by Bryan Sykes
Mongolia, 44
Monica (hotel server), 234–35, 244
Montana, 66, 221–22
Monterey, Calif., 63
Monte Verde, Chile, 12, 15–16, 34, 41
Monument Valley, 247, 256, 267–68
Morgan, Marcyliena, 301
Mormons, 53, 78–79, 223, 268–69
Morocco, 52, 232
Moses, 77, 120, 121
mosquitoes, 21
mothers, 23–24, 33–34, 167–68, 309
see also clan mothers
Mountain, Joanna, 161–62, 230–33, 234, 236, 240–41, 245, 249, 312
Mountain View, Calif., 165–66, 230–34, 236, 245
Mourant, Arthur, 316
movies, 178, 181, 186, 203, 267–68
Mozambique, 132, 141–42, 145, 147–48
Muhammad, 118
mulattoes, 231
mummies, 19–21, 22
Mungai knife, 13
muscular dystrophy, 287
musk oxen, 43
Muslims, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 133, 152
mutations, 162–63, 248
in mDNA, 23, 24–26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 70, 327
in Y chromosome, 70, 108, 109–10, 111, 113, 115, 327
mutinies, slave, 132
Myers, Mike, 205
myths, 212–13, 217–18
name adoption, 99
name changes, 74, 84–85, 99, 122–23
name spellings, 83–92, 184
Namibia, 139
Naomi, 122
Naperville, Ill., 205
Natchez Trace, 183
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 50
National Geographic, 79–80, 273–74
National Health Service (NHS), 202
National Institutes of Health, U.S., 59
National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), 270–71, 270
National Sickle Cell Program, 287–88
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) (1990), 56
Native Americans, 270–84
African American lineage in, 194–95, 280–84, 296–97, 313–16, 320, 321
Asiatic inheritance of, 18, 28, 29, 35–45, 46, 47–52, 57–58, 232–33
burials of, 50–52, 55–56
casinos owned by, 262, 279, 282
ceremonies of, 29, 30, 213–14, 229–30
clans of, 68–69, 96, 259
diseases of, 59–61
DNA evidence of, 18, 27, 29–31, 41–61, 68, 136, 138, 166, 278–80
encampments of, 28–29
European contact with, ix–x, 67, 187–88, 194–95, 210–11, 231, 248, 276–77, 308–9, 311–12, 314–16
European origins of, 46–61, 67, 249–50, 261, 280, 283–84, 314–16
federal government’s response to, 260–61, 270–84
genetic research on, 16, 28, 30–36, 37, 29–31, 41–61, 68, 112, 127, 136, 138, 166, 212–13, 228–33, 242, 246–50, 259–63, 270–84, 314–16, 327
health issues of, 272–74
languages of, 251–52, 253, 280
marriage in, 259, 261, 277–78, 282
matrilineal descent of, 30–31, 33
migration of, 18, 28, 29, 35–45, 46, 47–53, 57–58
modern descendants of, 228–29, 242, 246–47, 276–84, 314–16
origins of, 18, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30–31, 35–61, 62, 68, 212–13, 232–33
population of, 29, 66, 67
poverty of, 219–20, 252–53
racial definition of, 270–84
religious beliefs of, 29, 30, 50–52, 55–56, 212–26, 229–30, 271
reparation payments for, 278–80
reservations of, 204, 208–9, 210, 219–20, 229, 247–50, 256, 259–69, 312
stereotypes of, 267–68
territories of, 139, 251–52, 260–61, 276–77, 278
traditional lands of, 139
tribal councils of, 278–80
tribal enrollment in, 276–84, 314–16
tribes of, 28–31, 46, 56, 189–90, 192, 200, 213, 251, 276–84, 314–16; see also specific tribes
villages of, 189–90, 192, 260, 264
wars against, 140, 314, 220–21
natron, 20
Natural History Museum (London), 3
natural selection, 59–60, 320
Nature, 14, 16, 19, 32, 77, 138–39
