The UnFolding Collection Three

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The UnFolding Collection Three Page 64

by S. K. Randolph

  Relevart answered. "Correct. From her journals, it is clear that when she originally shaped The MasTer, she was so angry and so filled with hate for those who had hurt her and killed me that she remained in that form almost exclusively. The more time she spent living as The MasTer, the more of herself she lost. It speaks to her strength and determination that she was able to reassert her female personality at all. Her desire to have children was so great that she was able to overpower her shifted form. When Elf was in danger, her mother's love again brought her to the surface. What Rasiana described sounds like a split personality, in this case a duel between Rayn's feminine and masculine aspects. What I've read in Rayn's journals confirms it." He paused. "Does that help?"

  "A little. So, was Ira Ari's masculine aspect?"

  Almiralyn smiled. "All of us have a feminine and masculine side, Brielle. When we are emotionally healthy, these aspects remain in balance. If, as in the case of Rayn, our dual nature polarizes to one side more than the other, instability can occur."

  "Poor Rayn."

  "Don't feel sorry for her, Brielle." Relevart fixed his steady gaze on her. "Learn from her instead. We are at choice in every moment of our lives. Rayn's life was what she chose to make it. Choose wisely, Brielle AsTar." He swiveled to observe Corvus and the Astican entering the room.

  Abarax bowed. "The Lady Rasiana has indeed passed, VarTerel. My mistress left instructions for the care of her body. It is being done as we speak."

  "Thank you, Abarax." Relevart indicated a chair. "Please tell us her story."

  It moved to the table, waited for Corvus to sit, arranged its wings to accommodate the chair, and lowered onto the seat.

  Almiralyn watched memories gather around the creature like a mist. She settled back, prepared to listen. Rasiana's story not only intrigued her; on some level she knew it would affect all their futures.




  S parrow lounged in the Reading Room, enjoying the warmth of the fire. Allynae perched on the arm of her chair, listening to Wolloh and Somay discuss plans for Esán's return to Tao Spirian. Her thoughts strayed to the twins. How soon will you be home?

  Wolloh's good eye found her. His odd mouth formed a semblance of a smile.

  "Your girls will be here sooner than you think. In fact, you have a decision to make."

  She smothered a yawn. "Decision?"

  The frontal view of his face penetrated her weariness. A hint of amusement lit his eye. "Would you rather everyone descended on you here or at the cottage?"

  "Oh my, I hadn't thought of that." Another yawn caught her by surprise.

  The VarTerel raised a bristly brow and teased, "Sleepy, my dear?"

  An easy laugh preceded a thoughtful pause. "I think the cottage would be best, but what of Elcaro's Eye. Will it be safe there?"

  "I believe it might be safer. Those searching won't think of looking that direction, at least not for a time. What do you think, Somay?"

  Esán's father smiled. "I believe you are correct, VarTerel. And with your assistance, we can build formidable wards around the fountain and the cottage."

  Wolloh leveraged his crippled body to standing. "Then I suggest we let Relevart know our plans. Following that," he bowed to Sparrow, "you do know how to shrink the fountain and bring it back to size, correct?"

  Sparrow found herself smiling. "I do. Almiralyn taught me that and how to return the cottage, as well."

  He reached for his staff and offered his good hand. "Shall we, Madame Guardian?"

  Taking it with a saucy smile, she rose. "Thank you, VarTerel. Alli, will you join us?"

  Allynae stretched and came to standing. "I'll go ahead and inform Yookotay of our plans. Anything else?"

  "Yes. Zugo will need to accompany us so Ari can heal his burns. Make sure Lisseta and his father are comfortable with that. We'll meet you…" She deferred to Wolloh. "Do we travel through Mittkeer, teleport, or use the Intersect?"

  "Those who may be watching will expect us to use Mittkeer. Teleporting a large group will alert our enemies to our position. I suggest we use the Intersect. I have not experienced that particular pleasure, and have wanted to." He looked pleased.

  Sparrow gave Allynae a quick hug. "We'll meet by the fountain in the Meosian Central Square. Somay, please help find everyone and have them gather their personal belongings." She watched them go with a touch of trepidation.

  "You will be fine, SparrowLyn." The gleam in Wolloh's good eye encouraged her to relax. "Shall we take care of business?"

  Walking beside him, she gathered her courage. I am the Guardian of Myrrh. I will indeed be fine.

