Bound by Ink (London Inked Boys Book 2)

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Bound by Ink (London Inked Boys Book 2) Page 9

by Marissa Farrar

  DID YOU LOVE THE MEN of Carved in Ink? Keep reading for the first chapter of Rocco’s story, Forged with Ink, which is out on the 23rd of August and is available for pre-order now!

  *Please note, this is a sneak preview and an unedited chapter, and may be subject to change before publication.

  Forged with Ink

  London Inked Boys

  Book Three

  Chapter One

  “What the fuck’s up with Kane this morning?” Rocco threw his bag down behind the reception desk of Carved in Ink, the London tattoo studio where he worked. “You sure he’s not just skiving off to spend more time in bed with the new woman?”

  His boss, Art, was standing behind the desk, leaning over so he could use the computer and check that morning’s bookings. He didn’t bother glancing up at Rocco as he spoke. “Nah, he’s really sick. I could hear him in the bathroom when he called in.”

  Rocco pulled a face. “Man, I bet that’s a sound you could have done without first thing in the morning.”

  “Yeah, I might need to bleach my ears later. Anyway, sorry I had to call you in on your day off, but Kane had a full schedule. I’ve called around the clients to let them know Kane won’t be the one working on them today. A couple have rescheduled ’cause Kane was in the middle of a bigger piece and they didn’t want a different artist, but some of the smaller pieces were happy for you to do it instead.”

  Rocco rubbed his hand over his goatee. “Lucky me.”

  Art laughed. “Yeah, sorry, mate. I guess it would have been better for you if they all cancelled, but I can’t afford for the shop to lose that kind of money.”

  Rocco shrugged. “No worries. I get it. You’ll owe me a beer though.”

  “I can do that.”

  Movement came from the back of the shop, and Art’s girlfriend, Tess, appeared carrying a mug of coffee. She and Art were managing Carved in Ink together now, since the two of them had got together and she was the one who owned the building. At first Rocco hadn’t been too keen on the idea of having a woman around the place the whole time, but she’d soon become one of the gang. Things were a bit different with the woman Kane had met, however, as she had a son, but she’d met everyone a few times now, and most importantly Kane seemed to be happy.

  Rocco wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t feel like the odd one out. They used to have late nights with all the guys, drinking beer and talking crap, but now everyone was paired off and he was left on his own. He had other friends, but it wasn’t the same as with Art and Kane. They just got each other.

  “Hey, Rocco,” Tess said in her American accent. “You want a coffee? I was just making some.”

  “Yeah, sure, Tess. Thanks.”

  “Your first appointment should be here soon,” Art told him.

  “Do they know what art work they’re having?”

  “Yeah, it’s a small, simple piece. Kane emailed all the files over this morning. Shouldn’t take you more than an hour.”

  “Great.” Each of the guys had their own studio with their own computers and printers for the artwork. He’d be able to access each of the images the clients wanted. Anything that was too specific to the stuff that Kane had drawn were people who would have rebooked for another day. Rocco could handle most stuff, however. He went to Art College and even though he knew he looked tough with his shaved head and beard, he had a degree in Fine Art. His lecturers had thought he was insane to want to work in a tattoo studio in London, thinking he’d be working in art galleries all around the world instead, but this was where he felt the most comfortable. He loved art, and what could be more important than giving people artwork that they carried around with them for the rest of their lives? Many of the pieces he did were commemorative—things that would remind the person of someone they’d lost—and though he looked tough on the outside, it was those pieces of work that really got to him. Seeing the combined joy and bitter sweet sorrow in the face of someone he’d just tattooed when they’d lost someone they loved.

  A knock came at the door, and Tess’s dark, silky head popped around. “Brought you that coffee,” she said, stepping fully into the room. “And your first appointment has just arrived.”

  “Already? They’re keen.” He hadn’t even had a chance to look at the artwork yet.

  “Yeah, I told her that you’re getting set up. She knows she’s early.”

  “Cool, thanks Tess.”


  She set his coffee down on the side, and turned and left.

  Rocco turned his attention to the computer and fired it up. Kane had already drawn the artwork, and it was a symbol, something Rocco could do with his eyes shut. All he needed to do was check the sizing and position with the client.

  He realised he hadn’t even checked what the client’s name was yet and so scrolled down through the computer until he came to the booking schedule.

  His heart stopped.

  Sophia Alexander.

  No, that couldn’t be. Sophia Alexander had vanished from his life when he’d been seventeen years old, and he hadn’t seen or heard from her since. That was ten years ago now. She was the little girl he’d grown up with, the one he’d shared skinned knees, and games of tag, and melted ice-creams on a hot summer’s day. She was also the girl he’d watched grow from a skinny girl who was all sharp elbows and skinny limbs, to a beautiful teenager who’d stolen his heart.

  Stolen was the right word. She’d taken it with her when her family had suddenly moved away, leaving him bereft. Those had been the times before every teenager had a mobile phone or was on facebook, and he hadn’t known how to get in touch with her. She’d just announced one day that her parents were leaving, and the next day they were gone.

  No, it couldn’t be the same girl, could it? There must be more than one Sophia Alexander around. Besides, it was ten years ago. His Sophia could be married by now and wouldn’t even have the surname Alexander. It wasn’t as though they were both from London either. They’d grown up together in a small coastal town in Cornwall, miles away from anywhere. Sophia wouldn’t be in London now.

  Rocco realised he’d just been sitting there, staring at her name, lost in memories. His coffee grew cold beside him. He didn’t have any choice. He was going to have to get up and go and see if the woman sitting out in the studio was the same girl from his childhood. He didn’t think he’d ever been more terrified. What was he going to say to her if it was her? And, even worse, how was he going to function for the rest of the day if it wasn’t?

  Pre-order Forged with Ink now!

  About the Author

  Marissa Farrar has always been in love with being in love. But since she's been married for numerous years and has three young daughters, she's conducted her love affairs with multiple gorgeous men of the fictional persuasion.

  The author of more than thirty novels, she has been a full time author for the last six years.

  You can visit Marissa’s website at or find her at her facebook page,

  She loves to hear from readers and can be emailed at To stay updated on all new releases and sales, just sign up to her newsletter!

  Other Contemporary Books by the Author

  The Monster Trilogy:




  Dark Codes: A Reverse Harem Series

  Hacking Darkness

  Unraveling Darkness

  Decoding Darkness

  Merging Darkness

  The Mercenary Series:

  The Choice She Made

  The Lie She Told

  The Trust She Gave

  The Trap She Faced

  Standalone Novels:

  No Second Chances

  Cut Too Deep


  Dirty Shots

  ondon Inked Boys Book 2)




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