Wolves Bloodlines

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Wolves Bloodlines Page 5

by Girl, Breukelen

  “Tay, you’re a wolf for better or worse, he made you one. You need to start thinking like one, now, more than ever.” Wiatt said looking at her hand resting automatically over her stomach. His eyes flicked back up to her face. “Hey,” He said putting a hand to her worried face and cupping it. “It’s the world we live in. And if Robbie isn’t your friend, then he’s our enemy. And that makes him prey, because we, will not be the weaker wolves here when it comes to meeting this bastard head on.”

  Tatum nodded her head slowly. “Right. You’re right.” She muttered softly as he leaned in to kiss her again.

  “You and the pup, are my pack. No one’s getting between us Tay, no one. Paris all but threatened to tear you away from me if I didn’t behave myself on this trip with you. I told him to in no uncertain terms, I’d put you before the Manhattan Maen. Where you go, I go. That’s why I’m here, and I’m ready to do all the dirty work required to give you what you need out of this meet-up, you just have to let me off the leash, anytime.” Wiatt said watching her as he spoke, in all earnest seriousness with her. There. Now it was all out in the open. She knew his true feelings and his intentions should he have the chance. Wiatt’s eyes darted over her face, watching her closely.

  “Are you asking me to give you permission to do your job if you need to, Wiatt?” Tatum asked seeking clarification she understood him properly.

  “Yes, beautiful, I am.” Wiatt replied tensing up. If she said no, he wasn’t sure what that would mean for them. On some level, Tatum had to accept a few aspects of their life together. She had to accept that they were wolves and that meant accepting the darkness of their animal nature that was always inside them, ready to let out. Tatum also had to understand, truly understand, that Wiatt was an enforcer for the Manhattan Maen because he was exceptionally good at what it entailed him doing. And that wasn’t making friends with those he was asked to police. She had to know, that even after they married, his job would still his be his job, even as he became a father for the first time. Partially because on some level, it was part of who he was as a werewolf, and Paris had assigned him the pack role, because it allowed him to control his werewolf self, through it.

  “I want,” Tatum paused and seemed to think over her answer, her eyes dropping briefly to look at his hand before looking back up at him. “I want to be with you, you are the only werewolf for me. And you are the only werewolf I want to be the father of this pup. So yes Wiatt, you have my permission to protect us by any means necessary.”

  “Any?” Wiatt checked with her.

  “Till death do us part.” Tatum said back at him. “All of us.” she said placing her hands in his.

  “I’m sure it won’t come to that Tay, but I want us on the same page if it does get dicey.”

  Tatum nodded her head. “I know. I get that. And Wiatt?”


  “I get you.” Tatum said softly leaning forward to kiss his cheek. “So thank you for asking.” she said kissing his other cheek.


  He needed his scent all over her and whilst there were plenty of ways to do that, making love to his lycan lover, mother of his child and wife to be, was by far the one that suited Wiatt the most. Scenting his pack mate was a silent and effective way to make it clear to any wolves that they might come across, that she could not be touched. That Tatum, belonged to him. Only the truly stupid wolves went after a female wolf that was taken. Most wolves, understood the scenting message. Since they’d started living together, it had been working for Tatum and in fact, helping her have a more normal presence in Manhattan with him. And she’d had no problem in the Bronx so far, either. Wiatt thrust slow and shallow, and it drove Tatum mad with impatience for her climax. She squeezed him and grinned. “Oh that is not fair.” He said looking down at her face as she concentrated on not spewing insults at him. Because he was very literally being a prick tease. Which was utterly maddeningly delightful, because it heightened everything about their sexual encounter.

  “Am I in trouble?”

  “Yes, beautiful you are.” Wiatt replied as he slowed his thrusting down even more. Tatum groaned loudly and thumped her hands on the bed loudly. “The penalty for trying to rush me, is this.”

  “Please Wiatt.” Tatum panted softly looking up at him. “Please.”

  “Please Wiatt what?”