  The lips on his uninjured side curved into a knowing smile.

  When Relevart had been apprised of their plans and a small Elcaro's Eye was tucked in Sparrow's pocket, Wolloh hobbled after her from Veersuni and down the Hall of Priestesses. In the Cave of Canedari, his limped gait carried him around the space.

  "So this is Evolsefil's home. I have the feeling it will be glad to return to this quiet safety." He tapped his staff against the floor.

  A square opening appeared. Water sloshed and whirled. A baritone voice boomed. "I, the Lake of Rorret, welcome you to the Cave of Canedari and the Dojanack Caverns, Wolloh Espyro."

  The crystal Froetise sent radiant shafts of light shooting through gaps in its leafy cocoon at the tip of Wolloh's staff. Holding it higher, he took an awkward step. "I am honored to meet you at last, Rorret. Soon you will continue your guardianship of Evolsefil. We thank you for your service and for your diligence."

  "The honor, Varterel, is mine." Tendrils of water licked at Sparrow's shoes. "Congratulations, SparrowLyn AsTar Nadrugia. You will do well in your new role as Guardian of Myrrh." The tendrils withdrew. "I will protect the crystal heart of Myrrh and the Caverns of the Dojanacks." The opening disappeared, and quiet settled over Canedari.

  Wolloh limped to Sparrow's side and placed his staff between them. "Since we are but two, I suggest we teleport to Meos."

  As her fingers curled around rowan wood, the cave blurred, and Yookotay's council chamber came into focus.

  To one side, the ReDael stood facing away from the room, hands clasped at the small of his back. Zugo fingered a gemstone marker on the round table, his spine arrow straight. Tension screamed though the gap between them.

  Wolloh cleared his throat.

  Both DeoNytes turned. Stubbornness obscured Zugo's usual exuberance. Yookotay, the picture of fatherly frustration, hurried toward them.

  "Welcome to Meos, VarTerel." He touched his heart. "Congratulations, SparrowLyn, on your appointment as Guardian of Myrrh."

  "Thank you, ReDael. I am―"

  "I want to go to El Stroma." Zugo blurted out and shot a defiant glare at his father.

  Stern determination lit the ReDael's pale eyes. "You are my heir and the future leader of Meos. Please curb your need to explore. You belong at my side."

  Wolloh looked from one to the other. "Yookotay, I know you and SparrowLyn have things to discuss. Why don't you adjourn to your office while Zugo and I confer?"

  The ReDael hesitated for only an instant, motioned Sparrow ahead of him, and followed her through the open door.

  Wolloh pulled out a chair and lowered his crippled body onto it. "Please sit down, Zugo."

  Obstinacy thrust Zugo's chin forward. "I don't want―"

  Angling his smooth cheek to the young DeoNyte, Wolloh tapped rowan wood against the floor. "Whether you believe it or not, young Zugo, I may understand your dilemma better than you think." He used the end of his staff to push a chair from under the table.

  Zugo sank onto it and repositioned his injured arm.

  Wolloh nodded his approval. "You want to go to El Stroma. Why?"

  The DeoNyte's mulish expression dissolved into eagerness. "When I joined the twins and Torgin to fight the DiMensioner, I had never been Outside. I loved doing new things and seeing other places. I am not like my father." Again, the chin went up. "He
desires only the safety of the Dojanack Caverns. Why doesn't he understand that I will be a better leader for our people if I experience more than Meos?" His brow wrinkled. "I want to travel like my friends. When Elcaro's Eye was in Veersuni, I could at least observe their adventures. Now that it is gone…" A shrug brought him to his feet.

  Wolloh remained silent, his expression neutral.

  Zugo gripped the edge of the table. "The DeoNytes cannot stay hidden forever, Wolloh. You said yourself that Mocendi search for Myrrh. They will find us. Please help me learn what I need to know to protect my people. Take me with you to El Stroma."

  "Sit and we will talk."

  With a hopeless sigh, Zugo slumped back onto the chair.

  Scanning the DeoNyte's injuries, Wolloh noted the scars forming on his chin, cheek, and chest and the badly burned arm that refused to heal. "Look at me, Zugo. What do you see?"

  The DeoNyte's eyes widened. "I see the VarTerel of the Inner Universe, a man who has experienced much in his lifetime."

