The Thanksgiving Day Bride: Mail Order Bride Novels

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The Thanksgiving Day Bride: Mail Order Bride Novels Page 74

by Sandee Keegan

  Chapter Five

  Thank goodness Mr. Burgess warned Lexi about the warm weather in Texas. Lexi brought her favorite summer dress with blue flowers. It wasn’t high collared and she didn’t bother curling her hair, which made her feel free. Her cheeks were free of rouge but they were naturally rosy as a result of the sun and physical activity. Lexi tied a blue satin ribbon in her hair and out to the porch.

  “I hope that I haven’t kept you waiting long?” Lexi found John in the rocker wearing pressed trousers and a blue shirt. He was clean shaven and Lexi felt a rumble in her belly.

  “No, I’m just enjoying the cool morning air and counting the head of cattle grazing in the distance. Aren’t you a sight? I had better make you my wife before someone else does.”

  “Thank you for the compliment. I’m sure you’ll think differently when I’m sweaty from work in the barn or covered in flour.”

  “I can’t imagine I’ll think differently. Jane knows of our plans and she has agreed to be our witness along with Jeb. I hope she remembers because she’s been scattered these past few weeks,” John said and once again Lexi was tempted to tell him about the baby but she bit her lip.

  “It’ll work out.” John helped Lexi up onto the wagon and his touch electrified Lexi. She felt safe with his hands on her and Lexi was sure that coming to Texas was the right choice. As they started towards town, Lexi felt safe asking John a favor. “Is there a possibility that someday we can take vows before God? I feel silly asking you because I hardly know you but my faith matters a great deal.” Lexi tensed before he answered as she doubted he felt the same way.

  “I would rather stand in front of a minister than a judge but I heard that’s how mail order brides prefer things. I didn’t want to assume that you were a woman of strong faith like myself. It would be great to get this done before God someday.”

  Lexi breathed a sigh of relief. “Then we have something to look forward to.”

  John reached over and clenched Lexi’s hand, and they shared a single glance that seemed more powerful than any decree a judge could give them. It was as if a blessing from God was happening at that very moment. They walked up the stairs to the courthouse hand in hand, unlike most other couples who had only just met. When they walked into the room Jane and Jeb were waiting with enormous smiles on their faces. It was apparent that Jane had shared the news that she was pregnant with her husband and it wouldn’t be long until everyone shared in the news.

  “I’m excited you’re here Jane. I just finished telling Lexi that you seemed distracted but you must have just been missing Jeb and home.” John gave his sister a warm embrace.

  “It was more John but soon it will be hard to keep the secret that I’m expecting a child.” Jane squealed.

  Lexi kept from commenting until she saw how John reacted. She didn’t know him that well and there was a chance that his grieving would come storming back.

  “Well, this is the second best new of the day.”

  Jeb replied. “What’s the first best?”

  “The first best is that I’m marrying the woman next to me. Who would’ve thought I’d be so lucky? The second best is that we’re inviting a new member into the family.” Everyone looked at John with excitement because he seemed ready to move on.

  John and Lexi said their vows with Jane and Jeb as their witnesses. It was a swift ceremony, if it could even be called a ceremony. John said some words and signed a ledger before Lexi did the same.

  “Congratulations Mrs. Stark. Welcome to the family,” Jane said. “John told me that you’re heading to the doctor today and I’m heading that way also so we can go together.”

  “I had hoped that John had forgotten about that but I guess not, so I’ll be happy to go with you.”

  John said goodbye to his new wife Lexi and she promised to have dinner ready for him after his day in the fields. She promised not to burn the biscuits and they both laughed as they recalled the burnt biscuits from the night before.


  “Dr. Remsen; it’s a pleasure and I came as promised to make sure that my baby is growing according to plan,” Jane said as both ladies showed up in his office.

  “Great to see you Jane and from your rosy cheeks and smile I can tell that you’re progressing nicely. Are you going to introduce me to your friend?” Dr. Remsen asked.

