Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male

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Obsession 2.5: Loving An Alpha Male Page 25

by S. K. Lessly

  “What happened to him?” he asked.

  I shrugged a shoulder and replied without looking at him, “Misty.”

  He shook his head but didn’t reply.

  I breathed out and looked at my brother.

  “You ready?”

  “Fuck no, but let’s get this over with.”

  The next door we had to pass wasn’t as heavy as the first. There was a panel on the side of the door and I punched in the code and waited until the locks clicked. We stepped inside a dank room with only a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. Noah was seated in the middle of the room, his arms chained behind his back. He studied us warily; or rather, he looked at Josh as if he was waiting for the violence to commence.

  “What in the fuck are you looking at, you piece of shit?” Josh barked menacingly but kept his distance from the man.

  Josh always did that, kept his distance. He was sick and tired of me and Malcolm pulling him away from Noah when all he wanted to do was beat the ever-fuck out of the man.

  It wasn’t anything Noah would say or do. All Josh had to do was see the man and he’d go off. Therefore, he always kept a safe distance from him, which he did now by staying next to the door.

  I walked further inside the room keeping my eyes on Noah. There was an empty metal chair in the corner of the room. I headed for it, grabbed it and sat it right in front of my prey, or victim; whatever. I didn’t bother with double-checking to see if he was secured. I knew that he was.

  Marines were always thorough.

  “You and I need to talk,” I started, not wasting time with pleasantries.

  “I said all I was going to say to that bitch two weeks ago.” He retorted with malice etched in his voice.

  I folded my arms across my chest. “Who do you mean? Kenya or my agent?”

  Noah frowned up his nose then shrugged. “What difference does it make? They’re all the same stupid bitches with no common sense.”

  I paused and studied the man before me. He looked like the shell of the man we had seen posturing at Sweets’ family living room that day we arrived trying to save Sweets from the cartel. Back then he was tall, broad-chested, and confident. Now, he looked broken, fat and desperate. He was also sporting the bruises he received from his run in with Misty’s form of interrogation.

  I grinned as I studied his face, letting him know the exact cause of the humor on my face.

  Noah’s face hardened with a mix of shame and anger. He looked away from me, which made me chuckle.

  “How does your face feel?”

  He grunted and I chuckled again.

  “Is this why you’re here?” He looked over at me. “The little bitch ratted on me?”

  I gave him a puzzling look but replied, “We’re here to make sure you’re okay that’s all. And well to ask you some questions.”

  Noah sucked his teeth at me. “Yeah well save that shit. I have nothing to say.”

  “Welp, Mister Baxter. I hear you have some information that I need. Answer my questions and we can be done with this. We’ll leave and let you continue to breathe.” I leaned in closer and sneered at him. “If you don’t, well let’s just say I have ways of getting the truth from you.”

  “Fuck you. I’m done talking to you mother fuckers.”

  “I told you it would be a waste of time,” Josh said behind me.

  I ignored him and kept my eyes on Noah. “Here’s what I need,” I continued ignoring both Josh and this idiot. “Explain to me your connection to the ONW bank? I want to know your connection to Emily Parsons and Perchenko and most importantly I what to know what the plans were to free you from your home away from home. What did Crasse and Davies, a.k.a. Carlos Diego have in the works?”

  Noah’s eyebrows shot into his forehead when I dropped the last name. “That big mother fucker is Carlos Diego?”

  I gave him a small shrug. “Apparently so.”

  “And how do you know I know anything?”

  I grinned at him. “Because I’m not stupid that’s how and you just played yourself by hinting you know Diego. So, let’s cut the shit. Help us fill in the blanks. Give us whatever you have on Perchenko, his team, where he lives et cetera. I know you know something and I’m prepared to work with you. Help me and I can help you.”

  Noah looked at me skeptically and by right, he should be. He was never going to see the light of day, but I had to dangle the carrot in his face to get him to cooperate.

  Unfortunately, the carrot wasn’t working.

  Noah laughed; it was a sinister kind of laugh too.

