Buck Naked

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Buck Naked Page 4

by Vivi Anna

  “Want some?”

  Sabine turned to face Nicki’s grin. She held out a steaming Styrofoam cup of coffee to her. Sabine smiled as she took the cup. She took a healthy sip and sighed.

  “You are an angel.”

  “I saw you come in and you looked like you needed it.”

  Sabine nodded and took another sip. She looked around at the crowd. “What is going on?”

  “Rodeo. We have one every year.”

  “Really? Then what was all that racket earlier? It sounded like...like drums.”

  Nicki grinned like a little kid. “Oh, that’s the school band. We’re having a parade. It starts in a half-hour. Everyone’s just getting breakfast first, then we’ll head down the road.”

  “Are there cowboys in this parade?”

  “Of course.”

  “Brilliant. Let’s go get our seats.”

  The parade was little more than a couple of old cars, some guys on horses, a very old rundown fire engine, the school marching band, and some clowns throwing out candy to the kids. Sabine had been charmed by it nonetheless. Especially at the appearance of the parade’s marshal.

  Evan had been suited in his red Mountie uniform with the knee-high black jackboots and his black hat. He sat tall and proud on a beautiful roan horse. He held the provincial flag on a pole, riding straight and expertly down the road.

  The breath had caught in her throat as she watched him approach. She had expected to see him, but not like this. He was magnificent on his horse, a formidable figure on a noble steed.

  As he rode by, her throat squeezed shut. And she felt a pain deep in her chest. It was as if her heart had chosen that moment to finally pump. It was if it had been dead and lifeless in her chest waiting for something to bring it to life.

  She swore under her breath at its treacherous choosing. The one man that she could never have was the one man she most desperately wanted. Typical. Women always did it the hard way. Couldn’t just pick the nice guy next door that promises the world. No, have to pick the most insufferable, hard-headed, hot tempered son-of-a-bitch to walk the Earth that could prove to be the most dangerous man in existence, who also is deliberately playing hard to get. Yup, perfect! That was the man for her.

  The parade ended and Sabine walked back to the hotel with Nicki.

  “Do you want to go watch the rodeo later?”

  Sabine lit a cigarette and lazily blew out the smoke. “Maybe. I have some calls to make.”

  “Evan’s bull riding.”

  Sabine choked on her next puff. Nicki patted her on the back.

  “So?” she managed while tears filled her eyes.

  “So? I saw the way you looked at him as he rode by. You turned pale and looked like you were going to faint.”

  “It’s the sun, that’s all.”

  Nicki snorted. “By the looks of your bronzed skin, I’d say you do fine in the sun.”

  “I’ll pass just the same, Nicki.”

  Nicki grabbed her arm. “C’mon. It’ll be fun. They’ll be lots of sweaty guys in tight jeans that you can flirt with.”

  Sabine sighed and looked at Nicki’s eager face. “All right, who am I to deny these fine men?”

  She would go watch some events, flirt some, drink some beer and have some fun. What harm could possibly come of that?

  * * *

  The stands were full as Sabine and Nicki arrived. They managed to squeeze into two spots at the top of the bleachers. People greeted Nicki as they ascended the wooden steps, and smiled politely at Sabine. If they had been in Montreal, ten people would have told them to ‘sit the fuck down’ or ‘get out of the way’ by now.

  They sat down with their plastic cups of beer and watched the show. Sabine watched, with little interest, the bronco riders and the barrel racers. She closed her eyes during the calf roping. Poor little creatures, she thought. But she perked up considerably when the bull riding was announced. She searched the bullpens for Evan.

  * * *

  He knew the moment she entered the rodeo grounds. There had been no mistaking the murmur of appreciative male voices as she made her way to the bleachers. He watched as she nodded to people and quietly sipped on her drink. He had laughed when she covered her eyes during the calf roping. Maybe there was some vulnerability in her. An opening. A way in.

  Evan swore at himself for his thoughts. He knew the way in. He dreamed of it. But he also knew that if he took it, he was unsure if he would ever want out.

