The Thanksgiving Day Bride: Mail Order Bride Novels

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The Thanksgiving Day Bride: Mail Order Bride Novels Page 72

by Sandee Keegan

  “I don’t think James would like that, and I can’t afford to be forced out onto the streets,” she said.

  Frank shook his head.

  “I can’t see James doing something like that. At least, he would give you some money to get started. He has more money than he knows what to do with. If you are that passionate about your teaching, then you should choose that. If you stay and marry him instead of following your dream, you are only going to end up miserable and resentful. But, if you decide to pursue your teaching and he still decides to marry you, you will be happier than you can imagine. At least, that’s the way I see it.” He smiled, then tipped his hat to her, bidding her a good morning.

  Clarice stood in the barn, watching Frank walk away, and letting her mind wander. She knew he was right, if she pretended to be someone she wasn’t, it was just a matter of time before she ended up completely miserable.

  But, if she pursued her teaching, she could find herself at odds with her new groom.

  She had to make a decision before they got married.

  “Clarice, I hardly saw you at all today. You never did come in for lunch, and I had sandwiches made especially for you.” Priscilla was slicing a bite of her dinner, watching Clarice carefully as she spoke.

  Clarice had expected some questions about her whereabouts, but she didn’t know how to bring it up. She could feel James’ eyes on her as well, and she took a deep breath after she lifted her coffee to her lips.

  “I was in town, Priscilla. I apologize that I missed your lunch, I was unaware you were preparing anything special.” She smiled and took a bite of her own dinner, hoping the topic would be dropped. She had no such luck.

  “Well, if your business in town was so important, would you mind telling us what you were doing?” Priscilla wasn’t about to let the subject drop, and Clarice felt her heart sink. She had a feeling that Priscilla knew what she was doing, though she didn’t know how the woman could possibly have figured it out.

  James took a long drink from his mug, then set it down, raising his eyebrows at Clarice.

  “I must admit that I am also curious about where you have been. If you don’t mind, would you answer my sister?” He hadn’t started his own dinner yet, and it looked as though he wasn’t interested in doing so. Clarice felt trapped, and the same feeling she had when Mrs. Basin and Mr. Bates fired her slowly crept back into her mind.

  She took a deep breath, then smiled.

  “I was in town applying for a teaching position. I knew one of the smaller schools was hiring, and I knew I would be a good fit. It won’t interfere with any of my duties here, I assure you. But, teaching is my passion, and I am afraid if I don’t pursue it now, I never will again.” She smiled warmly, but she could see the look of disapproval flash across both siblings’ faces.

  “I told you that’s where she was! I told you! See? This is the exact reason why I said you ought to wait to get married!” Priscilla blurted the words out before she even realized what she was doing, and by the look on her face, Clarice could see that it was supposed to be a secret.

  “Well, the truth comes out then, but I am not at all ashamed of what I have done. You have taken advantage of our generosity, and I am afraid this will not be tolerated.” Priscilla was becoming more and more flustered, and her brother put his hand over hers to calm her down.

  “Clarice, I know it has taken a while for you to settle in here, but I know you are going to if you just give it some time. Can I please ask you to reconsider your teaching job? I will do whatever it takes to make you happy, but it is important that you listen to my wishes. Do you think you can do that?” James asked her with a smile.

  For a moment Clarice didn’t know what to say. She had expected some pushback on her decision and thought she was prepared to handle it. Under the scrutiny of both James and Priscilla’s gazes however, her words escaped her. Instead, she nodded weakly.

  James smiled, then took a bite of his dinner, but Clarice had lost her appetite.

  Chapter 9 – Rules are Rules

  Clarice didn’t want to admit it to herself, but things had changed around the house. She had expected that because of her actions, Priscilla would have ignored her or made her life more difficult, but it appeared that she was being nicer than ever.

  She even noticed a difference in how James was treating her, and it made it difficult for her to decide what she wanted to do. She had one week until the new job was supposed to start, and though she hadn’t told James, she’d hadn’t yet turned it down.

  Frank continued to encourage her to do what made her happy. He told her that he would support her decision either way. He also assured her that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met, and if anyone deserved to be happy, she did.

  There was something about him that was so genuine, Clarice couldn’t get him out of her mind. She wanted to focus on the decision she was being faced with, but every time Frank walked into the room, all she could think about was that he thought she was beautiful.

  He was so captivating in so many ways. His smile could sweep her off her feet, his laugh made her feel like she was alive, and when he complimented her, it made her feel like she was on top of the world.

  Clarice often reminded herself that it wasn’t his opinion that mattered, and it wasn’t his choice to make. If she wanted to be a school teacher, it was important that she made the choice for herself, and not because of what he had said to her.

  It was hard not to take his opinion into consideration when she thought about her decision. If he had told her that it was a bad idea, she probably would have forgotten the entire thing, but since he was so adamant that she should do what made her happy, the idea didn’t seem so bad.

  Clarice lay in bed, tossing and turning every night, trying to decide what the best course of action would be. She had always been so objective in the things she did, from going to get her teaching certificate in the first place, to choosing to teach in a private school, to coming to this place.