  “I’m Lexi Stark, that’s the first time I have introduced myself as such. I just got married to John Stark, whom I believe you know.”

  “Right, yes. I know John and his late wife. It’s a shame that she was taken but I see he found a beautiful replacement.”

  Lexi didn’t like to be considered a replacement. “I’m here from Boston and I seem to have developed a cough. John insisted I see you but I’m it’s nothing.”

  A baby was crying in the next room, which caused Jane to comment. “That can’t be your baby, Doctor Remsen. I didn’t know your wife was expecting?”

  “She carried the baby in a way that few noticed and we decided to keep the news private. I’ll check your throat, Mrs. Stark and give you some lozenges because as long as you have no fever, you’ll be fine.” Doctor Remsen was flustered and seemed in a hurry to send Lexi and Jane on their way.

  Jane couldn’t let the opportunity pass to see a newborn. “Can I meet the child that seems rather fussy? I’m sure Mrs. Remsen would be more than thrilled to show her off.”

  “An extra set of hands is welcome with a crying baby. Don’t you agree Doctor?” Lexi asked.

  Before Doctor Remsen could protest further his wife came out from the back with a 6-month old boy. Mrs. Remsen seemed as frantic as the baby and Lexi noticed that she appeared well beyond child bearing years.

  “I heard your patients requesting our presence and the timing couldn’t be better because Ezekiel is having a fitful time,” Mrs. Remsen said as she emerged.

  Lexi was stunned as Jane took the child in her arms. Ezekiel was clearly not their biological child and if he were from a relative that would be fine. It was the fact that they lied that seemed absurd.

  “You have the magic touch Jane. He has calmed down immediately, which is a good thing since you will be a mother soon yourself,” Lexi looked into the baby’s green eyes and she smiled.

  Mrs. Remsen tugged at Lexi’s arm. “How is John Stark after the loss of his wife; not a day goes by that I don’t think about him.”

  “My husband is fine and together we’ll move on from his loss. It sounds like you were nearby when Grace and the baby died. It must have been tragic to hear the infant wail; how long did little JJ live until he expired.”

  “I had no idea that he was named,” Mrs. Remsen seemed to have a tear in her eye.

  “He was John Junior.”

  “Please send my regards to John and I hope the two of you have a happy marriage.” Mrs. Remsen took the baby and returned to the back room. Lexi felt a knot in her stomach and Doctor Remsen noticed that she knew something wasn’t right. Lexi picked up her throat drops and hurried home so she could start dinner for her husband.

  Chapter Six

  Lexi walked in to the house and noticed a sweet smell so she wandered into the kitchen where she found John sitting at the table. It was set for two with a bunch of wildflowers sitting in the center.

  “Don’t tell me you cooked, John Stark.”

  “I had help but its chicken and dumplings. It’s a celebration because like it or not we’re married.” John smiled.

  “So far, I like it, John and this dinner is the nicest surprise ever. Are you going to tell me who helped with this glorious feast?”

  “It was Maxine Kendall who truly cares that her matches end well. I stopped by her place on the way home to give her some money that I owed her.” John said as he pulled out the chair for Lexi. It was as if they were in a fancy restaurant. “She thought we would need it. Many of her mail order bride situations don’t work out.”

  “Is that what you think about us?” Lexi asked, aghast.

  “No but I was
n’t about to turn down a meal, after the biscuit fiasco,” John laughed and Lexi joined him as they dug into their feast. Between bites, John asked about her trip to see Dr. Remsen. “Did he give you anything for your scratchy throat?”

  “He said it was probably nothing but he gave me some lozenges. With no fever, I was sent on my way but not before meeting Ezekiel Remsen.”

  “Who the heck is he?”

  “He’s Dr. and Mrs. Remsen’s baby,” Lexi said and John reacted with downcast eyes. “Now I feel like an idiot for even mentioning it. I should have known the mention of a 6-month old would remind you of your own son.”