  “Please love me.” She said softly and his heart melted as he leaned down to consume her mouth. His tongue seeking its rightful place in her. His hands lifted her hips up as he slid his knees underneath her. Wiatt broke off the kiss and reached for a pillow to put under her lower back.

  “Forever.” He muttered thrusting back into her deeply. Tatum moaned with the sensation of him filling her so completely. Wiatt filled her soul with his, his darkness, her darkness, her insecurities and fears were smothered out by his assurance and security. They made love and it awakened needs in both of them. Every time they made love it strengthened some part of their relationship, it was like they went hard at each other in their love making to see what they could get from the other one, because all they wanted from the other, was more. Or maybe, Tatum told herself silently as she moaned, she was just so damn deeply in love with Wiatt that she didn’t know up from down when he touched her like this, when he loved her and let her know she was loved by him. It was her own doing really, after the little teasing game of strawberries and kisses and touches, Tatum had ensured she got Wiatt back. Sucking his cock till her lipstick stained it and he was turned on beyond patience would allow.

  “I love you” Wiatt panted as he picked up his pace and she cried out in bliss at the sensation. Tatum grabbed at the bed covers, gripping them as her hands flexed tightly and opened again, as Wiatt rode with her towards their ultimate connection, a cataclysm of ecstasy that flared within both of them. “Let go baby.” Tatum cried out unable to help herself. She wasn’t normally such a loud lover, but Wiatt did bring it out in her. For him she’d do anything. Anything at all. Make love to him and go to war with him if it meant they’re little family would forever be safe.


  Tatum let out a heavy sigh and watched her breath form a cold white cloud that disappeared as soon as it had appeared in the cold night air. Wiatt stepped up beside her as they looked around the bay that reflected the night lights of Boston as it’s corporate offices, and skyscrapers were left burning bright for the night, while workers went home.

  “Ready?” Wiatt asked her softly. “Because you don’t have to do this.” He said looking across at her, even though he knew, what her answer would be.

  “I do have to do this, at some point Wiatt. I’d rather it was done before my girl comes into this world.” Wiatt pulled her over to him and slid his arms around her waist.

  “Okay, if you say so.”

  “I do.”

  “Supposed to say that at the church with me, in a big poufy white dress.” He grinned down at her. “Looking forward to it. Maybe with a bit of extra poufy-ness.” Tatum smiled up at him. “Come on, we can do this. I know we can.” She said slipping out of his embrace and taking his hand instead.

  “Alright,” Wiatt said ignoring the lovely scene of the bay harbor behind them, “Where do we begin? No current address or info on our prey.”

  Tatum arched an eyebrow looking back up at him quickly as he spoke. “Oh what, I’m not using that’s prick’s name. He doesn’t deserve that much respect.”

  “I remember what his family home looked like and where it was in relation to my family’s house. So we go back to the old neighborhood and see what you can pick up on the area. Then when we locate the home, we knock on the door and see if, our prey or his family are still living there at all.”

  Wiatt nodded his head. “Good a starting point as any. Lead the way.” Tatum looked around them pulled her coat closer around herself and they started walking.

  “Let me take you on a tour of my town.” She muttered as they walked out into the street that was busy, as business wound down for the evenin
g and people made their way home. Traffic commenced the daily grinds commute through the roads. And the eateries and restaurants set up for the dinner crowd. “You ever been to Boston before?” Tatum asked Wiatt as they walked along casually amongst the crowd of commuters.

  “I don’t believe so.” Wiatt replied.

  “Well maybe I’ll have to introduce you to a few Boston traditions while you’re here.” She said looking around them as they walked.

  “Like what?”

  “Clam chowder, we have the best in the country. And I reckon the pizza’s good enough to rival NYC’s.”

  “Whoa, the pizza is a big call to make.” Wiatt smiled as he casually observed the layout of the streets around them, and noted the faces in the crowd, and actions of those around them. They might look like a casual going for a casual stroll through Back Bay, but part of Wiatt’s skill set was observance. Knowing at all times, what was around him, and when something was out of place, or about to happen. Paris had the fighting skills and charisma of a leader, plus the head for business operations. Wiatt had strategy and uncanny intuition and perception that often came into play with his line of work.

