensed. His hand caressed again, rubbing over the tender cheek gently.

  “Three more Georgina,” He said as he did the same as before. “All done,”

  I sighed, the pain hadn’t been bad. I was more worried about the wetness I could feel down there. His finger found my clit and touched it lightly.

  “You enjoyed that didn’t you?”

  I shook my head.

  “I have the proof here baby, don’t lie. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “I’m not ashamed, I’m confused.”

  “My caresses kept you aroused.”

  “I know, but you spanked me, I shouldn’t like it, but I did.”

  “You liked the way I touched you before and after each one. You like the way I’m touching you now.”

  His finger rubbed harder and I pushed into his hand wanting to feel the pleasure I knew was close. He stopped and pulled his hand away. “No orgasm yet, I want to feel it on my tongue.”

  I wasn’t going to argue with that. He lifted me and helped me to my feet. Once he stood he took my hand and led me to the bed. “Lie down and open your legs baby.” He ordered.

  I climbed onto the bed but hesitated before opening my legs, my embarrassment faded in the heat of his eyes. He looked ready to devour me and I was ready to let him. Keeping my eyes on him I watched as he crouched down and then suddenly his tongue was inside me. He brought his fingers to my clit and rubbed it in rhythm with his tongue. I gripped his hair tightly in my hands not having the control to do anything else. Closing my eyes I let myself go, screaming his name as I came harder than I ever had in my life. I felt him move above me and then we were one, his cock stretched me and he gave me a few seconds to get used to it before he moved fast, faster than a human male could ever dream of. He licked his thumb and pressed it against my clit and that was all I needed to set me off again. My breath came in hard, loud pants and I felt like the pleasure was going to make me pass out, but Dexter didn’t stop. I didn’t even finish my second orgasm before I rushed into my next. I couldn’t catch my breath and I pleaded with him to stop, I couldn’t take any more pleasure. Was this how people felt when they said they could die from the pleasure of it?

  Dexter kissed my neck, then I felt his teeth sink into me but this time it didn’t feel so passionate, I could feel the thrum of pleasure but it was like he was squashing it down so it didn’t take me over. I couldn’t have taken anymore; my body was weak with exhaus
tion. His tongue licked over the wound and he kissed it once before his body tensed and I felt him empty himself into me.

  “I love you, Georgina.”

  “I love you too,” I whispered, too tired to even talk normally.

  “Go to sleep. I’m right here.”

  I nodded. I didn’t think I could stay awake if I tried.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Wakey, wakey, baby.”

  I tried to bat the hand away that was caressing my cheek, but I found mine trapped in a strong hand. “What time is it?” I asked with a grumble.

  “It’s time for you to move your butt; we have a wedding to attend.”

  “What the...” I trailed off. “Who the heck is getting married?”

  “Janey is.”

  I searched his face for a grin, anything to tell me he was lying but I had a suspicion he was telling me the truth. “Who is she marrying and why are they doing it so fast?”

  “Xavier will be her husband on paper, but Zack will be her husband also.”

  “How on earth will that work and why hasn't she told me herself?” That hurt.

  “She doesn't know yet.”

  “She hates surprises,” I warned him.

  “I doubt she’ll hate this one baby, she looked happy last night.”

  “She did, but that doesn't mean she will want to marry them. She's being rushed more than I was. What if she doesn't want to marry both of them?”

  “They are her mates.”

  I gasped, “Both of them?”

  “Yes, so trust me she'll want them both. They knew how much it meant to you to be married in your world so they’re doing the same for her.”


  “You need to get dressed. We'll pick Heather up on the way.”

  “She will hate this.”

  “I’m sure she will, but it’s not our problem.”

  “I guess not, I just don’t want her causing trouble for Janey.”

  “There will be enough people there to keep her from being a nuisance.”

  “Gosh, two men, how will she cope with that for the rest of her life?”

  “My guess is she will absolutely love it. Two men to pander to her every need and make sure she's happy. Wouldn't every woman love that?”

  I cuddled up to him and gave him a little squeeze. “I wouldn't.”

  “I know and that's why you're perfect for me.” His hand gave my bum a quick squeeze before he untangled himself from my arms. “Do you want me to find you something to wear?”

  “Definitely, I'm thinking green would be nice.”

  “Green it is then.”

  “I'll go take a shower, are you joining me?”

  “As much as I'd like to if I did we won't make it to the wedding before the bride."

  “Janey would be mad.”

  “So would Zack and Xavier. I’ll ring Heather and give her the good news.”

  I nodded; glad I didn’t have to tell her. Last night she'd seemed different, there was something going on with her that I didn’t like. I hoped she wouldn't do anything to upset Janey’s day because our friendship would be in question then. Janey deserved to be happy, she's sweet, and kind and the best friend a girl could ask for.

  I shook off my worries confident that Dexter would stop any silly business. I had a quick shower and dried off waiting for Dexter to come back inside so he could dress me. It was the weirdest thing to know your husband could dress you with just a thought, weird, but definitely cool. I wondered what powers Janey's husband’s to be had. I couldn't wait to find out and now I had someone to talk to about all the craziness that Dexter brought into my life. That was exciting. At least it would help me to stop feeling crazy.

  “I picked a green dress with a slit so I can imagine pushing it up and sliding into your wet heat.”

  “Wow, it's beautiful.” I wasn't lying; Dexter had great taste in clothes, “Shoes?” I grinned. In a blink of an eye, I wore high heeled peep toe shoes with fake diamonds glittering all over.

  “They aren’t fake baby.”

