Hearts on Fire 6: Healing Sophia (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 6: Healing Sophia (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Banks said the higher-ups were after a bigger fish. That’s when he hinted about stopping the search for Mateo and Deavan. It was like he was pushing it so that the case would be closed. Meanwhile, my identity is blown, and Sophia is left alone with no resources.”

  “And you didn’t tell Banks or anyone else about Sophia’s location?” Cooper asked.

  “Only two agents were with me and since then have been transferred from the case. They seemed like good men, but I would think, if they weren’t, then Sophia would have been found and taken by now.”

  “Well, we have our work cut out for us. Should I start with my connections and see if I can get more on this Mateo and Deavan and any close friends or associates who may have helped them to escape?” Cody asked.

  “That would be great. Here’s a file of some names that popped up on old phone records. I was able to decode the numbers and then had some associates in the agency find out who the numbers belonged to, but before more could be accomplished, the case got the axe.” He handed the envelope to Cody.

  “Okay. It’s a great start.”

  “And us?” Don asked.

  “I need your special skills. That means eyes and ears on Banks, his office, his home, personal cell, his mistresses, everything.”

  Cooper smiled and rubbed his hands together. “You got it, bro. Let’s catch ourselves some scumbag dirty agents.”

  * * * *

  Sophia stood on the deck after they all showered and then made some burgers on the grill and talked about basic things. They discussed the job she had with the local realty company and her hopes to go full time as she learned about the area and what people loved most about Treasure Town.

  “Do you have to work the street fair Saturday? Usually all the businesses set up tables with giveaways and promos,” Cerdic said as he came to stand next to her by the railing on the deck. She glanced up at him.

  “Actually I do but only for a few hours in the morning, then I can look around, too, and learn more about the town.”

  Cerdic gently ran his palm down her arm as she looked out at the water. It was such a beautiful night, and even though, it was hard to see the ocean at night when it was dark, the sound indicated how close they were to it and how perfect this home was. Cerdic pressed up behind her. He moved her hair from one side of her shoulder to the other then pressed his lips to her exposed skin. She had put the strapless sundress back on because the men said they liked it and hadn’t gotten to enjoy her in it.

  “You know what I like most about this dress?” he asked as he smoothed his hand along her torso then cupped a breast.

  She tilted her head back, giving him better access to her neck and throat as she held on to the railing in front of her.

  “How accessible your body is.”

  She heard the zipper slide down and then felt his large, warm palm slide into the opening and smooth down her hip, straight to her bare pussy. Gideon had warned her about not putting any panties on. It made for a very interesting dinnertime with the men.

  “Oh yeah, warm, wet, and ready, just the way I like you.” He pressed his thick digit up into her cunt, and she gripped the railing tighter.

  “Hold on to that railing. Don’t move,” he ordered, and then Andreas joined them as her dress began to fall to her waist.

  Andreas cupped her breast. “So beautiful. You look like a goddess standing here in the moonlight.”

  He smoothed his thumb back and forth over the nipple. She didn’t moan aloud but, instead, tried to regulate her breathing. She was on fire, and the fact that they would surely have her naked on the porch out in the open aroused something in her. Good thing no other houses were around.

  Cerdic thrust his fingers in and out of her cunt.

  “I need to taste her, Andreas.”


  “No, out here in the moonlight.”

  He pulled his fingers from her pussy. Her dress fell to the porch deck, and then Andreas lifted her up as Cerdic ducked and then placed her thigh over his shoulder. A moment later, she hung in midair, with Andreas holding her against his shoulder, his hand under her ass and thigh and her other thigh over Cerdic’s shoulder while he licked and sucked her cream.

  They held her as if her were light as a feather. The fact that she was so high up because of their height, never mind the way her entire body was exposed, made her shake and moan.

  “We’ve got you, baby,” Andreas said and moved slightly so he could feast on her breast. That was when Lew and Gideon joined them.

  “Relax and let us in,” Lew said, and then he tugged on her other nipple with his mouth and placed an arm around her back for support.