  I guess I need a bigger carrot.

  “You must be out of your mind.” Noah barked out. “If you know anything about Perchenko, you know speaking against him is suicide. If you don’t know shit already, I can’t help you. You see how he got to me before. I’m not risking it because you switched locations. You think he doesn't have eyes on this place? He does. He has eyes everywhere.”

  Noah was getting agitated. I could smell the fear coming off him. Hell, I could understand his fear. The problem for him was that his fears were mis-directed. You see, he was afraid of a ghost. Someone that could possibly get to him. What he should be afraid of was the person that was sitting across from him. He should be afraid of me.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I really am.” He added, as if he felt like he needed to fill in the silence. “But I don’t have anything else to say. I’ve been cooperative with you guys, haven’t I? Believe me if I had something I would—”

  I raised my hand up to stop the lies falling out of his mouth. I stared at him for a long moment studying his features, trying to find an angle that would give me the information that I desired from this son of a bitch with minimal amount of effort and time. It took me at least a full minute, and him squirming from my gaze on him, for things to come together in my head.

  I smiled at Noah and tilted my head toward him.

  “I heard things got a little rough for you the last time you had a meeting with someone from my team. Things were said about a certain someone's wife.” Noah's eyes grew and he risked a glance behind me but didn’t reply. Good. This was going according to plan. “I was told words and threats had been exchanged and things got a little violent.”

  I saw him visibly tense in the dim light. I fought a grin and leaned forward resting my forearms on my thighs. “Hey listen, I’m sure you were fucking with her. Clearly it wasn’t very nice considering your face but—”

  “I didn’t say shit. You know how bitches are. Pregnant ones at that,” Noah replied but he kept his voice low so only I could hear.

  “Hmmm, you know how that one feels about her don’t you?” I watched Noah’s eyes shift to the space over my head before he looked back at me. When he didn’t answer, I continued fucking with him, setting him up for the kill sort of speak. "You should remember first hand. He beat the shit out of you in front of your family. The man is certifiable.”

  “I didn’t do anything.” Noah blurted in a rush.

  I kept going, knowing I was getting to him. He was beginning to realize the type of danger he was in right this very minute. Perchenko who?

  “You didn’t have to. All I have to do is mention it and he’d lose his mind. You know he’s been looking for a reason to rip you apart. All he needs is a push.”

  Noah frowned and looked away from me but I could see the wheels turning in his brain. He was weighing his options. I still didn’t have him completely, but I would.

  “Tell me what I want to know and what happened in that interrogation room will remain our little secret. You don’t and I’ll tell him what you did.” My eyes turned sympathetic toward him. “I don’t have to tell you how he would react.”

  “You can’t do that.” Noah shook his head adamantly. “He'll kill me.”

  I shrugged. “That’s not my problem.

  He was agitated now, sitting up, his eyes wide and manic. “I tried to save her!”

  I had no clue what he meant, but it didn’t matter. I had hi

  “I don't give a fuck. I want Perchenko. Either you give me what I need or I’ll unleash my brother on you. It’s that simple.”

  Noah looked as if he was about to vomit and piss himself. I leaned back in my chair, folded my arms and waited. I didn’t have to wait long. A few glances behind me and Josh saying, “I swear to God, look over here again and I’m coming over there," and he realized he was up shits creek without a paddle or a life jacket.

  “How do I know you will keep your word?” he asked in a low tone.

  “You don’t.” I shrugged a shoulder. “Just know I’ve been the one keeping him off you…”

  “Where have I heard that before,” he mumbled under his breath and rolled his eyes.

  I heard him but continued to give it to him straight. “Look, I could have let him kill you a long time ago and I didn’t. And believe me it was a tough thing to do. The need to kill you is stronger than the need to breathe for my brother. Make no mistake what he’ll do to you if he knows what you did. You really have one choice.”

  Noah grew quiet. He stared at me probably still debating with himself on what to do, except he was taking too long with his decision. He needed a little help to push him in the right direction.

