It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3

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It Took a Beast to Tame Her 3 Page 18

by Neicy P.

  “Ok, when you meet up with Dom, tell him to bring me the rest of Mimi’s bread pudding to the tree.” I told him.

  “Alright, Queen.” He said and kissed me on my lips. “Are you going home?” He asked. Before I could answer, my girls walked into the door loud as usual.

  “Hey Hoe. We just left your house.” Tori said.

  “Girl, I had been waiting on Xoey ass to come home but you know how she get caught up with Tyree and Nylah. They asses be everywhere.” I told them.

  “Yeah, Tyree ass came in late last night. I would’ve locked the door, but his ass don’t fucking use it.” Tori said.

  “I can put a spell around your house for that.” I responded. The men in the room groaned and shook they head. We all laughed at their reaction. Xavion pulled Loreen on his lap and kissed her on the back of her neck. “Don’t start nothing you can’t finish.” She told him. Xavion nipped her ear and scooped her ass up.

  “Bye,” He growled out and walked out of the room with her. Xander shook his head and frowned.

  “I wish that it could be that simple.” He said.

  “It could be, if yo ass would respect my shit.” Jess told him. Xander jumped up and got in her face.

  “I told you that I was sorry. Don’t be up in here trying to boss up and shit. You already know what it is.” He snapped at her. Jess’ nasty ass loved it when Xander talked to her like that. That was the only reason why she did what she did. She loved the repercussions. She licked her lips and got closer to him.

  “Show me what it is.” She whispered with attitude. Xander grabbed her hand and went out the back door without saying goodbye. Tori and I laughed because it was going to be something else the next day with them.

  “Where are you headed?” I asked Tori.

  “Girl, I am about to go by Big Brother’s house. I am going to help Nanny at the house. Treasure big ass don’t know how to keep still and Cam is going to kill Josh. She already told him that she wanted them to wait before they have any more kids. Now, it’s going to be a whole daycare in that bitch. I don’t know what it was about that full moon, during y’all ceremony. But that shit got all y’all ass pregnant. Nico and Robin are in Las Vegas visiting family, so Nanny been bouncing from house to house.” Tori said.

  “And you know that she doesn’t mind. She already trying to get us all under one roof.” Xavier said.

  “That’s what Papi said. He put in a bid on some land out here. He wanted to build a building for us to stay in.” I replied.

  “Oh, shit Von. Do that baby.” We heard Loreen moaned out.

  “Aww, hell no.” Tori said and stormed out the door. We followed behind her and shook our head. I was happy that those two were alright. Loreen was thinking about leaving Xavion ‘til she found out that she was pregnant. Xavion woke up two days later and asked Xavier to perform his mating ceremony. He couldn’t bite her yet, but he didn’t let that stop him from speaking his truth to his true mate.

  “Aye, tell Tyree that he better bring his ass home before the street lights come on.” She yelled and jumped in the car.

  “That ain’t no child, heifer. That is a grown ass man.” I replied.

  “Tell that grown ass man that he better be home or I am fucking him up.” She said and pulled off. I turned to my Alpha and smiled.

  “What time Errol was supposed to be here for?” I asked. Xavier shook his head and licked those thick ass lips.

  “I told him that I was going to meet with him tomorrow. I also told Dom to reschedule the meeting.” He said. Xavier grabbed my ass and brought my body closer to him. “How is the baby?” He asked. This pregnancy was different from Xoey’s. I knew for sure that we were having a little boy. But, I didn’t hear the baby talking to me. At my first appointment, we saw that the baby was growing at a normal rate.

  “He is doing well.” I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. “So, what do you want to do with all your free time?”

  “How about I give you a rub down and have you for dinner?” He answered.

  “That sounds like a plan, my Alpha.” I told him and kissed his lips. He pulled back and stared into my eyes.

  “I love you, Queen.” Xavier whispered.

  “I love you, my Alpha.” I told him and teleported us home.

  Later that night, I was at the tree with my brothers and a grown ass Xoey. My baby stopped aging after twenty-one days. It was hard sitting here without Maxi.

  “Hey Lil Bit, do you guys have a name for that boy yet?” Dom said.

  “Yeah, we are going to name him Xiare. Xavier wants to keep up with the names that start with X.” I answered.

  “I don’t like it.” Josh said.

  “I came up with that name, Uncle Josh.” Xoey’s angelic voice spoke.

  “I still don’t like it.” Josh said and made a face at her. “I hope you didn’t think that I was going to change my mind about it.”

  “No, not really. I knew that you was going to say that.” Xoey said while taking the last piece of the bread pudding.

  “Hey, Xoe, don’t play like that. It is my turn to have the last piece.” Josh told her seriously.

  “No, I let you have it the last time. You told me that you love me so much that you would do anything for me. This is the anything.” Xoey told him. Josh growled at her and showed her his teeth. Xoey flashed her white eyes and growled back at him.

  “Ok, you can have it.” Josh said and pulled her into a hug. I loved watching her interact with her Uncles. They were always open with her and didn’t hold anything back. Dom told her that she will never be old enough to date. She agreed because she said that the guys her age were immature. Tori told her that guys don’t mature until they start getting Social Security. That had all of my brothers including my Alpha growling at her. She brushed them off and continued with her man bashing in front of a seething Tyree.