  “I know we’re here to do a mission, but do you have to frown so much?” Tatum said out the side of her mouth. “It makes you look fierce.”

  “Good.” Wiatt uttered back quickly. “I don’t care what anyone thinks of me.”

  “Except when it attracts too many looks for being the angry tall guy walking with the nice lady in public right?” Wiatt breathed heavily and consciously relaxed his face. “Don’t suppose you know where wolves would hang out here? That could be the way to go, go to the local spots, ask around first.”

  “And how many fights do you plan on getting into Wiatt?” Tatum retorted.

  “As many as it takes to get you what you need. I’m not afraid of anyone or anything other than disappointing you.” He replied causing Tatum to still on the spot, still holding his hand.

  “I…you…” She raised up on her tip toes and kissed his mouth warmly. His words were heart felt and seeped deep into her soul. Tatum lowered back down as his eyes darkened with passion that ran deep within them both. “Uh, probably Bussey Brook Meadow in the Arnold Arboretum, or the Common. We’re close to the Common, we could cut through it and circumvent our walk to my old neighborhood by doing so.”

  Wiatt looked at her. “It’s your call Tay on where we go, we’ll do whatever you want.”


  Tatum shivered in the cool night air and Wiatt pulled her in close to him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. “You shouldn’t be out here in the cold in your condition.” He muttered softly out the side of his mouth.

  “Condition?” Tatum replied back at him as they entered Boston Common. It was a large flat city parkland, that stretched as far as the eye could see, from what Tatum knew of it, it should be about fifty acres, but that was long enough a walk for a pregnant woman to stroll through. She just hoped there were enough spaced out public toilets on the grounds. Wiatt chuckled back at her.

  “So delicate.” He uttered as they watched a rower on the waterway beside the park, row up stream.

  “Really D’arenberg, do I strike you as the delicate type?” Tatum growled back at him under her breath.

  Wiatt leant over and kissed her forehead. “Nope.” He replied as they walked further into the parkland. “Otherwise if you were there would be no way I’d agree to let you do this.” He said looking around at the goings on of the park.

  They fell into silence again and Tatum let her night vision kick in as the dusk of the evening fell in around them, darkening the park and cooling it down with darkness. Wiatt inhaled the crisp Boston air. Tatum looked over at him. “Anything?” She asked him beginning to hate how nervous she was feeling. Her body was shivering and she wasn’t sure it was from the coldness of the night descending on them. Her body was all too aware of where it was and that this place called Boston, might once have been her home ground. Her comfort and security in knowing it and those around her. But not now.

  Now Boston was a trauma that had ingrained itself into her muscle memory. Her body shivered because it was nervous and anxious and it didn’t like walking through Boston Common in the darkness of the unknown. Even with Wiatt by her side. Wiatt dropped his arm off her and crocked his arm instead. “Lots of things, none of them wolf. I’ve got canine but even that’s different to lycan.”

  “How so, if we don’t smell like real wolves and all that?” Tatum asked Wiatt.

  “Something about how the lycanthropy affects the human biology, it leaves the lycans with a metallic tinge to it. Like fur and animal with a sharp tang to it. It’s just very obvious once you’ve been around real werewolves so to speak, you can pick it up quickly on lycans.”

  “Do we taste metallic too? I mean, in the blood, if you were to bite me?” Tatum asked him snuggling closer into Wiatt, putting her arm through his crocked arm.

  “Uh I don’t know, I’ve never been with a lycan before you.” Wiatt muttered absently looking around, something had caught his sensory attention. “And I’ve never bitten you.”

  “No, you haven’t have you?” Tatum replied, unaware of Hooper’s attention being elsewhere.

  “I’d only bite a partner when I’m claiming them.” Hooper answered by way of explanation. His eyes narrowing in on the horizon ahead of them. “This way,” He said directing Tatum off the path they were on.

