And he moved and so did she, and they were in each other’s arms, kissing, hugging, speaking only in half-sentences, all of which began with ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’.
They ended up lying in each other’s arms, staring into each other’s eyes and hugging each other tightly, as if they could never bear to let each other go.
‘Why else do you think I accepted your wretched money?’ she demanded. ‘Because I thought you hated me, and I knew how much I loved you. I thought that if I was only a mercenary little golddigger in your eyes you’d never want to see me again!’
‘That would,’ he said wryly, ‘be rather like reaching the summit of Mount Everest and not feeling proud of it!’
‘You should write that down!’ said Kimberley admiringly.
‘You are also,’ he said, ‘the only woman who could make me so wild for her that all thoughts of contraception just flew out of the window.’
‘Not even Tania?’ said Kimberley nastily.
He moved to lie on top of her, and the sensation of that hard, lean body sent her senses singing. ‘Listen to me,’ he said, very gravely. ‘My affair with Tania is all in her head.’
‘Don’t say you couldn’t have had an affair with her?’
‘Of course I could. I could have had affairs with lots of women. The whole point is that I didn’t want to.’
Her eyes narrowed. ‘Not at all?’
‘Not once. Once I’d seen you…I’m afraid that was it.’
‘And if I hadn’t had Georgia——?’
‘I would still have coerced you into marrying me.’
‘And just how would you have gone about that?’
‘Oh, I’d have thought of a way, don’t worry,’ he said with infuriating confidence. ‘I was so convinced that we were twin souls, you see. And I was right.’
‘Are you always so sure that you’re right?’ she queried dreamily.
‘Mostly. But I thought that I could happily live with you, even if you didn’t love me. In that I was hopelessly, hopelessly wrong. I vowed that I’d never spend the night with you until you told me you loved me.’
‘Tonight’s the night, then,’ she murmured, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, but then she grew serious, shivered. ‘How close we came to losing it all,’ she whispered.
‘Don’t.’ And he kissed her with a tender passion she had only ever dreamed of.
Soon he would make love to her again, and this time neither of them would need to hold anything back, but for the moment she was happy to be held, revelling in the closeness they now shared.
The joy of what lay before them was almost too frightening to contemplate, and they grinned at each other.
‘I love you,’ they both whispered, at exactly the same moment.
Now, that’s harmony, thought Kimberley in delight, as she gave herself up ecstatically to his kiss.
eISBN 978-14592-7643-7
First North American Publication 1996.
Copyright © 1995 by Sharon Kendrick.
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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone beanng the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
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Table of Contents
Cover Page
About the Author
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Part-Time Father (Harlequin Presents) Page 15