  “When was the last time you spoke to him?” Dom asked.

  “Yesterday. I tried calling him today but he didn’t answer.” I said sadly.

  “Dad said when you talk to him, tell him to bring his ass home.” Dom said. I leaned against the tree and answered.

  “I will Daddy.”

  Xoey came to me and sat on my leg. “He is ok, Mommy. Stop worrying.” She said. I wrapped my arms around her waist and leaned on her back.

  “I know Princess. I just need to see him.” I said.

  “You will Mommy, soon.” She answered. I closed my eyes and hoped he felt how much we missed him. The wind picked up and the clouds came through. The rain began to fall all around us.

  “Lil Bit stop being a cry baby. He is alright.” Dom said. He stood and gave me a kiss on my cheek. “I gotta go. I have to set up the nursery for the boys.” He said and kissed Xoey. “You be careful out there.” He said and walked off.

  “I am about to go and beg Cam for forgiveness. If that doesn’t work, I got a shrimp po-boy waiting for her.” He said and got up.

  “Oh my God, that sounds good right about now.” I said.

  “I’ll bring you one when I get back, Mommy. I have a meeting in the city.” Xoey said.

  “Thank you, Princess.” I told her. We kissed Josh bye and watched him leave.

  “Do you need me to walk you home?” Xoey asked.

  “No baby, I’m fine. Your father will do it.” I told her. Xoey shook her head and looked back.

  “Daddy, I told you that I was going to make sure she get home.” Xoey said. Xavier walked from behind the tree and walked towards us.

  “There is nothing wrong with wanting to walk my Queen home.” He told her and picked her up into a hug. “Don’t be out too late, Princess.” He told her and teleported us back home.


  I was in my small studio apartment in France with a loose muscle shirt on and some joggers. It had one widow, a bed, kitchen, and bathroom. I had to get far away from Nylah. It was like I could smell her scent miles away.

  I craved her.
  I missed her.

  I needed her.

  But I knew that I was fucked up in my head and heart. I woke up at times and didn’t recognize myself. My hand would shift into several animals that I didn’t know. I wrote in my journal every time something strange happened. I wasn’t able to eat regular food. I had been hunting elks and wild boars for two weeks. I tried to eat take-out, but I almost ate the delivery man. I needed to find out what was wrong with me before I rejoined civilization. My phone began to ring and I knew who it was. I hadn’t answered any of her calls that day. I didn’t want to be bothered.

  I picked up my phone and answered it. “Hey Lil Bit.”

  “Hi, Maxi. How are you doing today?” She asked with concern.

  “Good Lil Bit. How is the baby? Are you eating and resting?” I asked her. She sighed before answering. “We are doing fine, but we would be doing a whole lot better if you were here. You know that he is going to need a bed and other furniture.” She said.

  “Not right now, Lil Bit.” I said. Our conversations were not like they used to be. My answers were always short and to the point. I didn’t have nothing to smile or laugh about anymore. “Look, Lil Bit. I am tired.” I told her.

  “Ok. Well, I love you, Maxi.” She said. I knew that she was almost to tears. Her tears was another reason why I didn’t like hearing her like this. I always disappointed her at the end of all our phone calls.

  “I love you back, favorite girl.” I responded and hung up the phone. I threw it on the bed and went back to the window. I shook my head and let out a sigh. “What did you find?”

  “I found the old Elder. He said that he would meet up with you as soon as possible.” Xoey said.

  “Good,” I said and turned to see my niece. She had been down for me since I left the battle. I knew what was going to happen because she told me. She also told me that I was going to be alright and I believed her.

  “There are a few stops that I need your help with first.” She said. I looked at her with a skeptical look. Her ass was as deadly as Lil Bit. She didn’t need help with shit.

  “Oh yeah, with what?” I asked.

  “That bitch Eve. I feel that she has lived longer than I wanted her to.” She said with red eyes.

  “You don’t need my help with that Xoey. Come back and get me when you finished that.” I turned to walk back to the window but was stop with what she said next.

  “Deniro sent some vampire guards after Nylah. They drugged her and brought her back to his Covenant. I was going to take care of it, but I knew how much you hate breaking promises.” She said. My heart started racing and my head started pounding. I wanted to let out a fierce growl but the creatures inside of me wanted to do something better. I opened up my mouth and set the bed on fire. My hands shifted to dragon scales. Xoey walked over and waved her hand over the fire to put it out.

  We found out that when Ma’vere couldn’t find wolves to eat, he ate any and everything else. We just didn’t know how many. I already met four of them and they were some mean muthafuckers. All of them were Alphas, like my wolf.

  “You ready,” Xoey asked. I nodded my head because I was too pissed off to speak.

  “New Orleans CTC. Meet me there.” She said and vanished. I pulled up a visual and teleported myself there. With or without the cure to whatever I was, Nylah was going to be mine. And I was ready to burn every Covenant down to have her by my side.




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