Wolves Bloodlines

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Wolves Bloodlines Page 2

by Girl, Breukelen

  “I think that message will get out soon enough when I start showing and the rumor mill starts. It won’t take long. People love to gossip.” Tatum replied back at him.

  “Which is a good reason for us to get on the front foot and be proactive here about it.” He glanced across at her. “Baby, I have no problem proclaiming to the world that you’re mine.” Tatum smiled to herself. “There is no other wolf for me, you know that. I’ll tell anyone who will listen.”

  “Then that’s what you should do. Tell them. You and I can go off and get married, and we’ll just tell people as it presents itself. Simple.”

  “You clearly don’t know my mother.” Wiatt muttered. “Simple, simply won’t do. Not if it has the D’arenberg name attached to it.” Wiatt sighed keeping his eyes on the road.

  “You know what the problem is right?” Tatum said back at him. “It’s Paris.” Wiatt looked over at Tatum. To say his brother and his finance didn’t get along wouldn’t be accurate, but they had a somewhat tempestuous relationship. Probably because his headstrong finance wasn’t afraid to go after his brother, the pack leader of the Manhattan Maen, weather it was good for her or not, in a fight.

  “Don’t say that.” Wiatt replied trying for neutral.

  “I mean, him and Bg, they screwed it all up!” Tatum went on.

  Wiatt frowned. “Not sure I’m following?”

  Tatum let out a heavy sigh and looked at Wiatt with a droll expression. “Paris and Bg, they screwed it up when they went off and eloped. They denied your mother the chance to be all…all…bridezilla with Bg. Paris is the first child, the first child’s first wedding and what does he do? He elopes.”

  “It was pretty cool actually.” Wiatt grinned back at her. “The way he did it. Totally surprised Bg.”

  “Surprised everyone right? From what you’ve told me. And now, because they did that, your mother isn’t going to let us do that. No, she wants the whole pomp and ceremony!” Tatum said throwing her hands up as she spoke.

  “And you don’t, I take it?”

  “I don’t need it, I don’t want it. I mean, I don’t even have anyone I can invite to be my guests to sit on the Bride’s side of the church!” Wiatt glanced across at Tatum before looking back out ahead of the front window.

  “So is this more a case of you don’t want to do this, because it reminds you of something you don’t think you have in your life, a family? Is that what you’re real resistance is about?”

  Tatum’s mouth opened and she closed it again, looking away from Wiatt suddenly. “Hey, hey,” He said taking a hand of the wheel to rest on her thigh. “I didn’t mean anything by that, I just wondered if that’s what’s upsetting you about all this, because I’m not sure what I see the fuss is about. I’m not sure she’s gotten as far as thinking about you being on your own and all and only having us. My mum just wants to help us out a little.”

  Tatum looked down and put her hand over her stomach. “I have us. It’s enough for me.” She said looking over at Wiatt. “Really. When you know what you want, and you get what you want.” Tatum trailed off as Wiatt smiled back at her. “My life since meeting you has been getting better and better. So now, if I could just have the life I want, the one I control and not someone else, that’d be just about perfect.”

  Wiatt put his hand on hers briefly, over Tatum’s stomach. Of course she would talk about pack life, her pack life as wolf, wasn’t anything like his and they both had to figure out how to make it work for not only Tatum, but for them, if they were going to work. Especially as a new little blended family of wolves. Wiatt looked over at her. “Sexy and smart, I really lucked out. Hey?”

  “Sexy, smart, knocked up, you never saw me coming, big guy.” Tatum replied humoursly at him. “And I’d like to get married if we’re going to do a human ceremony, before I start showing. Call it ego or pride, but I’d like to look nice, not big and fat.”

  Wiatt frowned and looked ahead. “I can’t wait for you to get big.” He muttered softly.

  Tatum laughed at him. “I think you’re just saying that because my breasts are getting bigger. You might not realize this, but other parts of me get big too, like my belly, my butt, everything.”

  Wiatt glanced across at her smirking. “Promise?”

  Tatum laughed at him. “You are incorrigible.”

