TheLise (hostile) – Dreelas of the province of Trinuge and the Sea of Trinuge
Thera (earth) – medium-sized planet in solar system Clenaba Rolas, second from the sun
Theran - citizens of Thera; ways of Thera
Thorlu Tangorra (arrogant) – Mocendi DiMensioner favored by The MasTer
Tianna Efre - Esán’s mother
Tibin – leader of the Wood Tiffs; Sibine’s mate, Adin’s father
TiCeed (deceit) – capital of the province of Geran on DerTah
Tiffet - female Wood Tiff
Tima - boy from The Borderlands; son of Nans and Saaul
Timatie (imitate) – herbal mixture that creates the semblance of death
Time of Quickening – time required for the Seed of Carsilem to mature
Timreh Pass (Hermit) – pass at the top of Mount GetiNar in the Dojanack Mountain range
Tinga (giant) – the most dangerous place on the planet of DerTah; located in the province of Trinuge
Tinnottae (attention) – sacred word used to claim Elcaro’s Eye’s attention
Tinpaca (captain) – RewFaaran military rank
Tinpaca Mondago – a RewFaaran military officer, platoon commander on Myrrh, loyal to Lorsedi
Tirips Tree (Spirit) – tree found on Myrrh
Tissent AsTar – Gerolyn AsTar’s identical twin, aunt of Ari and Brie
Toelachoc Mountains (chocolate) – mountain range the color of chocolate; found in the northeastern sector of the Desert of Fera Finnero
Torgin Wilith Whalend – son of Wilith and Renn Whalend, best friend of Ari/Ira and Brie
TorPan (patron) – the member of the Atrilaasu Dansmen who ushers a young person into adulthood through the Ceremony of Drango
Tower of Nemttachenn (enchantment) – tower at the center of the Terces Wood on Myrrh
Traeh - DeoNyte Priestess of Light
Tranwar (warrant officer) – RewFaaran military rank
Trawish (wraiths) – slimy water creatures that live in mineral pools in Vascorrie and hunger to bond with Human women and feed on Human men
TreBlaya (betrayal) – small planet near the outer rim; The MasTer’s home base
Tres ed Esti (desert site) – the Key required to open the portal from Nervac Gateway in Myrrh’s Dojanack Caverns to the Desert of Fera Finnero on the planet of DerTah
Trinuge (intrigue) – a province on the planet of DerTah
TreeOm - tree home of the Wood Tiffs
Trenuh (hunter) – TreBlayan hunting tribe
Tri-Nular (tri-lunar) – conjunction of DerTah’s three moons; appearance of all three in the the night sky
TroeEen - name given to Gemlucky, Almiralyn’s horse, by Nomed, Mighty One in the language of DerTah
Troms el Shiv (elvish storm) – Elf’s birth name
Tropal Gateway – the portal between The Borderlands and Myrrh
Trutore Mountains (torture) – rugged mountain range on the planet of RewFaar; home of the Mindeco
Tumon Harbor (mount) – bay off the shores of TheDa province on DerTah
Turning – see Sun Turning
Tutsasseen (astuteness) – one of the four Statues of Sinnttee; represents old age
V-Chip - small computer chip on which data is stored
VarTerel (traveler) – highest ranking of the Order of Esprow; capable of time travel
Vascorrie (carnivore) – cave near Demrach Gateway in the Central Mountains on Thera
VeeNah (heaven) – the home of the desert spirits of the Atrilaasu
Veersuni (universe) – a meditation room off the Reading Room in the Cavern of Tennisca in the Dojanack Caverns on Myrrh
VerDeas (adverse) – DerTahan Ocean
Verlis (silver) – lower denomination Trinugian coin
Vesen (seven) – seven faceted crystal encased within the pedestal of the fountain Elcaro’s Eye; mined from the Evolsefil Caverns on KcernFensia
Vespids – killer hornets found near the southwestern part of the Tinga Forest in the provence of Trinuge
Viennoc (connive) – leader of the Five Fathers of the City of Idronatti
Vinredi (diviner) – staff given to Wolloh at his initiation as VarTerel of the Inner Universe
Vi Shan (vanish) – The MasTer’s command to shrink the Mocendi’s prison
Voc si Drey (discovery) – time before the planet of Tao Spirian began its decline; a golden age of prosperity and culture growth
Voer – blue Pentharian leader from the small planet of ReTaw au Qu
Von Baar Peninsula (Baranov) – Trinugian peninsula between the Sea of Fire and Echems Strait
Voreign (from sovereign) – Trinugian gold coin worth twenty Verlis
Vygel Vintrusie (intrusive) – Mocendi DiMensioner; right hand of The MasTer
Watch List – list maintained by the PPP of persons considered to be dangerous or in some way subversive
WeHem - unified spirit of the hemlock trees
