A Wicked Affair: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set of Short Stories Featuring Witches, Vampires, Shifters, Ghosts, and More...

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A Wicked Affair: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set of Short Stories Featuring Witches, Vampires, Shifters, Ghosts, and More... Page 4

by Gwen Knight

  Damien narrowed his eyes. “Who's out there? Are you okay, kitten?”

  “I'm not your kitten. And no, I'm not okay. Those wolves, they came for me. I had to shift...” Her voice broke, and he could see she was struggling to get a grip on her emotions.

  “Whoa. Slow down. What happened?”

  “I was at the University. I went to the lab to get my notes and I overheard a couple of professors talking.” She started to say something and shook her head, her lips pressed together in a hard line. “It doesn't matter what about, but I went to the lab and… crap. I have to talk to Bridget. When is she coming back?”

  “She said about three hours.” He glanced at his watch. “Two hours, now. Give or take. Why don’t you sit?”

  Merryn nodded, lowering herself into the chair he just vacated.

  Damien went to the mini fridge under the desk and pulled out a can of cola. “Here. You need some sugar.” He popped the top and handed it to her, watching as she took a swig.

  “There. Better?”

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” A sound met his ears and he felt the wards on the building twinge. He glanced out the front window and found two pairs of red eyes observing him through the glass.

  “Well, hell’s bells.”

  “What?” Merryn set the can down and stood, joining him in the doorway.

  “They're here.” She stepped back and stumbled into his arms, her face pressed against his chest. She stayed that way, and he held her, cursing inwardly at whatever was making her afraid. His eyes burned and he shook his head, clearing his focus. He had to take care of her now. If they tried to get inside, he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions. He pulled her into the back room and moved the curtain out of the way, locking the door behind them.

  “The wards will hold.”

  “What if they break the glass?”

  “They won’t. Anyone eyes as gorgeous as yours should never be afraid.” He pulled her glasses off and set them on the counter. He had to get her mind on something else.

  Merryn squirmed out of his arms, nervously brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. “You don't need to do whatever this is. I'll be fine.”

  “Whatever this is?” He raised an eyebrow, the smile falling from his face. “I know pretty when I see it.”

  “I'm not pretty, and don’t you dare try to distract me with… Oh, hell. Fine. I don’t want your pity just because I’m freaked out, okay?” She crossed her arms and turned her back to him, but not before he could see the hurt on her face.

  Shit. He did that.

  Damn it to hell.


  “What?” She turned to face him, tears shimmering in her eyes. “It’s been a tough night, okay? Just leave me alone.”

  “No. You’ve been avoiding me since the first day I walked in here. Why?”

  “You’re a lust demon.” Merryn looked away, a flush creeping up her cheeks.

  “And you’re a witch. I’ve been trying to ask you out and every time I try to strike up a conversation with you I get the icicle treatment.”

  “I’m not going to be a notch on your bedpost,” she snapped, shoving at his chest. “I’ve seen how you flirt with every girl who walks in here. I’m not stupid.”

  Good. She wasn’t afraid anymore. That was a start. He preferred her angry. That frightened look on her face tore at his heart.

  “Yes you are.” He caught her hands before she could pull back. “I’ve been needling you for months, trying to get your attention. Now, why do you think that is?”

  Merryn tugged, trying to break free. “You’re a pain in the ass? And I am not stupid.”

  “You’re book smart. There’s a difference. But I’m thinking of giving you some extracurricular pointers.” Damien crushed his lips to hers, forcing her mouth apart, teasing her with his tongue. Damien backed her up to the counter, the hardness of his body pressed against the softness of hers. His cock strained against his zipper and he was fairly sure it was going to leave an imprint in his flesh. He feathered kisses down the side of her face and groaned into her hair.

  She pulled away, blinking her eyes.

  “What are you doing?” She asked breathlessly, her lips swollen from his kisses. “Your eyes are glowing.”

  “Making my point. I’m sure they are.” He stepped back and let her see the effect she had on him. “This. This is what you do to me.”