  “Yes I am. Can’t blame me though, it’s hard to resist a sexy, knocked up lycan who gets my heart racing.” He said as he crossed over into the borough of Manhattan. “And does very naughty things in abandoned car parks.” Wiatt headed towards the East Village. “I mean, you’re like every living fantasy I’ve ever wanted, come to life.”

  “And you’re like a dream come true.” Tatum replied looking over at him.

  Wiatt turned the car into their street. “If it’s only a dream, then don’t wake me, okay?” He said parking the car. “Cause you are everything I want.” He looked at her and she saw the flare of desire in his eyes again.

  “Race you to the bedroom.” She uttered with a little smile.


  Wiatt got to the bedroom after Tatum, but that didn’t matter because they both couldn’t keep their hands off one another.

  “I want to ask you about your day, considering it was your big day and all,” Wiatt muttered between kisses of her lips and neck. “But having you apart from me for so long, just makes me want to make love to you more fiercely.” He said pulling his shirt off his arms as Tatum helped him undo his jeans. “That car park trick was just enough to drive me insane with need to be inside you.” Wiatt uttered running the tip of his nose along her neck.

  “Hate to disappoint.” Tatum replied backing away from Wiatt and kicking off her shoes.

  Wiatt growled playfully and reached out to Tatum, lowering her down to the bed gently as he crawled over the top of her. “You could never disappoint me.” He said pulling her leggings off her hips. His eyes trailing over her lovely long legs. “Ever.” He said enjoying her nakedness underneath. Tatum didn’t wear underwear. Something Wiatt utterly appreciated about her. He dipped his nose to sniff along her. Taking in the wet scent of her sex. Looking back up Tatum’s body to her face, rolling her t-shirt up her body slowly. He took his time. His lips brushing over the swell of her belly. “How was our girl today?” He asked kissing her skin. “Any nausea?” He licked at her skin as he trailed his tongue towards her belly button.

  “She was exceptionally well behaved, no trouble what so ever.”

  “Clearly doesn’t take after her mother then.” Wiatt joked. Tatum tensed automatically, like she’d be hit with a dose of fear. Wiatt groaned to himself and his own stupidity. “I’m sorry, that was a stupid thing to say, I’m a male, we say stupid things sometimes, without thinking them through.” He apologized looking up at Tatum.

  The subject of the pup’s biological father, was still a rather touchy one between them. So they both tended to try and avoid mentioning it, or his name when possible. Tatum let out a breath and smoothed a hand over her small bump. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it, like that.” She said looking up at Wiatt who moved further down her body, till he could pull her t-shirt off completely and unclipped her bra she’d been forced to wear because of her breasts getting bigger from the pregnancy. “This is our pup, Wiatt, yours and mine and as soon as we get married, I’m sure you’ll realize that.”

  “That argument again hey?” He smirked and pinched a large nipple. Tatum gasped loudly closely followed by a groan of pleasure. Ever since she’d become pregnant her nipples had become highly sensitive and Wiatt knew he could make her come, from just playing with them alone.

  “Well you do want to get married right?” She asked him in all seriousness. “I mean, you didn’t propose as a last ditch effort to save our relationship, right?”

  Wiatt could hear the concern in her voice as he slid up her chest towards her face. “No Tay, I didn’t do it for a last ditch effort. I’m in love with you, both of you.” He said putting a warm hand to her baby bu
mp. “I want the three of us to be together.” Wiatt’s lips molded to Tatum’s and he plunged his tongue into her mouth, demanding her submission to him. The alpha in him would love her fiercely and make love to her gently. He kissed her like he didn’t want to loose her, leaving Tatum breathless and heady with desire. She had never experienced such a whirlwind of emotion that was so consuming as it was when she was with Wiatt.

  Wiatt left her mouth and trailed his lips, back down her body, his kisses hot, wet and desperate as he explored every inch of her. “I love you Tay.” He muttered before running his tongue over her clit. Slipping his tongue in between her folds as drank her in. Tatum moved, squirming as her pleasure built and ebbed inside of her. Wiatt pressed his hands flat down on her hips, commanding her submission by stillness as he worked her in his mouth, taking his time to taste her. Teasing her pleasure out of her.

