Knocked Up by the CEO: A Secret Baby Holiday Office Romance

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Knocked Up by the CEO: A Secret Baby Holiday Office Romance Page 4

by Lilian Monroe

  “I don’t know what else to tell you, Rosie. It just sort of… happened.” “Harper, come on,” Rosie says while looking at me sideways. “These things don’t just happen. You slept with New York’s most eligible bachelor! He’s rich, he’s handsome and he’s your boss!! What are you going to do now?” I shrug. “I’ll just go to work on Monday and pretend it never happened.” As soon as the words leave my lips I know it’s easier said than done. How can I pretend it never happened when I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all night?? I had to stop myself from staring at him, and even when I told Rosie what happened I could feel my body yearning for him. In the end I had to run away or I knew I would do something stupid. Rosie shakes her head. “You’re unbelievable. Only you could pull the Christmas tree down on top of you and then proceed to sleep with your boss an hour later.” She laughs. “Half an hour later,” I correct. Rosie laughs. “I’m so glad I met you. You make life interesting, if nothing else.” I grin. “I’m glad I can provide some entertainment for you.” The cab pulls up to my house. “You sure you’re ok, Harper? You don’t want me to stay till tomorrow in case you need to go to the hospital? What if you have a concussion?” “You’re the best friend I could ask for, Rosie, but no, I’m fine. I just want to relax and sleep.” “Alright,” she says, putting her arm out. We hug quickly and I get out of the cab and walk to my front door. I see a movement out of the corner of my eye and glance over. Is someone there? Rosie’s cab has already driven off and my street is uncomfortably silent. I peer into the darkness but I don’t see anything. My heart starts beating a bit faster until I finally find my keys. Once I’m inside I rush up the stairs to my apartment, I turn on all the lights and lock the door. That’s better. I shiver slightly and push the feeling away. It’s just too much excitement for one evening. With a deep breath, I calm myself down and shake my head. My nerves are shot. I start getting ready for bed. After a few drinks and all the excitement of the evening I feel absolutely exhausted. I brush my teeth and climb into my bed in record time, knowing that I’ll be asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. That doesn’t happen though. I get under the covers and immediately I feel wide awake. Suddenly my body feels cold, like it needs the feel of another person’s skin against it. I try to close my eyes but as soon as I do, Zach’s face paints itself on my eyelids. I see the way he looked at me when we were cleaning in the office, the way his eyes raked up my body and his desire was written all over his face. I sigh, and let my hand drift down to my mound. Even the thought of him looking at me makes the wetness gather between my legs. I sigh as my hand starts working its way around my bud, gently at first and then faster. I remember the way his hands felt on my hips, on my ass, the way he kissed my nipples and pulled my head down towards his lips. I remember the way my hips bucked as I rode him, almost as if by instinct. Our bodies moved together and every sound, every moan, every touch was electric. I imagine what it would be like to be with him now, if he were on top of me and our naked bodies were intertwined. I could run my hands over his broad chest and grab onto his shoulders as he thrusts his cock inside me. I could actually feel his skin against mine, we wouldn’t have our clothes on like we did in his office. We could take our time. I could touch him and feel his body against mine, feel him push deeper and deeper inside me. God, I want to feel that cock again. As my fingers twirl around my clit I just think of the way it felt to be filled up by him, to have him sheathed inside me as deep as he can go. I want to have him deep inside me again. I want to feel him come inside me like he did earlier. The thought of him pumping his seed into me makes my walls contract and my wetness intensify. I can feel myself edging closer and closer to orgasm, and I just think about the way his eyes burned when he looked at me, and the way my skin sizzled with every touch. I think of the way his hands gripped me and pulled me down as his cock drove into me harder, faster, deeper. I come at the thought of his orgasm pumping into me. I let my legs fall open and exhale as the pleasure washes over me. All too soon, it’s over. I take a deep breath and open my eyes. I came as I was thinking of his white seed spilling into me and the thought makes me blush, even alone in my own bed. I shouldn’t want that, it shouldn’t turn me on but it does. That orgasm was nothing compared to the real thing. Maybe now I’ll be able to sleep, but if anything it’s only made me want him more. I fall asleep thinking of the way it felt to have him inside me.

  I wake up with the cold December light streaming through my open blinds. It’s not helping the headache that pounds in my skull. Too much wine. As soon as my eyes open, I’m thinking of the same thing I fell asleep thinking about – Zachary Lockwood’s cock buried deep inside me. It’s a feeling I won’t forget in a hurry. I sigh and swing my legs off the edge of the bed. I’ll have to forget it, because come Monday he’ll be back to being my boss, and I’ll be back to being his bumbling employee who ruined the Christmas party. Chapter 12 – Zach

