by Owen J. Hurd
discovery of, 6–7
France and, 26
frontier of, 45–57
Pearl Harbor attack, 142, 183–90
Philippine-American War, 104
Spanish-American War, 103, 104
American Agent (Purvis, M.), 160
American Athletic Union (AAU), 164–65
American Red Cross, 100
American Revolution, 33
Declaration of Independence and, 38–44
Revere and, 34–38
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 170
Anderson, Osborne Perry, 85
Animals, domesticated, 5–6
Anne (queen), 21
Anthony, Susan B., 79
Anti-Defamation League, 108
Arikara (tribe), 51
Army Signal Corps, U.S., 140
Arnaz, Desi, 150
Arnold, Samuel, 87
Articles of Association, 42
Articles of Confederation, 42
Association for the Improvement and Adornment of San Francisco, 106
Gehrig, L., and, 163, 170–76
Owen and, 163–69
Robinson, Jackie, and, 163, 176–82
Atom bomb, 142, 199. See also Hiroshima; Manhattan Project; Nagasaki
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 200, 201
Atzerodt, George, 86, 87
Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, The (Garrett), 111
Avis, John, 81–82
Bacall, Lauren, 207
Baffin, William, 11
Balboa, Vasco Núñez de, 1
Bales, Richard, 97
Baltimore Steam Packet Company, 88
Barnett, Ross, 225–27, 229
Barnum, P. T., 94
Barrow, Ed, 171
Barton, Clara, 100
Battle of Bunker Hill, 35, 37
Battle of Iwo Jima, 191
Battle of Little Bighorn, 55
Battle of Long Island, 39
Battle of Midway, 184
Battle of Saratoga, 39
Battle of Tianjin, 57
Battle on San Juan Hill, 57
Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War (Melville), 71
Beecher, Henry Ward, 83
Behan, Johnny, 116, 118
Bell, Alexander Graham, 132–37, 141
Bell Telephone Company, 135–36, 137
Ben-Hur (Wallace), 115
Benteen, Frederick, 52–53, 54
Bergmann, Gretel, 169
Bernstein, Carl, 231, 235
Bessie, Alvah, 204, 208
Biberman, Herbert, 204
Big Island, Hawaii, 12–13
Billington, John, 27
“Billy Budd” (Melville), 73
Billy the Kid, 110–15
Black bag operations, 232
Blackfoot (tribe), 51
Black Hawk War, 50
Blacks. See African Americans
Blake, James, 224
Bligh, William, 13, 15
Blithedale Romance, The (Hawthorne, N.), 65
Block, Harlon, 193–94
Bogart, Humphrey, 206, 207
Bonney, William. See Billy the Kid
Boone, Daniel, 124
Booth, Edwin, 88–99
Booth, John Wilkes, 86–88, 90
Boots and Saddles (Custer, E. B.), 55
Boston Tea Party, 33
Boxer Rebellion, 57
Bradford, Sarah Hopkins, 78, 79
Bradford, William, 25, 27
Bradlee, Ben, 231, 235
Bradley, James, 193
Bradley, John “Doc,” 192, 194–95
Brady, Matthew, 131
Brave One, The (film), 208
Brazel, Jesse Wayne, 114–15
Briggs, Charles, 60
Brocius, “Curly Bill,” 118
Brookings Institute, 237
Brooklyn Dodgers, 176
Browder v. Gayle, 222
Brown, Jason, 85
Brown, John, 66, 75, 80–86
Brown, Mary, 81
Brown, Owen, 84
Brown, Salmon, 85
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 221, 225
Brundage, Avery, 168
Buchanan, Robert, 73
Buckley, William F., 180
Buffalo Bill. See Cody, William
Burchett, Wilfred, 198–99
Bureau of Investigation, 108
Burke, Fred “Killer,” 148
Burnham, Daniel, 98, 106–7
Burns, William, 105, 108
Burr, Aaron, 43
Bush, George W., 237
Bush, Vannevar, 190
Buying Cheap and Selling Dear (Pipp), 175
Bylot, Robert, 10, 11
Caine Mutiny, The (film), 205–6
California Gold Rush, 51
Cambria Iron Company, 99, 100, 101
