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Plumber Page 6

by Sapphire Keyes

  “How are you Aaron? It's been what? Six, seven years?”

  “Almost eight,” he says, shrugging off his leather jacket. He still has the same warm hazel eyes and attractive smile. But visible wrinkles around his temples and forehead betray his true age.

  Has it really been that long?

  Charlotte serves our dinner on her 'fancy' china. She keeps twisting the corners of her apron and I know she's worried about how I'll take all of this. She's getting worked up for nothing. I'm not jealous, just surprised. After all, I didn't even know Aaron was back in town.

  Aaron and I make small-talk while Charlotte eats in silence. I learn that Aaron's a cop now and he lives about five blocks away. That he reconnected with Charlotte when he saw her at the café down the street. I mention how I just saw his parents two days ago and they seem well. He says he visits them every weekend. Aaron's always been close with his parents.

  After dinner, I pick my things and get ready to leave. Charlotte walks me out into the hallway and shuts the front door so we can talk in private.

  My sister fidgets with her hair. “Do you hate me?”

  I break out in a laugh. “Why would I hate you? Charlie, you think way too much.”

  “I broke the sister code,” Charlotte says. “He's your first crush. And off-limits. I'm a hypocrite, aren't I? For criticizing you the other night when I-”

  “-Don't worry about it sweetie. I'm just happy to see you happy. Aaron's a great guy. You two are cute together.”

  “-So you don't-”

  “-I'm totally cool with it.” I wonder if I should tell her about me and Jeremy and the brawl. After all, her and Aaron dating is proof that friendship can truly blossom into something more. But with Aaron waiting inside, I decide now isn't the best time. I smile. “Get back inside and go be with Aaron. I'll text you later.”

  “Wait, Rach. You came here for a reason. Did you want to talk?”

  “It can wait. I'll tell you all about it some other time.”

  “Okay,” Charlotte says, “Good night sis. And know, for not freaking out. It means a lot to me that we have your blessing.”

  I give her a hug. “Night, Charlie.”

  The air outside is muggy and hot. I haven't decided where I want to stay tonight yet. Back at the hotel? Or Jeremy's place? It's about seven, and he should be off work by now. I reach for my phone and dial his number. “Hey Jeremy.”

  “Hey you.” Jeremy sounds sleepy, his voice soft.

  “How was work today?” I ask. I fumble around for my car keys. They're always getting lost in my purse.

  “Did the plumbing for a new bathroom today. Hard work, but it looks great. How about you?”

  I finally find my car keys and unlock my Benz. “Everyone at work said I looked amazing,” I giggle. “Very well rested, they said.”

  Jeremy laughs. “When are you coming over?”

  “Am I coming over?” I ask, teasing. “I don't recall saying this morning that I'd be back.”

  “Don't play with my heart Rach. Get your sexy ass back home. I've been daydreaming about you since I left for work this morning.”

  My heart does a happy dance. “Okay, Jer, be there in fifteen.”

  After I hang up, I can't stop smiling. Jeremy wants to see me again tonight. Maybe we can finally have a heart-to-heart. Figure out what to do next. Whether or not we have a future together.

  I'm dying to know how Jeremy feels about us.

  I make the drive over and park on the other side of the street. My blood is already thrumming with anticipation.

  Here I go again, waltzing into dangerous territory.

  I can practically feel Jeremy's hands on me already. His rough fingertips grazing my sensitive skin. His sexy whispers against my ear.

  My phone buzzes in my purse. Does he miss me already?

  I take out the phone and realize I have a new text message.

  From Will.

  I haven't gotten around to blocking his number yet. What does that asshole want?

  I unlock my phone and a brick of text hits me. An apology letter of some sort. It's several paragraphs long and it's possibly the hardest Will's ever tried to win me back. I scan the text briefly. It's filled with over-the-top romantic phrases and cheesy memories. Earnest pleas for forgiveness. He even included a few quotes from my favorite romantic comedy movies.

  He's trying, I'll give him that.

