Shattered Dreams

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Shattered Dreams Page 7

by Linde Lean

  Her arms closed around his neck, her hands going to the back of his neck as she pulled him to her. Then gliding her hands over his back she embraced him.

  He was already between her thighs, but had not entered her yet. The tip of his silky erection, just teasing at her warm, wet opening. He felt her legs come up, and over him, as her smooth legs rubbed against his buttocks and down the back of his thighs.

  He broke their eye contact and closed his eyes in anticipation of his entry. His demanding lips going to her eager ones. His hand caressed her breast, as the other went under her hip to lift her to him.

  Jenny could feel him pushing against her opening. She opened her legs wider allowing him better access. When he slipped into her, a guttural sigh escaped from him.

  Her eyes were closed and all she could concentrate on was the exquisite pleasure he was giving her as he moved in her.

  His movements slow and controlled, as he flexed into her. Then some invisible restrained in him seemed to snap. He accelerated his pace, then as he arched into her, pressing his hand against the headboard for leverage, his natural rhythm took her to a near death pleasure that she never knew existed.

  Everything come to a standstill as she throbbed and closed around his arousal, she felt her body warm release, he’d stopped but remained flexed up tight in her.

  Ryan remain still, to keep her at that perfect zenith as long as he could, until she cried out with it. Only then did he push ravaging into her, until he spilt himself in her.

  His moans then just as passionate as hers had been. As he descended from a plateau of intense pleasure he heard Jenny’s breath match his rugged breathing.

  He lay on her, supporting most of his large frame with his arms, his body utterly depleted. With no other woman had he ever experienced this earth moving, mind-blowing release. Moving gently off her, he turned her onto her side and he came to lay behind her. Her firm bottom, fitted perfectly into his groin, her body a perfect fit for his.

  Jenny lay sated, cocooned in his arms, his strong arm and hand across her breast.

  He leaned over her; and trailed warm tender kisses, from her shoulder up her neck and stopped, just behind her ear. He whispered, the usual huskiness and deep tone of his voice more pronounced, by his ardor, sending sensual messages of love to her sensitive body.

  “You were made for me, we are a perfect fit.”

  Jenny wiggled her bottom tighter into him and slowly her eyes began to close. She knew that at last, all her dreams had come true.

  Ryan felt his eyes become heavy, at the far recess of his mind, he acknowledged that Jenny was not a virgin and he had not used any protection.

  It was almost dawn when Jenny woke up, for a moment she was disorientated, but then she remembered she was in Ryan’s room, in his bed! Turning on her side, she found him laying with his back to her. His bed was large, and she had to scoot herself over to him. Laying against his back, she tentatively put her arm around him. Her arm did not reach far over his large torso, but she still liked holding him.

  Jenny was not sure what had woken her, perhaps it was the coolness of the morning breeze coming from the open window, or perhaps it was that she missed the warmth of his body. Whatever it was she wished he would wake up. But her exploratory hand did not elicit any detectable movement from him.

  Turning back onto her back, she turned her head towards the window and watched as the suns early morning rays lighted the blue sky. She, should go to her room, Andy will wake up soon. He had an inborn clock it would appear, as he was always awake earlier over a weekend, to ensure that he caught his morning playtime with his father.

  A slight flush came to her face just thinking of all the things Ryan had shown and done with her until the early hours of the morning. He had an insatiable appetite for her and he’d told her so in no uncertain terms.

  Their lovemaking later took on a slightly different tempo, his overtures as the night progressed became a relentless dominance. She met his advances at each and every turn, whatever he extracted from her, she returned and her initiation into the act of lovemaking was complete.

  The heights she soared to were surpassed each time. She was not complaining but her whole body ached from his possession of her.

  Moving softly off the bed, she picked up his shirt and pulled it over her head. She smelt his pure male essence, combined with his masculine aftershave. Then she quietly crept around the room collecting her clothes. With one last look at Ryan’s sleeping form, she opened the bedroom door, and snuck out.