Navajo, 47, 217, 247–50, 256, 258–60, 262, 266–69, 315
Nazism, 65, 112, 119–20
Neanderthals, 22, 128–29
Near East, 126, 140, 143
Nebraska, 207
Neolithic period, 69, 126, 239
Nepal, 129
Netherlands, 63, 66, 131, 186–88, 189
Nevada, 223–24, 263
New Castille, 125
New England, 64, 72, 85–87, 89, 177–96, 197, 280, 299, 308–13
New England Historical Genealogy Society, 72, 179–96, 299, 308–13
Newfoundland, 52, 63, 67
New Guinea, 281
New Mexico, 6–11, 63, 66, 248
New Netherlands, 187
New Orleans, 66
New Spain, 125
New World, 124, 130–32, 296
New World, The, 232
New York City, 192
New Yorker, 163
New York Observer, 43
New York State, 187, 200
New York Times, 59, 60, 75, 172–73, 286
Nez Perce, 56
Niall of the Nine Hostages, 101–2
Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, 26
Nicholson, Jack, 178
Nicholson, Jayne, 98
Niemann-Pick disease, 114
Nigeria, 140, 151–52, 169, 170
Nile River, 301
nine-banded armadillos, 169
nobility, 83–93
No Country for Old Men, 206
nomenclature, 97–98
nonpaternity events, 74, 75, 97
Normandy, 103–4
Norman invasion (1066), 81–82, 85, 88, 104
Norris Farms, 49–50, 52
Norsemen, 55–56, 58, 62–63, 67, 97–98, 102–5, 106, 130, 153–54, 213
North Africa, 52, 123, 131
North America, 35, 40–45, 143
Northampton, England, 196
North Carolina, 64
North Dakota, 66, 277
Northern Arizona University, 262
Northwest Passage, 29, 191
Norway, 55–56, 62, 66, 78–79, 95, 102–3
Norwegian Americans, 55–56, 66, 95
Nova Scotia, 310
Nubia, 301–2
nucleus, cell, 22, 167–68
Nuevo León, 126–27
Nuu-Chah-Nulth, 29–31, 47, 58–59
Obama, Barack, 170–74, 172, 201–2
Obama, Malia Ann, 172–73
Obama, Michelle, 172–73
obesity, 59–60, 163
Oglala Sioux, 204, 214
Ohio, 200–201
oil industry, 191
Oisin, 97–98, 185
Ojibwa, 47–49, 53, 261
“Okies,” 253
Oklahoma, 66, 251–52, 253, 282–84, 315
Oklahoma, University of, 282–83
Old Oraibi, 260
Old Order Amish, 114
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats (Eliot), 162
Old Testament, 77, 218
Olympic Peninsula, 29
One Drop (Broyard), 304
“one-drop” rule, 243, 303–4, 313
Oneota, 49
oral histories, 50, 58, 124–27, 153
Orangeburg, S.C., 231
Oregon, 16, 28–29
Oregon Trail, 210–11
Oriel, 104
Orion, 219
Orkney Islands, 102–3, 130
ornithology, 46–47
osteoarthritis, 159–60, 162
Ots-Toch, 187–89, 200, 309
Ottoman Empire, 124
overland migration, 37–39
, 43
Oxford Ancestors, 76–93, 153–54, 185, 289–90
Oxford University, ix–xi, ix, 31, 81–82, 86–87, 91, 95, 160, 241, 250
P450 gene, 318–19
Paabo, Svante, 19, 20–21, 22
Pacific Northwest, 28–31, 129
Pacific Ocean, 29, 37–39, 40, 52, 53, 59
Paige, Gina, 149, 195, 270, 285–86, 289, 290, 293, 295, 302
Painted Desert, 266
Paisley Caves, 16
Palamedes, Sir, the Dark Knight, 130
Paleo-Eskimos, 22
Paleolithic era, 69
Palestine, 119, 275–76
Palin, Sarah, 263
Palo Alto, Calif., 236
Panama, 44
pancreas, 304, 311, 317–18
parables, 217–18
parallel mutations, 109
parasites, 115, 168
parents, 18–19, 23–24, 33–34, 112–17, 146, 156–58, 167–68, 173–74, 182, 191–95, 237–38, 239, 246, 253, 259–60, 309
Paris, 103–4
Parker, Ariz., 262
Parkinson’s disease, 162
Parliament, British, 287–88
Parliament, Scottish, 95
Parliamentary Select Committee, 287–88
patents, 162, 273
pathogens, 80, 168
patrilineal descent, 73–74, 73, 75, 98–99, 102–3, 106, 107–9, 120–21, 145, 159, 191–92, 249–50
