Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M

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Bundle - Marked for Love | Gay Romance Paranormal MM Werewolf Shifter Series | COMPLETE SERIES: Gay Romance M M Page 27

by Jamie Lake

  Japheth held up a hand and the group silenced. “Let us give this backbiter one final chance to speak in his own defense before I pass final judgment.” He nodded to Elijah.

  Elijah slammed a lazy hand into the dirt and a cloud of dust shot up. He moved the other one and missed, falling onto his side. He sat himself back up and drew a ragged breath.

  “I violated the most sacred code of our people, my brothers. Learn from my example. I was a fool. I was small. I wish that I could go back in time and rise above my pettiness. But I throw myself on your mercy.” Elijah sighed and collapsed into the dirt, his chest rising and falling. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath.

  Fool! Why wouldn’t he fight for his life?

  “You are a traitor in time of war. There is only one outcome for you.” The sword was in Japheth’s hand before I knew what he was doing. He brought it up above his head, his eyes like a hawk’s on its prey.

  “Wait!” I stood between the executioner and his victim. All eyes turned on me and my heart wilted. I opened my mouth and nothing came.

  “Nathan, get out of here. This is pack business.” The gray wolf grabbed my shoulder, squeezing until it hurt.

  My Buck was merciful. My Buck wouldn’t let this happen. I turned and faced what might quickly turn into the audience for my execution as well. “I know that you all have mixed feelings about me and to be honest I don’t even know what being the chosen one means.” I swallowed hard, my throat painfully dry. “But there has to be a better way. I’ve seen myself that Elijah wants to redeem himself and shouldn’t we give him the chance? I’ve seen the pumas firsthand and the only way we’re going to get out of this is to all work together.”

  “Stand aside, Nathan!” Japheth wrapped his fingers around my bicep and pulled. “You’re not a member of this pack. You have no say here. You’re neither puma nor wolf. You have no knowledge of our ways.”

  “You’re an outsider here, little one. Know your place!” The gray wolf crossed his arms and arched an eyebrow at me.

  I’d given up in a hundred situations like this before. I’d never even made it this far. Not the time they’d beat up my little brother. Not the time they’d evicted my mother and I. I’d stayed silent. I’d given into the fear. Because I was small and weak, because nobody respected me, I’d let others have their way with me.

  No more. I gulped air and steadied my knees. “Right now, the pumas hold at least one of our own, my newfound brothers. Maybe more. And here we are, doing their work for them. Killing our own. If the puma queen could see us now, and perhaps she or her cats are indeed watching, she would be pleased. This is the day for killing pumas. For saving our friends.” I gestured to the pathetic figure of Elijah. “Not killing our own.”

  Japheth spun me around, his face hard-set. “You’re a fool, Nathan!” His eyes swiveled from one side to the other and his face broke into a grin. “Brave, but a damned fool!” He clasped my shoulder and shook me.

  The gray wolf picked Elijah up, the accused’s arm around the elder’s shoulder. “Well?”

  “Take him to the healer and keep a close eye on him.” Japheth grabbed Elijah by the neck and met the traitor’s eyes. “Betray us again and you will wish that I had killed you now.”


  “I have to catch my breath. You really hurt me.” Elijah fell to one knee and hugged his stomach, his breathing like rapid fire.

  “Toughen up and you might yet die like a wolf today. Or, shall I say, tonight.” Japheth grinned at me. “What the hell am I doing out here with a traitor and a little one like you?” He shook his head and laughed.

  Elijah was our way to the puma camp. He had to be strong enough to make it there. Neither of my two companions cared that much for Buck. It was up to me.

  I grabbed the flask at my side, popped the smooth cork from its throat and brought it to Elijah’s lips. He slurped it, some of the brown liquid running down his chin.

  Elijah groaned. “I haven’t had anything that disgusting since that time Old Mother put Japheth in charge of the kitchen.” He coughed and laughed.

  I grinned at Japheth and he smiled in return. “I’d like to hear that story sometime, when this is all over.”