  Chapter Three

  Merryn stared at him, every inch of her body on fire. Incredulous, she shook her head. “But you’re you and I’m me.” His eyes burned with savage fire, and the erection pressing against his jeans illustrated the point he was so eloquently trying to make.

  “I want you. I have from the first moment I met you.”

  “But I’m…”

  “Exactly.” Damien tugged her forward and ran his fingers down the side of her face. “So sexy…” He kissed her, his hand reaching up to cup her breast.

  Merryn groaned, giving in to the warmth enveloping her. His nearness was overwhelming and what he was doing to her with his hands, magic. She was shocked at her own response to his kisses but powerless to resist.

  She tingled as he whispered her name, easing her back against the counter. In a blur her sweater was over her head and her bra joined it. She felt the snap on her jeans give and he eased the denim down her legs, her panties following soon after.

  “That’s better.”

  How could he possibly think that? Her curves had been nothing but a problem from day one.

  Her mouth dry, she watched as he unfastened the top snap on his jeans and slowly lowered the zipper, releasing his cock.

  “I can’t wait any more. Come here.”

  He grasped her hand and tugged her forward, her bare skin against the warmth of him. “Never doubt how gorgeous you are.” He claimed her lips in a raw act of possession, his eyes meeting hers.

  Damien’s hands roamed her body and he knelt down pressing his lips against her stomach, trailing kisses down to her mound. “Let me love you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, leaning back against the counter. She didn’t want to fight it anymore. Hypnotized by his touch, she all but sizzled beneath his fingertips.

  He stood and moved between her thighs, his cock edging at her entrance. In one swift movement he was inside of her and his lips found hers again, hard and searching.

  “Goddess,” she hissed.

  “Come with me.” He pulled her to the edge of the counter and began to thrust.

  The musky scent of him as he held her close drove Merryn wild and she nipped at his neck, spurring him onward.

  “So my little bookworm has some bite after all.”

  Damien picked her up, sliding deeper inside and carried her into Bridget’s inner sanctum. He tenderly laid her down on the couch and his hand brushed her hardened nipples. He bent over Merryn, his hips moving with a primal energy, passion climbing, her need for him overpowering everything else.

  Waves of ecstasy filtered through her and she dimly wondered if he was stealing part of her soul. Then she decided it was worth it as her body exploded into a million bursts of star fire. Electric shocks thrummed through her and she couldn’t control her cries of delight as she soared upward into a shuddering bout of bliss.

  He groaned against her, his own release upon him as the hot tide of their hunger burned through them both, leaving her gasping in his arms as they came down together.

  Damien looked down at her and she smiled lazily, meeting his eyes for the first time that night. “We’re going to do that again. In a bed.”

  “I hope so. I think I have a book shoved under my backside.” Merryn giggled as he reached down to kiss her nose.

  The sound of the door to the back offices being unlocked, and a host of unladylike cursing, met their ears as Bridget came through, her eyes blazing fire.

  “Alright… who’s idea was it to lock the…” She stopped, opened her mouth and shut it. “I’ll be out front.”
/>   A flustered grin covered Damien’s face as he righted himself and helped her up. “I think we surprised her.”

  “Um. Yeah.” A giggle escaped and Merryn reached over and kissed him.

  “What was that for?”


  Damien knelt down and plucked her clothes from the floor. “Your panties, milady.”

  “Thanks.” Merryn grinned, slipping her legs into the pant legs of her jeans. “They’re coming off again as soon as we talk to Bridget.” Her smile slipped a bit when she thought about what they needed to talk about, but the calm his touch had instilled in her made her fall for him just a little bit more.

  “Deal.” He helped her up and pressed a kiss to her lips. “My bed, or yours?”

  Read the Curse Workers Series

  0.1 Sanguine Shadows (Vampire Bites Box Set)

  0.5 Map of Bones (A Wicked Affair Box Set)

  1.0 Malediction (A Wicked Halloween Box Set)

  Stay tuned for more...

  Erzabet Bishop is an award winning and bestselling author. She is the author of Crave, Wicked for You, Heart’s Protector, Spirit Board, Sigil Fire and Black Magic Café among others. She lives in Texas with her husband and furry children.

