Shattered Dreams

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Shattered Dreams Page 1

by Linde Lean


  Midnight Showcase

  Copyright ©2009 by author


  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Midnight Showcase Fiction Presents

  ISSN 1555-5488 Vol.99-88SE

  Shattered Dreams

  Linde Lean

  Midnight Showcase Fiction

  Published by

  Midnight Showcase Fiction

  PO Box 300491

  Houston, TX 77230 USA

  Shattered Dreams, Linde Lean Copyright © 2009

  Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  ISSN 1555-5488 Vol.99-88SE


  Editor: Mae Powers, Wendy Mackrell

  Copy Editor: Mae Powers, Fiona Kane

  Format Editors: Mae Powers

  Cover Artist: Mae Powers

  Printed in the United States of America

  Shattered Dreams

  by Linde Lean

  Jenny, a lovely, but long-ago orphaned young woman, comes to work for Ryan, an affluent and handsome Property developer who requires her services mostly at night, as a companion to his two year old son. Both fight their growing attraction to each other. Before they are able to resolve issues that arise between them, Ryan’s son and Jenny are kidnapped.

  Learning that he thought she might be an accomplice, Jenny becomes bitter and very hurt. Ryan realizes how he let her down, and sets out to prove his love for her. These two estranged lovers must overcome personal and outside obstacles in order to find true love, before both their lives turn into Shattered Dreams.

  Shattered Dreams

  by Linde Lean

  Chapter One

  “Come in, Miss. Smith, don’t hover.”

  Jenny lifted her eyes to meet those of her prospective employer. Her breath caught in her chest at the full impact of his striking emerald eyes.

  As he raised himself from the chair, in conventional courtesy, Jenny noticed his casual dress. Faded blue denim pants and a white cotton shirt, unbuttoned to mid-chest, very sexy.

  Jenny entered the study and sat down on the edge of the brown leather armchair. If she sat back properly, her feet would not reach the floor. She already felt nervous, and at a disadvantage, she did not want him to look at her and think she was too young. She needed this job.

  “Miss Smith, let’s get down to the practicalities. I don’t believe that this position will suit you.” His businesslike tone did not distract from the attractive huskiness of his voice. “The position is for a nanny for my son, as you know. But you may be unaware that the position requires that you reside on the premises and that the working hours are from five in the evening, till quite late.”

  Jenny felt the disappointment acutely. She’d not anticipated that within seconds of the interview, without having uttered a word, she would be found unsuitable for the position. But she intended to try her hardest to change his opinion.

  “That’s exactly what suits me about this position.” Seeing the enquiring curve to his brow, Jenny straightened her posture even further, and gave him a direct gaze. “I received a bursary from the Cape Town University, to study Child Psychology. I require a position that would enable me to go to the University during the day and afford me the opportunity to study in a quiet environment when I’m not on duty.”

  Lifting a file from the desk, he quickly scanned it, then pinned her with a direct look. “Where are you living now?”

  “On the premises of the nightclub I currently work in.”

  “I see. You don’t like the job?”

  “No, hostessing is not my scene. Also study is almost impossible and the money pitiable.”

  “Hmm…” He flipped the file open again with understated casualness.

  Jenny hoped he wouldn’t hold her job against her. She’d been compelled to find work and leave the orphanage when she completed her school year, two years ago.

  He raised his hand to his jaw and ran an index finger over a stubble chin.

  “When my PA invited you for the interview, you were advised that I require you to spend the weekend here, so that I can see how you interact with my son.”

  “Yes,” Lifting her backpack from the floor, she indicated it, “I brought my things with. It’s just for tonight and tomorrow, am I correct, I’m to leave Sunday morning?”

  “Correct. Well, Miss Smith, let me show you to your room.” He stood up.

  “I’m sure the accommodation will be more than adequate,” she advised. “I’d prefer to meet Andy first, if you don’t mind?”

  The smile he gave dazzled her and feeling flustered she stood up, and walked toward the door.

  As he allowed her to precede him through the study door, Ryan’s hand briefly touched her waist as he guided her out. Today, for some reason, the nervous butterflies, which normally settled in the pit of her stomach, bounded in her heart to settle low in her abdomen, causing an unfamiliar tingle.

  They headed towards the imposing stairway and as they ascended the stairs Ryan maintained his position just behind Jenny. Even with him a few steps behind and lower than her, Ryan still dwarfed her five foot two frame. When they reached the landing, he placed his hand on her elbow, a thrilling vizier ran through her body. Lifting her head, she noticed a hint of a smile play around his mouth, he was amused. Had he guessed her reaction to him? Well if he had, he knew more than her, as her feelings felt new and confusing to her.