  She knew she could have been a teacher at any school she wished, but objectively, the private school she had chosen was the best one for her.

  Now, there was no real reason she should go back to teaching. The only benefit was that she enjoyed it. Though James promised to give her everything she could ever want, there was an emptiness in being the mistress of the house that she hadn’t felt when she was teaching.

  She enjoyed James’ company, and she didn’t even mind Priscilla that much anymore, but the thought of having to live in this house and be nothing more than a decoration for the rest of her life bothered her. It wasn’t what she wanted to do, and she knew it.

  On the other hand, leaving felt terrible, too. She knew she would have to face the world on her own again, and try to make ends meet in a place where no one cared what happened to her.

  Clarice knew that in spite of all her fearlessness, all her boldness, and of all her drive to keep herself afloat, either decision she made now was going to cost her dearly.

  Taking a deep breath, Clarice opened her eyes, looking up at the ceiling. She knew it was going to be one of the hardest decisions she had ever made, but she was going to pursue her dream of being a school teacher.

  James had been very kind in bringing her out here and providing her with a place to live, but she needed to do what was right, and if she were to give up on her dream in order to marry him, she knew she could never be happy.

  She knew she had to tell him in the morning.

  Clarice waited for the right time to talk to James. She didn’t want to do it in front of his sister, and it seemed that she was hovering around at all times. She knew that Priscilla was waiting to hear what decision Clarice had made, and was doing everything she could to be around.

  Clarice wanted the conversation to be private between her and James, and hope that she might be able to convince him to allow her to stay in spite of what he had said. She knew that her chances were slim however.

  At last, Clarice saw Priscilla
saddle her horse and point him out toward the back field. She knew she had a few minutes to herself, and if she was going to talk to James, now would be a good time to do it.

  Taking a deep breath, she made sure her hair and clothes were presentable, then walked down the stairs and into his study.

  Chapter 10 – Happy at Last

  Clarice packed her bag, trying not to think of the events that had taken place the past few days. She had told James her wishes, and though he had taken the news calmly, he had asked her to please leave the house, and never come back.

  Clarice was in shock when she heard the words. She had been certain she would be able to convince him to allow her to stay and still teach, but in spite of all of her arguments, he was adamant that she either marry him and remain in the home, or teach as she wanted to but move elsewhere.

  Now, she wasn’t sure what she was going to do. There was no turning back from her decision. She knew even if she told him she had changed her mind, he would still ask her to leave.

  So, she dutifully packed her things and cleaned her room as best as she could, getting ready to head into town.

  Though he had requested that she leave the house, James didn’t want to send her away penniless, just as Frank had told her he wouldn’t, so he gave her enough money to stay in town for a few nights before heading home to Vermont.

  Clarice knew she was going to have to turn down the teaching job now. There was no way she could find a place to live that would allow her to stay for free until she got paid. She would have to head home and figure out what her next step was going to be, and to Clarice, it was a terrifying time.

  She fought to keep from falling into a depression as she spent a couple of days in town. She had purchased a train ticket to take her back home, and was set to leave the next day.

  There wasn’t much that she was going to miss about this place other than Frank. She had even had the crazy thought in the middle of one sleepless night to ask Frank to come back to Vermont with her.

  But, this was Frank’s home, and he had dedicated a large part of his life to the mansion and what went on around it. She was the one who walked in on his life, and she was the one who had inadvertently fallen in love with him. Clarice didn’t want to think about it, but she knew that it was going to be difficult to get on that train in the morning.

  “Train boarding begins in fifteen minutes! Everyone have your tickets and your bags ready! Thank you!” The conductor walked from one edge of the platform to the other, watching each of the passengers getting ready to board.

  Clarice stood with her ticket in her hand, her carpet bag on the ground next to her, and her head swimming with thoughts. She wondered what she would do if James were to suddenly appear on the platform and ask her to stay.

  Part of her thought she might take the proposition, but another part of her knew she would decline. If she were to stay, she knew she would have to bend to his rules, but if she were to decline, life still looked bleak on the other side. Lost in her own thoughts, Clarice didn’t notice the sound of her name being called.

  Suddenly, a hand on her shoulder caused her to jump, and she turned in surprise, half expecting to see James standing behind her.

  Instead, she found Frank.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “I came for you,” Frank said with a charming smile, and Clarice felt her own smile fade.

  “You can tell James that I am not interested in marrying him. I am going to be a school teacher, and that’s final.” She turned up her nose and looked the other way, but felt her cheeks burn at the sound of Frank laughing.

  “James didn’t send me. I came to get you for myself.” Frank hesitated, and Clarice looked at him in surprise.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, confused and hardly daring to hope he was saying what she thought he was saying.

  “Clarice, from the day I met you I couldn’t take my eyes off you. I fell in love with everything about you. It killed me that you were going to marry James. He didn’t deserve you in any way. Then, when you told me about your dream of being a school teacher, well, I knew I had to have you.” He smiled, and Clarice looked at him with wide eyes.

  “Clarice, I quit my job with James, but I have another job already lined up here in town. If you would like, you can still have that teaching job you want, all I ask is that you marry me?” He looked nervously, but a slow smile spread across her lips.

