Shattered Dreams

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Shattered Dreams Page 9

by Linde Lean

  Ryan recalled with clarity, his telephonic conversation with Paul, the day Jenny came for her interview with him. He was looking for an excuse not to hire her, and Paul had assured him that there was nothing in her past, that could come back to haunt them. How wrong that turned out!

  A distraught Paul had revealed to him this morning that he uncovered, that Jenny had known a Perry at the orphanage, whom just happened to be Derrick’s brother. He’d asked Paul to keep this under wraps until he wanted it disclosed.

  But all of this was just too much of a coincidence and fueled his fears and doubts. His reactions in finding Jenny in that compromising position and his reaction to Derrick’s allegations would not make sense to Mike. Jenny still had a lot of explaining to do. Best he got down to the police and found out what was going on

  When Ryan arrived at the police station, they informed him that Jenny had said very little, it would appear that she was either in shock or playing a good game. They also had the video footage from the house, but there was no sound, so they would get someone who could lip-read, to translate. They had her in a holding cell, and the earliest that they would release her was in the morning.

  Ryan desperately wanted to see her, needing reassurance that his doubts were unwarranted, but when he was taken to the cells he found her laying in a fetal position, her knees held tightly together with her eyes closed. The blanket still wrapped around her naked body

  In fact, Jenny, was not asleep, the humiliation she had undergone went beyond her comprehension. His voice had alerted her to his presence when he was being escorted to her and she had decided to feign sleep.

  She so badly wanted to open her eyes, and call for Ryan to hold her and take her home, but his reaction to her when he saw her with Derrick and the other men, and his action in allowing her to be taken and brought here, was keeping her in a hold of pain and shock. Jenny heard him leave, but still her body did not relax. Not only from nervous tension, but also as the pain in her chest was getting worse, and her breathing was labored.

  Ryan went to the Inspector, and demanded that the clothing he had brought for her, be given to her. That she be allowed to clean up. The inspector however advised that the State doctor was on the way. Jenny would be examined, and only then would she be allowed to shower and change.

  Ryan was shocked, and he suddenly realized how ugly this was turning for Jenny. If she was involved dear heaven would he be able to take it, he knew his anger at what was done to his son, would demand justice. But he was torn between wanting justice for his son and protecting her. All he could do now was keep tabs on the investigations via Paul’s contacts and his Attorneys.

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  Chapter Eleven

  For Jenny the nightmare had not ended yet. She lost track of time while she lay waiting for the doctor. When the doctor did arrive, he gave her a mild sedative for the shock. He then transferred her to the infirmary as her injuries were quite extensive.

  He apologized to her, for what he had to do, but that the Police and State Prosecutor would need forensic and photographic evidence, for their case.

  Jenny just nodded, and lay with her body rigid and her eyes closed as she was further violated, just legally this time!

  The doctor diagnosed that the allegations of consensual rough sex, was not correct, she was badly beaten.

  When he checked her eyes, she just stared back at him, in a deaden state, distancing her mind from what was happing to her, in an effort to protect her fragile emotional state.

  He could not detect the use of drugs but to be sure he took a blood test.

  He confirmed to Jenny, and recorded in his report, that she had not been penetrated, and at least on that score there would be no health concerns.

  From the swelling and bruising on her legs and inner thighs he deduced that she had put up a hell of a fight.

  The doctor pulled the sheet up under her chin, and gave Jenny another injection, this time to completely sedate her.

  Only then did Jenny’s body relax, and a single tear escaped from her eye, then the rest fell, and sobs racked her slender frame.

  The last photograph the doctor took of Jenny, were where she was laying under the sheet, with tears streaming down her face.

  Andy was still in shock, and he was sedated.

  Their doctor had examined him and confirmed that other than the trauma he had gone through he was well fed and healthy, and showed no signs of abuse. Andy, on hearing the doctor tell Ryan that he was well fed, told them that Jenna gave her food to him, the men were too lazy to make food and they had to share. But he thought Jenna looked ill because she ate so little.

  Ryan had intercepted the thoughtful look their doctor gave him when he saw the facial muscle in Ryan’s cheek pull, in pain. He was forced to control his feelings and as he acknowledged that Jenny had protected Andy.

  The doctor then asked him where Jenny was, as he had expected her to be here. When Ryan informed him that Jenny was still at the police station he was no longer able to hide his anguished from his family. Ryan’s parents as well as Mike and Mary were staying over and would be there to take care of Andy in the morning.

  After the doctor left, Ryan phoned the police station to find out if the State doctor had been to see Jenny and if she was okay. But no one on duty was giving out any information. He did not want to leave Andy again so soon, so he could not go to the police station again to find out for himself.

  But at two am, still unable to sleep he again phoned the police, and this time a young female Constable, confirmed that the doctor had just finished with Jenny and that she was sleeping. He could not comprehend why the doctor was busy with her for so long, unless the doctor only arrived now. That meant Jenny had been laying in that cell, under just that one blanket for almost four hours!

