by Neicy P.
“You are mine, Nylah.” I said, right before I bit into her neck and came inside her. I felt the prick in my neck. Baby girl was pulling hard from my shit. It didn’t matter, though. We were going to be good together and there was nothing that was going to change that.
I got dressed and went downstairs to check on my family. Nylah haven’t been getting any rest since I was unconscious, so I told her to get some sleep. She didn’t argue with me. She rolled over and pulled the blanket over her body. I took a shower and looked at myself in the mirror. I was different. I looked like I had been made over. My skin was flawless with no scars or any other marks I had before. I was a glorious looking nigga. My eyes were no longer the cognac color I shared with my siblings. They were now hazel, with specks of green in them. I didn’t know how everyone’s reaction was going to be. I just hoped they accepted the new me.
I got downstairs and heard my brothers talking all at once. They were having different conversations. I turned to the left and saw my sisters and Nanna playing with D-Max and a walking Xoey.
“What the fuck? How long was I asleep?” I said. They turned around and looked at me.
“Holy shit.”
“What the hell is going on?” “I know damn well that this ain’t Maxi.”
“What the fuck happened to him?” These are the reactions I heard, but none of their lips were moving.
“Uh, hi.” I said.
Treasure stood with her big ass belly and walked over to me. “Maxi,” she said.
“Yes, Treasure.” I answered. She placed her hand on my head and then grabbed my wrist to check my pulse.
“How are you feeling?” She asked me, while looking at her watch.
“I feel fine, Treasure.” I told her.
“Your heartbeat isn’t normal, Maxi. Maybe you need to go and rest some more.” Treasure said with concern. I didn’t have a chance to respond to her, because of the little hands that were tugging on my jeans. I looked down into a smiling pretty face. I picked Xoey up and began to kiss her, all over her face. The sound that came from her was so angelic. I couldn’t believe how much she has grown.
“Hey my favorite girl.” I told her.
“Hey Uncle Maxi. You look different.” She said.
“Yeah, I know. I feel it.” I told her. She grabbed one of my dreads and began to play with it.
“It’s better than being in pain. I wanted to help, but Mommy didn’t know what was wrong. Mimi wanted us to use the potion. I wished I would have tried harder to help you. I don’t want you to leave.” Xoey said.
“Hey,” I said, to grab her attention. She looked back at me with her father’s eyes. “I am not going anywhere, Xoey.”
“Yes, you will. But don’t worry, I’ll come and see you when I want.” She said and wrapped her arms around me. I didn’t understand what Xoey was talking about. I walked around the room greeting the rest of the ladies with my favorite in my arms. “Where are my brothers and Lil Bit?” I asked them while picking up D-Max. My nephew was a splitting image of Josh’s big head ass. I just hoped that he wasn’t as hard-headed as Josh was.
“They are all in the office. We found out that Matteo was going to lead Lord Odom and Ma’vere to the other packs.” Cam said.
“Wait, what? Why would Matteo do some stupid shit like that?” I asked with a frown.
“It is a long story that your brothers are going to have to explain to you.” She said and took D-Max from me. Nanna reached out for Xoey, but Xoey leaned away from her and held on to me.
“I got her Nanna.” I said and walked out the room. Xavier’s voice was booming through the house. He was mad at something. I followed his voice to a closed door. I opened it and everyone was standing with a pissed off look. Lil Bit was the only one sitting. She didn’t look bothered by the conversation that they were having. She looked like she was in another world.
“What did I miss?” I asked. Lil Bit gasped and stood to her feet. My brothers stood there with their mouths opened with Nico and Tyree. Dom and Xavier had the same expression on their faces. They were worried. The only ones that didn’t seem bothered by this was Kovan and Nyles. Lil Bit walked over to me and placed her hands on my face.
“Maxi,” she said with tears in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my arm.
“I am alright Lil Bit.” I told her. She shook her head.
“What happened?” Dom asked. I told them everything that happened in the room, besides the sex part between me and my mate. I told him how different I was feeling and the changes that Nylah’s blood made. He nodded his head and walked over to me.
“Are you sure that you are alright, Maxi?” He asked me.