  “Morning Zach,” Mitch says to me. “Good weekend? You didn’t come out on Saturday! Great talent at the club,” he winks. I try not to groan. “Nah, wasn’t feeling it.” I try to slip past him without answering any more of his questions. He’s a great friend but I’m not in the mood to hear about what girls were at which club and how many he took home this weekend. I can’t deal with that today. It’s been two weeks since the Christmas party and Mitch has been pestering me to go out almost every single night. I just can’t muster up the energy. The past few weeks have been the longest weeks of my life. For the first time in a long, long time I’ve actually been looking forward to going in to the office. I look forward to Mondays. I walk across the office and scan the room. The cleaners did a good job with the mess from the Christmas tree incident and the place finally looks back to normal. Everyone else is either working or milling around like any other morning. I can’t help but feel like something has shifted. There’s a slight buzz in the room, it’s the last week before the holiday break, but I know that’s not what’s changed. I glance around the room but I already know what’s different. I’m looking for her again, just like I have been every day for the past two weeks. I shake my head and walk into my office, closing the door behind me. Usually, a couple weeks would see many women come and go in my life but I haven’t even met a single one that interests me. I glance over at the couch and my thoughts flick back to that night. I think of Harper sitting on top of me and it feels like it happened yesterday. We were right there. That’s where she was when she was riding me like her life depended on it and I had one of the best orgasms of my life. Even looking at the empty sofa makes my cock start to throb in my pants. “Ahem,” comes a soft voice behind me. I turn to see Becca. She’s wearing some sort of semi-office appropriate low cut top and she’s leaning down to give me the full view of her cleavage. She smiles coyly. “Morning Mr. Lockwood. I have a message for you from Mr. Latif.” She hands me a piece of paper and then lingers. I glance at the paper then back at her. “Anything else?” I ask dryly. She looks a bit taken aback. I open my mouth to say something nicer and then decide to close it again. “No, no that’s it.” She pauses again. “Did you have a good weekend?” “It was fine,” I say as I open the paper, turning around without looking at her. I sit at my desk and finally look up. She’s still here. “Becca, I’m still waiting for Greg Chesney’s file. It’s been over a week since I asked. She nods. “HR wouldn’t release the file right away. Confidentiality issues. I’ll chase them up again.” “What kind of confidentiality stops the CEO of the company from accessing an employee file?!” “I’m not sure, Mr. Lockwood. I’ll chase them up again this morning.” I nod. She lingers, and I wave to the door. “Would you mind closing that on the way out?” She nods again quietly and finally leaves. I sigh when the door clicks closed. That was painful. Our once flirty relationship has gotten very strained lately. I know it’s me, I’m the one who’s been acting different but I can’t help it. It doesn’t matter. She’ll just have to get used to it. Hopefully she’ll have some useful inf
ormation for me about Greg Chesney and I can find out who this guy is and why he still works for me. I turn my eyes back to the note in my hand and read it again. I sigh, rubbing my temples. This is not good news. One of our biggest clients has just moved a deadline to the beginning of January, and the new timeline is almost unachievable. I glance at the calendar – the staff is supposed to be on holiday from Thursday this week until the New Year. We’re going to have to work through Christmas. I pick up the phone and dial Becca’s desk. “Yes Mr. Lockwood?” “Becca, get the management team in here. I need everyone as soon as possible.” “No problem,” she says and I click the phone down. Might as well deliver the news right away and see who volunteers to work through the holidays. It only takes a couple minutes for my management team to assemble. The first person to walk in is Harper. She looks right at me from across the room and immediately my cock jumps in my pants. I quickly shift my weight and say a silent thanks that I’m sitting down behind my desk. Get a fucking grip!! “Good weekend?” She says in that musical voice of hers. Why is everyone so interested in my weekend?! “Yeah it was fine, relaxing,” I respond. She nods and sits down on the sofa exactly where I was on that Friday night with her legs straddling my lap. She brushes an imaginary piece of dust off the sofa and glances at me through her eyelashes. My cock twitches again. I clear my throat. “How was yours?” “Same,” she shrugs. She glances at me again but before I can speak, Mitch walks in. “What’s this about, Zach?” He says in that booming voice of his. “Let’s wait for the rest of the team to get here.” Mitch nods and sits down on one of the chairs opposite my desk. It only takes a couple minutes for the dozen management executives to come in the door. “Right, team, I’ve had some bad news. The Latifs have moved their deadline up to January 2nd. We will need to deliver the entire advertisement proposal to them by that day or else they’ll pull out of the contract.” “WHAT!” Mitch exclaims. I hold up a hand. “Before anyone protests, I’m volunteering to carry this through myself. We need a skeleton team to work through the holidays to get this done. I’ll need one of you and about half a dozen team members. You’ll get time off in lieu in January, after the project is delivered.” I glance at my team and a heavy silence hangs on the room. “Any volunteers?” I can see them glancing at each other, hoping someone else will put their hand up. How many of them have holidays and trips planned? How many of them will want to spend time with their families? I know I’m asking a lot, but I have no choice. “I’ll work,” says a familiar voice from the sofa. I look over to see Harper staring directly at me. Her green eyes look like they’re gleaming from within. “I don’t have a family or plans for the holidays so I have the least to give up. I’ll work.” We look at each other for a moment. I can’t tell if she’s doing this because I’ll be here with her – as soon as the thought passes my mind I know she isn’t. She’s just dedicated to the job and she knows everyone else has kids and families to go back to. I nod. “Thanks, Harper. I’ll send you a full brief this morning. That’s it, everyone. Thanks for coming in.” I nod my head and everyone stands. They file out of my office one by one, the last one being Harper. She glances at me quickly and then turns to walk out. Her ass moves from side to side with every step and I watch her walk away until she turns the corner. I don’t know whether to be excited or worried about this. Somehow I feel both. Chapter 13 – Harper