  Tatum sighed and breathed heavily as her hands scrunched the bed covers at her reach, as she fought to be still and take Wiatt’s talented tongue. “Wiatt!” Tatum gasped out loud when she didn’t think she could take it anymore. “Please, please.” She panted starting to squirm against his mouth. Wiatt pressed her hips still again and added a finger to her trembling heat, slowly fucking her on it as his mouth kept enjoying the delight of her taste on his tongue.

  Wiatt lifted his head and looked down at her. “Please what?” He asked.

  “Please make love to me Wiatt.”

  Wiatt groaned deep in his throat, looking at her laying naked before him, her brown hair splayed out around her in a halo, her brown eyes lit with desire, her face peaked with tinges of pink, from him stirring up her pleasure. “How could I ever resist you?” He asked sliding forwards until the tip of his cock rested against her. “I love you Tay.” He repeated and slid his thickness into her, until he was deep inside her. Lifting Tatum’s hips up, he slowly started thrusting. “I love you.” They moved together, taking their time to enjoy one another.

  “Wiatt, I love you.” Tatum gasped as he lowered his head to her nipples and began to suck, giving her shallow, small thrusts of his cock as he occupied his mouth. A familiar sense of tightness built in her and Tatum gave herself over to it as her orgasm rocked her, making her cry out loudly. Unable to contain her emotions as she was swept up in them. Tears rolled down the side of her face as she closed her eyes.

  “Hey,” Wiatt said softly, his lips kissing her tears.

  “Happy tears.” She said smiling back at him, wiping at her eyes.

  “Good.” Wiatt said thrusting deeper again and getting back into a rhythm with her. “I only want you to be happy Tay.” He said between thrusts as he picked up the pace. “Happy with me.” He said as his balls slapped against her skin. “Like I am,” He panted “With you.” His body matched hers so perfectly as they moved in sync building to a higher sensation of their love. Wiatt bit his lip as his orgasm roared through him and he came spilling himself into his lover. After he’d exhausted himself, Wiatt reluctantly pulled out of Tatum and curled up beside her, closing his eyes. Tatum fell asleep in her werewolf lover’s arms, a trail of tears on her skin and a smile on her face, as his arm lay draped heavily across the beginning of her swollen belly.


  Tatum looked at herself in the mirror and turned side on, running her hands over her body. The baby bump was showing and it made her glad. She cupped her hands under the bump and her eyes diverted in the mirror to the scaring along her side. Twisted claw marks, still evident and obvious to her. They trailed from her ribs almost all the way down to her hipbone. Her fingers traced the pink scared lines in her flesh. They were rough and ugly and it made her shiver at the memory of how she’d got them.

  Robbie. Robbie had left her for dead. Made her already hard, solitary life, so much harder. Made her an outcast as a lycan. And now she was alive and carrying a child. One that had his bloodline in it. Did that mean her baby would do what was done to her? Tatum wished it was Wiatt’s blood in her baby. The way Wiatt loved her, made Tatum feel cherished. “You will be loved.” Tatum said looking at her baby bump and smoothing her hand over it. She slipped her bathrobe back on and tied it at the waist, before walking out of the bathroom.

  She padded bare foot into the coolness of the kitchen. The morning sun was just beginning to break, and creep into the back kitchen window as Wiatt finished plating up her breakfast. “Hey, I was going to bring this to you in bed.” He said turning off the stove behind him.

  “I had to get up, anyway.” Tatum replied sheepishly sitting on a high stool at the designer kitchen table made of wooden creates.


  “It was less this time, so maybe it’s easing off. I mean I went a whole day without throwing up yesterday.” Tatum scratched her unbrushed hair.

  “So maybe this is too much. Do you just want some dry crackers or something.” Wiatt said looking at the breakfast he’d made her.

  “Mmm,” Tatum murmured looking at the breakfast food.

  “Sour dough toast, with avocado, spinach leaves, and a poached egg.” Wiatt replied seeing the hunger in her eyes.