  “But Buck needs us. Buck, Buck, Buck. You’re like a mynah bird, sheesh.” He offered a hand and I pulled him up.

  I trotted ahead. This was the spot. Before and after it, the trail was relatively untouched. But here, slim ruts were cut into the ground from the passing pumas and their sharp claws. Here, droplets of blood grew into pools, the flies circling them, dipping in to take their fill, to turn death into new life as the night took control of the world. And there was so much death.

  Once green and vibrant bushes were trampled down and covered in dust. Chunks of Andrew and Magnus littered the forest, their blood sprayed against the trees like the red paint of the loggers, marking where a death was to occur. There could be more deaths here.

  Japheth strolled up behind me and shook his head. “Buck is dead.”

  I whipped around, every ounce of my being on fire. “He’s alive. It’s me the pumas want. I’m the reason why this all fell apart. Why the princess is dead. They won’t be satisfied until they tear me limb from limb. And they need Buck alive to get me.”

  “Alright, alright. Elijah, lead the way.” Japheth rolled his eyes at me, my complex feelings not computing in his caveman head.

  Even though Buck was in danger, I couldn’t just wipe away my feelings for his brother, especially since he’d just fucked my brains out. I hated being torn between the two of them but there was so much about my life to despise already that I couldn’t make these feelings something else to be ashamed of. I couldn’t help that my heart was divided. I wasn’t going to beat myself up about it. Both were passionate. Both cared for me. I cared for each of them in different ways. All I could do for now was enjoy this double-love. It wasn’t the time or the place to figure out who I liked the most. That could wait until later, if all three of us made it back alive.

  Now I led the way, unlike the last time I’d been in this forest. I scanned the undergrowth for the least flash of light. I attuned my ears to catch any crunch of twigs. Something was different. I was changing and I loved it. I caught Japheth looking at me again. “What?”

  “No, nothing.” His grin widened and he looked away, his hand covering his mouth. “It’s like you’re in your element, finally. And it suits you.”

  “It’s just that… Buck.” I offered him a weak smile.

  He chuckled and threw an arm around my shoulders, drawing me into him as he ruffled my hair. “I care about my brother. It’s just that I also have the whole pack to think about.”

  “I know. It’s just— I’m only human.” He and Buck were so different. Buck’d told me he loved me. That he wanted to have children with me. But Japheth didn’t talk about his feelings. He was a macho man. No signs of weakness allowed. But, God help me, was he hot.

  “Human, yes, but also the chosen one. And you found your way back to the camp.” His face tightened and he nodded to me. “That’s not usually what happens after an encounter with the pumas.”

  “Buck saved me.” I coughed the words out, my throat and chest tightening under the pressure of the responsibility of repaying Buck’s love.

  Japheth released me and walked alone again. “He’s a brave wolf. He’s done great things for our pack. I only hope he can rejoin the fight. But I wanted to add, I… was glad to see you when you returned. I thought you might not. And I was sorry that I didn’t get to say goodbye before you left.”

  “I can tell you were glad to see me by the way you pounced on me like that.” I dented his tricep with my elbow and searched his face for any sign of embarrassment.

  His eyes searched for something at his feet and he scratched the back of his neck. “You know me. I take what I want.”

  “That’s the Japheth I know. Not this talkative one. Not that I’m complaining, it’s always sexy when a man is in tune with his emotion
s. It’s just out of place for you.”

  “Am I talking too much? I guess recent events have me reconsidering my attitude toward a few things.” His face darkened. “I wanted to ask you about what you want, you know, when this is all over.”

  Now it was my turn to cast my eyes at the ground. I didn’t want to tell him that Buck was going to show me how to bear children. I didn’t want to lie to him either.

  “We might not make it through this. If there’s anything you wanted to say to me…”

  This was not the Japheth I knew. His slumped shoulders, his slack face and his darting eyes all revealed the weakness within. For all his macho bluster, he was still just a man unsure of his feelings. He couldn’t just come right out and ask me if I liked him — oh, I loved that.