  Ryan slept very little and he was at the police station the following morning, at eight am as he’d been instructed.

  He impatiently hit the bell at the desk, waited for someone to come and assist him.

  Everyone that was on duty the previous night was now off-duty, and there was very little information to be gained from anyone. He was however informed that Jenny was free to go.

  Just then a side door opened and Jenny came walking out. Her head was bent, and she moved very slowly and carefully. He saw her wince as an Officer brushed passed her.

  He took in her deadpan expression and dread filled him. This expression, something he had never seen before, nor one he would have associated with her. From the first day he’d watched her at his gate he had reckoned she could not hide her feelings.

  Perhaps then, and subsequently everything had been a show for his benefit, as she was making a hell of a good job, of hiding her feelings, now!

  “Jenny, I’ve come to take you home.” His voice low and quiet.

  Jenny at that moment hated him. He’d left her to rot in a cell, the fact that she ended in hospital where she should have been from the very start, was no thanks to him. Her injuries as well as the ache in her heart were making her feel sick. Home, where was that? She had no home, and all her dreams were shattered. She doubted she would ever feel whole again.

  Ryan took her home, but once there she retreated, she went to her room and refused to come down to take her meals with the family. She ate very little. Though she was polite to everyone, the only one who could elicit some form of positive reaction from her was Andy.

  Ryan on the odd occasion when she was not aware of him would stand at her bedroom door and watch as she hugged his son to her. Her laughter readily there for Andy.

  She’d asked Ryan, a few weeks after her release from police custody, when she could leave. Feeling stressed, and unable to hide it, which admittedly he knew was uncommon for him. He’d curtly told her that until the case was finalized and Derrick and his accomplices were sentenced, she was not going anywhere.

  For the first time in a long time he’d seen some emotion in her eyes, hurt, pain? She quickly disguised it as s
he brought her long black lashes down onto her pale face.

  He also told her that she was eating too little and that she had lost weight that she could ill afford, but she only shrugged and said she did not feel much like food.

  Jenny on the other hand was at a loss as to why Ryan had changed, she could only deduce that she was wrong to think that he cared for her. He obviously regretted making love to her, no, it was not lovemaking. She was aware that Ryan had a high sex drive. Their one night together, showed her his sexual stamina. He obviously regretted having sex with her!

  When she came to work for him, found her dying slow deaths when he stayed out all night. She realized then she loved him, and she wanted to be the one he turned to. She could not hide her hurt, from him, though she tried, knowing that she had no right to him yet, as he had made her no promises.

  Then one evening, when he was leaving for a night out, she’d found herself standing at her window, feeling hurt but unable to turn away she watched him open his car door. As he was about to get into the Bentley convertible, he’d looked up at her window, as if sensing her presence at the window. He gave what must have been a very deep sigh, as she saw his chest heave. He did not get into his car however, but just closed the car door, and took his mobile from his pocket.

  Still looking at her, he made a call and that night instead of going out he spent it with her and Andy, and thus set the tone for the rest of the year. He never again stayed out over night again, and as far as she knew Melanie was off the scene for just as long. So what had gone wrong?

  Ryan became frustrated; after two months, Paul’s contacts at the police had still not given him all the information he wanted on what the police had. They had just confirmed that they did not suspect Jenny. The matter was going to trial and he was as much in the dark now as he was then. He tried to get hold of the doctor who saw Jenny that night, but he had gone on leave the very next day and when Ryan enquired again he was told the doctor had immigrated to Canada to start his own practice there. The original team of police investigators and detectives had since left or were transferred as their unit was disbanded.

  As a result he also had concerns and reservations that the investigations were going to be botched due to the political restructuring within the Force. But his very expensive team of attorneys assured him everything was on track. Derrick and his men would be convicted.

  His father and mother as well as Mike and Mary banded together with the staff to get Jenny to come out of herself, but though she was polite she was very quiet and withdrawn.

  He had taken Andy to see a Child Physiologist, who assured Ryan that Andy would not keep much of his ordeal over. The one thing that however came through very strong was that he loved Jenny and was very loyal to her.

  Ryan found himself torn between protecting his child, and his need to protect Jenny. He could not be sure if Andy could say something that could incriminate Jenny or ruin her reputation.

  The state was insistent that they also wanted to interview Andy and after much deliberation, Ryan at last agreed to Andy being interviewed by the State Child Psychologist. The interview was recorded on video, for use at the trial.

  Ryan had been present at the first attempt, but Andy had not given his co-operation, throughout the interview he’d sat on his fathers lap, secure in the safety of his father’s arms, at one stage he had turned his head into his father’s broad chest, and it was at this point that Ryan ended the interview. Andy had not answer any questions.

  The State Child Psychologist, again approached him, Ryan however was in England at the time. His father, Mike, and both his mother and Mary were also away attending an International, Charity Function, and thus they were not in the country.

  The Psychologist felt that if she held the interview in the familiar surroundings of his home, Andy would be more co-operative. Ryan reluctantly agreed.