Capone, Albert “Sonny,” 150
Capone, Alphonse “Al,” 95, 144–50
Capone, James Vincenzo, 149
Carmichael, Stokely, 176, 227
Carnegie, Andrew, 102
Carter, Jimmy, 233, 236
Caruso, Enrico, 109
Caveat, 132–33
Chanute, Octave, 141
Charbonneau, Toussaint, 50
Chase, Salmon, 83
Great Fire of, 91, 92–95
Valentine’s Day Massacre and, 144–50
Chicago Crime Commission, 145
Child, Lydia Maria, 26
Chinese, of San Francisco, 107–8
Christian, Fletcher, 15
Christianity, 4, 130
Cincinnati Kid, The (film), 208
Civil rights movement, 167, 178–79, 218–37
Meredith and, 225–30
Parks and, 176, 219–24
Civil War, 71, 75–91, 129–30
assassination of Lincoln, and, 86–91
Brown, John, and, 66, 75, 80–86
Tubman, H., and, 75, 76–80
Clanton, Bill, 117
Clanton, Ike, 116, 117–18
Clarel (Melville), 72
Clark, Asia Booth, 88
Clark, William, 16, 43, 45–52
Clemm, Maria, 61, 63
Clerke, Charles, 15
Cleveland, Grover, 89
Clinton, Bill, 224
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,” 56, 57
Cold War, 188, 210
Cole, Lester, 204, 205
Colefix, Jemima, 32
Colosimo, Jim, 95
Colson, Charles, 237
Colter, John, 51
Columbus, Christopher, 2–8
Columbus, Diego, 8
Colvin, Claudette, 220, 222
Committee of Fifty, 104
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), 231
Communism, 200, 203–5
Complete Life of General George A. Custer, The (Whittaker), 54
Constitution, U.S., 42
Continental Army, 35, 37
Continental Congress, 39
Conyers, John, 223
Cook, James, 12–16
Cooke, William, 127
Cooper, Gary, 174, 204
Cooping, 59
Corey, Giles, 28
Cornell, Ezra, 128
Cornwallis, Charles, 41
Corps of Discovery, 16, 45–46, 48–49, 51–52
Corruption, 151–52
Costner, Kevin, 155
Cowley, Sam, 158, 159–60
Crabbe, Buster, 166
Crazy Horse, 55
CREEP. See Committee to Re-Elect the President
Crossfire (film), 205
Cruz, “Indian Charlie,” 118
Curtiss, Glenn, 136
Custer, Elizabeth Bacon “Libbie,” 53–55, 56–57
Custer, George Armstrong, 45, 52–57, 85
Czolgosz, Leon, 91
Daguerre, Louis, 130–31
Dahlgren, Ellsworth “Babe,” 175
Davern, William Jr., 149
Davis, Jeffe
rson, 67, 86
Davis, Nelson, 79
Davis, Richard Harding, 103
Dawes, William, 34, 37
Deal, Pony, 118
Declaration of Independence, 33, 34, 38–44
Deep Throat, 231–35
Description of New England, A (Smith, J.), 22
Desegregation, 218
DeShazer, Jacob, 187
Diamond Jubilee, 103
Dillinger, John, 144, 156–63
Disaster relief
Great Chicago Fire, 91, 92–95
Johnstown flood, 98–103
San Francisco earthquake and fire, 104–9
Disease, 6, 24
Disney, Walt, 204
Dmytryk, Edward, 205, 207, 208
Doar, John, 230
Domesticated animals, 5–6
Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, 68
Doolittle, Jimmy, 186
Dougherty, John, 104
Douglas, Kirk, 208
Douglass, Frederick, 83
Doyle, William, 226
Draper, Foy, 169
Dred Scott, 77
Drouillard, George, 52
Duke, David, 228
Durr, Clifford, 220–21
Earp, Mattie Blaylock, 119–20
Earp, Morgan, 116–17
Earp, Virgil, 116–18
Earp, Warren, 119
Earp, Wyatt, 113, 116–18
Earthquake, of San Francisco, 104–9
Eig, Jonathan, 149
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 178, 211, 214
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 64, 66, 83
English, Thomas Dunn, 60
Enola Gay, 202
Ephron, Nora, 235
Eriksson, Leif, 1
Erik the Red, 7
Fall, Albert, 113, 115