  “More chicken Lexi?” John asked, as he completely avoided any discussion of the baby.

  “Yes please. The excitement of the day caused me to work up quite an appetite.”

  For an hour they talked about polite topics and avoided anything remotely about babies. Dinner was over and they cleaned the kitchen before going to bed after a long day. They were legally married but John was a gentleman and didn’t pressure Lexi to push the beds together. They lay on beds only a couple of feet apart and knew it was only a matter of time until they lay together as husband and wife.


  “Yes John.”

  “Mrs. Remsen didn’t seem like she was pregnant and I didn’t think women of a certain age could bear children.”

  “Doc Remsen said she carried the child, which I found odd because of her age. She’s closer to my Mother’s age than my own. Perhaps he’s adopted and they would rather keep that private. He wouldn’t stop crying until Jane held him and he calmed down immediately. She must have the magic touch, which is a good thing because she’ll have one of her own someday.”

  “John junior would have been six months old. It sounded as if he had a good set on lungs too but then he went silent. I’ll never forget his cry and I wish I was able to hold him dead or alive.”

  “You never laid eyes on your son?”

  “I never did Lexi and I’m grateful that Doctor Remsen took care of dealing with the mortuary.” John’s voice trailed off as he fell asleep while Lexi laid wide eyed in bed. Something wasn’t right but her husband’s state was still fragile and she didn’t want to upset him. Lexi hoped that once she fell into a rhythm on the ranch, she’d be too busy to worry about Ezekiel’s parentage.

  Chapter Seven

  Lexi woke up before the rooster crowed and she was excited about the day that lay ahead. She bound out of her bed and before making it she moved it a few inches closer to John’s. It made her giggle when she realized what she was doing. Lexi fumbled through the dresses she had brought from home and nothing was appropriate for the weather or hard work she would be doing on the ranch. She spotted a pair of denim overalls hanging on a hook, which looked to be her size. She had never worn pants in her life and figured it was time to give them a try. A pink blouse underneath would allow her to add a personal touch and a bit of feminity. She snuck off to the wash room and changed into pants, which felt funny because it was a new experience. It was nothing she would wear in Boston but she was in Texas and new experiences were always fun for Lexi.

  She got right to making breakfast which would be flapjacks because Jane left batter in a jar that would be easy enough. She grabbed a cast iron skillet and threw in some wood to get the fire going. Lexi was humming a tune when John came into the kitchen.

  “What are you doing in Grace’s overalls?” John asked flatly.

  “I saw them and I didn’t think it through that they belonged to Grace. It was spontaneous and I can see by the look on your face that it was the wrong decision.” Lexi dropped the jar holding the pancake mix, causing it to shatter on the wood floor. Tears filled her blue eyes and she ran out to the meadow behind the house. She sat in the long grass, chastising herself for not thinking first before wearing Grace Stark’s clothes. Lexi felt a gentle touch on her shoulder that made her quiver.

  “I was a fool and I can’t stand the fact that I put tears in your beautiful blue eyes. The sky on a perfect day doesn’t come close to their color. I saw you humming and wearing her overalls and I was overwhelmed by memories of Grace. I can’t help it Lexi; talking about JJ last night and then seeing you this morning was too much.”

  “I’m so sorry John.”

  “No need to be sorry Lexi. You do realize that we just had our first misunderstanding,” John said as her wiped a tear from Lexi’s cheek.

  “We did and I’m sure we’ll have many more but that’s expected in a marriage.”

  “You’re heaven sent Lexi Stark.” John leaned in and kissed his wife gently on the lips.

  John and Lexi laid in the morning sun until they heard John’s stomach growl and realized it was time to head inside. “John, I’m afraid I’ve ruined another meal. I’m going to make you a fabulous meal one of these days.”

  “You have forever to learn your way around the kitchen and I’m a very patient man. I must tell you that you look lovely in the overalls and Grace would be happy that you’re putting them to good use.”