  * * *

  Sabine saw Evan in the pen. He wore a dark brown hat, blue chambray shirt and faded jeans. He looked like an ad for Stetson cologne. She loved the smell of Stetson. She watched as he mounted the bull. He wrapped his gloved hand tightly around the rope. He glanced up briefly from the pen. Their eyes met.

  She didn’t smile. She couldn’t. She was frozen in place as his icy stare penetrated all her defenses. He had a look of determination and hunger. She was unsure if it was for the bull or for her.

  The bell sounded, and the chute opened. Evan’s bull bucked and charged out of the pen.

  She watched intently, her hands squeezed into fists, as the bull tried to buck Evan off its back. It whirled and spun around as if in a frenzy. Evan held on. Sabine watched in rapt amazement as he dug his heels into the side of the bull and urged it on. Urged it to buck and kick, to try and throw him off. She watched as he wrapped his hand even tighter around the rope and gritted his teeth. She wondered how hard he would hang on to her if she bucked and writhed underneath him. If he would be determined enough to hold fast.

  The buzzer sounded, ending the round.

  The crowd erupted into cheers and applause. Sabine cheered the loudest, almost spilling her beer on the woman sitting in front of her.

  “Let’s hear it for Evan Brady.” The announcer’s voice crackled through the speakers. “He scored a perfect mark. This is the first time in three years, that Evan’s been able to ride Too Hot To Handle to the ground. With that kind of determination, who knows what’s going to happen. Let’s hear it again for our very own Evan Brady.”

  The crowd cheered again, some stomping their booted feet on the bleachers. Sabine only had eyes for the man still in the ring. He took off his hat and bowed to the crowd. When he came back up, he stared straight at Sabine. The look said it all. She swallowed hard.

  She was in deep shit.

  Chapter Five

  The rodeo went for hours, and ended with a dinner and dance at the community hall. Sabine did not want to go. She had a million excuses why she shouldn’t go. All of them included Evan in some way. He was too dangerous. He might know who she was. No point in getting involved when she was leaving anyway. She had them numbered. But in the end she threw them out the hotel room door, donned a pair of denim capri pants, an off the shoulder peasant’s blouse (no bra) and high-heeled sandals and went regardless.

  The hall was crowded with a variety of people. Young and old. Rich and poor. Cowboys and cowgirls. All packed together with friendly and easy banter. Sabine could see no obvious difference between locals and those who summered there.

  Sabine caught sight of Nicki and her fiancé at the bar. She thought that was the best place to start. A little liquor and she could brave anything, even the ultra sexy Evan Brady.

  “What’s on the menu, cherè? I’m feeling very thirsty.”

  Nicki smiled, then slapped Dean in the shoulder. “Quit staring and get Sabine a drink.”

  Dean shook his head and smiled sheepishly. “Right. Sorry.”

  “Vodka seven if you may, Dean.”

  He blushed and went to the bar.

  “He’s such a dork sometimes.”

  Sabine smiled at her. “But he’s your dork. That makes a difference.”

  Nicki turned and looked wistfully over at Dean. She looked back at Sabine. “You’re right. I never thought about it that way.”

  “You’re a lucky girl to be in love and getting married. Be happy.”

  “Do you really think so?”

/>   Sabine lit a cigarette and blew the smoke up in the air. “No, but I didn’t want to sound like a bitch.”

  Nicki laughed. “You’re not big on marriage, are you?”

  “No, but I’m not you, and I’m not here. My life is way too complicated for a marriage of any sorts.”

  Nicki regarded her worriedly. “Well maybe you should simplify it then. You could move here and buy the hotel. They’re looking to sell.”

  “Look at me. I don’t do simple. I don’t do small town.”

  Dean came back with her drink. He handed it to her. Nicki grabbed his hand.

  “Maybe you should. You might like it.”

  She pulled Dean onto the dance floor. Sabine watched as they two-stepped around the floor. They were very good together, Sabine supposed in more ways than one. She smiled as Dean spun Nicki around. Her face was alight with pleasure and happiness. She wondered if any man could give her that look.