  On Ryan’s return, he contacted the Psychologist as he wanted to view the interview, but the Psychologist confirmed that she had already provided the State Attorney with the videotape. The State could now make their case, and the video would be viewed in court.

  Taking the stairs three at a time, Ryan headed for Jenny’s room, he had to inform her that she was expected at the Courthouse the following day.

  He gave a light rap on the door, and when she confirmed entry he went in. The room was shrouded in darkness except for the light coming from the television set.

  Jenny lay on her bed, the Discovery Channel was on but the television was on mute. It did not appear that she was taking in anything of the program, though she kept her eyes on the television set. Her intention to block his presence out.

  Ryan sat down on the bedside and switched the table lamp on.

  Jenny flinched, he was sure as much from the light as from his presence. She lifted her lashes and with her deep blue eyes, looked very fragile, with the dark rings under her eyes.


  She heard the uncertainty in his voice, and could not understand why it would be there, she waited for him to speak.

  “The hearing tomorrow, you will have to be there.”

  Jenny nodded her head.

  Ryan placed his hand on Jenny’s arm, but she pulled away from him. He felt hurt and a little annoyed at her reaction and asked.

  “Have I ever done anything to you, to make you think that I may harm you in any way?”

  “No, but your eyes, tell me you want to.” The words just slipped out, she had not meant to say that.

  “Do they, Jenny, or are they as hurt and angry as yours?”

  “What do you have to be angry about, I told you I would keep Andy safe for you. I told you I would do whatever it takes!” Those long forgotten words now remembered again.

  “Yes and you also made me think you were a virgin! How many men beside Derrick and me, have shared your bed! Was your Austrian Friend, what’s his name…? Dieter, you’re first?”

  Jenny gasped and shocked eyes looked at him!

  “Did you think I would be fooled, that I would not know that I was not the first? You must have laughed your head off, there I was cooling my heels, waiting for you. When, I could’ve had you from the start. That is what your eyes and body told me. But no, I had to do the noble thing, let you grow up, and make sure that a permanent relationship with me is what you wanted. That it was not just ‘puppy love’, and that you were ready to become my mature wife and lover!”

  Jenny heard the pain and anger, but she hurt so much herself that she could not help him with his. So she retaliated. “When have I ever behaved like Natalie?”

  “Never that’s your problem she was more honest, once she had me snared and she had the lifestyle and the money, she did not try to fool me with lies. At least with her I was the first!”

  He could not have chosen better words than the last to cut her to the very quick. She closed her eyes. Guilty, guilty chanted in her head.

  As the words left his mouth, and Jenny closed her eyes, he then knew that this was his Achilles heel. Pride, injured male pride, that another woman duped him. The mere thought that he’d been played for a fool that she had not wanted him, the man, but what he could offer, shattered him.

  “Why did you study etiquette, and wrangle yourself into my home and ultimately in my bed? Why play the little innocent when clearly you were not!”

  Not giving her a chance to answer he blasted back at her without raising his naturally husky voice, but his tone clearly defined his agitated restraint.

  “No, you wanted me panting for you, unable to focus on anything else. So that you could attain your goal, but you overplayed your hand, when I took you to bed before the wedding.” He ignored her gasp of outrage, not giving any indication that he noticed the pain in her tear filled eyes.

  In his mind he saw the life he thought he had with her, as it really was. He a man of thirty, playing boyfriend to his virginal girlfriend what a joke! That is why she accepted it when he called a halt to their lovemaking before taking it t
o the final conclusion. It sickened him, damn, no fool, like a fool in love!

  She saw his insecurity, which she never realized was there. He was always so very self-assured and confident, even arrogant. But here then was a complex man, but after all, only a man non-the less. With human failings; like anyone else.

  But her, own pain, had escalated these difficult months, into something unbearable. She could not yet, begin to reach out to him as he sat rigid waiting for her answer.

  So she just said in a soft emotionless voice.

  “You never asked me about my life in the orphanage, and most of what I had there was okay, but the rest, I would rather forget. The isolation, the loneliness, but most of all the rejection, especially by someone that I thought was my friend.”

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  Chapter Twelve

  Ryan tried to take her hand, but she withdrew her hand were it lay on the bed and crossed her arms protectively in front of her.

  He knew he was guilty of not only locking away the report, that Paul had given him on her, but of locking her past away at the same time as well. He had not wanted to discuss her past with her. Something in him, wanting her, to forget what she left behind. But in the process he may have denied the very part of her life, which made up this unique person. At first he thought he was just physically attracted to her, but then she snuck so easily into his heart in such a short period of time. Despite his best endeavors.

  She continued in that emotionless voice that was starting to scare the wits out of him.

  “Perry … he was sixteen, when he came to the orphanage, I was fourteen and for two years, for the first time in my life, I thought I had a very good friend.

  Then just before he left the orphanage, he arranged that I would meet him in the garden after the farewell dance that was being held for the Seniors. As I was not a senior he could not take me to the dance with him and he wanted to end the evening off with me.


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