It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

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by Neicy P.

  It Took A Beast to Tame Her 3

  Copyright © 2018 Neicy P.

  Published by Shan Presents Presents

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent of the publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely coincidental.

  It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

  By: Neicy P


  The Dark Lord

  “My Lord, the Western Facility has been destroyed. There were no bodies or energy there.” A dark Guardian spoke.

  The Dark Lord sat on his throne feeding his rogue wolves leftover body parts. “And what of Tarrine.” He said in an old, groggily voice.

  “We didn’t see anyone there. We felt that his magic was used there. We can’t find any evidence of his body being there.” Another dark Guardian spoke.

  “Nesida’s child is stronger than I thought. We will have to go to the other facilities and get the other Guardians’ energy. Two Supremes should put me back on my feet so that I can get the magic that I need to revive Ma’vere and kill their Queen.” He said.

  “I thought you needed her energy to do that, my Lord.”

  “No, I can’t use her energy. It is no longer pure. She has mated with that dog and it has tainted her blood. The spell said that I need a pure dark Guardian’s energy to retrieve the Devil’s magic.” Dark Lord answered.

  “But there are many dark male Guardians, Sire. Pure ones at the nursery in the other facility.”

  “I wish it was that simple. I need a pure dark female Guardian.” He murmured. “I need the child of their Queen of the Guardians.”


  I didn’t understand why her ass moved all the way out here. It took me two and a half days of my energy to get here. Scotland was the perfect place for an Elemental. Green land, mountains, rocks, water and all that other good shit. She always talked about coming here with the kids or her grandchildren.

  I walked up to a small cabin and heard voices. “Mom, you know that you don’t need that much salt in that soup.”

  “I put what I want in it. It’s not like you eating.” She replied.

  “Mom, please stop with the salt; you are going to get high blood pressure.” Another voice spoke. I stood by the door and listened to my baby girls talk to their mother. It has been so long since I heard their voices. I wiped my eyes and raised my hand to knock.

  “Come on in here, Matteo. The door is already open.” Hope’s voice came through the door. I twisted the knob and walked into her home. It was a big wide room with small furniture that filled it up. I saw her standing at the stove, making a very salty soup according to the girls.

  “Why are you here?” She asked without turning around. I looked over at the table to see if the girls were still there. It was empty. I walked further into the kitchen and sat down in the chair.

  “How are you, Hope?” I asked.

  She turned around and her beauty had me mesmerized. “Why are you here?” She ignored and asked me again.

  “I need your help, Hope.”

  “I ain’t helping you with shit. Get out of my house Matteo.” She said and turned around.

  “Lord Odom is back. He has been trying to capture your granddaughter and drain her of her energy so that he can bring Ma’vere back.” I told her. When she heard Ma’vere’s name, her body went still. “Lord Odom needs a pure-blood dark Guardian for that. As you know, she has mated with an Alpha wolf and is now pregnant with our great-granddaughter. They are planning on killing them both. I won’t be able to protect them from Lord Odom and Ma’vere alone, Hope. Will you come back home and help your Patience and her baby girl.” The fire on the stove rose and the wind outside started knocking on the window. The water that was dripping from the sink, turned to ice. Hope’s beautiful mahogany brown hair became lighter.

  “They are coming for my granddaughter’s babies.” She said in a gentle voice.

  “Yes,” I answered. She turned around with her black eyes glaring at me.

  “That is something that I will not allow.” Hope said with a sinister smile.

  Chapter 1


  “No, Xoey. We just ate ten minutes ago. I am not eating anything else, sweetie. Mommy is stuffed.” I told her.

  “I know, Mommy but I am still hungry. Maybe we can have some more of that ice cream.” Xoey asked.

  “Xoey, you know that ice cream doesn’t agree with me. Mommy tummy is going to start hurting. You don’t want that to happen, do you?” I asked her.