  I stopped and motioned to him. He came over, his steps hesitating. I looked up at him, his strong chin, his dark eyes. I leaned forward on tiptoes. His lips rough and dry, nonetheless I put mine to his and he calmed.

  The forest darkened and the sweet air turned heavier. I missed the chirping of the birds and the insects darting in the air. Still, it was hard to imagine a war between two ancient races in this undeniably beautiful scene of tall pine trees, high grass and blue sky.

  This was paradise, if only we could all enjoy it as such.

  Elijah raised a hand and froze. Japheth motioned me down and I kneeled. The wind picked up and I imagined it purifying me for the next step. What step? I had no clue and that was just fine. For now.

  Elijah scampered towards us on all fours, teeth bared and eyes red, his wolf side striving to out itself. I fell backwards and landed in the wet grass, a cricket screeching next to my ear. Elijah stopped in front of me and turned his head sideways, regarding me as if he thought I was playing with him.

  Japheth chuckled and picked me back up. I stretched my arms trying to pretend like I hadn’t just gotten scared for no reason.

  “It’s fifty lengths ahead.” Elijah scanned Japheth’s face then mine, as if in search of reassurance.

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” I stood up and Japheth slammed me onto my butt. “Ouch.”

  Japheth took in a breath and let out it out in a measured release. “It’s not that simple. There are only a handful of us and they may be launching a second attack on the pack as we speak. Besides, even I am not foolhardy enough to charge into their camp and try and wrest Buck away from them. This is strategically stupid.”

  “Then why did we even come?” My rage boiled in my chest. Buck’s life hung in the balance and where was my strong, decisive alpha?

  “To scout. The sun will be up soon and then things will be clearer. Relax.”

  “Screw this.” I rolled away from him, stood up and drew my dagger. “If

  you’re too afraid then I guess it’s up to me. Maybe that’s what the prophecy is about.”

  “About getting yourself killed?” Japheth snatched the weapon from me in a lightning flash.

  “Give it back. I’ll give myself up if that’s what it takes. It’s me they want, not Buck. I can’t just leave him there. He’s only in this mess because of me, you all are. I’m done with you all suffering because of me. It’s time I paid my dues.”

  Elijah stood up, his face only barely masking an inner passion that was new for him. “I’m with you.”

  “You?” Japheth chuckled.

  I offered my hand. “You could die.”

  “I need to redeem myself, kid. Let me go. You need somebody to get your back. Just like you had mine.”

  Japheth spat on the ground and scowled. “Fools love company.” My dagger hit the ground at my feet and he walked away, kicking at the dirt.


  “And your big plan is?” Japheth crouched next to me and shook his head. “It better be the best plan I’ve ever heard because this is ridiculous.”

  The puma camp was no more advanced than our own. The same baked mud formed the walls of their homes. The same thatch kept them dry from the rain. The puma people, darker-skinned than the wolves and each wearing a polished bone necklace, moved about with intention. A great hall dominated the landscape and many pumas approached it. Smoke poured from its chimney and the hearty but odd smell of roasting meat permeated the air.

  I turned to Japheth. “They don’t—”

  He nodded to me and my gut tightened. They wouldn’t. No matter how muscular he was. They needed him to get me. And I wouldn’t make a tasty meal, not at all.

  I hoped the pumas would agree.

  Elijah leaned in. They’ve got a—”

  Puma warriors kicked open the doors of the great hall and dragged something out into the central square. Swollen, bloody and naked, their victim pushed himself up.

  It was Buck.

  I grabbed Japheth’s arm and squeezed. I know Buck wouldn’t have wanted me there, that he thought I was special and that I was the chosen one. But none of that mattered to me. I’d never understood my role with these two packs. The only thing that made sense was being with Buck.

  “Damnit, Buck.” Japheth shook his head but refused to move.

  The queen sauntered out of the hall, her black dress flowing behind her, her fingernails long and red. She motioned to her warriors and they flipped Buck over. She leaned down, said something and slapped him hard across the face, the report causing me to wince despite the distance.

  It was one of those moments where I didn’t want to look but I forced myself to.