Wilith Lortin Whalend – Torgin’s father, Adviser to the Premier of the City of Idronatti, PPP official
Wodash od DerTah (shadow of hatred) – death shadow; a creature who feeds on another’s fear of death
Wolloh Espyro (hollow osprey) – High DiMensioner od DerTah
WoNa – WoNadahem Mardree’s nickname
WoNadahem Mardree (headwoman dreamer) – Oracle and leader of the Atrilaasu Dansmen in the Desert of Fera Finnero
Wont Harbor (town) – harbor in Geran province
Wood Tiff – small guardians of the trees of the Terces Wood
Worldness Way - street in The Borderlands
Yaro – gold Pentharian warrior from the small planet of ReTaw au Qu; Torgin’s heart brother
Yendys (Sydney) – Atrilaasu desert tribe
Ylenol Springs (lonely) - spring near One Man’s hut on Timreh Pass
Yookotay – ReDael of the DeoNytes in the Dojanack Mountains
Yuin – ruby Pentharian warrior from the small planet of ReTaw au Qu
Z-trauq Revir Canyon (quartz River) - canyon in the Dojanack Mountains
ZaltRaca (Alcatraz) – small island off the southern most tip of Geran Island; Renn Whalend’s prison
Zeegall (gazelle) – a long horned sheep from the TheDa Mountains on DerTah
Zugo – DeoNyte friend of Esán, Torgin, Ari, and Brie; Yookotay’s son
Amethyst - perfect peace, balances emotions, mind, and body
Carnelian - protects against envy, fear, and rage
Emerald - the bringer of harmony
Golden Topaz - conscious attunement, lightness of spirit
Gold - enhances inner beauty and brings understanding
Lapis Lazuli - emotional, mental, and physical purity and clarity
Malachite - equalizing, balancing, and healing
Moonstone - understanding one’s destiny
Myrrh - rejuvenation
Obsidian - stone of protection and grounding
Quartz Crystal -harmonize, heal, transform
Rose quartz - gentle love, calming
Ruby - stimulates nurturing, wisdom, health, knowledge
Sapphire - communication, intuition
Tourmaline - creativity, love, and spirituality
About the Author
I grew up reading fantasy and science fiction then earned a living telling stories on stage through dance. Over sixty of my original choreographic works, with up to ninety dancers, were brought to life for theatre audiences.
A few years ago I left the world of dance to write. Living on a boat cruising the coast of Alaska, I now write fantasy fiction, photograph nature, and catch dinner.
Come and see my life afloat in pictures on Facebook and my website.
The UnFolding
The UnFolding is told in four novels and eleven companion shorts (ten novelettes and one novella). The companion shorts are independent morsels…they add to the tale.
You can read the series in order or skip over the companion shorts a
nd go back to them when you need a short read…great for a plane or train ride.
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To Linda Lane, my editor, mentor, and friend whose critical eye and knowledge of writing have brought me to today and whose ability to give feedback without raising my hackles is worthy of a medal.
To the following, I express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude:
To my editor Linda Lane, for every moment spent editing The UnFolding Series and for mentoring my development as a writer
To Leslie Randolph, my critique partner, for discussing, reading, and rereading, every sentence and paragraph in MasTer’s Reach
To Debbie Stilson, my tireless copy editor, for her time, energy, and great sense of humor
To those who have contributed their artistic gifts to MasTer’s Reach :
Emma Randolph, Watercolor artist
Sean Krantz a.k.a. HellBentPuppet, Aerial photographer
Linda White, Clay artist
To Charles Lawrence, who inspired the character of Wolloh, for granting permission to use his image
To Courtney Krantz and Brenden Crane, for allowing me to use their images
To Captain Dennis Rogers whose strength of personality and knowledge of boats and the sea inspired the character of Gregos Senndi
To Deb Alexander and Dragon Fly Ranch, for a fabulous weekend filled with horses and many opportunities to capture their magnificence in photos,
To the National Aeronautics and Space Administration,, for inspiring and nurturing my fascination with the wonders of the universe and for allowing the use of photos of our galaxy and beyond
Copyright © 2018 by S.K. Randolph
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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