Pawnee, 214
peasantry, 83–93
peat bogs, 51
Peck, Gregory, 186
penicillin, 286
Penn, William, 53
Pennsylvania, 12, 53, 114, 237–38
Pennsylvania, University of, 49
Pequot, 278, 279
persecution, religious, 123–27
Personal Genome Project, 300
Peru, 37, 125
pharmaceuticals, 286, 318–19
Philip, King, 194–95
Philippines, 40
pH measurements, 51
Phoenicians, 126
Phoenix, Ariz., 30, 259
phone books, 75
Picts, 102, 104
pigmentation, 246, 248–49, 296–97,
Pilgrims, 182, 194
Pima, 30, 59–61
Pinchback, P.B.S., 304
Pine Ridge Reservation, 204, 208–9, 210, 221, 229, 312
pirates, 47
placental mammals, 44
placentas, 116
Plains Indians, 253, 277
plantations, 131, 252
Pleiades, 215
Plimouth Plantation, 188–89, 194, 280
Plymouth, 64, 188–89, 194, 308
Plymouth Fort, 194
Plymouth Rock, 189
Pocahontas, 233
pogroms, 119
Poland, 119, 121–22
political issues, 100–105, 201–2, 263
Polk, James Knox, 297
Polk, William James, 297
pollution, 191
polygamy, 89
Polynesia, 31, 32, 36–37, 46, 53, 58, 59, 80, 177, 212, 265, 267
Pomerai, Ralph de la, 81–82, 83, 85
Pomeroy surname, 80–83, 85, 88
Pomery, Chris, 80–81
Pometecomet, 194
population, 29, 66, 67, 121, 133, 140–41, 248, 272–76
“population bottleneck,” 121, 248
Portland, Ore., 56
Portmerion, England, 86
Portugal, 63, 67, 123–25, 130–31, 132, 144, 147–48
Portuguese Inquisition, 124–25
position 111, 30–31
position 319, 30–31
potlatch ceremonies, 30
predators, 44–45, 139
pregnancies, 114, 116, 287–88
prehistory, 5
prenatal tests, 116, 287–88
Prescott, Ariz., 262
Prescott, William, 177
primates, 138–39
prostate cancer, 304
proteins, 105, 115, 248
Protestants, 275
Providence, R.I., 194
Prudhoe Bay, 191
Pueblo tribes, 263–65
Puerto Rico, 241
Puritans, 64, 280
quaggas, 19
Quebec, 187
quotas, immigration, 65
Ra II, 52–53
racial categories, 292–93, 303–4, 319–21
racism, 112, 117–18, 127, 237–38, 267–68, 272–74, 275, 286–88, 290–94, 303–4, 311, 313
Radcliffe Camera, ix
radiocarbon, 14
radio telescopes, 191
Raft, George, 203
railroads, 197–225, 197, 233–34, 264
Ranald, son of Somerled, 106
randomness, 11, 168, 173
Ray, James Arthur, 229–30
Reagan, Ronald, 295
Recared, Visigoth king, 123
recessive genes, 114–15
Reconstruction, 237, 246, 292
recurrent mutations, 109
Red Aldebaran, 219
red blood cells, 115, 125, 156–57, 287
Red Library, 91–93
Redmonds, George, 83
Red Sea, 143
reed boats, 52–53
registers, birth, 84
Relative Genetics, 77
religion, 64, 113, 116, 117–18, 119, 121, 122–27, 133, 183, 189, 275, 288
Renfrew, Battle of, 100
Reno, Nev., 224
repeats, chromosome, 70–71
research firms, 76–93, 126, 149–54, 161, 166, 185, 238, 244, 270, 285–86, 289–90
reservations, Indian, 204, 208–9, 210, 219–20, 229, 247–50, 256, 259–69, 312
“reveal,” 134–35, 303
Rhine River, 119
Rhode Island, 64, 183, 194, 280
Richards, Martin, 69
Richelieu, Cardinal, 187
Rigel, 219
Righ Innse Gall (“king of the foreign lands”), 104
Riley’s Switch, 5
risk analysis, 163–64
Rivera, George, 270
Roanoke Island, 64, 67
Robinson, Heyward, 230–32
Robinson, Phil Alden, 178
Rocky Mountains, 6–7, 42, 208, 210–11
Rollo (Hrolf), 103–4
Roman Empire, 101, 118, 123, 129–30, 177, 310
Roman Nose, 213–14
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 278