“I told you that I was fine, Nick. What the fuck is up with all of these questions?” I said.
“Papi is controlled by Lord Odom. Lord Odom is Mimi’s brother. She was the one that drained him of his magic and energy. That is how Lord Odom is controlling Papi. It’s his magic that is in all of us. She did it while she was pregnant with Nesida. Nesida transferred that magic and energy into Mommy.” Xoey said.
“Hold the fuck up.” I turned to Ginell. “You knew this shit all along and didn’t tell nobody until, now.” I yelled. Lil Bit grabbed Xoey out of my hands. That was the best thing for her to do, because I was running hot. “Why didn’t you tell us this shit in the beginning?” I growled out. We almost lost our fucking lives dealing with Odom and his bullshit.
“I was told not to tell you. Nesida thought that there were other things that you guys needed to know.” She answered too calm for me. I looked at Lil Bit and was wondering why Ginell was still standing after telling her this.
“I talked to Mom, Maxi.” She answered as if she was in my head.
“And,” I asked.
“And nothing. She had her reasons. Now we have to focus on how to save Papi and kill the rest of them muthafuckers.” She answered.
“And now, we have to worry about the side effects that Nylah’s blood is going to have on you.” Nick intervened. He turned to a quiet Kovan and Nyles. “Do any of you have the answers for that?” Nyles stepped forward and looked at me. He smirked and shook his head.
“Ma’vere won’t be a problem anymore.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Josh growled.
“Maxwell is strong enough to eat the heart of Ma’vere.” Nyles pointed at me. Nick hauled off and punched the fuck out of Nyles.
“You punk ass bitch. You set that shit up so that my brother could take the fall. I’m going to fuck you up.” Nick growled and grabbed Nyles by the neck. Nick let his claws grow into Nyles’ neck. Kovan tried to interfere but I wasn’t going to let that happen. I was a blur moving towards him. I grabbed his wrist and squeezed it. His bones began to break in my fist.
“Ahhh, fuck.” He yelled. I threw his ass to the wall and was on him before he hit the ground. I was tagging his face with hard punches. Nick was fucking Nyles up while everyone watched. Nyles predicted Nick’s next move and dodged him. He punched Nick in the gut and then landed an uppercut to his chin. It made him stagger a bit. Nick looked back at him and smiled. Nyles was about to get his ass handed to him.
Nick’s big ass Goldberged Nyles’ ass. I heard the air leave that fool lungs. Nick started kicking the shit out of Nyles. I felt her before she entered the room with her blade in her hand. Lil Bit held her hand up and restrained Nylah. I turned away from Kovan and fixated my eyes on Lil Bit. She had Nylah stretched out in midair. I let out a fierce growl and ran towards her.
Josh grabbed me, but I tossed him across the room easily. Xander reached for me. I took his arms and threw him into Xavion, who was running towards me as well. Tyree pulled out his blade and stood in front of me.
“Stop this Maxwell.” He said. I knew that he didn’t want to fight me. If he had to choose between me and Lil Bit, of course he was going to choose the Queen. Shit, I would have too. I didn’t want Lil Bit handling my mate that way. No one was excused from
that. I moved forward and Tyree swung his blade at me. I caught it and punched him in the chest. He flew to the corner, where Josh was recovering. Nylah was still immobile in the air. I rushed Lil Bit and got tagged in the face. I stumbled back, almost falling over the sofa. I turned and saw Xavier in front of Lil Bit. His eyes were white.
“Maxwell,” He warned. O
I got into fighting stand and let out another growl. I ran at him and began to throw punches at him. He dodged a few and threw none back. He was trying to keep me occupied, so that his mate could hurt mine. I moved to get around him and he teleported in front of me.
“Maxwell don’t make me hurt you.” He growled.
“You can try.” I said and swung on him. He blocked it and punched me in the side hitting my ribs. I dropped to my knees. We both heard them crack. Fuck! That is going to take a couple of days to heal. I grabbed my side in time to feel my ribs snapping back in place. I looked back up to Xavier and smiled. I got up and moved like I was injured to throw him off guard. When he stepped to me, I sidestepped him and punched him in his face. He flew across the room. I was only a foot away from Lil Bit. I saw Xavier move, but he wasn’t going to make it there before me. I went to swing at Lil Bit, but I was stopped. Xoey had her hand out and her red eyes were staring at me. I didn’t know how fucked up I was, but I swore I saw little horns coming out her forehead.