  Ryan turned onto his back as he heard her leave. From the moment her warm hand and fingers started caressing him, he wanted to have her again, his body ached for her. But if he took her now before talking to her, it would be for his own selfish reasons, and for his own pleasure.

  He was on a roller coaster ride, one moment enjoying everything she had to offer, then angry with her for her deceit. The self-doubt that was eating at him, made him feel insecure. This an unwanted and unfamiliar emotion for him as not even Natalie had been able to touch his self-esteem. But then she never touched his heart either, so Natalie’s betrayal had meant nothing to him.

  With Jenny, it was different he wanted to believe that she loved him, for the man that he is and not for his immense wealth.

  He found, with Natalie’s betrayal and now Jenny’s that he was questioning his own worth and his choice in woman. Duped for a second time? A lesser man would not stand for it!

  The absence of her warm body now left emptiness in his bed, which was only surpassed by the coldness in his heart. Throwing the sheet off him, he strode to his cupboard and took out a pair of blue silk boxer shorts.

  Opening the connecting door, to his son’s room, he stood at Andy’s bed, looking at his sleeping face. ‘Well my boy, the second time around and I’ve screwed it up again.’ Hell, he could not bed and wed, it would appear in that order a decent woman. Perhaps that was his problem. He should find someone, wed and then bed them. He gave a sharp sardonic laugh. No rather just avoid marriage entirely. He had his son he did not need anyone else. Then why did her betrayal damn well hurt so much?

  He was tempted to keep her in his bed anyway, but that was a complication he did not need. No, far better to cut his losses now. Jenny was doing her finals this month and then he could say goodbye to her with a clear conscience. She got her break from him, more than she could have bargained for. He’d shown her a spectacular lifestyle and she took to it as if she was born to it. She certainly had an acquired finesse about her now, that she did not have when she first arrived, but the promise and potential was always there.

  Raking his hand through his hair Ryan gave a short humorless laugh. He’d assumed she read all the books and did the research so that she would not disappoint him. Here he had been kicking his heels, thinking he was giving her a chance to grow up, and make sure he was what she wanted. Believing the innocent that her eyes told him she was.

  He’d tested his theory, the whole night. Just when her body become soft and pliant in sleep, he’d ruthless and determinedly woken her, admittedly also because his body could not get enough of her, but driven as well, to punish her for her deceit.

  He’d taken and demanded payment in kind, she’d never waiver, and took and returned, everything he dealt out, but still with that innocent touch, as if he was initiating her into a world, yet unknown to her. He thought he would catch her out. That she would reveal to him a trick or two, which she acquired at the Nightclub when she worked there.

  Her advances and compliance was for him and his pleasure only. The fact that he brought her that same pleasure was no consolation to him.

  Turning from his sleeping son, he went to his bedroom, he was about to go to the en-suite when he heard a shuffle and what he thought was a painful cry. He rushed to his bedroom door, as he pulled it opened he was met with a violent punch to his face, his eyes smarted from the pain and he staggered back into the room.

  Derrick stood in front of him, holding Jenny i
n a death grip around the neck. One swift movement and he could snap her neck. Her feet were not touching the floor and he could see she was trying to find an anchor so that she could lift herself, as the grip Derrick had on her was cutting off most of her air supply.

  As Ryan made a move to surge forward, Derrick moved aside and two armed men entered the room. They looked like overgrown gorillas, their height and weight, only overshadowed by the weapons they held.

  It would be impossible for him to fight them off in an effort to get to Jenny, they would have more than enough time to use their weapons before he had cover the distance to where Derrick stood. This was Derrick’s plan, when he brought Jenny into the room first, obviously confident that Ryan would not attempt anything, as she was being held in such a precarious position in Derrick’s muscled arms.

  Jenny wore his shirt, and looked vulnerable, in her state of panic she was also trying to keep the shirt from riding up her thighs, which would expose her nakedness to these men.