  “Thank you John,” Lexi gave him a peck on the cheek as they walked back. The house looked straighter every time Lexi looked at it and it was starting to feel like home.


  The barn was intimidating the first time that Lexi walked in. John led her by the hand by the horse stall and to the three cows that she was going to learn to milk.

  “These are the girls Lexi. We’d probably do with two but since it’s just the two of us we’d do fine with just one cow.”

  “John you made it clear when you were looking for a mail order bride, that you wanted to have children. Is that something you want with me? We haven’t even been intimate so maybe I’m jumping the gun. Sometime I say words without fully thinking about them”

  John smiled widely. “I’m glad you brought it up. I thought I wanted one or two children but with you, I want a dozen.”

  Lexi looked at John. “A dozen – whew, that’s a tall order to fill but with you, I think that can be done.”

  John scooped up Lexi. “I never saw this coming but I love you Lexi. I love my wife – I love you but please don’t feel pressured to return the sentiment.”

  Lexi was about to return the sentiment when Doctor Remsen showed up. His timing couldn’t have been worse because for the first time in her life, Lexi was going to say I love you to someone besides her parents or siblings.

  “Sorry to interrupt but I was in the area and I wanted to make sure Mrs. Stark was feeling better,” Dr. Remsen said.

  “I’ve never felt better Doctor. I think my body has grown accustomed to the warm dry climate. How is that sweet baby of yours?” Lexi asked.

  “Ezekiel is doing well with his mother. All she wanted from the day we were married was a child and I’m thrilled that she finally got her wish. I hope that talk of an infant doesn’t cause you grief John.”

  “I’d be lying if I said I was completely over my grief but I have found renewed hope in my sweet wife Lexi. She told me about your boy Ezekiel and that he’s quite the crier like my JJ was the only time I heard him cry.”

  “Your son was stillborn John and he never made as much as a whimper when he was born. It was one of the reasons I kept you out of the room because seeing his lifeless body would have been too much to take. Your brain was playing tricks on you and you heard what you wanted to hear.”

  Lexi was sure something wasn’t right and she knew it was something she had to discuss with John after the doctor left. If her suspicions were right, then John’s life would change for the better and that would be the best gift she could give him.

  “Enough talk of the past,” Lexi said. “We appreciate your visit, Dr. Remsen but there are only so many hours in the day and if we don’t tend to these cows, they’ll explode.”

  John looked at Lexi with a questioning look and she waved him off. “Thanks for thinking of us Doc, we’ll be in touch soon.” When the doctor was out of sight, Lexi grabbed John’s arm and led him to th
e hay loft.

  “What’s going on Lexi? It doesn’t seem like you to be rude to the doctor, especially since he made a special trip out here.”

  “Relax John because what I’m about to tell you seems bizarre at first but I think it’s true.”

  Chapter Eight

  John sat up straight as if he were about to hear bad news. “I’m confused Lexi. Are you going back to Boston; is that what you have to tell me. If you are about to break my heart do it quickly.”

  Lexi punched John jokingly on the arm. “I believe your son JJ is alive. I know and I’m sure Dr. Remsen knows that I know. Pick your jaw up John because I’m serious and this is something I’ve felt since I looked into Ezekiel’s green eyes. I didn’t want to give you false hope so I waited until know, when I know it’s true.”

  John swallowed hard. “My son is dead Lexi and to lead me on is cruel. You’d better explain yourself quick.”

  “You heard your baby cry because he was alive but he was passed on to Mrs. Remsen to claim as her own. We both agree that she’s too old to carry a child and to further my point, Dr. Remsen came here today to keep me from visiting him. Will you at least consider that I’m right? I wouldn’t say any of this unless I believed it was a real possibility.”

  “From the moment I laid eyes on you, I realized you were sent. Maybe it was by Grace or by God himself. A simple cowboy isn’t meant to believe so deeply but you make me believe in the most absurd stories. When you say it Lexi, I believe you.” John was shaking.


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