  “Get it now!” The queen motioned, impatient, to one of the warriors and he produced a long, black length of leather. She nodded and he reached back, ready to strike.

  Buck’s flesh snapped, he arched backwards and a groan escaped from deep inside him. I shook from the surprise of it.

  The whip cracked against Buck’s skin again. Tears poured down my cheeks. They meant to kill him. Elijah was still. Japheth refused to budge. If I didn’t do something he would die. If he died, there’d be no reason for me to live.

  I launched myself up, the accumulated power of my love for Buck surprising even me. I threw off Japheth’s arm and scrambled into the puma camp. “Stop! Not one more!”

  The pumas stared at me as if they themselves were also shaken. Not one of them moved to stop me.

  I took up position between the torturer and Buck’s unmoving body.

  “I knew I hadn’t seen the last of you.” The queen eyed me but stepped back behind the torturer. “And your dog friends?”

  I kneeled in the rough dirt at Buck’s side. Raw, pink flesh dominated his upper back with only the occasional bit of healthy tan skin between his wounds. Blood and yellow plasma oozed from the long cuts. I rolled him over onto my lap and his body jerked up, his eyes still closed. I cradled Buck’s head and kissed him, wishing that my tears were magic so I could heal him. He mumbled a few words but they made no sense. He was probably mad at me for coming.

  “Well, does the special one speak?” The queen raised a thinning eyebrow at me from behind the broad shoulders of her guard.

  I was just a human caught between these packs of supernatural creatures. But it seemed I now had the advantage. “Let Buck go and I’ll give myself up to you. You can do what you want with me.”

  The queen cackled, the sound grating on my eardrums like rocks scraping metal. “It seems I already have you. Why shouldn’t I just make an example of the both of you?”

  “Because if you keep us both here there will be more fighting and more of your people will die. Let Buck go.”

  The puma warriors wrapped their furry hands around my arms, lifted me and carried me I knew not where. I strained to see. Buck wasn’t moving. But they had to let him go. That was the bargain.

  I struggled and kicked but they only gripped me harder. My life would be pain now. I had to face up to it.


  I kneeled in the dirt next to a reflecting pool — or maybe it was just a large puddle — and studied my hands. They’d changed. Slightly hairier now. Weird.

  The warrio
rs who’d grabbed me returned for Buck and dragged him toward the edge of camp, his legs scraping the uneven ground. They dumped him against a thick old pine tree at the edge of the camp and he reached out a hand towards me.

  I’d saved Buck’s life. The man I wanted, the man I loved, would survive. The day brightened and I laughed out loud, loving life. I only wished I’d told him that before. The dawn was here, the loving tendrils of the morning sun warming my face and chest. My sacrifice will end the war. The two packs will have peace once more. Perhaps this was my role as the chosen one. Maybe I was always destined to sacrifice myself.

  The queen ascended a boulder on the other side of the reflecting pool, interrupting my view of the sun and putting me into shadow. Words like “avenge” and “justice” briefly made an impression on me but my muscles tensed up and every fiber of being screamed to run. This was the end. There would be unimaginable pain. They would torture me even worse than they had Buck, as the pumas thought even less of humans than they did wolves.

  “Proceed, my fine warriors.” The queen looked down on me, a satisfied frown turning her face as harsh as the long, thin blade that now approached me.

  I thought I’d have a long life. I suppose everyone does. But as death approached, an odd calmness came over me, the serenity of the inevitable, I supposed.

  Puma hands tore my clothing from my flesh. A circle of pumas surrounded me, the faces of April, the fat warrior and the scarred one almost friendly now compared to the others. Their chanting deafened me. They waved their swords and spears in the air, their faces blissful, their smiles almost loving. Only their eyes betrayed their ravenous hunger for my demise. I found the queen’s face and raged against her ugly smile. I locked eyes with her. She’d see no fear in me, not now.

  She circled around me, a small dagger in her wizened hand. She was ready. If I was to fight for my life, now was the moment.


  I twisted to see her. She stared at my back, her eyes wide. She ran to me and traced a line from between my shoulder blades to my lower back, the skin there burning under her touch.


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