It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3
Page 12
“I am not your Queen.” I growled.
“Oh, but you will be.” Thing two said. He looked back at the other demon and smiled. “She doesn’t know.” He told him.
“We will have to tell him. We will be rewarded for this.” Thing one answered.
I ignored them and got close to the circle with Papi and Xavier flanking me. Chaos was ready to let loose on this fool. “I knew that you were going to show up here, Patience.” He said without turning around.
“If you knew, why you didn’t prepare better?” I asked him letting all the darkness come out. He looked at me with a smirk on his face.
“I thought I did,” he said and looked over to Papi. I looked at Papi and he was shaking his head. It was like he didn’t want to feel whatever was going on, so he tried to keep it out. I saw that his skin got more ashen before and his eyes turned black. “How is it that you are going to stop me, when you are going to have to worry about your Papi?” He asked me. Papi started beating on his head. He stopped and his head dropped back. His lids were moving and his body began to shake. He fell to the ground on one knee and looked up at me, breathing heavily.
Darkness had completely covered him. He didn’t see past shit. He was out looking for blood. He came charging at me, but Xavier’s black wolf came charging from the side. Nyles and the other vampires dealt with the other Dark Guardians, as I concentrated on Lord Odom. I formed up this black ball and threw it at his back. Papi jumped in front of it and deflected it to go to the family.
“Papi, what are you doing?” I yelled.
“Oh. Your Papi is gone.” Lord Odom said. I tried to get past him and he chanted a spell. Energy balls of different colors came at me. I held my hand up and caught every one of them. I wanted to send the back to him, but I knew that it was going to kill him. Dom and the rest of the gang came in.
“Papi is being controlled. Help them with him so that I could finish Odom.” I yelled to Dom.
Xander and Xavion stood with Josh and the other vampires to fight off the Dark Guardians and the Bisons. Dom and Xavier attacked Papi. I sent the balls that Papi threw at me, at Lord Odom. The two demons appeared and took the hits for him. I felt a hit to my back and stumbled forward. I turned and saw that Papi hit Josh with a black ball. Xavier’s eyes shifted to black. His black claws grew and his body began to change in a dull color. Papi threw a ball at him. Xavier batted it out of the way and went on full attack mode. Xavier ran towards Papi, fading and appeared behind him. Xavier punched Papi in the spine, making him fall. He kicked him in the stomach, which had him flying across the room.
Nyles and Josh looked hurt pretty bad. I had to finish this quick. I turned back to Lord Odom. More Dark Guardians appeared, with more of those creatures. Dom yelled for me to watch my back. I turned and there were dark balls coming my way from the two demons. I waved them off but was hit with the balls that came from the other direction.
My body hit the ground hard. I didn’t know how we were going to get out of this. Papi was battling Xavier, but I saw that my brothers were taking hard hits from the other Guardians. Kovan and the other vampires tried to hold their own, but the Bisons were taking them out.
“Rise old friend,” I heard Lord Odom say. The items that were collected rose up and started spinning in the circle. They all came down in the center, where Ma’vere’s urn was sitting. The urn broke and the ashes spread out on the table. Bones and flesh started to form with skin covering it. I got up and tried to attack it but it was blocked by Lord Odom. He sent another ball at me and I dodged it before sending one of my own at him. It hit him and had his ass flying over a standing Ma’vere. He stood six feet tall with a lean body. His body was still forming, but you could see that his body needed blood. In a blink of an eye, he was behind one of the Dark Guardians. Ma’vere grabbed him, and bit into his flesh and drained him.
“Lil Bit, we gotta get out of here.” Dom said, while taking on some of the Bisons that attacked Xander. Ma’vere looked over to Dom and sneered. He moved across the room and grabbed Xavion’s arm. I sent an electric ball his way that had him flying to the wall. He got up sniffed their way and smile.
“Alpha’s blood.” He said and began to walk to my family. I ran over to Dom and yanked the Bison’s heart out of his chest and threw it to the side. I stood in front of my brothers and stared Ma’vere down. He closed his eyes and sniffed again. He opened his eyes and they were blood red. “Extraordinary.” He said.