  “Shit, I can’t wear them if they’re real.”

  “Yes you can and you will. Don't curse, remember what happened last night.”

  I blushed because I definitely remembered. My bottom still felt tender but the pleasure he'd given me more than made up for it.

  “How did Heather take it?”

  “Fine, she sounded ok. We need to go and get her.” He looked me over and sighed.

  “What was that for?”

  “The way you look right now I want to fuck you hard, but we'll be late.”

  “I look good, do I?”

  “You look fucking amazing. Baby, the only time you look better is when you're naked and I'm inside you,”

  “Thanks, I think,” I said grinning. “Come on then, let's go and see Janey marry her two men.” I shook my head. I never thought I'd say that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I don’t understand how she can have two men wanting her and I have none.”

  I rolled my eyes again. This was the third time since she’d got in the car that Heather had said this or something similar. Jealously was pouring off her in waves and I was starting to get pissed off. What did she want me to say, that she deserved to have two men or did she want me to tell her that Janey didn't deserve the two men she had. Most people would be happy for their best friend and would hide their jealousy, but not Heather. I had a bad feeling that she was going to be a bitch. I was contemplating telling Dexter to pull over and make her get out, but we pulled up to the hotel. With a meaningful look at Dexter, I waited until he got out and turned in my seat to face Heather. “Are you happy for Janey?” I asked bluntly.

  She looked up sharply. “Yes of course I am. Why?”

  “It doesn't sound like you are. If you so much as say one bad thing under your breath I'll have Dexter take you home.” I swore.

  “Why are you being such a bitch to me?”

  “I don't know what is going on with you but if anyone is being a birch it's you. Janey is happy.”

  “Sure, she's happy with two men who are going to share her." I heard the sarcasm but I didn't understand it.

  “What is the problem with that? So what if she hasn't got a conventional relationship, she won't have a conventional marriage, but it's no one’s business but hers.”

  “She met them last night and now she's getting fucking married!" She screeched with such venom I flinched.

  My door opened and Dexter appeared. “Out you get Georgina; I'm not having her speak to you again until she calms down. No one speaks to you like that.”

  I saw regret on Heather’s face, but she still looked mad. I climbed out and stood by the side of Dexter, his hand rubbed my back softly. He opened the door for Heather and she climbed out, she didn't meet his eyes or mine. “Do not cause any shit, do not upset Janey, or Georgina again. If you do I'll be the least of your worries, believe me.” Dexter warned her.

  She swallowed hard and nodded.

  “Good, let's go to the wedding.”

  He took my hand in his and I leaned into him. He was amazing, I had a feeling nothing would upset me again if he had anything to do with it.


  “Holy cotton balls,” I whispered.

  “Cotton balls, seriously?” Heather asked.

  “Dexter doesn't like it when I swear. Janey looks amazing; she's shining like a star.”

  “She probably got some awesome loving last night,” Heather said slyly.

  It seemed she was back to her normal self. “She looks so happy.”

  “She's happy because she got laid.”

  “I'm glad we aren't in a church, God would have struck you down for the way you're speaking.”

  “You're such a prude.”

  “No, I'm not, I just have respect.”

  “If that's what you want to call it.”

  “Shush,” I whispered as Janey repeated her vows. I blinked my tears away. I was so happy for her.

  Once the ceremony finished I stood to go to her, but Dexter caught my hand in his stopping me.

  “She's going on her honeymoon. Xavier said they’ll be back in a week.”

  “I want to see her.”

  “They'll get her to ring you.”

  “What’s going on? First, I don't get to help my best friend get ready for her big day. Second, she’s whisked away before I can speak to her and now you're telling me she’ll call me? We've been friends since we were four; she’d never excluded me from anything.”

  “Things are out of her control.”

  “Are Zack and Xavier keeping her away from me?”

  “I'll explain when we get home baby.”

  “So, that's a yes then,” I said angrily.

  “We'll talk at home. Where's Heather?”

  “She was just here.” I searched the room and saw her walking out the door towards the bar. “I'll go and get her.”

  “I want to say goodbye to Tony over there and I'll join you.”

  “Ok, say hello for me although I don't think I've had the privilege of meeting him.”

  Dexter grinned. “You're not meeting him either, not today anyway.”


  “He's on a mission and needs no distractions, seeing you will be one.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “It doesn't matter. Go get Heather.”

  “Fine, but I’m not happy.” I groused. I hated riddles.

  I walked over to where I could see Heather with a glass of champagne in her hand. When she saw me her eyes flashed before her lips tipped up into a fake smile. She was still mad at me then.

  “We're leaving now, are you ready?” I asked her politely.

  “I'm staying here, this nice gentleman just bought me a drink and I want to get to know him.”

  The nice gentleman was about forty years old with a pot belly and a wedding ring. Didn't she see that?

  “I think you should come with us.”

  “That’s not happening Georgina.” She slipped her arm through the man's and smiled at him. “Shall we go and get a table and get to know each other a little better?”

  “Heather, what are you doing?” I asked with exasperation. Her behaviour was dreadful.

  “Say goodbye, Clinton.”

  The man waved a little and walked with her to an empty table by the window. I wanted to stamp my feet in anger, but it wouldn't get me anywhere. I contemplated getting Dexter to do the whole mind trick he did on me, but I shook that thought away almost immediately. If she was determined to do something silly there was nothing I could do. I shrugged and turned to find Dexter. I wanted answers about Janey and sooner rather than later too. He saw me enter the room and he patted his friend on the shoulder before heading over to where I stood.


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