Farrell, Frank T., 149
Fat Man (bomb), 197
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 108, 145, 149, 160, 200
Federal Social Protection Program, 154
Felt, W. Mark, 232, 233, 235
Ferdinand II (king), 3
Fermi, Enrico, 190
Ferrer, José, 206, 207
Field, Marshall, 96
Finn, John, 185
First into Nagasaki (Weller), 202
Flags of Our Fathers (Bradley, James), 193
Flight, 136, 138, 143
Floyd, Charles, 46
Floyd, Charles “Pretty Boy,” 159
Fonda, Henry, 120
Ford, Charlie, 121, 123
Ford, Gerald, 237
Ford, Robert “Bob,” 121, 123
Ford Motor Company, 167
Ford’s Theatre, 89
Fore River Ship & Engine Company, 137
Fort Abraham Lincoln, 53
Fortescue, Grace Hubbard, 137
Fountain, Albert J., 112
Fraley, Oscar, 151, 155
France, 26
Frank, Leo, 108
Franklin, Benjamin, 33, 38, 42
Frechette, Evelyn “Billie,” 158, 162
Frémont, John C., 51, 116
Frick, Henry Clay, 102
Frontier, American, 45–57
Fuchida, Mitsuo, 187
Fuchs, Klaus, 201, 202
Fugitive Slave Law, 80
Fuller, Margaret, 26
Fulton, John, 99, 100, 103
Funston, Frederick, 104, 108
Fur trade, 46, 48
Gagnon, Rene, 192, 194
Gaither, George, 113–14
Gangsters and G-men
Purvis, M., and, 144, 156–62
the Untouchables and, 150–55
Valentine’s Day Massacre and, 144–50
Garfield, James, 136
Garrett, Pat, 110–15
Garrison, William Lloyd, 77, 83
Gass, Patrick, 52
Gehrig, Eleanor, 171–75
Gehrig, Lou, 163, 170–76
Gem of the Republic, The (Morse), 130
Genaust, William, 195–96
Genda, Minoru, 187
George III (king), 38
Get Capone (Eig), 149
Gililland, James, 112
Glickman, Marty, 168
Godfrey, Edward, 52, 53
Gold, 3, 51
Goldman, William, 232
Goldwyn, Samuel, 174
Göring, Herman, 156
Graham, Billy, 187
Graham, Katharine, 235
Grant, Cary, 156
Grant, Ulysses S., 54, 213
Gray, Elisha, 134–36
Gray, L. Patrick, 232
Graziano, Rocky, 172
Great Chicago Fire, 91, 92–95
“Great Cole Younger and Frank James Historical Wild West Show, The,” 123–24
Great Earthquake of 1906, 104–9
Great Sioux War, 56
Greene, Henry, 10
Griswold, Rufus, 61–63, 64
Grosvenor, Edwin S., 135
Grosvenor, Gilbert, 137
Grosvenor, Thomas, 96
Guanacagarí (Taino chieftain), 4
Guiteau, Charles, 91
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (film), 120
Gwinnett, Button, 40
Haldeman, Bob, 237
Hale, Sarah Joseph, 26
Hancock, John, 34, 38, 39
Hancock, Julia, 46
Hansen, Hank, 191, 193
Harding, Warren G., 115
Harlow, Jean, 160
Harpers Ferry Raid, 80, 82–84
Harriet Tubman Home for Aged and Infirm Negroes, 79
Harris, Clara, 90
Hart, John, 41
Hart, Richard “Two Gun,” 150
Hathorne, John, 31
Hawaii, 12–14, 16
Pearl Harbor attack, 142, 183–90
Hawthorne, Julian, 68
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 32, 58, 64–68, 69
Hawthorne, Rose, 68
Hawthorne, Sophia, 68
Hawthorne, Una, 68
Hayes, Ira, 190, 192, 193, 194
Haynie, Jim, 97
Hearst, William Randolph, 103
Helms, Jesse, 227
Heney, Francis, 105, 108
Hepburn, Katharine, 205
Herold, David, 86–87
Heyward, Thomas Jr., 39–40
Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 84
Hiroshima, 142, 193, 197–202
Hispaniola, 2, 4–6
Hitler, Adolf, 156, 164
Hoffman, Dustin, 231
Holbrook, Hal, 231
Holliday, Doc, 116–17, 118, 119
Hollywood Ten, 204, 205, 207, 208
Hooks, Benjamin, 228
Hoover, J. Edgar, 149, 156–60, 181, 200, 232
Hough, Emerson, 114
