My Lord Wicked (Historical Regency Romance)

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My Lord Wicked (Historical Regency Romance) Page 24

by Cheryl Bolen

  Cradling her face in his hands, he asked, "Are you sure?"

  She nodded, her eyes glazed with passion.

  His breath grew short as his hands lazily trailed down the slope of her breasts to fasten on her slim waist. Gripping her waist, he pulled her fast and hard into his swelling need. He heard the breath expel from her as she pressed firmly against him with her lower torso. His hands moved to her hips, cupping them, rhythmically lifting her into himself.

  He was glad she was tall. She fit to him as if she had been made for his pleasure. He was glad, too, that his apt pupil was so compliant, rolling into him with revolving hips, then rolling again, and again and again. Now her breathing became ragged.

  Her face lifted to his for a wet, passionate kiss as his fingers fumbled with the row of buttons at the back of her dress. To his surprise, her tongue slid through his parted lips, showing none of the repulsion most maidens did over open-mouthed kissing.

  When he had finished with all the buttons, she surprised him again by lifting off the dress. Then, balancing herself on one leg then the other, removed her shoes and stockings. Wearing only her shift, she merged her body into his once more. He felt the milk of life flowing, zinging through him. He was lost to sanity, mindful only of the cries of his starved body, his need to become one with her. He inched up the shift until he splayed his hand on the smooth flesh of her thigh. And she moaned a throaty approval.

  Goaded on by her insatiable rhythm, his hand went higher. Then higher still until his fingers dipped into her slickness. And she moaned again, this time widening her thighs.

  He had to keep telling himself this was for her. It was her pleasure, not his, that he sought. She was tight. Very tight. And, thank God, blessedly lubricated.

  His voice was husky and low. "May I undress you?"

  "Yes, please."

  He removed his coat first, then her shift, throwing it on his discarded coat. Next, he began to unlace her stays. When her breasts sprang free, he nearly lost his breath. His eyes slowly, agonizingly travelled over the length of her slender, milky flesh, taking in the glory of her peach-sized breasts, the smooth curve of her waist, then lower, the crevice of brown above her long shapely legs. And he thought he'd never before beheld so innocent a beauty.

  He dropped to his knees as if he were worshipping her, as, indeed, he was. She moved to him and his mouth covered one breast, his hands stroking her, kneading her, playing with her as he languidly sucked at a her nipple and his fingers once again slipped into her warmth, taking up where they had lift off.

  And once again her lower torso began to roll toward him, slowly at first, then faster and at last in jerky, thrusting motions.

  It was time.

  He stood up, planting his still-booted feet in front of her. She moved closer and began to unfasten the buttons of his shirt. "It grows terribly hot in here." Her voice was a growl. His Freddie was no child but a full-fledged woman with a woman's body, a woman's needs.

  And he wanted her not just for his surging need but for his life and all the days it had yet to yield.

  Once she helped him remove his shirt, he lifted her and carried her to the sofa. She lay on it, scooting back to make room for him. He sat on the edge and removed his boots, then stretched his body beside her, clad only in breeches. Her hands glided over his heated flesh as she arched toward him, urging him on with her maddening, erratic rhythm. He drew her ever closer, exulting in the feel of her, the taste, the light lavender scent.

  Now, if he could but complete the act they both desired so excruciatingly.

  He kissed her gently at first, then hungrily, his hand cupping her low, stroking her until she cried out. Then he adjusted his breeches. She widened herself for him and he eased into her.


  She had wanted to show him how good it was for a man and woman who loved each other to make love. She had planned to offer herself on the altar of his redemption. But never in her wildest fantasies had she ever imagined it could be like this, that she could ever feel so thoroughly complete, so utterly sated.

  Her hands glided possessively over the powerful muscles of his back, urging him deeper and deeper until she had called out his name as if he were her savior. She contracted herself around his movement, euphoric over the groans she had brought to his lips. And when she had felt his liquid heat flowing into her core, the primitive, breathless panting from deep within him, she trembled violently. Not just there, low in her body, but in shuddering waves washing over her from head to foot, leaving her hot and wet and satisfied beyond comprehension.