“Xavier!” I yelled. Xavier hit Papi again and teleported to me. “Everyone hold on.” I said. I looked over at Papi and saw that he was on his way to us. I didn’t want to leave him like that, but I couldn’t risk him hurting the rest of the family. “I love you,” I told him and teleported us in front of our home. Mimi and the rest of the gang were waiting on the porch for us. Cam ran out to us to check on an unconscious Josh.
“Nick, pick him up and get him inside.” Cam told Dom. Dom picked him up and carried him into the house, while Xavion helped Xander. Kovan slit his wrist open and began to feed Nyles. I dropped to my knees. The whole situation was fucked up. Xavier came to me and grabbed my face.
“This was not your fault Queen.” He told me, straight out. I shook my head in disagreement. All of this shit felt like it was my fault. I lost another one of my family members because I wasn’t strong enough to make the kill.
“Where is Matteo?” Mimi asked. I looked up with teary eyes and trembling lips. I didn’t know how to tell her what happened. I was still trying to find it out myself. Xavier pulled me into his arms. I placed my head in his neck, as he explained the events to Mimi. Her lips pursed and she shook her head. “I knew that this shit was going to happen.” She mumbled. I pulled back from Xavier’ arms and looked up at her. I didn’t know if she wanted to let that out, because she tried to mask her facial expression.
“You knew what, Mimi?” I asked her. She smiled at me and shook her head. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Secrets. My mother’s side was full of secrets. I knew everything about my father and my wolf. They gave me the nitty gritty from the jump. But I couldn’t get that with my mom’s side. I learned things piece by piece with them. I was tired of this shit. “If whatever you holding back is something that we need to know, you need to tell me now.” I growled.
Mimi looked into my eyes and saw that I wasn’t for the games. “Alright, but we need to leave. I have a place in Canada that your grandfather don’t know about.” She said and turned around.
“Why do we have to leave?” Xavier asked.
“Because, if Odom is controlling Matteo, he will know where to find you.” Mimi said. Xavier stood up and growled at her.
“I will not run away while my people get slaughtered.” He told her.
“Round them all up then; tell Dom to do same.” She rushed in the house. Xavier threw his head back and howled to the moon. I heard other wolves howling back at him. Dom came out and looked at Xavier. “We gotta clear the territories. Lord Odom is bringing Ma’vere here.” He said. Dom nodded his head and closed his eyes. He was reaching out to Sentury. “Gather everyone and bring them to the second house, now.” He told him.
“Yes, Alpha. Do you want me to return to you?” He asked him.
“No. You and Hank stay with the pack. Protect them.” Dom replied. Sentury howled out to Dom letting him know that he would protect them with his life. We followed Dom inside. Errol came through the door with the first guards. Xavier approached him and gave him orders.
“Take the pack over to Florida. I will call and make the arrangements with Robert the head manger, at one of our hotels. He has the keys to the other gated reservation. Keep the pack safe ‘til I return.” Errol wanted to dispute that idea. He wanted to be by Xavier and his brother’s side during this battle. But he knew that he had to protect the rest of the pack. He nodded and held his hand out. Xavier grabbed and shook it. Errol ran out of the back door with the rest of the guards to carry out Xavier’s order.
; I went upstairs, where Nanna was holding an alert Xoey. I reached for her and brought her to my chest. “Mommy,” Xoey said. I pulled her back and looked into her eyes.
“Everything is going to be alright.” She said. I kissed her nose and smiled.
“I hope so,” I said. I walked her into the room that Maxi was in. Nylah was sitting on the bed, patting his forehead.
“How is he?” I asked her.
“He is weak. The herbs and potion that your grandmother gave him is working slowly.” She answered.
“I will help his healing along when we reach our destination.” I told her and leaned over to kiss him on his frowning face. Xoey’s hand touched Maxi’s face. His face relaxed and he exhaled. I stood with her and smiled. “That’s his favorite girl.” I told her. Everyone went to their home and packed a few things before coming back to the house. We all met up in Maxi’s room since he wasn’t able to move. Nyles was feeling better, the poison was still running through his veins. Mimi stood in the center of the room with my friends and family.
