Nothing Lasts Forever (Battle Born MC Book 2)

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Nothing Lasts Forever (Battle Born MC Book 2) Page 21

by Scarlett Black

  One hand stays on my tit tugging and twisting my nipple as the other finds my wet pussy. Watching me pumping two fingers in and out, he groans as he climaxes all over his own hand.

  He falls back on the bed letting out a sigh. “I haven’t come jacking off to a girl in I don’t know how long! Fuck, that was quick.”

  I walk into the bathroom to grab a towel to help clean him up. By the time I make it back into the room, I’m shocked to find my strong, sweet snoring king passed out and naked. Taking care of my Ol’ Man, I clean up his mess then make my phone call.

  “Plan worked, we are ready for phase two.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Dana! Wake up! Something’s wrong with my dick! And my head hurts! I don’t even remember half of what happened last night. Look at it! Please, princess?”

  I should feel bad, I really should. But living with Axl, and really getting to know the man, has showed me that he doesn’t feel guilty at all for half the shit he does to me. And I really am looking forward to this. Opening my itchy eyes, I roll over to a panicked Axl.

  I pick up the sheet and blanket and look down his body. “It all looks okay. What does it feel like?”

  “Like someone shoved a rod through my dick.” Axl picks up the covers and looks for himself. He hysterically yells and jumps out of bed. “Why is there a bar running through my dick?” He points at it, like I can’t see it from here.

  “Because you wouldn’t do it consciously and I claimed that dick. It’s mine, and I can do what I want with it,” I tell him smugly.

  On a flat tone, he repeats, “You pierced my dick without telling me? You let a stranger touch my dick? And how, Dana? How did you do this?”

  “One word, Axl. Ecstasy.”

  Axl shakes his head in disbelief before he says, “Well played, well played indeed, cherry pie. Truce now?”

  “Aye, truce,” I agree

  “You crowned my cock with jewels, princess. I really have the king of all dicks in all the land now. When can we use it? I can’t wait to call Tank and tell him of my crowning.”

  The End



  “Mom?” I open the front door to the house while holding the infant car seat. I set our little newborn, Maddox, down in the living room. This little guy came as a surprise because the doctors told us we couldn’t have any more kids. Our first little angel almost didn’t make it to full term, so we were okay with the news then. Little Maddox here was a fighter, not one problem through the whole pregnancy.

  Dana walks into our house and slowly lowers herself to the couch. The back door slams open and my little princess, Maddison, comes barreling for me with a happy Charlie right behind her.

  “Daddy! Is baby Maddox here?” She squeals when I pick her up and toss her into the air. Kissing my little princess’ cheek, I hold her to me. “Yes, baby, you want to hold him with your grandma?”

  “Yes,” she says as she’s holding my face in both of her tiny little hands. “But I’m still your princess, right?” She asks with her tiny worried little green eyes that match my own, and blonde golden hair like her momma’s.

  “There is only one princess in allllll of the land. She is my favorite because there is no other like her.”

  Mom giggles from the side as she listens to my fairytale conversations that she’s heard over and over again.

  “She really is a princess. I know that her grandpa would tell her the exact same things you do. Sometimes your voice sounds just like his,” Mom says. “Now, where is my little prince? Hm? It’s been a whole twenty-four hours since I held you.” Mom moves over to the couch and starts to unbuckle little baby Maddox from the car seat.

  Maddison wiggles from my arms and goes to sit next to her Grandma. She lovingly runs her small hand over his soft head. “You know, Maddox,” she talks quietly as he sleeps in his grandma’s arms, “that Grandpa told me to be a big girl and take good care of you and everyone. I told him I would because Daddy said I was the big sister. He agreed and said I was special to him too and he would always love us and take care of us and to give Grandma hugs as many times as I can. And I said I would.”

  Mom’s heartbroken face looks up at me as she fights the tears along with me, when Dana calls Maddison over to her. “Baby girl, mi corazonsito, come here and give your momma a hug?” Maddy wiggles down from her spot and jumps into Dana’s arms.

  “Baby, are you talking about Papa from California?” Dana asks Maddy as she settles into her lap.

  “No, Momma. Grandpa, Daddy’s daddy, comes to me in my dreams to play with me and tells me to do things for you all or for myself. He’s always in my dreams. I love my grandpa, he’s so funny and fun. He said that someday he’s going to hold me again.”

  “Come here, baby.” Dana holds little Maddy to her chest and Mom does the same with little Maddox as we all try not to cry. I take my hands and hold them to my eyes when a tiny little tug at my pants alerts me to my princess.

  Looking down at her, I see her smiling up at me. I kneel to see what it is she has to say.

