by Kim Ghattas
Several people read the manuscript at different stages and helped greatly improve it. Special thanks go to Azadeh Moaveni, my longtime friend and intellectual partner and an accomplished author herself. She challenged me when needed and poured her soul into helping me refine my draft. This book would not be what it is without her. At WME, the gifted Simone Blaser went beyond the call of duty, tidied up my ramblings and my English, and asked unexpected questions. Andrew Small and Daniel Levy provided much needed expertise and made many corrections. Jeremy Bowen has been an amazing colleague and true friend for years; his knowledge, reporting, and magical writing inspire me every day. Jad Salhab probably knows me better than anyone; he read my draft at short notice and reminded me of my roots. Marwan Muasher’s enthusiasm after reading my proposal helped me believe I was on to something.
In my research I benefited from the help of four very bright recent university graduates who have great careers ahead of them. Eric Hoerger put in long hours of indispensable, sometimes tedious, research over many months and adopted the book as his own. The multiskilled Paul Blake helped me further understand the America outside of Washington and repeatedly tested some of my ideas among his friends. David Avalos and Ben Bulmer also pitched in at various early stages.
I am fortunate to have loving friends who stay close even when they are far away. They are my anchors and I am grateful that they didn’t give up on me when I became a hermit. Michele and Karim Chaya have been a source of strength for years; Lamia Matta and Joe Newman were a second home right next door and endured endless moaning over good food and late-night drinks. Joe also took pictures and helped me create a website. The unflappable Joyce Karam saved the day multiple times. Karim Sadjadpour, aka D.C.’s handsome sheikh, has been my trusted guide to all things Washington. Tony Yazbek never doubted his high school classmate when she told him she was going be a journalist. Alexis Morel and Apolline de Malherbe continue to provide intellectual and culinary sustenance. Katie and Jonathan Whitney made a wonderful, indelible mark on Washington. Robin Shulman was the first to tell me I had to write a book; Carine Chebli and Baptiste Desplats gave me a place to write, twice. Kate Seelye has taught me a lot of what I know about how America sees the Middle East; Beirut and Washington would not be the same without her. Petra Stienen, Lubna Dimashki, and Josephine Frantzen were always a phone call away when I flagged. Elise Labott constantly made sure I was still alive. Nicole Gaouette listened to me go on about the book in Washington and on endless flights around the world. Thanks also to Kurt Hamrock, Ky Ta, and Anna Driggs for being on the eighth floor.
I would not have made it to the finish line without Marcel de Vink. He was there when the book was born; he inspired and nurtured my ideas with his rigor and brilliant mind. He kept me real, made me laugh, and helped me through the darkest moments with endless patience.
I would never have embarked on this journey without my parents, Raymond and Helen. Through fifteen years of war, my parents kept us safe and under one roof and did their best to provide us with normal lives. Living through war is nothing to be thankful for but it did push me to always seek meaning in life. Through shelling, water shortages, and near-death experiences at checkpoints, my parents taught me never to give up and to never blame anyone or anything else for what’s going wrong in my life. I am in awe of their strength and grateful for their boundless love, and I hope that, after many rebellions, my choices make sense. My sisters, Ingrid and Audrey, their husbands, and my nieces and nephews bring joy to my life every day and have put up with many absences, real and virtual. My sisters are my best friends. They have been there for me every single day of my life. There are simply no words to describe my love for them.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
HRC = Hillary Rodham Clinton
Abbas, Mahmoud
Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, king of Saudi Arabia
Abdullah, king of Saudi Arabia
Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk
Abedin, Huma
Abedin, Saleha
Aboul Gheit, Ahmed
Abu Ghraib prison
Adler, Caroline
Holbrooke and
HRC visits
Pakistan and
Soviet occupation of
War (2002–present)
WikiLeaks and
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud
Akihito, emperor of Japan
AK Party (Justice and Development, Turkey)
Alawite sect
Albright, Madeleine
Alliot-Marie, Michèle
American power
Arab world and
big picture of
China and
decline of
Europe and
HRC and
Lebanon and
multilateralism and
Obama and
pros and cons of
reality vs. beliefs about
Saudi Arabia and
smart power and
Syria and
WikiLeaks and
Amorim, Celso
Annan, Kofi
Aoun, Michel
Arab-Israeli conflict. See also Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and specific countries
Madrid conference
peace talks
Sharm el-Sheikh summit
October War (1973)
Six-Day War (1967)
Arab League
Arafat, Yasser
Art of War, The (Sun Tzu)
Asia. See also specific countries
“Asia pivot”
Aso, Taro
Assad, Asma
Assad, Bashar al-
Assad, Hafez al-
Assad, Maher al-
As-Safir (Lebanese newspaper)
Assange, Julian
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Atlantic (magazine)
Aung San Suu Kyi
Axelrod, David
Baath Party (Syria)
Bader, Jeffrey
uprising in
Baker, James
Balfour Declaration
Barak, Ehud
Batalova, Zauresh
Beauvoir, Simone de
Behrens, Nina
Beirut. See Lebanon
Ben Ali, Zin el-Abidine
Benghazi, Libya
Berlin Wall, fall of
Berlusconi, Silvio
Bhutto, Benazir
Biden, Joe
bin Laden, Osama
Blue Bat, Operation
Bouazizi, Mohamed
Bo Xilai
Iran and
Libya and
Syria and
Brezhnev, Leonid
BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
Britain (United Kingdom)
House of Commons
Mandate Palestine
Bryant, Kobe
Burma (Myanmar)
Burns, Bill
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
China and
Indonesia and
Iraq War and
Pakistan and
Saudi Arabia and
Cameron, David
Campbell, Kurt
Cannon, Lawrence
Carter, Jimmy
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Chen Guangcheng
Cheonan sinking
American debt and
American embassy in
Burma and
Copenhagen c
limate change conference and
Cultural Revolution
currency of
economy of
Egypt and
HRC visits
human rights and
Hu’s visit to U.S. and
India and
Iran and
isolation of
Ivory Coast and
Japan and
Libya and
North Korea and 183
Pakistan and
power of
Russia and
S&ED and
Saudi Arabia and
Shanghai Expo and
South China Sea and
South Korea and
Syria and
Vietnam and
WikiLeaks and
China-ASEAN declaration (2002)
China Daily
Chinese Communist Party
Christians, Arab
Churchill, Winston
civil society
Clegg, Nick
climate change
Clinton, Bill
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
Clinton, Chelsea
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
Abbas meets with
accessibility of
achievements of
Afghanistan and
Afghanistan visited by
Algeria visited by
American embassies and
American power and
Arab world reforms and
Asia visited by
Aung San Suu Kyi meets with
autobiography Living History and
Bahrain and
Bahrain visited by
begins term as secretary of state
Beirut visited by
bin Zayed meets with
Brazil and
briefing books of
Burma visited by
Chen Guangcheng and
children’s issues and
China and South China Sea and
China visited by
civil society and
Copenhagen conference and
diplomatic security for
Egypt and
Egypt visited by
European leaders and
as First Lady
first press conference as secretary of state
foreign policy approach of
Forum for the Future and
France visited by
Friends of Syrian People Conference and
Fukushima crisis and
Greece visited by
Gulf ministers meet with
Holbrooke’s death and
Hong Kong visited by
human rights and
Hu visit to U.S. and
India visited by
Indonesia visited by
Iran and
Iraq visited by
Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
Israel visited by
Japan and
Japan visited by
Jerusalem visited by
Korean DMZ visited by
Kyrgyzstan visited by
Lebanon crisis and
Lebanon visited by
Libya and
Libya visited by
Mexico visited by
Middle East youth summit and
Morocco visited by
Mubarak meets with
multilateralism and
Netanyahu meets with
North Korea and
Oman visited by
OSCE conference in Kazakhstan and
Pakistan and Davis issue
Pakistan visited by
Palestinian state and
presidential race of 2008 and
press and
public persona of
relationship with Bill Clinton
relationship with Condoleezza Rice
relationship with Gates
relationship with Obama
Russia and
Saudi Arabia visited by
second term as secretary of state and
Senate career of
smart power and
South Korea and
South Korea visited by
staff of
Syria and
town halls and
Tunisia and
Tunisia visited by
Turkey and
Turkey visited by
UAE visited by
Uzbekistan visited by
Vietnam visited by
WikiLeaks and
women’s rights and
Yemen visited by
Cold War
Cole, USS, bombing
Copenhagen climate change conference (2009)
Council on Foreign Relations
Cretz, Gene
Crowley, P. J.