  “Hey bro,” I called over my shoulder loud enough for Josh to hear. “Remember when Sweets and Misty went to Hell, during that security breach?”

  “Okay, okay. Fuck!” Noah said quickly, leaning forward with his eyes wild with anguish.

  I smiled.

  “Yeah, what about it?” Josh called back.

  I kept my smile in place, looking at Noah, as I spoke to my brother.

  “Noah here is going to tell us what he didn’t tell them.”

  “Oh good, then we can go. I got shit to do.”

  That damn Josh was the best. So got damn predictable and I loved it.

  I spread my arms out wide to Noah. “You’re up. What do you have for me?”

  "Fine, fine,” he bit out through gritted teeth. “What do you want to know?”

  “Where is he? How can I find him? Who are his contacts here in the states?” I rose from my seat, walked around his body and unshackled his hands. I wanted him to get a sense of security while we spoke. If he wasn’t shackled then maybe he wouldn’t feel so threatened. He'd relax and talk to me. I needed him relaxed.

  I stepped back from him and retook my seat. I watched him rub his wrists as he studied my face warily. I was sure he was trying to figure me out. He didn’t have a clue and I kept the emotions off my face as he studied me.

  “The man is a ghost.” Noah said finally. “You can’t find him. But he always finds you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I heard that shit before. I’m not impressed. Tell me, how long have you been working for him?”

  “For a long time. He funded my business.” Noah admitted with no reflection or guilt in his voice. He spoke of his business, not the shipping one, as if it was a normal one.

  Although I was thoroughly disgusted, I kept my face neutral.

  “I need something, Noah.”

  Noah looked at me for a few seconds then he gave me something.

  “That bitch mentioned Dennis Simon. I know who he is.”

  “Okay, who.”

  “Dennis Simon is Perchenko's nephew.”

  Holy shit!

  I froze, my eyes wide. Hell, I even heard Josh shuffle closer to us.

  “Are you shitting us?” he asked.

  Noah shook his head and looked up at Josh.

  “Dennis Simon was my contact for the flesh trade. I found them and he picked them up.”

  I tensed and narrowed my eyes on him.

  “Are you telling me you kidnapped children for that fucker?”

  Noah's eyes widened and quickly amended, putting his hands up. “No! I didn’t deal in kids.”

  “Well fuck, that’s comforting,” my brother countered; anger still laced in his voice.

  I took a moment to gather myself before I spoke.

  “There is no link between Perchenko and Simon that we found. How do you know this?”

  Noah shrugged. “Diane told me one night after we fucked.” Noah looked over at Josh smirking a little. “Then Emily confirmed it when I fucked her too. I gotta say, she is a wild thing in bed. How did your vanilla ass handle that deranged tight pussy of hers?”

  I shot up from my seat before Josh got past me.

  “You son of bitch! I should rip your fucking throat out.” I gripped Josh by his upper arm and started walking him backwards.

  “Calm down, you idiot. He’s just trying to bait you,” I gritted as I pushed him to the back of the room. “Get a hold of your shit.”

  “Damn, my bad,” Noah called out to him, egging him on. “I didn’t think you cared about her anymore. I mean you have a family now. You’ve got a wife that you adore more than life itself. Or so I thought. I guess that’s why she came to see me asking about good ole psychotic Em instead of going to you.”

  Hearing that caused Josh to stop struggling in my arms. He pushed off me and stalked to the door. He opened it, stepped out and slammed it behind him.

  I watched him go, somewhat thankful he was out of the room. When I turned back to the shit stirrer, I could see he was too.

  Noah raised his hands in surrender.

  “Sorry about that. I needed him gone. I needed to say what was necessary without him being in the room.”

  I sighed and took my seat. “You could have just asked me.”

  He chuckled. “What would be the fun in that?”

  I shook my head and started to scold him on what happens when you poked the bear. What he failed to realize was this room was wired for sound and video. I had no doubt Josh was listening to everything this idiot was saying.