  This home was far more opulent than any she’d ever seen. Her childhood was less than perfect. She was left at an orphanage, in the Cape Flats, as a baby. Now was her chance to make something of herself and getting this job was the first step.

  Ryan lightly tapped on the door, and opened it. As he entered Jenny heard a squeal of utter delight. “Daddy!”

  Entering behind Ryan, Jenny was just in time to see a little body came hurtling towards Ryan, whom quickly and adeptly caught the hurtling form, and with one fluid movement swung the little body, high up into the air.

  Jenny stood transfixed at the door, as the little boy, swung his arms out wide, making a noise like an airplane, as his father twirled him around in the air, his body almost touching the high ceiling. This was obviously, a well-established ritual.

  When Ryan brought Andy down, holding him in his strong arms,
against his broad chest, his son eagerly gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  Ryan indulgently smiled at his son, whose delighted face was a mirror image of his own, with the same black hair and emerald eyes.

  The younger member of the family features, also hinted at, and promised the same strong features and strength of character, as the older one. Jenny could see Andy’s obvious pleasure at seeing his Dad.

  “I’ve a surprise for you….”

  “What Daddy? What?”

  His little body, bobbed up and down with excitement, in Ryan’s arms.

  Turning towards Jenny, Ryan informally introduced her. “This is Jenny. She’s coming to stay with us for a few days.”

  Andy was just as self-assured, as his father. Without displaying any shyness or wariness to a stranger, he spontaneously turned to her. “Hello Jenny.”

  Coming out of her startled position, Jenny moved forward to take the little hand that was being held out to her. This greeting between father and son fascinated her, as she had never experienced the closeness of a family.

  Ryan picked up on her stunned expression and his own softened as he looked at her.

  “Hello, Andy,” Jenny smiled at him.

  Looking around his room she noticed the comfortable wood furniture, the room was decorated in all the primary colours. Obviously no expense had been spared in the decoration of the large room. As she looked over the books and toys, her gaze rested on the inter-leading door.

  “That door goes through to my room.” Ryan advised her.

  Not looking at him, she slightly inclined her head in acknowledgement. Just then a plump, lady, with a friendly smile entered the room via the main bedroom door. Her grey-hair was bundled up into a serviceable bun, and she was dressed in functional clothing.

  “Good afternoon, Ryan, sorry I wasn’t here, but I quickly went to see Agnes in the kitchen, our little Sir here informs me that, as it’s Friday, he would like pizza for supper tonight.”

  “No problem, Anna. I was just introducing Andy to Jenny.”

  “Anna is our housekeeper, but when Andy was born she also kindly stepped in as honorary mother.”

  Jenny moved forward and clasped Anna’s hand in greeting.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Ms…?”

  “Please call me Anna, we’re not too formal now, are we Ryan?”

  “Well considering you raised us, I don’t think we could be, Anna. You’ve seen us at our best and at our worst.” Ryan replied. “Well Andy, let’s show Jenny her room, shall we…”

  Jenny followed them, expecting to be directed downstairs, but instead Ryan opened the door across the hallway directly opposite Andy’s room.

  As she stepped into the room, she tried to stifle a gasp. The bedroom was just as large as Andy’s, but here the similarities ended, she walked in gob-smacked. Surely this cannot be right? She’d visualized a neat, small room, something similar to what she had at the orphanage.

  Jenny’s surprise and pleasure filtered across her face, and Ryan watched as she traced her hand over the luxurious cream bedcover and felt an inexplicable pleasure in her delight. Her expressive eyes widened, when she entered the en-suite bathroom.

  She twirled around taking in the large bath and shower and the marble vanity table, with the large mirror above it, which covered the entire wall from basin to ceiling. The mirror reflected back, the expanse of cream marble tiles.

  “Mr. Barnard, this is very lovely, thank you, but I don’t expect to have a guestroom, for my stay here this weekend. Please show me the room I would be expected to use, if I’m successful in getting the position.” Jenny headed for the bedroom door.

  “This is your room, Jenny. And please call me Ryan, as Anna said, we’re not too formal.”

  “Mister … I mean, Ryan,” His name came out in a hushed tone. “Surely, you do not mean for me to have this room?”

  “Not good enough for you Miss. Smith?”

  Coming up short and apprehensive in case she may have offended him, she quickly added, “Yes. No, I mean … Mr. Barnard … Ryan. This room is absolutely stunning, but you cannot mean for me to have it?”

  “Aaa, Miss Smith, I am afraid you will have to make do with this room. All the other rooms are like it. I am sorry to say we do not have anything more ‘adequate’ for you.”

  Jenny looked up, into his smiling eyes, and realized he teased her. She exhaled in relief.