House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 203–5, 209–10
House of the Seven Gables, The (Hawthorne, N.), 65
Howe, Samuel, 84
HUAC. See House Committee on Un-American Activities
Hubbard, Gardiner, 133, 137
Hubbard, Mabel, 133
Hudson, Henry, 8–11, 23
Hughes, Charles Evan, 95
Human flight, 136, 138, 143
Humphrey, Hubert, 177–78, 180
Hunt, E. Howard, 236
Hunter, Ian McLellan, 208
Hydrogen bomb, 201
I Attacked Pearl Harbor (Sakamaki), 189
Internal Revenue Service, 151
International Centennial Exposition of 1876, 133
International Olympic Committee, 168
Inuits (tribe), 11
Bell, Alexander Graham, 132–37, 141
telegraph and, 126–31
Wright brothers, 138–43
Isabella I (queen), 2, 3
Iwo Jima, 190–97
J. Wilkes Booth (Townsend), 87
Jackson, Andrew, 50, 86
Jackson, Charles, 131
Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall,” 83
Jamaica, 6
James (king), 21
es, Archie, 125
James, Frank, 120–25
James, Jesse, 121–22
James, Jesse Jr., 124
“James Boys of Missouri, The,” 123
James Gang, 122
Jamestown settlement, 17–20, 23
James-Younger Gang, 120
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 142, 193, 197–202
Iwo Jima, 190–97
Pearl Harbor and, 142, 183–90
Japanese Air Self-Defense Force, 188
Jarrett, Janice, 160
Jefferson, Thomas, 15, 33, 41, 42–43, 47
Jeter, Derek, 170
Jewish athletes, 169
Johnson, George E. Q., 145
Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 178, 201, 218, 230
Johnson, Van, 206
Johnstown flood, 98–103
Johnstown Flood Museum, 103
Juet, Robert, 10
Kahahawai, Joe, 137
Kamehameha (Hawaiian native), 16
Kauai, Hawaii, 12
Kazan, Elia, 209
Kenna, Mike, 96
Kennedy, John F., 178, 179–80, 218, 225
Kerr, Robert, 211
Kimmel, Husband, 185, 189
King, Martin Luther Jr., 168, 176, 221–23, 227–28
Kingsbury Run, 152
Kitty Foyle (film), 205
Kitty Hawk Flyer, 143
Korean War, 203
Lafayette, Marquis de, 130
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 171–72
Lancaster, Burt, 120
Landon, Alf, 165
Langley, Samuel P., 136, 141, 143
Lardner, Ring Jr., 204, 205, 207, 209
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 5
Las Cosas, Juan de, 8
Lawson, John Howard, 204, 205
Ledyard, John, 15–16
Lee, Oliver, 112
Lee, Robert E., 85
Lewis, Meriwether, 16, 43–52
Library of Congress, 7
Liddy, G. Gordon, 236
Lincoln, Abraham, 26, 67, 75, 83, 216
assassination of, 86–91
Lincoln, Mary, 89–90
Lincoln, Mary Harlan, 91
Lincoln, Robert, 89, 90–91
Lincoln, Tad, 89–90
Lincoln Memorial Tomb, 91
Lindbergh, Charles, 142
Literature, 58. See also specific authors
Hawthorne, N., and, 64–68
Melville and, 69–74
Poe and, 59–63
Little Boy (bomb), 197
Lon, Carl Ludwig “Luz,” 164
London Science Museum, 143
Long, Kai, 164
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 37–38, 64, 66
Lono (god of fertility and peace), 14
Lost Colony of Roanoke, 17
Lou Gehrig Appreciation Day, 170
Louisiana Purchase, 43
Lovell, Solomon, 36
Lowery, Lou, 196
MacArthur, Douglas, 198, 203, 210–12, 214–17
MacArthur, Douglas IV, 217
MacMurray, Fred, 206
Magruder, Jeb, 236
Major League Baseball Hall of Fame, 172
Makahiki Festival, 14
Malcolm X, 176, 179
Maltz, Albert, 204, 205, 207, 209
Manhattan Project, 197, 201
Manifest Destiny, 57
Mann Act, 147
Marble Faun, The (Hawthorne, N.), 66
“March Against Fear,” 227