  Wolloh presented only his disfigure cheek. "You see a man whose curiosity and stubbornness almost destroyed his life. Like you, Zugo, I disobeyed and paid the price. You are fortunate that Efillaeh has the power to heal your wounds. It will not, however, erase the scars. You, like me, will wear them as a warning to others. Choices made as a result of stubborn rebellion rarely profit anyone."

  "But, Wolloh, you have been everywhere. You are the VarTerel. I know I have to return to the Dojanacks to lead my people. I accept and honor that. All I want is…" He lifted his uninjured hand and let it fall back to his lap.

  Studying the young face, Wolloh saw himself at that age. "If I were to take you with me, how do I know you would not disobey and bring danger to yourself and others?"

  Zugo stood and walked to his father's sapphire marker, placed a hand on it, and lifted a steady gaze to Wolloh. "I swear on the ReDael's marker of leadership that I will do as I am told by you and those representing you."

  Wolloh leveraged himself to standing. "I can promise nothing, young Zugo, but I will speak with your father."

  As though in answer to a summons, Yookotay opened the door and ushered Sparrow into the chamber. "You need me, VarTerel?"

  "I do, ReDael. Sparrow, please wait here with Zugo. We won't be long."

  Zugo paced around the table, touching each marker, adjusting each chair, and glancing repeatedly at his father's door.

  Sparrow's understanding gaze tracked his progress. "Pacing won't help, Zugo. Your father will make the decision he believes is best for you and the DeoNytes."

  "How did you know?" He laughed. "Of course, Wolloh told you, right? I mean you are the Guardian and…"

  Sparrow's warm smile stopped him. "They're almost ready. Are you?"

  He hurried to her side as the door opened. Wolloh limped into the council chamber. The ReDael beckoned his son into the office and closed the door.

  Z ugo could hardly believe his good fortune. The conversation with his father, as difficult as it had been joyful, left him breathless with excitement. He would accompany his friends to the cottage, where Ari would use Efillaeh to heal his burns. Then he would return to Meos. Wolloh would collect him there when he was ready to leave Myrrh.

  He wanted to dance like the Enots, Skipt. Instead, he waited with a pretense of calm at the chamber entrance, while his father conferred with the VarTerel and Sparrow.

  A glance in Zugo's direction brought a glimmer of understanding to the ReDael's eye. With a quiet comment that made his companions smile, Yookotay waved him from the room.

  Through the throng of bodies milling around the square―DeoNytes going about their daily business, his companions gathering to return to the cottage― Zugo spotted Esán and Torgin sitting on the lip of the fountain. Running up to them, he grinned. "I'm going to DerTah with Wolloh. I wanted to go to El Stroma but… It doesn't matter. I still get to see other places. Wolloh will introduce me to the DerTahan leaders, and we might visit RewFaar and…" He gulped in a mouthful of air and grinned even wider.

  The boys jumped up. Torgin thumped him on the back. "Good for you!"

  Esán smiled. "I'm excited for you, Zugo. I know how much this means to you." He glanced beyond him. "Looks like we'll be leaving soon."

  Zugo turned.

  SparrowLyn and the VarTerel exited the Council Hall with his father and walked toward the square. His gaze followed Wolloh's halting progress. When I watched him in the fountain, I never expect to meet him in person. Now he is my mentor. Anticipation, trepidation, and humility washed over him. He studied the divided face. The man with two faces…

  Wolloh glanced his direction and winked his good eye.

  Zugo grinned and winked back. "Wolloh is sure interesting, isn't he?"

  Esán laughed. "Interesting is not even close. Right, Torgin?"

  Torgin slung his flute case over his shoulder. "I'd say extraordinary…remarkable…astonishing…incredible…a little bit scary…"

  Zugo punched him in the arm and dodged a playful return punch. "Have I missed you two!" His father caught his eye. "Father needs me. I'll be back."

  Sparrow counted heads. Everyone but Allynae waited for instructions on what to do next. She had sent him ahead to make sure Katerrace and Feela, Almiralyn's handyman and her housekeeper, had returned. Mira had sent them back to their village at the onset of problems in Myrrh. With guests arriving, Sparrow would be glad to have their help. Alli would also make sure that Mondago and his men had moved their camp to a clearing beyond the pond. She frowned. It will be strange to have RewFaaran soldiers around, but Relevart and Wolloh feel it's important. My father agrees. The frown deepened. I still can't believe Lorsedi Telisnoe is my father and that Mother is going with him to RewFaar.