“Everyone stand still,” she said and closed her eyes. The magic that she was building up caused static electricity around the room. I knew that it was going to be hard for my girls to withstand this power. Jess was holding her own since she was mated to Xander. Tori, Loreen and Ms. Robin was struggling. Their mates clutched on to them. Tyree held on to Tori as she yelled out in pain. I closed my eyes and sent energy their way. They relaxed more and waited for Mimi. She pulled and pulled, until it was time to release it.
We all teleported in front of a big ass three story home with a smaller house next to it. It had a garden circling it and the woods behind it. The house was a powder blue with white shutters on all of the windows. There were two balconies wrapped around the second and the third floor. The first floor had a wraparound porch to the side door. It was beautiful.
“Come on. Let’s get inside and get everyone settled in. After that we could talk.” Mimi said. Dom picked up Maxi and carried him into the house. When we walked in, there was a living room to right. We were able to see the kitchen and the fire place from the door. To the left of us was a small hall that led to the stairs. Mimi walked Dom up the stairs with Nylah, to one of the rooms. Everyone else scattered around and checked out the place. Xavier reached for Xoey and brought her to the window to let her see the scenery. It was ten here, but you could see everything from the brightness of the moon.
Once everyone was settled, Mimi directed us into the family room. We sat down around the sectional and waited for her to start talking. “As you all know, I was on the board of the Supreme Elders, while married to Matteo. I knew of his past and didn’t let that discourage me from loving him. He told me of his teacher and how he was on the verge of finding the Devil’s Magic. When Matteo went to tell the Guardians about it, they turned on him and tried to put him in the box. Matteo fought and displayed the dark magic that Odom taught him. He let out too much without the buffer and destroyed the whole facility.
To protect him, his parents moved him to the states. When I got pregnant with Nesida, we heard that Odom was in the states meeting up with Ma’vere. Ma’vere had the lost book of dark spells. No one knew how he got it, but he had it. It was the book that had the spell of the Devil’s Magic in it. Ma’vere was going to hand it over to Odom, but in return Odom was supposed to deliver the Great Guardian of the Light and an Elder wolf at Ma’vere’s feet. Odom agreed. He tried to kidnap me first but fell miserably. He couldn’t get to the Elder’s because I was the Guardian over them all.
He went back and told Ma’vere that if he had the Devil’s Magic he would have been strong enough to carry on with the mission. When the book was handed off to Odom, the vampire elders reached out to me. They needed help with an out of control Ma’vere. They wanted to bring them Ma’vere’s head. In order to kill him, his heart had to be eaten. I went to Tywain, your grandfather and told him of the visions that I was having. He agreed to come with me and the other Elders to take Ma’vere who was kidnapping the members from packs and feeding off them. Ma’vere and Tywain battled, as I battled with Odom. Tywain decapitated Ma’vere’s head, like the vampire elders asked. I blasted Odom with my lightening ball and that brought him to his knees. The Elders surrounded him and was going to kill him.
But I thought that it would be better if his magic was stripped from him. None of the Elders wanted that magic in them. So, I took it all in.” She said. We were all stunned at the new revelation.
“Why didn’t you kill him?” I asked her but was afraid to hear the answer. She smiled down at me and moved to the fireplace.
“I couldn’t watch them kill my brother.” She said after a dramatic pause.
“Awww. Hell. Fucking. No.” Josh jumped up and said. “This is bullshit!” I couldn’t do nothing but shake my head. I didn’t understand none of this shit anymore.
“How is that possible?” Xavier whispered.
“My mother wasn’t always dark. She became dark when she met my father. After they had me, she converted to the other side and was pregnant with Odom. I didn’t want that for myself, so I moved away and studied with the Elders and Supremes. After training, I was able to connect more with my mother’s side and drowned out the dark magic.