  “I think I can manage it.” Tatum said never taking her eyes of the food. “I want to manage it, honestly, that looks so damn good.” Wiatt smiled at her and kissed the top of her head as she picked up her cutlery.


  “Just water please.” Tatum replied cutting into the toast and loose spinach leaves onto of it.

  “Got to say,” Wiatt turned the kitchen sink on and put a glass under it. “This is amazing.” He turned the tap off and handed Tatum the glass of water.

  “The water?”

  “No dummy, this, us.” He said waving a hand between them. “The domesticity of it all. Just keeps I dunno, amazing me. Feels good, feels right.” He said sitting opposite her. Tatum stopped cutting the crusty toast, staring at it instead.

  “Oh no, you feel sick?”

  Tatum put her cutlery down and looked up at Wiatt. “No, I’m fine. The food is fine. I just,” She sighed heavily. He’d just told her how damn happy he was with her. She didn’t want to bring him down with her own dark thoughts.

  “What?” Wiatt asked softly.

  Tatum shook her head, smiling back at him. “It’s uh, nothing, I forgot what I was going to say.” She muttered quickly picking up her cutlery again.


  “Mmm,” Tatum forked some toast and avocado and spinach together.

  “Tay, you now I can tell when you’re lying, right?” Tatum stilled again.

  “The heart beat thing?”

  “Subtleties of body language.” Wiatt replied back at her. “Tell me what’s on your mind. You can tell me anything, you know that.”

  Her brown eyes diverted up to his blue eyes. “I guess you kind of got me thinking, after you said maybe my real problem with the wedding is the not having a family anymore.”

  “Hey, you’re going to have your own family, with our pup.” Wiatt said moving around to be closer to her.

  “I know, but, well, maybe you’re right. It does still hurt to realize that if you weren’t here, I’d have no one. I’d be on my own with the pup.” Tatum replied putting the cutlery and food back down again. “And it got me thinking about that. About the pup and how, she has a family, she has…”

  “Another father, is that it?” Wiatt asked. Tatum held Wiatt’s hard gaze at her. “You want to tell Robbie about the baby?” Tatum sighed and opened her mouth and closed it and opened it again. Wiatt straightened up stiffly and moved off the kitchen stool. Tatum reached for him but he moved to the coffee pot furthest away from her. “That bastard doesn’t deserve anything from you Tatum. Nothing.” Wiatt turned his back on her and proceeded to potter around taking his time to make himself a coffee. “He doesn’t deserve you or the baby.”

  “I don’t want him to be the baby daddy. Honestly I don’t.” Tatum blurted out. “But he is and planning this wedding is making me think about things differently. This pup deserves to know who she is, w
here she comes from, all of it. She should have it all to do with what she wants. I want to give her a better life in this werewolf run world than I’ve had.”

  Wiatt turned around then and looked back at her, his hands resting on the bench top behind him. “I’m going to give you both the life you deserve. With me, not with Robbie.”

  Tatum shook her head. “You misunderstand me.”

  “That’s my pup, not his damn baby. You’re mine, this our family, ours. Together.” Wiatt replied angrily. “You’ll be a D’arenberg, our pup will have my name and that’s going open a lot of gateways for her, for you both. That’s what the damn wedding ceremony is about.”Tatum paused and pushed out the stool, standing off it. She’d made him mad but in doing so, he’d revealed the real reason he wasn’t fighting his mother on the wedding ceremony. He was protecting her, in a way he knew would work further down the track.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all that, I do. And I know our pup is going to have an amazing life with you as her daddy.”

  “But you want Robbie involved too.” Wiatt uttered. “Fuck.”

  “No, Wiatt, you misunderstand me. I don’t want Robbie involved. I don’t want him anywhere near me, ever again and never near my daughter.” Wiatt’s eyes widened by her admission.

  “Then what? Why bring up his name in relation to the pup?” He asked her confused.

  “Because, not knowing things about bloodlines is what got me into this pregnancy in the first place.” Tatum said holding his gaze.


  “I don’t even know if Robbie is a werewolf or a lycan. I don’t know if there are any hereditary factors in his family that I should know about for the sake of the health of our pup.”


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