  “No, Mommy. I hate it when you are feeling bad.” Xoey told me. “Can we go and see PaPa today?” She asked.

  “Sure sweetie. Right after our nap.” I told her. Xoey made pregnancy easy for me. We talked all the time. Whenever Xavier came into the room, she begged to hear his voice. It didn’t matter what he was talking about. She said it made her feel happy. I wished that she could see the expressions on his face when he talked to her. His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

  After the battle, Xavier and I got closer. He became my best friend. We talked about our dreams, goals, and whatever we expected from each other. Xoey was always the end topic of our conversations. We knew that she was going to take after me, with her abilities. Xavier wanted her to be like me. Looks and all. I didn’t agree with that. I didn’t think that I was going to be able to deal with another me. The only downfall in our pregnancy was the sex. We felt totally uncomfortable with talking about it. Xavier definitely didn’t want to bring the subject up knowing how much his daughter loved his voice.

  I was horny as fuck, true. But I didn’t think that I was going to get over the embarrassment I may have caused myself. The way that Xavier be beating it up, Xoey was going to think that I was in trouble and attack her father. That was a conversation that I didn’t want to have yet. Four days ago, my girls and I walked across the stage to receive our degrees. There was a whole section filled with my family and pack members. Tori and Loreen family was also sitting with mine and Jessica’s. When my name was called, the standing ovation I got from my family had everyone looking back at them. They were barking and howling. The shit felt good. I also felt the spirits of my Aunt and Mom with me. Once I got to the end of the stage, I saw my Alpha standing at the bottom of the stairs with his hand out. I smiled seeing Xander, Xavion, and Tyree waiting for their girls. I grabbed his hand and walked down the stairs. “I am so fucking proud of you, Queen.” He said. I smiled up at him and kissed him on his lips. He led me back to my seat with all the women and some of the guys watching him. A girl was staring so hard, that she stumbled and fell walking up the aisle. My Alpha shook his head and kissed my hand. “I’ll be waiting for you.” He said and walked off. It was the same with the other girls. Once we were done, we walked out and went to our family. Maxi stupid ass was holding a big ass wolf teddy bear that resembled him. We came back home and through a big party for us. Tori parents rented out a yacht for us for the weekend. We didn’t go far because of my condition. It was just us girls reminiscing on the old days and talking about our future. We had a great time.

  I was now sitting the rocking chair that Maxie made me. It had speakers installed in it with a remote that controlled the lights and the TV. It played soft music and sometimes read Xoey stories. It was so comfortable, that I always fell asleep in it. I woke up in the bed every time because Xavier didn’t want my body aching afterwards. I started rocking in the chair when the phone rang. I
reached for the phone on the end table.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Hey, Angel. How are you and my great grand doing?” Papi asked.

  “We are doing fine, Papi. When are you coming back? The Ms. Robin and Nico mating ceremony is in a couple days. I want you to be here for that.” I told him. After the last battle, Papi went off to visit a friend. That was two months ago. We talked every day, but I wanted to see him.

  “I am on my way back to you with a big graduation present.” He said.

  “I don’t want anything. I just want my Papi home, waiting to hold his spoiled granddaughter.” I told him while rubbing my stomach. I was waiting for her to kick me after that. She didn’t like being called spoiled.

  “Well, I am on my way, and I won’t leave your side again. I’ll be there in a couple of days.” He said.

  “Great! I’ll see if Nanny can put together a big dinner when you arrive. I would love to have the family together before the mating ceremony.” I said.

  “That sounds like a plan. Alright Angel, I’ll talk to you soon. Love you and rest up.” Papi replied.

  “I love you to Papi. Bye.” I said and hung up. Jessica and the girls walked in laughing.

  “What the hell are y’all laughing at?” I asked them, while standing to greet them. They all came over to me and rested their hands on my belly. “She is taking a nap right now.” I told them.