  “Listen,” Noah began, a bit of bravado now in his voice. “Let’s not beat around the bush here.”

  “Let’s not.”

  “Okay, I don’t know a lot about the man or his operations. I don’t know all of his contacts. I only dealt with a few. Yes, he helped fund me, but I had minimal contact with him personally. All contact came from either Emily or Dennis. If you can get to that crazy bitch, you’ll get answers to your questions. It won’t be easy. That bitch is loyal to that crazy fucker. They belong together; you understand what I’m saying?”

  Noah paused for effect before he said to me, “Perchenko is gunning for your team for the death of his only nephew. Diane went looking for trouble when she sought out Perchenko. She proposed the trade that she would help him find and kill the people responsible for murdering his nephew if he would help her kill boy wonder out there’s family and give her the man.”

  “And how do you know all this?” I prodded, giving him a bored tone.

  “Crasse told me. It was why he planned my escape. It was his way to stay in Perchenko’s good graces. I think he fucked up somewhere and hoped helping this way would help him stay alive.” He paused a second to let that news soak in before he went on. “I was instructed to lure your brother away from his family by escaping. It’s not a secret the man hates me. The plan was to have him hunt me down, which in turn would leave his family vulnerable. Someone would then snatch his family and hold them for ransom. Boy Wonder would move heaven and earth to save them and I don’t need to tell you what would happen when he came for his family?”

  No, he didn’t. I knew what would happen. My brother would do anything to save his wife and son. He would sacrifice himself to save them but they would all be killed before Perchenko put him out of his misery.

  “You do know that Diane is dead. Perchenko probably killed her.”

  Noah nodded. “Yeah, I know. Crasse told me. She withheld information in order to get him to help her. Perchenko knew about the raid and death of his nephew before Diane came to him with the information. He had already begun planning. Diane tried to use what she knew as leverage to get what she wanted instead of being truthful and trusting Perchenko would give her what she deemed
above all else. Revenge. But she didn’t play her cards right and she paid for it in the end.

  “Seriously, how do you know all this?”

  “I’m telling you, Crasse. I don’t know if he was a lonely fucker or just had the gift for gab, but he told me all types of shit. The idiot had it all mapped out. He was going to get me out and in exchange for my new freedom; I would help him get to Josh and his family. But things changed. Crasse was told to leave and the lights went out and well you know the rest.”

  “And you have no idea where I could find Emily, Perchenko or any of his associates?”

  Noah slouched down in his chair and ran his hand down his face.

  “Only that he has some estate in Brazil. But I heard he has many estates all over the world. Knowing Em the way that I do, I’m sure she knows exactly where he’s hiding out. Also, if she’s in the states, which I know she is, she’ll make contact someway somehow so be prepared. The bitch has a hard-on for that mother fucker out there. She hates the fact she was replaced. And I’m sure I don’t have to mention how she feels about his partner that chocolate goddess. What’s her name again?”

  I visibly tensed which made Noah smile deep. “Yeah, you know who I’m talking about. That bitch is fine, isn’t she? Oh, and holy fuck that body of hers. I bet she could make any man confess his sins to get a small taste.”

  Noah whistled and grinned a devilish grin full of nothing good.

  “Man, let me tell you that bitch right there. Got damn!” Noah slapped his hand on his thigh and shook his head.

  I didn’t reply. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. I felt my body fill with the rage of a thousand bulls. Heat surged through my veins and I saw nothing but red in my eyes. However, all of this was happening internally. Outwardly, I was cool, calm and collected. You couldn’t see the storm raging inside. Oh, but it was and it was only building.

  Noah, oblivious to how close he was to death, kept on vomiting at the mouth. “I have to say though, the bitch is crazy, but who isn't now days, right?” he laughed. “I thought Emily was crazy, in a sexy badass—murder your kids and slit your throat while you sleep—kind of way. But that chocolate beauty… Holy fuck. She looked like the type that would bury you alive then sit back while eating popcorn and listen as you tried to escape only to suffocate to death.”


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