  “Jenny, this would be your room. You need to be close by, for Andy. When I’m home, I open the connecting door for him. If he wakes he comes to me. But if the door is closed, he’ll know to go to you. I don’t want him searching this huge house for you. Alright.”

  Though a rhetorical question, how could it not be ‘alright’? It was more than alright it was wonderful! “That would be fine.” She didn’t want to gush like a child on Christmas morning, even if she felt that way. But to go back to her little bed-sit after this was going to be quite an adjustment even after just two nights here. But she would make the most of it that’s for sure. Taking a bath in that big tub was first on her list.

  These few days at this lovely home was something she never wanted to forget. If she left here on Sunday knowing she would never see this house, or this lovely little boy and his handsome father ever again, so be it.

  These memories she intended to take out and enjoy forever, unlike the others. Jenny would be herself over the weekend and hoped that was good enough.

  “I’ll leave the two of you to get acquainted. I’m in my study if you need me.” Ryan left the room seeming impatient to make small talk now that the formalities were over.

  Jenny was quite happy to have Andy’s company. He sat on her king-size bed and asked.

  “Where are all your things?”

  Jenny indicated her backpack.

  Andy’s eye grew huge, and he fell back onto the bed giggling.

  “What is so amusing young man?” Jenny enquired playfully tongue in cheek.

  “All the ladies that come here have bags and bags, Dad always grumbles when he sees the load.” Andy informed her “How come you need just one bag?”

  Jenny smiled “For now, just for the weekend.” But could not help but spend a moment wondering about the lady guests who usually came to visit with ‘bag and bags.’

  Would she get to meet any of them, perhaps this weekend or sometime in the future? That was to say if she did get to stay.

  She took out her few articles of clothing and hung them in the cupboard, which took up an entire wall! Lifting Andy off the bed, she took him with her to the bathroom and placed her few toiletries in the vanity drawer. As Jenny surveyed everything with keen interest, Andy enquired.

  “Are you looking for something, ‘cause I can help…?”

  Jenny went down on her haunches and placed her hands lightly on his tiny shoulders.

  “You have a very lovely home Andy, and my home is not as nice as this. So I’m admiring all the nice stuff.” Though he was only a toddler she intended to keep an honest relationship with him.

  In naïve honesty he admitted. “My house is the bestest. Uncle Mike’s house is not as big as mine. Daddy says it’s cause we live in the Family home.

  “You are indeed a lucky boy to live in such a grand place.” Jenny replied with a smile at the proud set of his shoulders.

  “Gramps and Nana used to live here once, but that was before I was born. They left then, and now they are tired.”

  “Retired.” Jenny corrected. “Most people when they get married want to live in their home without other family, though there are families who do share.”

  Andy appeared happy with her reply so Jenny did not pursue the subject further. There was more than enough time to teach him about social difference and social responsibilities.

  “Come take my hand, and then you can be my guide and show me your home.”

  Just then a though struck her.

  “Oh by the way, you may come into my room whenever you want.”

  “My D
addy only let’s me into his room without knocking when his door is open.”

  “Yes it is always polite to knock,” Jenny enforced.

  “Dad says it’s cou’se he must be decent.”

  “Oh, well being a little boy, it’ shouldn’t embarrass your Daddy if you forgot.”

  Andy gave a delightful giggle again, “My Daddy’s not shy of me. I see him naked lots of times!”

  Wow, now that conjured up some visions of her boss. Jenny smiled, yes, out of the mouths of babes. Jenny wondered if these rules were his father’s way of teaching Andy proper etiquette or whether it was as Ryan entertained his lady friends at home?

  Jenny shrugged and returned her attention to Andy again. That was none of her business, and of no interest to her, though a niggling voice mocked her, liar!

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Two

  When Ryan left Andy with Jenny he decided to give his friend Paul a call. He wanted to discuss the investigative work Paul’s Company did on Jenny for him.

  While waiting for Paul’s secretary to connect him, Ryan, poured himself a drink. Just then Paul came on the phone.

  “Hi Ryan, pleased to hear from you. What can I do for you?”

  Ryan cut to the chase.

  “Paul, I’m most disappointed in the work your company did for me on Jenny Smith.

  “Ryan, I personally checked everything myself, as I always do when we do something for you or your family. So what’s the problem?”

  “Well if you checked the information, you would’ve known the report does not state that Miss Smith works at a nightclub, now does it? Do you think a twenty year old nightclub employee is a suitable companion to my son?” Ryan sat at his desk, facing the large glass doors of his study which opened out to the garden and terrace. He swirled the whisky and ice around in the heavy crystal glass, waiting for Paul’s reply.


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