  Speaking in a very low tone, just perceptible, because he was shocked and angry, and as he did not want to wake Andy up, he growled at them, “What the hell do you want? For the love of heaven, let her go man, you are choking her!”

  Ryan had to restrain himself from acting on his instinct, which was to charge and forcefully remove Jenny from her perilous position.

  Derrick slightly slacked his arm, and Ryan watched Jenny gulp in the air that had been denied her. Her eyes were large and very frightened. He imagined his did not look much better.

  “Mr. Barnard,” the use of Ryan’s surname dripping sarcasm. Derrick, like the other senior staff were on a first name basis with him. “I’ve come to take your son off your hands for a few days,”

  Ryan’s eyes sharpened and thinned.

  Jenny gasped in surprise and fear. Her heart pounded in her chest. They could not mean to take Andy! Derrick tightened the hold around her neck the moment he felt her resistance.

  Ryan saw as Derrick’s arm pushed on Jenny’s windpipe. “What the hell…?”

  Ryan got no further, when the burley, dark haired man, stuck him at the back of the head with his gun, sending him down onto his knees. He fought the blackout, that, this one blow was supposed to induce.

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  Chapter Nine

  “Tough guy hey, think, again mate!”

  This time Ryan did go down completely onto the floor, the kick to his stomach had him reeling, but still he fought to stay conscious.

  Jenny struggled against Derricks hold, but the more she squirmed the fiercer the pressure Derrick exerted became as he tightened his hold, until he spat, in her ear,

  “One more move from you, and I snap you little neck now!”

  Jenny still put up a few more harmless kicks with her dangling legs, and then stopped.

  Ryan could see she was starting to loose consciousness. “Let her go damn it, she can’t breath!”

  Laughing, Derrick dropped her to the floor next to him.

  Jenny lay helpless, trying to fill her lungs with air. Earlier, she had just gone into her room when the noise, which she now realized was what had woken her at dawn, came again. She’d opened her bedroom door to investigate, when suddenly Derrick grabbed her and pulled her to Ryan’s room, two men following him.

  Now, as she lay on the carpet, fear had her legs feeling weightless and numb. She knew if she tried to stand up she would just fall down. So she turned onto her side, and brought her knees up into a protective position, pulling Ryan’s shirt over her, trying to conceal her body from the three leering men.

  Ryan saw them looking at her, and what he saw reflected in their eyes instilled so much fear in him, he felt the adrenalin hit his blood stream. No one, but no one was going to touch her! Not giving a thought to his own safety, he jumped at them from his position on the floor. He took Derrick and one of the men with him as he hit the floor again.

  Ryan hit Derrick with his head and smashed his elbow into the other man’s face he was just turning to aim a kick at the third man, when Andy came running into the room.

  “Daddy, what are you playing?”

  Just that one second, was all the man needed to scoop Andy into his arms, he lifted the firearm to Andy.

  Derrick was bleeding just above the eye and the other man, had blood on his lower lip and his nose was bleeding profusely.

  Their anger at Ryan’s attack knew no bounds, as they hit and kicked him, Jenny screamed and screamed for them to stop, but they went on until his form lay almost lifeless.

  “Man, Derrick, what are you doing, you’re not suppose to kill the goose with the golden eggs, dude!”

  “Nah, he’s not dead, he is as tough as he looks believe me.”

  Ryan, started coughing and came to his senses, hearing his son crying and Jenny’s upset voice pleading for them to leave Andy and Ryan alone her voice desperate and so very afraid.

  “We must get out now, if we don’t the staff will find us as they arrive. Not that there are too many of them, it being Sunday and all, but we better get a move on.” Derrick instructed.

  The two unknown characters, took duck tape out of the backpacks, they had with them. Ryan tried to negotiate them, but Derrick pushed his revolver against Ryan’s temple and commanded.

  “Shut up or die! Just think what would then become of your precious son and your bit on the side!” gesturing to Jenny.