Cyprus Green Line
Dai Bingguo
Dalai Lama
Davis, Raymond
Davutoğlu, Ahmet
Defense Department (Pentagon)
de la Renta, Oscar
Democratic Party (U.S.)
Democratic Party of Japan
Deng Xiaoping
Der Spiegel
Dickens, Charles
Djerjian, Edward
Donilon, Tom
Britain and
China and
elections in
HRC visits
Israel and
Israel peace treaty and
Libyan war with
Saudi Arabia and
uprising in
WikiLeaks and
Egyptian Armed Forces
Einhorn, Bob
Eisenhower, Dwight
of 2008
of 2010
of 2012
Emanuel, Rahm
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip
European economy
European Union. See also specific countries
Faisal, king of Saudi Arabia
Favreau, Jon
federal debt
Feltman, Jeffrey
financial crisis of 2008
Ford, Gerald
foreign aid
Egypt and
Palestinians and
Yemen and
Foreign Service
Forum for the Future (Doha, 2011)
Foster, Norman
Iran and
Libya and
Syria and
Tunisia and
Turkey and
Frattini, Franco
Free Syria Army (FSA)
Friends of Libya
Friends of the Syrian People Conference (Tunis, 2012)
Fukushima nuclear crisis
Futenma Marine Corps Air Station
G20 summit (Seoul, 2010)
Gaddafi, Muammar
Gaddafi, Saif
Gates, Robert
Gaza Strip
Geithner, Timothy
Ghalioun, Burhan
Ghattas, Audrey
Ghattas, Ingrid
Giffords, Gabrielle
Gilani, Yousuf Raza
Global Times
Guantánamo Bay
Gul, Abdullah
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Gulf War (1990)
Gulgee, Amin
Hague, William
Hama rebellion (1982)
Hanover World Expo (2000)
Hariri, Rafic
Hariri, Saad
Hatoyama, Yukio
Hawk, Tony
Hedges, Chris
Henderson, Loy
Holbrooke, Richard
Hong Kong
Hrawi, Elias
/> Hughes, Karen
Hu Jintao
human rights
Huntsman, Jon
Hurtado, Antoinette
Hussain, Talat
Hussein, Saddam
Ibrahim, Hafez
Ignatius, David
China and
HRC visits
Kashmir and
Libya and
Pakistan and
Syria and
UN Security Council and
WikiLeaks and
HRC visits
International Monetary Fund
Bahrain and
Brazil and
China and
Egypt and
Hezbollah and
hostage crisis (1979–80)
Iraq and
Iraq war vs.
Lebanon and
nuclear weapons and sanctions on
revolution (1979)
Russia and
Saudi Arabia and
Syria and
Turkey and
WikiLeaks and
HRC visits
Iran war vs.
Kuwait invasion and Gulf War (1990)
Lebanon and
Libya and
Saudi Arabia and
Shiite uprising (1991)
Syria and
Turkey and
War (2003–2010)
WikiLeaks and
WMD and
Egypt and
history of
HRC visits
Jordan and
Lebanon and
Saudi Arabia and
Syria and
Turkey and
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. See also Arab-Israeli conflict
Gaza war (Cast Lead, 2008–9)
history of
HRC meeting with Abbas and
HRC meeting with Netanyahu and
HRC meeting with Saudis and
Madrid conference and
settlements and
Sharm el-Sheikh summit and
Ivory Coast
China and
earthquake and nuclear crisis (2011)
HRC visits
WikiLeaks and
Japanese Americans
HRC visits
Jerusalem Post
Holocaust and
Jibril, Mahmoud
Jimenez, Trinidad
Jinnah, Mohammad Ali
Johnson, Andrew
Jubeir, Adel al-
Juppé, Alain
Kadima Party (Israel)
Karimov, Islam
Karzai, Hamid
Kaskent, Steve
Kayani, Ashfaq
Kayhan (Iranian newspaper)
Kerry, John
Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill
Kessler, Glenn
Ketchem, Fred
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali
Khin Khin Win
Khmer Rouge
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah
Kim Il Sung