  She gasped when she felt her right thigh being lifted higher, spreading her wider before she felt the tongue against her anus.

  “Fuck I love this ass,” Gideon said from underneath her, and then she felt the finger press into her ass. Her body dipped, and she moaned out her first orgasm. Cerdic slurped away.

  “Please. Oh God, this is too much. Too wild,” she exclaimed, and they chuckled.

  “Never too much or too wild. Making love to you will never grow old, baby.” Lew tugged on her nipple as Gideon pulled his finger from her ass and Cerdic pulled from her pussy and took her into his arms.

  She immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, clasped his face between her hands, and kissed him deeply. She felt aroused and wild with need after what they’d just done to her. They were sexy, strong, and it set her pussy on fire.

  He moaned into her mouth and used one hand to hold her under her ass as he undid his pants and shoved them down.

  She released his lips, and a moment later, he pressed her against the house and thrust his cock up into her pussy. She moaned as she tilted her head back, giving him access to her breasts, which he suckled and tugged on.

  “Fuck, Sophia, you drive me wild. Fuck,” he exclaimed as his fingers dug into her flesh and squeezed her ass cheeks apart as he stroked as deeply as he could get.

  “Cerdic. Oh!” she exclaimed as she came.

  Cerdic pumped four more times and then came, too.

  She hugged his neck as he caressed her back then sat down in a long, wide, cushioned recliner.

  She didn’t stop hugging him, inhaling his cologne, kissing his neck, and he didn’t stop stroking her back. They stayed that way for quite some time.

  * * * *

  Lew sat in a chair and watched Cerdic caress Sophia’s back. Andreas pulled a chair close to them, and she reached out and held his hand.

  Gideon was in a seat next to Lew, just watching over them as he was, perhaps even thinking what Lew was thinking, how lucky they were to have Sophia as their woman.

  As he stared at the tattoo on her body and wondered at how the branches extended and were full and beautiful, the colors as pink and authentic as the actual flower, he felt his chest constrict. Her ex had hurt her so badly. The fact that he was still out there with his buddy and could return to take her from them made Lew’s blood boil. He felt so protective and possessive of her. Just looking at her body, voluptuous, sweet, giving, and caring, he knew she had become their center, their world, and everything all in one feminine, sexy package.

  He took a deep breath and exhaled, enjoying this moment of peacefulness, of serenity and safety, the scent of the citronella candle burning, the sound of the waves hitting the shoreline, and the feeling that life couldn’t get more perfect than right now in this moment surrounded by his family. With that thought came a fear. Deep in the pit of his gut, he felt it sizzle. Something wasn’t right. His instincts warned him to be diligent of her safety and protecting of his family, and he vowed to do just that. He would die for her, for them. They were his family, and nothing else mattered.

  Chapter 7

  “So, it seems some progress was made since we last got together,” Frankie teased Sophia as they grabbed some fresh lemonade from one of the stands on the boardwalk. The men weren’t too far from them, standing around near one of t
he entrances to the beach. Cerdic, Andreas, and Gideon had to stand in uniform to represent the marine patrol and do some safety instruction presentations for the community.

  Sophia smiled.

  “I guess you could say that.” She paid for the lemonade then took a sip from hers while the others were being made. She would bring some over to the guys shortly, and then she and Lew would walk around to see some of the other tables set up by local businesses.

  “That’s so great. I’m happy for you, Sophia. They’re great guys.”

  “They sure are. I really care about them, and I love it here,” she said and smiled.

  “Well, you fit right in. I’ve heard great things from Fannie at the real estate agency. Do you like it there?”

  “I do, but I would like more hours and maybe get into showing houses, you know, be a little more hands-on. It’s hard to promote a place or recommend it if I haven’t even been in the place. Plus, I like talking to people and where I lived before I did a lot of real estate work.”

  “Then it’s like a calling for you. You are easy to talk to. I’m certain you would be great. Have you asked Fannie about letting you try that aspect of the job?”