  Long after the gush of frenzied love making had stilled, he stayed within her, stroking her, smoothing the damp hair from her face. She took the hand that had touched her there and sucked his fingers into her mouth.

  He propped himself up on one arm and gazed into her heated eyes. "The next time you do this, my love, it shall be in my bed as my much cherished wife."

  "Then you have at last dispelled your aberration over ever marrying again?"

  "No, woman of mine, you have dispelled it. And most thoroughly, I might add."

  Her mouth curved into a smile.


  "Has the post come, Eason?" Freddie asked.

  "Yes, Lady Stacks. I was just going to bring it to his lordship."

  Freddie held out a slim hand. "I'll take it to him." As she strode through the great room, she rifled through the letters. Two caught her eye. One was from Perth, the other she recognized as being from Thomas's publisher. She broke the seal, running her eyes over the text as she made her way to the library.

  When the door opened Stacks looked up from the papers on his desk. "Tommy down for his nap?" he queried.

  She smiled. "Thank goodness for his poor nurse and for Marmalade. Your son has been a holy terror today." She handed him the letters, then plopped down on the sofa.

  She watched as he opened the one from Australia. "Why are you receiving mail from Australia?"

  He finished reading the letter but he still did not answer her.

  "It's not the first letter you've received from Perth."

  He took a deep breath. "When we were first married I made the decision not to prosecute Julia Taylor for Elizabeth's murder. I wanted to spare you the scandal."

  "I wish to God she could hang for what she did to Elizabeth--and to you."

  "It was also my intent that she be punished for her crime, and I have no remorse that I had one of my men abduct her and put her on a ship bound for Australia--where I had arranged for her to serve as an indentured servant."

  Freddie's hand flew to her mouth.

  His eyes ran over the script on the letter before him. "My man in Australia writes that Mrs. Taylor burned to death in a house fire some months ago."

  "I'm not sorry," Freddie said with defiance.

  He put aside the letter. "Nor am I." Then he took up the letter from his publisher.

  "Are you reading the post from your publisher?"

  "Our publisher," he corrected. "Mr. Symmington informs me they've gone into another printing on the book, and he wants to know when he can expect the next."

  "If you didn't spend so much time indulging Tommy--and me," she said, her eyes alight. "I declare, Thomas, your mission on earth is to smooth away life's bumps for Tommy and me. You're far too indulgent."

  He shrugged. "It's not indulgent to make my wife labor on my boring botany notes day in and day out. You should be spending my money frivolously as other wives do--not working in my dreary library all your waking hours."

  "I will have you know I do not think your notes boring or your library dreary." Her voice softer, she added, "I am happiest here in this room where we first declared our love."

  "And where we first made love." His voice was throaty, his eyes smoldering.

  "Yes," she whispered, getting up and moving to him. She placed her hand gently on his chiseled cheek, then linked her hands behind his neck as he pulled her onto his lap. "When shall we tell Mr. Symmington to
look for the next book?"

  "If my wife would quit distracting me I might be able to finish the book this week." He covered her lips with his.

  When he was finished, she spoke. "Shall we go upstairs for a nap?"

  He scooted his chair back. "A very good plan, my love."

  "Your book can wait."

  "Our book," he said, lifting her hand to his lips.


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  Thank you from Cheryl Bolen

  Other eBooks by Cheryl Bolen:

  The Bride Wore Blue

  (The Brides of Bath, Book 1)

  Cheryl Bolen's writing draws you into her fast-paced story. 4 Stars – Romantic Times

  Cheryl Bolen returns to the Regency England she knows so well. . .If you love a steamy Regency with a fast pace, be sure to pick up The Bride Wore Blue. – Happily Ever After

  * * *

  For six long years Thomas Moreland has dreamed of the beautiful young noblewoman who rescued him from death. While amassing his fortune in India, not a day passed he did not recall Felicity's fair loveliness, did not recall the silken tones of her sweet voice, did not desire to possess her.