  A hand on her arm made her jump. "Somay! You startled me."

  His smile, so like Esán's, evaporated her negative thoughts.

  "Changes are rarely easy, SparrowLyn." He looked around the square. "All of us have experienced a few."

  Wolloh joined them. "I believe everyone is here. Shall we go?"

  Sparrow thanked Yookotay one last time for his hospitality. "I will take good care of Zugo and bring him back to you safely."

  The ReDael of the DeoNytes motioned his son forward. "I look forward to your return healed and healthy. Take care, my son. Please lead our friends to the Intersect entrance."

  When at last they stood on the Intersect platform and Sparrow's companions were divided into two groups for the trip, she linked elbows with Wolloh. "Are you ready? We have three platforms before we reach Nemttachenn Tower. Allynae will meet us there―a precaution, just in case there is trouble."

  Wolloh, his good side to her, grinned like a boy. "Nemttachenn. I have always wanted to see it."

  Putting an arm around Zugo, she smiled at the VarTerel. "I bet you'd like to meet CheeTrann, too."

  "And Paisley. I am looking forward to meeting CheeTrann's chess opponent." Wolloh gripped his staff and smiled at Zugo. "I believe our young friend is as eager to be off as I am."

  Sparrow glanced over her shoulder. Somay, Esán, and Torgin stood ready to follow. She took a breath, repeated the Key for the next platform, and stared in wonder as the geode-like space flashed above her.

  Wolloh feasted on the gleam of malachite and sapphire, emerald and topaz. Flickering stars rekindled memories of traveling through Mittkeer. From the next platform, he fought the urge to reach out and touch the slender tubers beneath the grasslands. Moments later, the long, tangled roots of the Terces Wood surrounded them, and they prepared to climb a steep stairway.

  Somay and the boys flashed into view as Zugo jogged up the steps. Esán and Torgin dashed after him. The door swung open, and they darted through.

  Wolloh held back. "Somay and Sparrow, please go ahead. I'll join you in a few minutes." Breathing in the scents of dark earth and burrowing vegetation, he contemplated the vastness stretching around him. "It is rare these days to experience the innocent freshness of the Intersect," he
said to no one but the stars sprinkling the night sky. "A small corner of Mittkeer, I believe." One halting step at a time, he climbed the stairs and limped into the Terces Wood. The chirp of birds and wind in the trees greeted him. He savored the smells of late autumn, the blue of the Myrrhinian sky, and the feel of mulch and soil beneath his feet. A subtle wave of enchanted energy urged him forward. Rounding a leafless maplenut tree, he stared up at a tall, granite tower. "Nemttachenn."

  Limping to where Sparrow, Somay, and the boys waited by a door on the eastern side of the tower, he entered first. Energy tingled around him. To his left, a curtain of invisibility melted away. Sitting on a solid gold base surrounded by six smaller crystals, a magnificent quartz spire glowed in the muted light. "Evolsefil." The murmured name brought forth a throbbing response that flowed through his crippled left side. He gasped as the pain, his constant companion since the day he had first tried to shape the osprey, drained away. Pressing his twisted hand against the shimmering spire, he closed his eyes. "Thank you, crystal queen. I can see why you are coveted by so many."

  Pivoting, he limped to the tower's center. "CheeTrann, Sentinel of Myrrh, come forth!"

  Hazy blue light swirled up from the ground, formed a frothing cone of light, and coalesced into the shape of a giant man. A deep voice rumbled, "I, CheeTrann, welcome you to Nemttachenn, VarTerel of the Inner Universe. I see Evolsefil has made itself known."

  "It has." Wolloh scrutinized the impressive stature of Myrrh's Sentinel. Froetise's crystal glow highlighted the rugged features and brought a gleam to the dark eyes. Wolloh lifted the staff in a salute. "Alvin Enus sends this message to you." His voice took on the tenor and cadence of the Universal VarTerel. "The Pheet Adole search for Myrrh. Be prepared for trouble. Protect and defend SparrowLyn and Allynae Nadrugia and Myrrh's connection to Thera." Crystal light faded.

  Serious eyes fastened on Wolloh's face. "I give you my word that I will heed the message, VarTerel. Myrrh's new Guardian waits outside. I must congratulate her."


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