Roosevelt, Theodore, 216, 221, 257, 260–61
Roots (Haley), 130–31
Roots into the Future, 300–301
Rothesay, Charles, Duke of (Prince Charles), 95, 96
Route 66, 257, 263
Royal Mile, 94–95
Russia, 35, 95, 96, 117, 118, 119, 121–22, 128–29
Russian Americans, 96
Russian Jews, 95
Rwanda, 275
Sabbath, 124
saber-tooth tigers, 45
Sacred Waters, 213
Sahara, 44
Saint Andrew’s Day, 94
St. John’s College, 86–87
St. Louis Rams football team, 235
saliva samples, 167–68, 186, 195, 228, 244–45, 290
salmon, 28–29, 28, 63
Salt Lake City, 78–79, 198, 222, 223,
San Bushmen, 139–41, 142, 147
San Francisco, 165, 174, 225–55, 227, 256
San Francisco 49ers football team, 234–35, 244–45
San Francisco General Hospital, 228, 240–44
Santa Barbara, 41
Santa Fe, 63
Santa Fe Railroad, 5
Santa Rosa Island, 41
São Tomé, 147, 148
Saracens, 119
Sarandon, Susan, 86
Sardinia, 239, 287
Sasquatch, 129
Savage, Thomas, 183
Saxons, 58, 153, 213
Saxons, Vikings, and Celts (Sykes), 88, 95, 97
Scandinavia, 103
Schenectady, 187
schizophrenia, 60
Schwacheim, Carl, 6
Science, 16–17, 239, 275
science fiction, 21
Science Museum (London), 3
Scorsese, Martin, 204
Scotland, 94–111, 94, 129, 130, 151, 182, 213, 235, 243, 244–45, 258, 332–35
Scottish Americans, 94, 95
Scottish Highlands, 98, 182
screening, genetic, 116, 287–88, 300–301
Seaconke Wampanoag, 280, 281, 315–16
sea ice, 40, 52–53
seals, 52
seannachies, 182
sea voyages, 37–41
seaweed, 41
Second Mesa, 264, 265
Sedona, Ariz., 229–30
Seine River, 103–4
self-identity, 134–35, 146–49, 151–54, 163, 177–96, 230–31, 245–55, 275–84, 293–94
semihuman creatures, 129
Seminole, 251, 277–78, 281–84
Seminole Producer, 282
Senate, U.S., 292–93
Senegal, 195, 239, 240
Sephardic Jews, 118, 120, 123
Septimius Severus, Emperor of Rome, 129
Sequoya, 251–52
servants, 65, 130, 131
Serwah, Jendayi, 134–35, 146–47
settlements, tribal, 139
“Seven Daughters of Eve,” 27, 33, 66, 68–69, 148–49
Seven Daughters of Eve, The (Sykes), 27, 33, 36–37, 47–48, 50, 80, 88, 228, 300
Seventh Cavalry, U.S., 216, 220–21
Severin, Tim, 52–53
Sex and the City (Bushnell), 54
Seymour, Jane, 82
Shakespeare, William, 302
sharecroppers, 292
Sheridan, Wyo., 210, 216
Shetland Islands, 102–3
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, 267–68
Shipaulovi, 264
Shongopori, 264
short-faced bears, 45
Shriver, Mark, 283
Siberia, 35, 37–39, 41, 43–44, 47, 48, 128–29, 232, 233, 269, 315
sickle-cell anemia, 114–15, 125, 162, 287–89, 318
Sierra Leone, 297
Signifying Monkey, The (Gates), 299
Sigurd, 97–98, 102–3
Silas, Anna, 264
Silicon Valley, 161–62, 247
single-gene disorders, 240–42
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 70, 166–67, 170
Singletary, Mike, 234, 245
Sioux, 47, 204, 214, 220, 221
Sirius, 7, 219
Sirius XM radio, 293, 295–96
Sitting Bull, 220, 221
skeletons, 15, 16, 20, 21, 39, 49–57
skin color, 246, 248–49, 296–97, 319–21
Skorecki, Karl, 120
skulls, 50–51, 54, 55
Skye, Isle of, 101, 200, 235, 258
Sky Woman, 217
slave raiding, 131–32
slavery, x, 72–74, 118–19, 129, 130–35, 143, 144, 145–54, 158, 177, 194, 195, 237, 282, 289, 292, 296–97, 299, 303–4, 310, 312
“slavery health deficit,” 289
slave ships, 132–33, 147–48, 292
Slavs, 65
sloths, 44
smallpox, 29, 280
smell, sense of, 310