  “Looks complicated, doesn’t it?”

  Sabine turned. The man was tall and lean with wavy brown hair and golden eyes. His wife was short and rounded, with a full bosom and butt. She remembered them from the tavern the other night. She smiled.

  “Yes. I could never do that. Too much effort for just a dance.”

  “I agree.” His eyes sparkled like amber. He stuck out his hand. “Dave Kline.”

  She took it. “Sabine Laurent.” His hand held hers tightly.

  “This is my wife, Tammy.”

  Sabine shook hers, too. She also held her hand tightly.

  The offer was obvious to Sabine. Words needn’t be spoken. She could see the desire in their eyes. They were a good-looking couple, and if the situation were different, she might have taken up their offer. But she had this nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. She almost felt guilty for considering it. That guilt was unwelcome, but there it sat. She could only blame one person for that.

  “The effort’s worth it, if it’s done right.”

  His voice floated over the skin at the back of her neck and caressed her just below her earlobe, where the skin was soft and sensitive. She jerked at the caress. She turned slowly, a flirty smile on her face.

  “And what would that be?”

  “Dancing, of course.” He smiled then.

  Sabine swallowed as his whole face changed with that smile. His features softened, and dimples winked at his wide sensuous mouth. He looked almost angelic. Of course, she knew better, and that just made it worse. Her heart, that treacherous organ, began to beat unmercifully in her chest.

  * * *

  Evan could see the pulse in her neck. He could hear the labored breaths from between her red, swollen lips. He knew she was as aroused as he was. They were standing two feet apart, but he could still feel the heat radiating from her body and smell the scent of her sex. She was like an illicit drug, and he was a junkie. Wanting her was natural; having her would eventually kill him.

  “Do you dance?” she said, finding her voice.

  “I’ll show you.”

  He placed his hand gently at the small of her back and led her onto the dance floor. That one touch nearly seared his hand. Her shirt rode up and he touched her skin. It was like satin against his flesh.

  When they got to the middle of the floor, they faced each other.

  * * *

  “What now?” Sabine’s voice cracked. She felt like she was in seventh grade again and this was the junior dance.

  Evan placed his hand on her waist. “Put your hand in mine and the other on my shoulder.”

  Sabine put her hand in his. She felt the heat flare between them the moment their skin connected. She closed her eyes against the throb that flared at her center. Her inner thighs began to tremble. Being this close to him, smelling his cologne, his sweat, his maleness, was torture. She wanted nothing more than to rip at his clothes. To find his hot flesh beneath her hands. To grip him tightly in her fist and stroke him until he moaned out her name in ecstasy.

  Evan began to move, and Sabine nearly stumbled. She quickly looked down at her feet.

  “Move two steps over and one step back.”

  Sabine moved with him. She stepped back right onto his boot. She laughed. “Sorry.”

  “That’s okay.”

  She looked up at him. He was grinning down at her. She grinned back.

  “Don’t look at your feet. Just move with me. Let me lead you.”

  “All right. But just so you know, this will be the first time I let anyone lead.”

  “I believe it.”

  They laughed together. The sound was comfortable and warm. Sabine relaxed under his hands, listened to the music, and felt the rhythm.

  They danced around the floor. At first it was slow and awkward, but soon became fluid and graceful. Soon, Evan was spinning her around. She laughed with every twirl. When she came back, she tripped and fell into him. He put his arms around her to steady her, and the music slowed.

  Sabine was very aware of how close they were. Evan made no effort to remove his arms around her. The music swayed around them, and they swayed, too. Sabine moved her hands down and circled them around his waist. He placed them firmly on his back feeling his taunt muscles.

  * * *

  Evan dared not look down at her. He didn’t want to break the spell. They were pressed so closely together he could feel the press of her erect nipples through the thin fabric of her blouse. He moved his hands up and felt the ripple of the lean muscles of her back. He brought his hands up to her shoulders and caressed the soft exposed skin. He trailed a finger lightly over the hollow of her neck. He could feel the pulse beating fiercely in her neck. The smell of expensive perfume and the salt of her skin floated up to him. He wanted to bathe himself in that scent.