  Find more of Erzabet on Facebook or Twitter or sign up for her Mailing List.

  A Witch's Desire

  by C.E. Black

  Copyright © 2016 C.E. Black

  All rights reserved.

  A Witch's Desire

  by C.E. Black

  A spell to look more attractive wouldn’t be manipulative, would it?

  No. Of course not. Just don’t think about him while you do it.

  Right. I shook my head lightly and took a deep breath. I just needed a little sparkle. A little something extra to get a second glance. And if a certain someone was the one doing the looking, then all the better. Oh, how I wished he would. I wished it more than anything.

  There I went, thinking about him when I’d just told myself not to. If a single thought about James crossed my mind while I did this spell, it would be a disaster. Though it was hard to erase the image of his long, lean frame and mop of dirty blond hair, his shy smile or baby blue eyes hidden behind those cute gold-rimmed glasses. Eyes closed, I reveled in the picture my mind created, of him walking into the store, taking one look at me, desire flaring in his gaze before he wrapped me in his arms and told me how much he wanted me.

  My wistful sigh was loud in the quiet shop. I really had to stop fantasizing about him. If it hadn’t happened already, then it probably never would. But I just wasn’t ready to give up.

  James joined our Coven seventeen months ago. And I’d been half in love with him for most of those seventeen months. Completely in love with him for the rest. The shy, handsome man had caught my attention from the beginning, but he’d kept his distance. And being a timid woman myself, I didn’t know how to garner his attention.

  James had a gift for giving great financial advice, and when he’d offered to work with me at my candy shop, Enchanted, I hadn’t hesitated to say yes. Now, I wondered what the heck I’d been thinking. Seeing him so often, sometimes four or five days a week, had become too much. I wanted him, but didn’t know how to make the first move.

  I groaned, swiping the image of him away with a flick of my wrist. I couldn’t think about him while I did this spell. If he ever did take me into his arms, I would never know if it had been truly by his own will.

  “Enough, Shell,” I whispered to myself before taking a deep, cleansing breath. I centered myself, removing all outside thoughts and distractions. I’d lit a single candle next to me, more for a little ambient light in the dark kitchen than for the spell. The shop had closed over an hour ago, and everyone had gone home for the day. As soon as I finished this quick ritual, I would be heading home myself to a hot bubble bath followed by a much needed night’s rest.

  Speaking of tonight’s plans, I was ready to get this show on the road. Picking up a single plump strawberry, I placed it in a small mixing bowl, then began to mash it gently with a fork. As the metal tines sliced into the red berry, I closed my eyes and envisioned people looking twice at me, giving me compliments on my hair or clothing, chatting with me as I smiled and returned their greetings. I had confidence and charm. I felt… alluring. Desirable.

  Placing the fork on the counter next tot he bowl, I dipped a finger, coating it with the sweet smelling pulp. Then I softly spread it over my lips, careful not to lick any off before beginning the chant of increasing my attraction.

  Power flowed over my skin like a light electrical current. It tickled, yet warmed me from the inside out, letting me know the spell was working. When the chant ended, the charge in the air stopped its crescendo, leaving a light hum in the air.

  I licked my lips, savoring the tart sweetness of the berry and dipping my finger back into the bowl for another sensual taste. I moaned, rubbing the tiny seeds between my tongue and the roof of my mouth before swallowing with a sigh. Without looking, I went for another taste. My body flushed all over, and I amended my plan for the evening. My bubble bath would be getting a bit warmer than I’d previously planned.

  Another moan. Another lick. The berry tasted like sex, like love and attraction. Exactly what I was looking for. And I couldn’t get enough.

  I went for another dip, opening my mouth to receive. The finger slid over my tongue, the cold, sweet pulp of the berry shocking against the warm, salty digit. A digit that was calloused and larger than my own. My lips had automatically closed over the finger, sucking lightly, eliciting a moan from its owner, but my eyes popped open wide. Then widened still when they landed on the darkening gaze of the man I loved.