  Ryan had no choice but to submit to his mouth, wrists and ankles being taped together. It took two of them to lift him from the floor and drag him to his bed, where they taped his legs and arms in a V, to the headboard and bedpost. It felt as if his groin would tear apart, by the smallest movement on his side.

  He anxiously looked at Andy, who was crying pitifully and trying to get to Ryan, but the hold the Gorilla, as Ryan thought of him, had on Andy made his little efforts futile.

  Jenny slowly came up from her position on the floor, and asked if she could have Andy. “Please give him to me.” She begged, but all she got for her efforts was a slap through her face by Derrick.

  “Shut up and keep away from the kid.”

  “Jenna, Jenna, I want Jenna.” A desperate chant from Andy.

  “Please give him to me…” She tried again, her position on the floor, and her vulnerable state of undress not deterring her from asking for her Charge. Jenny loved Andy and all her maternal instincts came to the fore for him. She knew at that moment that she would give her life to keep him safe.

  “Please, Derrick,” she begged, but Derrick started laughing, a harsh bitter laugh.

  “Pleeze, pretty pleeze,” Derrick mocked, and that from a bit of nothing that come waltzing in here and from day one thought by bedding the boss she would make a little place for herself. Coming from nothing, you wanted a bit of the good life. Well let me tell you after years of watching the way the other half lives, I want some of that!”

  Ryan started struggling, but the pain he experienced had him subsiding as he realized his efforts were futile at this stage. He needed his strength and fitness, to somehow get loose and not use his efforts to try and defend her from words that he had been thinking and feeling in the early hours of the morning.

  Sneaking into his thoughts now was the fact that somehow he was allowed to think them but no one else. He’d always considered her, his, that was not going to change in one night. He suspected that it would take years if not forever to work her out of his system.

  “Derrick, I’m Andy’s charge, please take me with, I’ll be invaluable for you. You wont’ be able to keep him quiet.”

  Taking a bottle of chlorophyll from his bag, Derrick said mockingly, “Think again, Sugar! Do you think I am an idiot?”

  A rhetorical question that had Jenny searching for another reason why they should take her with.

  Ryan saw her teeth bite into her lower lip. The last time he’d seen that habit of hers, was the day she came for her interview.

  “Derrick, I don’t think you are stupid, but ju
st by some chance if someone should come by, they will wonder why Andy is asleep and being taken from his home by you. Please take me with. With me, Andy will be more manageable.”

  “Sugar, now whatever gave you the idea, we were going to leave you behind anyway? No, you were always part of the plan, all along, don’t try to fool old Ryan here, he is a big boy, you can now drop the act.”

  Jenny’s eyes went to Ryan. Surely he could not doubt her love for him or Andy. Last night had elicited many warm and loving endearments from him. Though neither had actually said the words, ‘I love you’.

  She wanted to tell him last night how much she loved him, but he was still the man, who to her, came from a world so far apart from hers. How can what she had to offer him ever be enough for a man like him?

  He was strong, arrogant, with no short supply of confidence, or of his place in this world. His family accepting her from the onset because he had told them that is what he, wanted. But, he never, spoke of love to her.

  Looking at her desperate eyes, Ryan knew that she could see his doubts, as he found himself doubting what they had, and what he thought she was. An innocent young virgin, entering a new and unfamiliar world. No, last night put that fairytale to bed! Was she working with Derrick, is he the one she had been sleeping with?

  Had his desire and love for her, made him so vulnerable that he could not see the wood for the trees? Had he unknowingly put his son in danger?

  When he closed his eyes in despair, Jenny thought she would die, how could he doubt her?

  Derrick grabbed Jenny by the arm, and pulled her up from the floor. Looking back at Ryan as Derrick pulled her from the room, her voice was broken and scared.

  “I’ll keep him safe for you, Ryan, whatever it takes, I promise.”

  Those were the last words he heard before the door was slammed shut.

  Derrick pulled her along the passage and into her room.

  “Get dressed and bring something for yourself and Andy. Move it, or else I’ll leave you behind.”


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