  They stayed like that through the song, neither one wanting to look at the other. Neither one wanting to end what they should never have started. But the song ended.

  They stayed still on the dance floor as the band took a break. Other couples moved off, leaving them alone in the middle of the room, still embracing. Finally, Evan looked down at her.

  Sabine let her hands drop and stepped back. “That was…um, thank you for the dance.”

  Evan growled low in his throat. He grabbed her hand. “Outside. Right now.”

  He pulled her across the room and out the back exit. People watched them leave with a knowing smile on their faces. The warm air circled them as they stepped out into the night. Sabine could barely take a breath before Evan pushed her up against the wall and crushed his mouth to hers.

  She struggled at first, then became pliant under his kiss. She wrapped her hands in his hair and held on as he nipped and tugged at her lips, plunged his tongue into her mouth savagely.

  She tasted of vodka, smoke, and something very close to honey. He wanted to dive into her. Sink into her warm flavor and drown. He drew back and took a breath.

  Sabine took in a ragged breath. “Well, now, that’s something to think about.”

  “I’m tired of thinking.” His voice was low and guttural.

  Sabine looked down at his pants. The denim strained against the press of his erection. “I see that.”

  “And can you feel it?” He stepped into her, pressing his body against hers. He ground his erection against her.

  He was hard and unyielding, pressing into her stomach. She bit back a groan at the feel of him. She knew he would be just as hard and unyielding inside her. She moved her hand down. She stoked him through his jeans.

  “You are so big for me, no? I knew you could not resist my charms.”

  Evan flinched and stepped back. “Charms? You are about as charming as a preying mantis.”

  Sabine mouth fell agape. “You’re comparing me to a bug?”

  “Yeah, a bug that rips off the head of her lover after they fuck.”

  Sabine chuckled and straightened her blouse. She stepped out from between his arms. “You’re right Constable. I am a preying mantis. So stay on your guard, or it will not be the head on
your shoulders that I rip off.”

  Sabine smoothed down her skirt and stomped back to the door. “Insufferable asshole.”


  Evan watched as she stormed back into the hall. He shook his head and swore under his breath. He hit the brick wall with his fist.

  “Damn it!” He was a fool to have said that, a fool to push her away. But he still could not help but feel like a conquest to her, and he was no mountain to conquer.

  * * *

  Sabine stomped through the hall. She was very near tears, but it would be a cold day in hell if she would let them fall. Evan Brady was a stubborn bastard, and not worth her feelings. Even as the heat had coursed through them, he still thought her a seductress. When, in fact, she was seduced.

  Nicki tried to stop her, but she pushed past, giving her an excuse of a headache. She had only one thing on her mind. One way to get even. One way to stop the ache in her heart, and the throb in her groin.

  “Dave! Tammy! Leaving so soon?”

  Their cabin was large and expensive. The deck wrapped around the entire house and featured a hot tub sunk into it. They had a marvelous view of the lake, Sabine thought as she stood by the tub. Dave and Tammy were already in, waiting for her.

  She slipped off her sandals and pulled the blouse up over her head. Her nipples were erect and hard. She pulled down her skirt, revealing a black g-string. She slipped that off, too, and stepped down into the tub.

  “Sit on the edge, if you could. You are so lovely, we want to look at you.” Dave said.

  The water was hot but soothing as it bubbled around her legs. She sat down and looked at her would-be lovers. They moved to her, encircling her legs. Tammy touched her softly on the knee. She caressed the skin and moved her hand up Sabine’s thigh. Dave did the same on her other leg.

  Sabine leaned back on her hands and let them spread her legs. She closed her eyes as they touched her sex. She felt fingers slide into her cleft, opening her up. She moaned as a clever finger tapped her clit. Keep tapping, she thought, keep tapping, and give me release. She needed release more than anything. An orgasm would help her forget. Forget Evan Brady, and his hard muscled body and icy blue eyes. Eyes that bore into her and stabbed her heart…


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