When Matteo told me about Odom and what he was planning, I knew that I was going to be the one to strip him of it because I was the only one that new how to handle it. What I wasn’t prepared for was passing it to Nesida. Matteo and Lurita fed off the dark energy but Nesida had it in her veins. That was why she was able to defeat Matteo and Lurita. She was stronger. Once I saw that Nesida had everything under control, I left her my seat on the board and disappeared.” She finished. See what I was saying. Secrets. I was about to blow the roof off this fucking house. I took a few deep breaths before speaking again.
“How is it that Odom is controlling Papi?” I asked again.
“It is our family’s magic. He can control it in anyone but us.” She said.
“Us as in you and I.” I asked.
“No. Us as in you, me, and Xoey.” She answered.
“Ok, now I am confused.” Xavier said. “You are telling me that he is controlling Matteo because he fed off the energy that he was getting from you because it’s the magic that was taken from him.”
“Yes. That is correct.” Mimi answered.
“That is the reason why I felt the way I did around him. I had been feeding off of Queen’s magic. The last time I saw him I felt like I wanted to join him.” Xavier said.
“It may stir but he won’t be able to control you. Angel’s magic is different than ours.” She said and was about to continue talking but Xander stopped her.
“All of this shit is confusing.” Xander cut in. “Before you start talking again, let me fix a drink.” He said and got up. He was pissed at this whole conversation. We all were.
“Fix a couple, Bruh.” Dom requested. Xander fixed drinks and Jess got up to help him. I looked over at a sleeping Xoey. Fucked up world for baby girl to live in. Jess brought me over a glass and I refused it.
“I don’t know how long I will be breastfeeding.” I told her. She nodded her head and sat next to me. Everyone took their shots and settled back down.
“As you were saying,” Xavion said.
“When Nesida lost it to the dark magic, Patience consumed all of her energy.” She started off with.
“Yeah, we know this already.” I told her getting upset.
“What you didn’t know was the battle between your mother and those Guardians were in the same spot where the Angel defeated Runi. When you took in the energy of your Mom, you also took in some energy that was held in the earth for centuries.” She said.
Everyone was sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting for her to finish. I didn’t have to wait. I knew exactly what she was saying. “I took in the Devil’s Magic.” I whispered. Mimi nodded her head with a sad smile. Xavier looked at me, then at Mimi. He didn’t want to believe the s
hit either.
“Is that true?” He asked her. Our brothers were on their feet holding their mates’ hands. Tyree and Nyles were standing still along with Kovan.
“Yes. It is true. That was why Matteo couldn’t control her. Chaos was developed through the Devil’s Magic, not ours. That is why she stands as the strongest of us.” She said.
“Matteo doesn’t know about this, any of this, does he?” Dom asked.
“No. He always thought that Nesida and Lurita got the dark magic from him.” Mimi responded
“What does this means for Xoey?” I asked.
“She was a pure source. The Devil’s Magic is in her. Nesida and Lurita was in attendance to help Xoey feed of their good energy. The love that you guys have been giving her through the weeks had helped a lot. She was born ready to protect her family. She is already trained to save and not destroy. Xoey has recreated the Devil’s Magic into something indescribable.” She told me.
I got up and walked out of the back door. I needed to get the fuck out of there before I did something that I knew that I was going to regret. I paced back in forward in the back yard with my fist balled and my pressure rising. The wind picked up and the sky became darker than it was before. Thunder flashed in the sky while the rain poured all around me. I was done. Throw the whole situation in the nearest fucking dumpsters. I wouldn’t wish this type of drama on my worst enemy.
“AHHHHH!” I screamed out with lightening striking down some of the trees in the woods.
“You are angry?” I heard my mother say. I turned to her and she was standing in a white long halter dress with gold specks on it. Her hair was in a bun, but she looked older in the face. She wasn’t in her ghost form like before. She was actually standing here.
“You think,” I said with anger.
“We can be adults and talk about this, yeah?” She asked again.
“What kind of adults are we going to be, Ma? Some lying ones. Because that’s what you and the rest of your family been doing. LYING! I don’t trust shit nobody say to me. Nothing!” I yelled. Mom kept her composure. She smiled and shook her head.