  Frozen, I stared at James, his finger still in my mouth, my own finger dripping pulp onto the white tile below. I reflexively swallowed, causing an automatic sucking sensation that had him letting loose a low groan as he moved closer.

  Pulling back slowly, I released him from my mouth to catch my breath. “What are you doing here, James?” My tongue darted out to lick my lips, catching his gaze.

  Instead of answering, he reached for my dripping finger, slowing bringing it to his own mouth. His blue eyes locked onto mine as he wrapped his lips around the lucky digit and sucked lightly. The wet slide of his tongue on my skin caused my trembling knees to almost give out on me.

  James wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me into him as he continued to assault my finger with his tongue. My lips parted as he licked his way to the next finger, then flicked his tongue at the flesh in between. I pressed closer, whimpering.

  “I came to check on you.” He kissed my finger tip before bringing my hand down to rest on his chest. “The light was on, and I was worried. You never stay this late.”

  “I had some, um, stuff to do,” I replied.

  As I spoke, he reached up to pull on my my pony tail holder, releasing the band to allow my messy, auburn curls to fall around my face. “That’s better,” he whispered. His eyes glittered in the candlelight as they roamed over my flushed face. My chest rose and fell rapidly; my heart pounded. I’d never been this close to James before, and all I could think about was getting closer.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said. “I can’t do this anymore.”

  “What?” My forehead wrinkled as I tried to process his words.

  “I have to. I’m sorry.” Then his lips were on mine, kissing me with abandon.

  I gripped his shoulders with both hands just to hold on as my knees wobbled. I’d never been kissed quite like this before. The way he titled his head to line up our mouths just right, how his tongue delved deep to caress mine, and his moan of utter pleasure sent my senses into a whole new dimension. A dimension where there was nothing but sensation, desire, lust… Pleasure.

  My backside hit the top of the counter seconds before I even realized I’d been lifted. I opened my legs for James to step into them, then he pressed against me, rubbing the evidence of his arousal against my hot center. The knowle
dge that he was hard for me, aroused and wanting me, sent bliss singing through my veins. I smiled into his kisses, then dropped my head back, allowing his lips to move across my neck and over my collarbone.

  When he sucked on a spot somewhere between my neck and shoulder, I snapped. My hands flew over his chest, popping buttons to get to the warm flesh beneath. Once he was shirtless, I worked on his jeans. They were unbuttoned, unzipped, and sliding over his hips in record time. I scraped my nails over his chest, biting my lip to keep from devouring him right there and then.

  His hands had become just as busy, and I found myself naked and wanting, ass on the cold stainless steel counter, legs spread and ready for him. I was more than ready. I’d been ready for James for months… Years even. I couldn’t even remember wanting anyone as much as I wanted him.

  Lips, tongues, hands, and bodies collided as we touched, caressed, and tasted one another for the first time. He nibbled the skin around my belly button, before pushing my legs further apart and going right for it. Thank God! I couldn’t wait any longer.

  My back met the counter, then arched sharply as he hit just the right spot. “Oh, God, James! Yes, oh, yes! Gah! Don’t stop. No, no! Stop! Inside me… Inside me, now. Please, James, God! I want you.”

  He must have understood at least half of my gibberish, because he stood, quickly conjuring a condom out of thin air, or so it seemed in my half-dazed state, before he was leaning over me, his hips pushing my thighs wider apart.

  “Hmm, Shell,” he murmured in my ear, just as his cock found my entrance. His lips pressed to mine, his hips pushed forward, and his eyes stayed wide open, watching my reaction as he entered me.

  I hissed from the pure pleasure of being stretched and filled, until he seated himself fully inside of me.

  “God, Shell. You’re so tight. So hot,” he mumbled as he pulled out, then hurriedly pushed back in.

  My hips eagerly lifted to meet each of his thrusts, urging him to increase his speed. His pelvis rubbed hypnotically against my clit, bringing me closer and closer to the precipice. We fit. We fit like two perfect puzzle pieces, all the right parts moving in sync, heightening the pleasure.


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