  “Claiming? You never mentioned claiming before, what’s that?” Tatum asked intrigued as the grass got softer under foot and she felt her shoes sink a little with each step on the damp earth. “Shh,” Wiatt replied focused on what was ahead of them. Tatum finally began to pay attention and looked at where they were walking. The landscape, whilst still reasonably flat, now had a building behind it and small rounded shapes sticking out of the ground all over it.

  Tatum stopped short and caused Wiatt to pull up. “What? What is it?” He asked looking at her. Tatum’s face was pale, illuminated even more by the light of the moon breaking through the overhead tree before them.

  “It’s a grave yard. They’re headstones.” Tatum muttered softly looking over the various headstones that appeared out of the ground. Wiatt looked back at the landscape and noted she was right. They were graveyard headstones.

  “I’m not going in there.” Tatum said out loud.

  “Tay it’s just land with bits of stone poking up out of it, it’s not like the bodies are going to come to life and reach up through the earth and grab you by the ankles or anything. Look, you can make out the most worn out tracks through the graveyard if you pay attention to the ground.” Wiatt said pointing out the paths that people had worn down.

  “That’s not it.” Tatum replied in a small voice.

  “Then what?”

  “I’m not walking through there because I can smell the lycans. They’re over there.” Tatum said nodding her head to the right. Wiatt’s head swiveled to the right, how’d he not pick them up? He’d been rather focused on something to the other side of them.

  “And the werewolf scent I picked up goes to the left.” Wiatt replied back at her “Which means, going through the grave yard, to that area, over there.”

  “You mean the completely pitch black area that even my night vision can’t make anything out from.” Tatum replied back at him.

  “Yeah, that area.” Wiatt replied as they remained still exactly where they are. “I think this is the welcoming committee.”

  “Ambush you mean.” Tatum uttered through chatting teeth. “Bet if we step in the graveyard they’ll come at us.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “What do we do?” Tatum asked him in a low voice. Wiatt frowned, it didn’t make sense, well much sense, his rational brain told him, going over the situation at hand. Why would wolves, whether werewolf or lycan attack them. Surely they could tell by their scents that they were wolves, not humans waiting to be bitten into.

  “You sure the lycans are to t
he right?”

  “Don’t you believe me?” Tatum asked him.

  “I just, I didn’t pick them up, still can’t now that you’ve mentioned it.” Wiatt replied back at her. “When I focus on the right, I get a mix of scents, but they don’t register as lycan.”

  “You said bitter tinge was what lycans had.”

  “Metallic tinge.” Wiatt corrected her.

  “Hmm, well it’s not metallic exactly, maybe acidic. Like if you stuck your tongue on a battery and got zapped, mixed with something else.” Now Tatum’s observation had Wiatt’s full attention.

  “Hmm.” He muttered as his vision focused on the shades of darkness that outline the park’s inhabitants and surroundings. “Could be shape shifters. Werewolves have always had trouble locking into their scents for some reason.”

  “Shape shifters?” Tatum asked.

  “Education lesson for another time.”

  “Right, so what we do?” Tatum asked him. “Wait ‘em out in the cold?”

  “No, werewolves, do not play passive.”

  “But I’m not,”

  “They don’t necessarily know that. So don’t let them. Besides, even if they do, a show of power is always better than not.” Wiatt instructed Tatum as he loosed her arm through his.

  “Right, so what we do?”

  “We say hello.” Wiatt replied slipping his hand in hers and walking into the grave yard grounds “New York style.”

  “So hit first, hit hard?” Tatum said low out the side of her mouth.

  “Let me do this, you’re benched baby, no way am I letting you get physical with any of them.” Wiatt said as they started walking.

  “You can’t take them all on Wiatt by yourself.” Tatum continued talking in a low voice.

  “You’re not endangering our pup for a punch up.” Wiatt replied back at her in an equally low yet clearly defiant voice. “Besides, you really haven’t seen me fight yet. I can take ‘em.”


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