  “Daddy, that feeling you have here,” her tiny little hand pats at my chest, “Is grandpa letting you know he’s with you and it’s okay. Please don’t cry, Daddy.” My seven-year-old baby has so much heart, just like her momma. Holding her to me, I say a silent prayer to Maddox, Mad Max, my best friend, my dad and my old man, a thank you for watching over us and mostly for watching over my babies.

  Bonus Epilogue

  Many years later...


  Axl stands at the window looking through the curtains of the home that we made. He’s gained some gray hairs over the years that I just find so sexy. He’s also slowed down a little. I think that watching over all of us and his club has worn him out. Although, he still is that funny, tough man I met all those years ago. Every obstacle we’ve faced in our life, we’ve learned to embrace each other and has made us, and especially me, stronger.

  We never moved from the house we made together all those years ago. We did build upgrades or remodels on it. As we grew, so did our home. Our family life, along with the club’s, grew into a powerful bond. Blade and Axl did that.

  Vegas grew her brewery, the Battle Born Brewhouse, into a national selling brand. All the brothers and some Ol’ Ladies work there. True to her belief in family, she’s built an empire with those she loves and shares her dreams with.

  Me? I enjoy the flexibility of The Black Rose. Being a partial owner, I manage the financial end and I don’t have to work much behind the bar, if ever, anymore. I got to be home with my kids as much as I wanted all these years. Our roll of the dice, with three young girls moving to Reno, was a big gamble. But it sure did pay off big, like Vegas always said it would.

  Walking over to Axl, I place my arm around his back and his comes around my shoulders, holding me to him.

  “Baby, what are you looking at?” I ask kissing his cheek.

  “Cortez,” is all he says with stealing determination lining his features.

  “What’s wrong with Cortez?”

  “He’s taking my Maddy, my little baby princess, out on a date,” he grinds out.

  “They are seventeen.”

  “I know that, Dana. I know you remember the shit you girls were doing then at their age too.”

  “Yeah, I do,” I say with a little too much fondness.

  Axl’s jealous eyes find mine and, after all these years, I love that he’s still so possessive of me.

  “You are mine, my Maddie is mine too,” he claims.

  “Yeah, baby, we are all yours,” I whisper back since there’s no point in telling Axl any different.

  Axl did do a lot of healing before Maddy was born, after his dad passed.

  When she came into his world though, she lit him up in a way I never could. She healed pieces of him that no one else could have touched. It also made me understand my father in a way I never could before. ‘Mi corazon’ had a whole new meaning for me. Axl is her most favorite per
son in the world to this day.

  Little Maddox isn’t so little anymore either. He and Axl have been inseparable since he was little. Axl poured all the love he could into this boy that I think he wishes his own father could have done. Two of the tiniest gifts that grew into a world Axl and I desperately needed.

  “Daddy, is Cortez here?” Our beautiful girl comes skipping down the hallway.

  “What the hell are you wearing, Maddy?” Axl reprimands.

  “It’s what auntie V says looks phat on me.”

  “Fat. Vegas said you are fat?”

  “No, Daddy,” she giggles, and her cheeks turn red, just like mine used to. I can see Vegas telling her these things for this very reaction, to poke at Axl as much as possible.

  “P.H.A.T., pretty hot and tempting,” she answers, looking down at the floor. Lord knows I’ve tried telling her not to repeat ‘what auntie V says’ to her dad. This kid though, so sweet and innocent.

  “I’m going to kill her, Dana. What the fuck?”

  There’s a rumble of an engine pulling up into the driveway as Cortez parks his bike and walks over to the front door, then rings the doorbell. Maddy runs over to open the door with a wide smile across her face as she looks over Cortez.

  “Hey, Tez.” Her cheeks flame a bright red as Cortez looks over her denim short shorts, red tank and riding boots. Her long, golden blonde hair flows down her back.

  “You ready to go to the movie?” He eagerly asks.

  “Yeah,” Maddy answers as she wobbles her toed boot back and forth, her gaze not leaving his.

  I’m getting her on birth control. STAT. Not even Axl will stop me.

  “Hey, Max!” Axl yells for Maddox in the living room. He’s in there playing his video games. “You’re going to the movies with Maddy and Cortez.”

  “I am?” There’s a shuffle of movement before an excited ten-year-old boy is front and center, ready to go to the movie. He loves Vegas and Blade’s twin boys. They are older and sooo awesome in his eyes. He would do anything that involved them.

  “Yeah, in fact, we all are. Come on, kids, jump into the Suburban.”

  We all collectively groan except for Axl and Max. That same old guy from years ago, this is what I was talking about. Right here.