  We are professionals. This is fine. I feel a wave of nausea come over me as I walk out of his office but I push it down. Why would I volunteer?! I should have just kept my mouth shut. I’ve been trying to avoid spending time with him, and now I’m going to be stuck in close quarters for almost two weeks! Is that why I said I’d do it? I can try to lie to myself and say it was because other people have families and holidays, but a part of me knows it’s because of Zach. I see Rosie poke her head up from her cubicle and I walk over. “What was that about?” She whispers. “Everyone was in his office.” “The Latif file. They’ve moved the deadline to January 2nd.” Rosie’s eyes widen. “Can they do that?!” I shrug. “Apparently. I’m working through Christmas.” “What!” “Yeah, no one else was volunteering. It’s not so bad, I’ll take some time off in January to make up for it. I have to put a team together so if you want some overtime and great holiday memories just let me know.” I know my voice sounds unusually cheery. Rosie’s eyes narrow. She searches my face and then her lips tug upwards. She sits back in her chair and crosses her arms with a triumphant grin. “He’s working, isn’t he?” “Who?” I ask innocently, even though I know who she means. She rolls her eyes. “Zach!” She whispers. “I can see right through you, Harper, you are unbelievable!” I grin and throw my hands up. “I’m a professional, Rosie. I’m just a slave to the job, is all.” “You’re a slave to something,” she says with an eyebrow raised. I laugh and walk away before someone hears us, or before Rosie makes me face things I’m not ready to think about. Back in my office, I flop down on my chair and let out a sigh. Maybe Rosie is right, and I’m just doing this to be close to Zach. That’s the last thing I need – to complicate this, this.. whatever this is. It’s been hard enough to keep my distance since the party, and now it’s about to get a whole lot harder. I shake my head. Who am I kidding, of course I said I’d do it because of him. The second he said he was working through I knew I’d volunteer. It just took a couple seconds to work up the courage. I can tell myself I’m a professional, I can tell myself I care about the work, but in the end I know I said yes because I haven’t stopped thinking about Zach since the night we slept together. I was sitting right where we had sex, right where we were when he was inside me. The past two weeks have just been one big daydream with a few self-love sessions featuring Zach and that big cock of his. I close my eyes and try to push out the thought of him. When I said I’d volunteer he looked right at me. His gaze just pierced right through me and I could feel myself getting wet. If one look does that to me, how am I going to survive two weeks working side by side with him?! The last time I had a full conversation with him we ended up sleeping together in his office! There’s a knock on the door and it makes me jump up. My eyes fly open. “Zach, hi!” I say, my voice just a little bit too forced. He walks in and closes the door behind him. “Thanks for volunteering to work,” he says in a low voice. “I know it’s not easy to give up your holidays.” I nod. My mouth is dry. He sits down across from me and places his hands down on the armrests. He’s staring at my desk and it looks like he’s trying to think of what to say. Finally he raises those deep brown eyes and looks right at me. He takes a deep breath and speaks again. “I thought that since we’ll be working together we should lay out some ground rules.” “Ground rules,” I repeat slowly. “Yeah, ground rules.” His eyes flick down my body and then back up to my face and I feel my core heat up instantly. I try to keep myself from reacting, but my cheeks predictably start to flush. “What happened between us was.. unexpected. It was great! Don’t get me wrong!” He pauses, and I feel my lips twitch upwards into a smile. “Zach, please,” I start gently. He glances at me. “We’re both adults. We had sex and it was fun, but now we need to work together. I understand that. I’m not looking for anything from you, or with you.” He takes a deep breath and nods. “Great. So we understand each other.” “We understand each other,” I repeat. I understand that you look incredibly sexy in that suit right now. I take a deep breath and try to smile. “You’re an important part of this team, Harper. I wouldn’t want anything to get in the way of that, and I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” There’s a silence between us and I feel like he wants to say more, but nothing comes out. I turn to my computer screen. “You’ll send that information through today? I’ll get a start on it as soon as I get it and come up with a plan of attack. I’ll start getting a team together that can work with us.” He goes back to being the serious, stone-faced executive I knew last week. The moment between us has passed, and I feel both relieved and disappointed. “That’s great, Harper. Have a
team list and program on my desk by the end of the day.” “Done.” He turns around and I watch the way his pants grip his ass with every step until the door closes and he’s out of view. I slump back in my chair and let all the air out of my lungs. This is fine. I can do this. This is definitely fine. Chapter 14 – Zach


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