“I can’t let you hurt my Mommy, Uncle Maxi.” She said in a demonic voice. I had never heard her speak to me that way.
“I can’t let yo Mommy hurt my mate.” I growled out. I was trying to fight whatever she was doing to me, but I wasn’t strong enough. Lil Bit looked at me. “I am not hurting her, Maxi. I am keeping her from hurting my brother. Our brother.” She told me.
“Look at what Nick is doing to her brother, Patience.” I growled. Lil Bit’s eyes shifted black and she growled back at me.
“He set you up, Maxwell.” She said. I looked back at Nylah and she looked confused.
“Nick,” I called out. Nick landed one last kick and stepped back. His dreads was all over and his wolf was showing. Lil Bit dropped Nylah. She ran to check on her brother. Xoey eased her hand down and put me on my feet.
“Can somebody please tell me what the fuck is going on?” I asked.
“Ma’vere can only be killed if his heart is eaten. Nyles was trying to figure out who would have been strong enough to do that.” Lil Bit said, while staring at Nyles.
“Ok,” I motioned for somebody to continue.
“We didn’t know what will happen to the person that eats his heart. His stupid ass didn’t want to sacrifice his self or any other vampire to do that. So he told his sister to let you bite her.” Xavier said with his hand on his jaw.
I looked at Nylah while she cradled her brother. His wounds were closing up quickly. “Did you know anything about this?” I asked her.
“No. I didn’t. And I don’t think that my brother would put you in danger like that knowing what will happen to me if I lose my one.” She hissed out. She was insulted. I didn’t give a fuck. I knew that there was something suspicious about him walking in the room all understanding and shit.
“Your brother is conniving, Nylah.” I told her. She looked back at me with wide eyes.
“He wouldn’t do that.” She yelled.
“Think about it!” I yelled and stood over them. “It will be something that my family will deal with. He didn’t include you. He knew what he was doing this whole time. This was his plan. Your brother is a bitch for that.” I told her. Nyles smirked at me and sat up. He stood reaching his hand out to his sister.
“I did what needed to be done to save your species. Ma’vere won’t kill his own kind.” Nyles said. Nylah yanked her hand from him.
“Are you fucking serious?” Nylah yelled at her brother.
“He would never be accepted into our Covenant. No one would ever take us serious if we let a,” Nyles paused and looked at me. “Hybrid on the throne. We will lose our contacts and allies with Hector’s family.”
“Hector is dead, Bitch. Who else are you trying to get her to marry?” Josh said standing next to me.
“She was never meant to marry Hector. That was something we told everyone to keep them away.” He said and turned to Nylah. “Deniro is coming back. He was the one to ask you for your hand years ago.” Nylah’s face went ashen. I didn’t know who Deniro was, but he must have meant something to her. Her heartbeat picked up and she began to sweat. She looked at me. “I,” she started to say. But I wasn’t having the rest of that sentence.
“You. Are. MIIIINNNE!” I growled loudly. “If you think about walking out of that door to marry or be with another, I will fucking kill you both.” I said and meant that shit. I felt something brewing inside of me and it wasn’t my wolf. Something else more dangerous. “You think that I need your throne to sit on. Muthafucker, I have the blood of an Alpha running through my veins. We make our own throne.” I told Nyles. My brothers started barking and agreeing with what I said. We were all Alphas in that bitch. We choose to stay by each other’s side.
“He wouldn’t hurt you, Nylah. He would never cause you that type of pain. It will kill him. You don’t need this shit. Let’s go. He won’t harm anyone that you care about.” Nyles said while holding his hand out. He was right. I couldn’t cause her pain. Emotionally or physically. That shit would drive me to kill myself.