  “Mine.” Axl claims with an evil glim in his eyes. “Come on, Max, you do get your dad.” Axl high fives little Max who has no idea what his dad is really up to.

  Nothing does last forever, but what I didn’t realize is that a lot of good comes with those changes too. The biggest lesson I’ve learned in life is to keep making new dreams along the way. Love does last forever.

  Author’s Note

  Please understand that when I wrote the parts where the characters drugged Dana and Axl, I truly did not believe in my mind that it was okay. I absolute did not, nor do I condone it. It is only intended to be funny and I would never purposefully intend or harm a living person.

  Also, while I was writing Jenn’s drug abuse, rape or murder of her mother, it was hard for me to write that at times. These scenarios are also not okay.

  If there is a person out there suffering, I hope they can find the help they need.

  Coming soon…

  Living for Forever (Battle Born MC Book 3)

  Jenn & James’ story

  Continue reading for an excerpt…


  Somebody help me.

  There are just times when I feel like giving up. That what I am is just not enough. My thoughts run wild in my mind, reminding me of the things I have failed at. The hate that I feel for myself disgusts me, and I can just imagine what others think of me too.

  The cool morning air whips my long hair into my face, the sting unfazed and unnoticed. High up on the old dirt road on the mountain behind the bar, I look down at the people pulling up and walking into the bar or the tattoo shop. Sitting on the hood of my Mustang, I can feel the cold seeping into my jeans and legs. The cold can’t touch what already feels hollow inside.

  I bring the bottle of vodka to my lips and tip my head back. I close my eyes from the morning rays, and I wash down another pill. Another pill that only helps to numb my thoughts long enough that I don’t feel like cutting my own wrists. For now.

  I take two large gulps. The burn brings tears to my eyes. Shutting them for a moment, I beg for the relief to come soon.

  My phone pings with a message. Setting the bottle down on the car, I see it’s another text update from Dana.

  Dana: So, today sucked, I got drugged by our friends and then tattooed last night. I guess I’m an Ol’ Lady now. Not the Ol’ Lady part, that doesn’t suck. The part where I woke up with a headache and then ran out of hot water because the man you live with is a child. That part sucks.

  More tears prick at my eyes as the walls start caving in around me and my reality. I feel the pain slicing through my heart.

  I know she wants me to respond, but I can’t. I can’t let go of what’s happened and what I’ve done. I do miss them so much, but I can’t let anyone see how ugly it is inside of me.

  Staring at my phone, I start responding…

  Me: I’m leaving today. I am going back home to my aunt and to check on my sister, Ashley. Actually, that’s bullshit. I’m running away because it all has come to be too much, and I want to end it all. I hate everything here, and I hate myself. I want to tell you that I love you, but I can’t. That’s a lie. I hate everything so much that it hurts. What I hate most of all is that I can’t even stand to look at you long enough to say it.

  My thumb hovers over the Send button. An ugly demon wants me to push the button. The demon begs me to embrace more pain. But I can’t do it. I erase the message and sit a while longer, feeling more hollow as the minutes tick by. I know that it’s time to leave. It’s time to move on from this place that was once called home, even if for a short period of time.

  Anger builds with my self-pity. I’m so angry of losing in this life. Feeling broken when something good starts to build, then it’s ripped from my heart.

  I’m done. Fuck it all.

  Flipping the keys around in my hand, I’m ready. I’m ready to see what kind of hell on this earth I can find.

  I grab my bottle of vodka and phone from the hood of my car. I toss them onto the passenger seat and push the keys into the ignition. I feel the engine roaring to life. Turning the steering wheel, I hold on tightly with both hands before my boot hits the gas hard, and the wheels spin, tossing up a cloud of dirt as I peel out and head down the empty dirt road.

  I’ve accepted the ghost that haunts the girl that I once was. There’s nothing left in this barren soul.

  I am the walking dead.

  About the Author

  Scarlett Black lives in a small town in Northern Nevada. She has three kids a husband and a couple of dogs. She loves to watch baseball, especially when her kids or husband play. One day she had random thoughts floating around in her brain, opened her laptop and started writing without really knowing of where the journey would take her. Here she is now, a first time erotic MC genre author, that works full time. She enjoys her busy life, the outdoors and shopping as much as possible!

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  Battle Born MC Series

  Betting on Forever (Battle Born MC #1)

  Nothing Lasts Forever (Battle Born MC #2)

  Coming Soon

  Novella (Battle Born MC #2.5)

  Living for Forever (Battle Born MC #3)

  Click here to add these to your Goodreads and be updated when they will be published!





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