  “Frank, I thought you would never ask!” she shouted as she threw herself at him, and their lips met. They shared a passionate kiss on the platform, and finally Frank pulled back from her.

  “I love you,” he whispered, and Clarice smiled as she looked up into his eyes.

  “I love you, too,” she said with a smile. Their lips met once more, when suddenly, Clarice pulled back.

  “You knew he was going to send me away, didn’t you?” she asked, and he laughed.

  “I had a bit of a suspicion, but aren’t you glad he did?” he asked, and Clarice nodded.

  “You are a clever devil, but I love you anyway,” she said as he picked up her bag and they walked up the street.

  “I think the preacher happens to be in today. He may or may not be expecting us.” Frank winked down at her, and Clarice felt her cheeks flush crimson. She had promised herself she wasn’t going to fall in love out here, but she had fallen head over heels for this man, and she couldn’t wait for their life together to begin.


  The Surprise Baby

  Chapter One

  The pounding on her door meant that it was time to wake up and get dressed. Lexi Winter hated corsets, high button collars and she wasn’t fond of the way her mother insisted she wear her hair. Lexi was made to produce ringlet curls with a hot iron, which was torture to her long chestnut locks. At 18 years old, she was expected to be married within a couple of years and begin a family. Maura and Helen were her older siblings who had found suitable husbands and had two children each before 25. Mr. and Mrs. Winter had girls only and they insisted each of them marry up in order to secure their financial future. However, in Lexi they had a bit of a problem because although she was the most stunning, she was also the most willful. She had the spirit of an unbroken stallion. There was mischief behind her wide blue eyes and Lexi didn’t take well to being told what to do.

  “Lexi, I know you can hear me.” Mrs. Winter said from behind the door. “Breakfast is only good while it’s hot and today we’re going to Mrs. Flynn’s for tea. I expect your clean smiling face at the table in 5 minutes.” Mrs. Winter waited and then pounded on the door again to make sure Lexi was awake.

  “Message received Mother. I’ll be down shortly.” Lexi sighed as she planted her stocking feet in her waiting slippers. Getting fully dressed for Mrs. Flynn’s would have to wait because it took so long. She pulled on a cream colored frock for breakfast and pulled a brush through her hair, before scampering down to the dining room for breakfast.


  “Good Morning Father, Mother.” Lexi took a seat at the table headed by Mr. Winter who had his nose in the newspaper.

  “I had considered keeping my news a surprise but I can no longer contain my excitement,” Mrs. Winter said. “Prepare yourself Lexi.”

  Lexi expected earth shattering news like her Mother had come across a new fashionable dress. Penelope Winter was always concerned with appearances. “I cannot wait another moment Mother. The suspense is killing me,” Lexi joked.

  “Barnabas Flynn is graduating from Harvard Law and that mousy girl he had been dating is a thing of the past. The door is wide open for you Lexi and all you have to do is flash those baby blues. He will undoubtedly have a place in Boston society and you will be by his side.” Mrs. Winter clapped her hands in excitement.

  “I’m tired of being showed like a girl for sale. Barnabas is a nice boy but he has little to offer in the way of travel and adventure.”

  “Good luck finding a man on your own Lexi. You may as w
ell be one of those mail order brides who head West with dreams of life on the frontier. Your sisters have done well for themselves thorough marriage and I’ve no doubt you will do the same.” Mrs. Winter had a serious look on her face, which meant she was determined. “Macy has your hair iron warming and she’ll deliver it to your room. I’ve had the peach and ivory dress laid out with your high boots.”

  Lexi stood up from the table. “I’d best be getting ready. I have a show to put on and I don’t want to disappoint.” As Lexi walked out she grabbed the newspaper that her father had discarded. She wanted to check out the mail order bride advertisements that her Mother spoke of. She marched up to her bedroom and slammed the door shut.

  Lexi primped and pulled her corset tight. The thought of going west grew more intriguing with each ringlet she formed and every time she applied rouge to her cheeks. A woman who called herself “The Preacher’s Wife” was looking for refined women to save men in West Texas from loneliness. Hmm, Lexi thought it was at least something to think about as she endured the afternoon at Mrs. Flynn’s.

  Chapter Two

  Barnabas Flynn began courting Lexi immediately after they had tea with their Mothers. As he droned on about tort law, Lexi planned her escape to Texas. She had been in touch with an agent of “The Preacher’s Wife”, who was actually the preacher’s widow. Maxine had time on her hands after her husband’s death and noticed the lack of women in the area. Men headed west to stake claims and forgot to take wives with them. That’s where she came in as a solution to their problem. A man who wrangled cattle seemed a better choice than one who babbles on about the law. There was another thing about Barnabas that Lexi didn’t like; he was skinny with a pointy nose. His eyes were dark and his glare made her nervous. Lexi wanted a cowboy with kind eyes.

  Lexi lied about needing to make a trip to the post office so she could stop in to see Mr. Burgess, Maxine’s agent. She had met with him on several occasions and he had told Lexi that she would make an ideal mail-order bride. Lexi poked her head in his office.


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