  “Aww, little Xoe is tired.” Jessica whispered. She knew that if Xoey heard her Aunties, she was going to wake up. They talked to her just like the rest of them did. Her Uncle Maxi was her favorite, too. That was why he made that chair. It didn’t have anything to do with me.

  “Yeah, girl, she was up in here trying to get me to eat ice cream.” I said to the girls.

  “You need to go ahead and give our baby some ice cream. You know she is going to tell Xavier and he is going to find a way to get you to eat it.” Tori said with her hand still on my belly.

  “Yeah, you know she gets her way no matter what.” I mumbled and sat down in my chair. “What y’all got going on today?” I asked them.

  “Loreen wanted to ask us something. We knew that Xavier wasn’t going to let you out the house, so we decided to come over here to yo barefoot pregnant ass.” Tori said and started laughing.

  “That’s what y’all were laughing at.” I asked

  “Yeah. We never thought that you would find someone that could tame you. It took an Alpha to do that.” Jessica said.

  “I know right. But, what’s up Loreen. Is everything ok with you and Xavion?” I asked her.

  “Yes, everything is ok. We have our ups and downs with that curse that was put on him, but I am his. Soooo, I want to know if you hoes will be bridesmaids for our mating ceremony.” She asked. Tori and Jessica started jumping up and down.

  “I knew it!” Tori yelled.

  “You didn’t know shit.” I laughed at her and turned towards Loreen. “Are you sure y’all want to go through the mating ceremony with all that is going on with the curse.” I asked her.

  “Yeah, we are sure. We talked about it and he told me that I was his mate and that he wasn’t going to let any curse get in the way of that. I just wish that we can find the woman that did this.” Loreen whispered.

  “Don’t worry about it, Aunt Loreen. I will take care of it when I get out.” I heard Xoey said. She already removed the curse from around his heart. It looked like we had to do much more than that to get him better. I rubbed my stomach and smiled.

  “When are you guys planning your mating ceremony?” Tori asked.

  “Well, y’all know that my people ain’t coming out here. We will have to do a wedding in the church and then do another ceremony with the pack. Xavion said he was down for whatever I wanted, tux and all.” Loreen said with a smile.

  “I know you lying. His ass didn’t want to wear one for my ceremony. He bitched and moaned the whole time in that linen suit.” Jessica said.

  “No, Patience bitched and moaned when they were in them suits. Speaking of, what are you wearing for your ceremony?” Loreen asked.

  “I’m not sure yet. I don’t have outside family like you guys. I am going to do the traditional ceremony with the pack and my Papi. He is coming back in a few days. I told Xavier that he and the guys were going to have to get something done to their heads, though. I wanted to do it, but his thick ass hair be having my hands cramping up. I told him to go to the East of New Orleans. They have this fiya girl out there that can twist and style some dreads. I think her name is Swylita.” I told the girls.

  “Girl, text me her info. As much as I like playing in Xander head, that shit be having my hand feeling mega raw.” Jess said.

  “I could do that.” I said, right when Xoey started kicking. She only did this when she felt her father near. I rubbed on my very protrude belly. It was strange that I was so big. I knew that wolves go in earlier than normal women. I just didn’t think that I would have progressed like that. The front door opened and in walked my Alpha.

  The power that exuded from this man body was breathtaking. I licked my lips as he stood in the doorway with his dreads hanging low behind his back. His body looked like it was screaming to get out of those clothes. He was staring at me with those stormy grey eyes with his bottom lip in between his teeth. A signature move that I wasn’t used to yet. “Good evening, my Queen.” He said in the New Orleans, Alpha drawl.

  “Hi, my Alpha.” I said with a blush and licked my lips. He shook his head and smiled at my reaction. He began to walk into the room.

  “Hello, Ladies.” He greeted the rest of the women.

  “Hi Alpha.” They stupid ass sung and broke out laughing. Those silly hoes were always doing some stupid shit. Xoey started kicking and turning in my stomach. I almost forgot that she was still a baby. The way that we had been talking, had us all thinking that she had been here before. “Can you please come talk to your spoiled baby? She is kicking the hell out of me.” I told him.