  Still doesn't mean I'll forgive him.

  I'm about to delete his text when another one pops up.

  WILL: I didn't forget our anniversary. I booked us tickets to Hawaii five weeks ago. And I know you hate flashy presents so I framed a copy of my wedding vows. First anniversary is paper, right? Please, Rachel. Call me. I know I'm an idiot and I've ruined everything. But if you have even an ounce of feeling left, please, talk to me. Let me make this right. I'll do whatever it takes. Wait however long it takes.

  My hands are shaking. His words shouldn't have any effect on me but they do. If what he says is true, that he really planned all those things and didn't forget our anniversary...maybe he does care about me after all. Care about us.

  In his own twisted way.

  I get one final message from Will that brings tears to my eyes. It's a framed photo of us, with our wedding vows printed on top. So he's telling the truth about that.

  He loves me. I know he does.

  In his heart of hearts, I'm the one he chose to be his wife. The one he wants to win back. His texts make that clear.

  My gut twists with shame and guilt.

  Did I cheat on my husband by sleeping with Jeremy? Did I do the same God-awful thing he's done to me so many times before?

  I could've sworn I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with Will anymore. He must know that I've moved on. Did my words and that restraining order mean nothing to him? I didn't cheat on Will. I ended things with him first before sleeping with Jeremy.

  “Hey sexy pants.”

  I nearly drop my phone at the sound of Jeremy's voice.

  “Rach, you look like you've seen a ghost,” Jeremy says. “Is everything okay? Come in.”

  I shove my phone into my purse and give Jeremy a hug. “Hello my hot plumber.”

  Jeremy tilts up my chin and plants a feather-light kiss on my lips. “Hey you. I made dinner.”

  “Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you I already ate at Charlotte's.”

  Jeremy's in the kitchen, with his back towards me, fumbling with a heavy pot. “Oh? How is she?”

  I drop my purse on the sofa. “She's great. Got a new boyfriend.”

  “That's good. Did you meet him?”

  “Yeah. It's actually Aaron. You know, Michael's son? My high school classmate.”

  Jeremy comes towards me with a spoonful of sauce. “Taste this.”

  I take the spoon between my lips. The creamy texture melts on my tongue. “It's delicious. Did you make it yourself?”

  “Of course. Always.” Jeremy starts loading up a bowl. “So Aaron huh? How did that happen?”

  I explain the full story while Jeremy digs into his dinner. He listens to every word, occasionally nodding. When I'm done he makes a small hum.

  “Is it weird? You know, Charlotte dating my high school crush?”

  “Only if you two make it weird. But I don't think it has to be. I mean, this Aaron guy was a long time ago right?”

  I nod. “You're right Jer.”

  “And if Charlotte and Aaron can go from being friends to lovers...Then I don't see why we can't either,” Jeremy says. After a moment he continues, “You're still frowning. Did something else happen today?”

  I think back on William's text. It's obviously still bothering me.

  “Yeah. Something did happen. Just before I came in actually.”

  Jeremy drops off his empty bowl in the sink. “What is it Rach?”

  “It's Will. He sent me a few texts.”

  Jeremy's arms tense. “Did you block his number?”

r />   “Rach, you know he's poison,” Jeremy says, “Block him. Now.”

  My shoulders sag with defeat. My teeth scrape against my lower lip. “He said all these nice things. About how he planned a vacation to Hawaii for our anniversary and framed our wedding vows. I-”

  “-Rach. Stop.”

  I look up and Jeremy's eyes are hooded. Intense.


  “Jer- I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean-”

  “Do you still want to be with him?”

  I choke. My mouth is open but no sounds come out.

  Jeremy drags his palms down his face. “Do you?”

  “I-I don't know. Jer, this is all so confusing. So complicated.”

  Jeremy pounds the kitchen counter and a few dishes rattle. “It's not complicated at all. Rach, do you really need me to refresh your memory? Let's see, him barging into this very apartment a few days ago and nearly strangling you to death? Him beating you and cheating behind your back? Do you need me to paint you a goddamn picture? Wake up Rachel. Jesus.”