“Oh, but I will. And with the magic that my daughter and I possess, he won’t feel shit. All he have to do is give us the word. We will do whatever it takes for him to be with his mate.” Lil Bit said with Xoey staring daggers at Nyles. My girls had my back. But, I didn’t want them to have to kill Nyles for Nylah to be with me. That was a decision that her ass had to make on her own. I didn’t want to force her to be with me. Nylah looked down at her brother out reached hand and shook her head. She ignored his hand and stepped aside.
“I think that it will be best if you and Kovan leave.” She told him. Nyles dropped his hand and frowned at her.
“So this is what you do? You choose them over me. Your own blood.” He spat at her.
“Maxwell is my one, Nyles. Everything that I told you before he bit me was true. Deniro is a past that I will not allow to be in my future.” She said to him with her head held high. She pointed to the door. “Leave.”
Nyles walked to the door, with Kovan following him. He was trying to fix the bones in his wrist. Nyles turned and glared at her. “When this is over, we will be coming back for you. Both Covenants. It will be another war that this family will have to prepare for.” He said and walked out. None of us was bothered about the war he threatened us with. We had the deadliest Guardians on our side, plus whatever the fuck I was. We weren’t taking any loses.
I looked over at a red eyed Nylah. She was angry. She strolled over to me and slapped the fuck out of me. “Don’t you ever, in your right or wrong mind, threaten me again.” She said and walked out the door. I didn’t want to rub my jaw and look weak in front of my brothers.
“You deserve that.” Nick said.
“Yeah, I know.” I replied. Everyone was staring at me. “What?” I asked.
“You threw me across the room. You moved faster than the vampires. Your claws weren’t of your wolf, they looked different.” Josh said. “Are you alright?” He asked.
I looked around the room and shook my head. “I don’t know.” I told them the truth. “I will have to ask Nylah about this shit. Hopefully, one of the vampire elders dealt with some shit like this and can tell her what we need to expect. That’s if any of them will talk to her.” I said.
“Yeah, because yo ass almost knocked my jaw off.” Xavier said rubbing his jaw still. “We have to get back to planning this attack. Nico told us that Matteo got to two of the Elders. Elder Locklear is on his way here.”
“Why not send Tyree or Lil Bit to get him?” I asked.
“We can’t. If Matteo get any residue of our magic, he can use that to travel w
herever we are.” Tyree answered. “Ginell and I are working on some potions and other things to see if we can get Matteo back. We can’t count on any of the other Guardians because Matteo can also control the mind. If he gets close enough he can put one of those critter creatures in you.” He said and walked to the kitchen.
“What else did I miss?” I asked them.
“Odom had demons working with him as well. Dom is going to call up the demon that he met with Papi to get some information about them. We need to know who and what we are going against. Now that all of the secrets are out, I will be able to use the Devil’s Magic and kill them all.” She said. And that right there fucked me up.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Who has the Devil’s Magic?” I yelled. Lil Bit dropped her head back with a now sleeping Xoey. She passed her to me and grabbed my hand.
“Come on, Maxi. We got a lot to talk about.” She said pulling me to another room.
Chapter 12
Elder Locklear made it to the house five days later. We haven’t heard anything from Papi and Odom. The other wolves were in hiding. Xavier kept in touch with them all. Xoey was now six years old and growing. When she woke up that morning, she was changing D-Max’s diaper. She sat in the rocking chair and was feeding him a bottle. Sometimes, she sat up under me or Xavier. When we were taking care of things, she went to Maxi and Nylah. Nylah was now attached to her the way that everybody else was. Xoey asked to see Matteo, but we both disagreed with that. I didn’t feel comfortable with my daughter being in front of any of those assholes.
Elder Locklear sat at the table in the kitchen and chopped it up with Nico. They were trying to find out what they were going to do about the other Elders. They were already looking at Xavier to replace them. I didn’t think that I was ready for that yet. I wanted him to spend as much time with Xoey as possible and being an Elder was going to take him away from Xoey and me. Knowing this, I didn’t think that I could become the Guardian for the Southern Territories. My place was here, next to my Alpha. I knew that Tyree was more than willing to be that Guardian. We were going to search for more of the Guardians but wasn’t sure who was against or for us.