  “I know you lying. Yo Teedies been here for almost an hour now and we couldn’t get a hello.” Jess said with her hand on my belly. Xoey placed her hand on hers and pressed.

  “Sorry Auntie Jess. I just missed my Daddy.” Xoey told her. Jess couldn’t do anything but smile at that.

  “Ok, Teedie baby. I forgive you.” She said and got up. “We are going to leave you three alone. Baby girl missed her Daddy.” Jess said and kissed me on my cheek. The other women did the same thing and said their goodbyes to Xoey. Xavier came and kneeled in front of me. He raised up his t-shirt that I was wearing and began to plant soft kisses on my belly.

  “Hey, Daddy’s little Alpha Princess. How are you doing today?” He asked her and that was the opening she needed. She started talking about the stories that I read to her and the music that she listened to. She also told her Daddy about the peanuts that I ate that had her tummy hurting.

  Xavier looked up at me with a serious look. “Don’t eat them damn peanuts no more Queen.” He demanded me.

  “We already had that discussion, Alpha. I told her that I wouldn’t do it again.” I replied softly.

  “Good girl.” He told me and continued his conversation with our daughter. I laid back and watched him get animated with her about his day. Our front door opened and in walked Maxie. He was feeling like the single one in the group. Even though he found his mate, he refused to claim her as his own. They were both stubborn fools. Maxie knew that he wasn’t going to catch us doing anything. He knew how Xavier and I felt about that.

  “What’s up people? How my favorite girl doing?” Maxie asked.

  “I am doing well, Big Brother. Thanks for asking.” I smiled at him. Maxie looked at me with a frown on his face.

  “I ain’t talking to yo pudgy ass.” He told me and mushed my head. “I am talking to the Princess.” He said and placed his hands on my belly and blew a raspberry on it. Xoey started laughing and asked him to do it again. Xavier took that time to jump in the
shower that was downstairs. They did that every night to keep her entertained. It was like a routine. After dinner, Maxi and I would walk to Poppa.

  “How have you been Maxi?” I asked him. He took in a deep breath before answering me.

  “Good, Lil Bit. I am just taking it a day at a time.” He replied.

  “Why don’t you call her, Maxi? Forget all this beef stuff we had with the vampires. She is your mate.” I repeated to him. It was the same thing that I told him every time he got here. I wanted to see him happy. I hated that he was depriving his self of the love from his mate.

  “I am really not for this conversation at this time. We could talk about this later.” He told me. That was progress. Usually, he’ll tell me to shut the eff up. We tried not to curse knowing that Xoey had been ear hustling. I smiled at him and started playing in his hair. Xavier came out of the shower with his body dripping wet. The moisture made the tattoos on his body shine. My breathing picked up and I felt the electric waves running off my body.

  “Shit, Lil Bit. Control yourself.” Maxi said, leaping from me and rubbing his arm. Xavier smirked at him and went back into that bathroom to put a shirt on. Xavier came back and kissed me on lips and stared at me. The promises I saw in his eyes had me moaning. “Mmm, Alpha. I don’t think I can wait any longer.” I told him.

  “I know Queen. I promise you that I will take care of you. You don’t want Xoey blasting me.” He whispered. Maxi walked off mumbling about how big of a cry baby I was. I didn’t care for what he thought. It was something about the power of good quality meat. I needed it bad. Chaos started asking me what was going on and why we were being deprived. I explained it to her and she didn’t care. She wanted Xavier almost as bad as I did. She wanted to put Xoey to sleep for a day. Xoey told her that if she tried that, she was going to drain her. I thought they would have gotten along better. Xoey was conceived during the time Chaos and Xavier was fucking. But that wasn’t the case. They were always arguing. Xoey always won because Chaos knew that she didn’t have a chance. Everyone was going to take Xoey’s side.


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