  I curl up into a ball on the couch, whimpering. My nails leave sharp indents in my palms and I struggle to stay calm.

  I hate seeing Jeremy mad. His whole body seems to double in size and I'm terrified he'll hurt me. I know he'd never lay a finger on me, but I'm so used to getting hurt that my body automatically goes into defence mode. My mind shuts down and I put up my wall.

  I bury my head between my knees, body heaving.

  Moments pass. I hear Jeremy's breathing return back to normal.

  “I'm sorry Rachel.”

  A light touch on my shoulder.

  I flinch. Hard.

  “I should go,” I mumble. I reach for my purse handle but Jeremy stops me.

  “Rachel, don't leave. Please. I-I just care about you too much to see you get hurt again.”

  “You're hurting me right now,” I snap, trying to shake off his hands. “I need space.”

  Jeremy looks down at his hands, which are wrapped around my wrist. He loosens his hold but doesn't let go. He tries to pull me into his arms but I resist.

  “Let go, Jeremy.”

  “Let's talk about this Rach. Work it out.”

  I laugh. It sounds cold and unfeeling in my ears. “Funny how you're starting to sound just like Will.”

  “I'm nothing like that asshole,” Jeremy snarls.

  “Then let me go. I need time alone,” I say, heading for the door. “I can't- I can't be here right now.”

  This time Jeremy doesn't stop me. “Just promise me one thing,” he sighs, “please don't go back to him. I wouldn't be able to bear it. It's me or him, Rach. You can't have both. Call me when you're ready to talk.”

  I walk out the door without looking back. I make a beeline for my car, unlock it and floor the gas. My car tires screech as they pull out of the driveway. I grip my steering wheel so hard my knuckles turn white.

  It's not Jeremy's place to tell me what to do. It's none of his goddamn business.

  I don't stop until I get to the hotel's underground parking lot.

  When I pop into the lobby, a woman at the reception desk waves me down. “Mrs. Masterson? Rachel Masterson?”


  “Someone came by earlier and dropped this off for you.”

  I walk towards the woman and she hands me a beautifully wrapped gift. The gift wrap is embossed with red and gold patterns. By the feel of it, it must be the picture frame. There's a little card attached. I flip it open and in it, a short note reads, “I love you. Will.”

  I manage to make it all the way to my room without falling to pieces. But as soon as my door clicks shut, I flop onto the bed and let my tears consume me.

  Big, fat, hot tears slide down my cheeks and into my mouth. They taste bitter and salty and angry.

  This is all some kind of big joke.

  Leaving my husband should've been an easy decision. He's put me through the wringer more times than I can count. Left me so damaged I don't even know what's right or wrong anymore. I don't even know what a real relationship should feel like. What a functional marriage looks like.

  So why do I still feel so shitty for dumping him?

  I unwrap the gift and toss the wrapper. Sure enough, it's our wedding photo, our vows, framed in ornate silver. My thumb brushes over the photo.

  I looked so happy then.

  I study my open smile, my bright eyes.

  A sullen thought disturbs me.

  How many times have I smiled like that since we got married? How many times since have my eyes looked like the same twinkling jewels?

  Not many.

  Yes, it had been a magical wedding. A fantasy come true. Will had pulled out all the stops to make sure it was an once-in-a-lifetime occasion.

  But that was then.

  This is now.

  Now I'm a bitter, vulnerable shell of the woman I once was. I've been knocked around and knocked down too many times. I'm scarred and cynical and afraid to let anyone else get close to me. No amount of happy memories can justify that.

  With a final sigh I realize that my fantasy happily-ever-after with an NFL quarterback is finally over. My marriage is over.

  I couldn't even make it past the one-year mark.

  “How sad,” my friends will say. “Such a pity.” “There was so much potential.” “We thought you were so happy with him.”

  The end of my marriage will always feel like a death in the family. On the one hand, I've lost something dear to me. A part of me will die with this marriage. The innocent, naive part. A part I'll never see again. But at the same time, I should celebrate what life awaits me in the future.