  “There are a few other people who got hired before me that do it here and there. I wouldn’t want to step on any toes.”

  “Well, with the way Treasure Town is becoming so popular, I’d say your services would be needed and appreciated, especially since you’re ready to work more hours. How do your men feel about it?”

  Sophia felt her cheeks warm, and she giggled. “God, I can’t believe you just said your men like that. It sounds so weird, yet, feels so right,” she admitted.

  Frankie gave her a nudge. “Because it is right, and they really care about you. I can see it in their eyes. They light up whenever you’re near. Come on. Let’s get them the lemonades.”

  Sophia grabbed the carrier of lemonades as Frankie grabbed hers, and they headed toward their men. They handed them out, and Lew walked over to give them to Cerdic, Andreas, and Gideon.

  “You ready for that walk?” Lew asked as he slid his hand around her waist and let his fingers splay slightly over the upper part of her ass in a very sexy, possessive manner. It gave her the chills and made her insides heat up.

  “You two have fun,” Frankie said and gave Sophia a wink.

  Sophia looked toward the set-up where Cerdic, Andreas, and Gideon were. There was a small group of people listening to Andreas present, particularly three young women who were drooling over them. She paused and watched closely, feeling a little jealous. Well, a lot jealous, but then Gideon gave a wave and so did Cerdic and then Andreas. She waved back, and Lew pulled her along.

  “Hey, they only have eyes for you.”

  She looked up into his eyes and then felt that little bit of fear that she wasn’t good enough. He stopped her by the bench near the walkway and brought her hands up to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

  “Talk to me. What’s wrong? You get this look sometimes like you’re so sad or unsure. I don’t like it.”

  “I’m sorry, Lew. I guess I’m feeling insecure,” she said and then looked away.

  “Hey, look at me.”

  She looked up into his green eyes. He was six feet four, and even with the heeled sandals she wore today, her head made it only to his chest.

  “You’re ours, and we’re yours. You’ll get more and more confident the more time we spend together and get to know one another. Trust doesn’t come easy for us either. We’re basically opening up our hearts, our bodies to one woman. There’s a special bond that we share and always have. It’s difficult to explain. But I can tell you that I would die for any of them, and for you. They would do the same. You complete us, Sophia. We’re not going to screw that up.”

  She smiled and then she hugged him when he released her hands.

  “Thank you for being honest with me, Lew, and for talking things out. You guys make me happy and make me feel like I can have a life and I’m safe.”

  “Good, so how about that walk and then we’ll meet the guys.”

  He took her hand, and they traveled along the side streets and saw all the business tables. There was a bit of a crowd gathered near the tattoo parlor. Tank was doing some kind of promotion.

  “I wonder what he’s giving away,” she said to Lew. “Probably a free session or something.”

  As they got closer, they saw the larger portraits of beautiful tattoos, and he had people signing up for something. Tank caught sight of her at the same time she saw the image that people were talking about, signing a notepad that was under it.

  “Sophia,” he exclaimed, and she felt her belly tighten. When, not if, Lew recognized the tattoo and the model in the photograph, he was going to flip out. She thought about how jealous and a bit angry they had been that Tank got to see her ass and one side of her breast. How was he going to react to a public display? Thank God her face didn’t show.

  She gave Tank a hug hello, and then Lew shook his hand. It appeared they knew one another pretty well.

  When she felt Lew’s hand caress along her hip and then to her ass, pulling her by his side, she had a feeling he realized it was her in the picture.

  “What are you doing, giving away tattoos?” Lew asked.

  Tank winked. “Hell no, just a free session for a tattoo that requires multiple sessions. When are you coming in to get those angel wings?” he asked Lew.

  Sophia looked up at Lew, and he gave her a squeeze closer. “Not sure what I want yet,” he replied, and Tank smiled.

  “What seems to be drawing all the attention over here?” Lew asked, but he didn’t move closer. Instead, he caressed his palm up her waist, gliding up the wire of her bra then back down. He knew it was her tattoo, her body in the picture. Oh God.

  “Well, some of my more recent, intricate tattoos are pretty popular. People are signing up to get them.”

  Sophia was shocked. When they’d come up with the idea together, she and Tank wanted to do something feminine but also something he could work with to hide the branded “M,” but she’d never anticipated that women would want it, too.

  Tank stepped closer to Lew as he realized Lew was practically scowling as some guys stared at the picture and one guy complimented the body of the model.

  “Hey, that was some of my best work ever. Seven days, four-five hours a day, your woman lay there through the pain determined to get her life back. I was honored she chose me.”

  Sophia felt her eyes well up with tears, and she reached out and took Tank’s hand.

  “Jeremy was right about your capabilities.” She glanced at Lew, who seemed upset but also shocked as he had a firm, serious expression and not a smile. “Because of your abilities and talent, I’m getting my life back, and I have four men I can open my heart up to and trust.”

  Tank gave her a hug, and then he winked at Lew.

  “You and your team better take good care of her. She’s a keeper,” he said, and then someone called out that they needed assistance with something, and he walked away.

  She hugged Lew’s arm as they walked by the table, looking at more pictures of tattoos. A few people started showing off theirs, and as Sophia took a step forward, Lew pulled her close to his side, his hand over her hip and moved her along.

  “Don’t even think about it. You’re in enough trouble as is.”

  She swallowed hard and felt a mix of fear and arousal.

  “Lew,” she whispered, and he didn’t say a word as he pulled her along.

  “Later, Sophia, we talk about it.”

  She stopped short, her heart pounding. He saw her expression and must have realized that he was scaring her. He pulled her close, ran his hand along her ass, and gave it a light tap. He used his other hand to smooth along her neck and chin, tilting her head up toward him. She saw the hunger in his eyes, and that fear in her belly turned into lust.

  “You are our woman. We’re possessive and protective of what belongs to us and, most importantly
, you. You never said you posed for photographs for Tank.” He appeared as if he’d bitten the inside of his cheek.

  “It wasn’t like a photo session. He was proud of his work, so was I, and with all those hours and care going into his work of art, he has a right to be able to show it off so other people can see his capabilities. It’s not like you saw my face.”

  His hand squeezed her ass.

  “I could practically see the crack of your ass and the bottom swell of your breast.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “I’m sorry that you’re upset. Just for the record, we weren’t intimately involved yet.”

  He raised one of his eyebrows up at her.

  “Seriously, you’re going to use that as an excuse when you know, at that point, we’d already told you we wanted you?”

  “Yes. I wasn’t ready because his mark was still on my body and so noticeable. I got that tattoo not only for me, not only to forget and move on, but I got it for the four of you, so that when we make love together, none of you would have to look at another man’s marking and—”

  He covered her mouth and kissed her. He plunged his tongue in deeply and explored her mouth, stopping her from talking any further. His hand caressed along her lower back, up the side near her breast where the tattoo ended, and then back down over her lower back and ass. It was so intense, and she felt overwhelmed with love for him and for her men.

  When he released her lips, he held her gaze. “I love you. He doesn’t matter anymore. He can’t come between the five of us. You’re ours, and this is our body, our tattoo to enjoy, no one else’s.” He winked.

  She felt the tear roll down her cheek. “I love you too,” she said and then hugged him tightly.

  They then continued to walk, her hugging him around the waist, his hand possessively on her hip as they made their way back to the others so they could all go to dinner and then the Station to hang out with friends.

  * * * *

  Cerdic snuck up behind Sophia as they got to the house. He was tired from the long day on the beach working the display tables with Andreas and Gideon. As much fun as it was to hang out with their friends, have dinner together and then some drinks at the Station, he couldn’t wait to shower and enjoy Sophia. Especially since Lew had told him, Andreas, and Gideon about the photographs at Tank’s tattoo shop, how Lew had confronted her on posing and her revealing that she’d done it for them as much as for herself. He was overwhelmed with emotion but also aroused and feeling intense, jealous, and possessive.


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