  This is a happy thing. The only good thing that's happened to me in a long time. I need to believe that.

  Funny how a divorce is what I need to jump-start the next chapter of my life.

  Still gripping the picture frame in my hand, I walk over to the trash can and throw away my final memento from William Masterson.


  Two Weeks Later...

  “William Masterson, the newest quarterback for the New York Giants has been officially suspended for the entire season. Rumor has it he abused anabolic steroids-”

  I turn off the TV and sink into my sofa.

  I did it.

  Well, Michael did it.

  And my lawyer just served Will divorce papers two days ago.

  William is finally paying for his cheating ways. Both on and off the football field.

  A satisfied smirk tugs at the corners of my mouth. The stars are aligning in my favor. Not that I really believe in Astrology or cosmic powers.

  My phone pings and I reach over to grab it.

  CHARLOTTE: Are you watching the news right now??

  ME: Yes, I know. Will's been suspended.

  CHARLOTTE: About time. He had it coming. I'd pay good money to see the look on his face right now.

  ME: Drinks on me tonight?

  CHARLOTTE: I thought you'd never ask. Bailey's at 9?

  ME: Sounds good. See you later.

  CHARLOTTE: See ya!

  It's Saturday morning and I'm in a neon green tank-top and mini-shorts. My cleaning slash unpacking outfit. After my fight with Jeremy, I finally caved and crashed on Charlotte's sofa for a week until I found a new place to lease. Charlotte's sofa was surprisingly way more comfy than Jeremy's. We had many late-nights filled with pillow talk, gummy bears and old Castle reruns. I didn't realize I missed spending time with Charlotte until we became temporary room mates. I guess I'd just been so caught up with my marriage drama that I neglected my other relationships and friendships.

  Last weekend, with Charlotte and Aaron's help, I managed to move all my things from the storage unit into my new apartment. It's a bright, airy 900 square foot loft with a high ceiling and exposed brick walls. A perfect space that I've begun to decorate with new artwork and modern furniture.

  I haven't spoken to Jeremy since that night. Not because I don't want to, but because I've just been so caught up
with work, moving and the divorce. Jeremy hasn't taken any initiative to contact me either, which makes me wonder if he just doesn't care about me or he's giving me the space I asked for. Either way, I'll probably shoot him a text once I finish settling into my new place. Maybe I'll even throw a housewarming party.

  After spending most of the day unpacking, I jump into the shower and let the hot water soothe my achy muscles.

  In the days since I left Will, I've become more energized and invigorated. Gotten more done. I thought I would stay broken but with Charlotte's help, I'm recovering fast. Sure the first week was the hardest. I had my doubts and reservations. I was going insane from all the stress. That was only natural. But by the time I moved into my new apartment, everything felt like it was falling into place.

  And it is.

  I don't have to answer to anyone anymore. Sounds cheesy to say, but I'm the master of my own destiny now.

  After towelling dry, I slip into the sparkly blue halter dress I picked out earlier. Something sexy but not too sexy for a night out with my sister. I match it with glittery silver pumps and a small beaded clutch. After swiping on some mascara, blush and lipstick, I secure my hair with a cute crystal butterfly clip. I complete my ensemble with a dab of perfume on my wrists and behind my ears.

  Examining myself in the mirror, I nod with approval.

  I look like a bombshell blonde. A divorcée rocking her freedom.

  It feels nice to be single again. I've missed having time alone. I'm not sure if I want to jump into a relationship any time soon but having the possibility there is reassuring. Then of course, there's Jeremy. We slept together for one magical night and it was unforgettable. But I'm not sure an encore is the best idea right now. Especially since I've just regained my independence.

  At nine, I walk into Bailey's and feel several pairs of eyes on me.

  With a confident strut, I make my way towards the bar where Charlotte is nursing her Cosmo.

  When Charlotte sees me, her eyes light up. She pats the stool beside her and I slide onto the worn leather seat.


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