  Now a widow, Felicity Harrison does not recognize the handsome nabob as the young man left for dead by highwayman years earlier. Though she wants nothing more than to snub the arrogant man who promises to rescue her family from financial ruin in exchange for presenting his sister to Society, she cannot snub him. She must force herself to bear his company. But the longer she is with him, the more she has to force herself to remain true to her dead husband's memory. Why is it the humbly born Thomas Moreland possesses more nobility that any man of her class? And why is it she finds it harder and harder to mourn a dead man when Thomas's virility awakens her deepest desires? Buy at

  With His Ring

  (The Brides of Bath, Book 2)

  Texas Gold's Runner-up for Best Historical Romance 2002

  Highly recommended. – Under the Covers

  Cheryl Bolen does it again! There is laughter, and the interaction of the characters pulls you right into the book. I look forward to the next in this series. 4 Stars – Romantic Times

  With His Ring is a good book. Once you start reading you will not want to put it down. . .The secondary characters are a blast. They will have you laughing right along with Glee's stunts. – The Romance Readers Connection

  If you liked Cheryl Bolen's first installment in her Brides of Bath series set in Regency England, you'll like this one. With His Ring has plenty of sensuality. – Happily Ever After

  * * *

  Glee Pembroke has turned down countless offers of marriage because she has secretly been in love with her brother's best friend, Gregory Blankenship, all her life. When she learns Gregory will lose his considerable fortune if he's not wed by his twenty-fifth birthday, she persuades him to enter into a sham marriage with her. What he doesn't know is that she plans to win his heart. She will do everything in her power to make him happy—including mimicking the ways of a "fast" woman since he's noted for alliances with women of that sort.

  Why did he ever allow himself to marry the maddening Glee? He'd thought they would have great fun, but at every turn, she exasperates him. Why does she persist in wearing the bodice of her dresses so blasted low? Why do other men persist in flirting with her, his wife? And why in the blazes has his heretofore complacent life been turned upside down by this sham marriage? He finds himself longing for a real marriage, but for reasons he cannot divulge, that can never happen. Buy at

  The Bride’s Secret

  (The Brides of Bath, Book 3)

  (Previously titled A Fallen Woman)

  You'll fall for A Fallen Woman, the latest Regency romance by Cheryl Bolen. .this emotional story of a woman's journey from despair to triumph has what we all want from a love story. – In Print

  A story of healing, forgiveness and change that will make readers cheer. – Romantic Times

  I would recommend A Fallen Woman to anyone." – Escape to Romance

  * * *

  Since his commanding officer in the Peninsula took a bullet meant for him, James Moore, now the Earl of Rutledge, feels responsible for the dead man's young son and the boy's exquisite mother, Carlotta Ennis—so responsible that he offers to marry the lavender-eyed beauty. Though their marriage was not to be a love match, Carlotta's torturing presence has James yearning to make her his true wife.

  Though she did not love his lordship, her desperate situation forced her to accept his proposal. Little did she know she would come to crave being with him, would hunger for his every touch. If only she could be worthy of the fine man she's married, if only she can keep him from learning her dark secret . . . Buy at

  To Take This Lord

  (The Brides of Bath, Book 4)

  (Previously titled An Improper Proposal)

  "Wonderfully Crafted... Highly recommended... 5 stars." – Huntress Book Reviews

  "Bolen's writing... creates the perfect atmosphere for her enchanting romances." –

  Romantic Times

  "Bolen does a wonderful job building simmering sexual tension." – Booklist

  * * *

  Even though it's been two years since his cherished wife died on childbed, George Pembroke, the Viscount Sedgewick, continues to rely on liquor to blunt his grief.

  Worried about him and his children, George's sisters urge him to ask spinster Sally Spenser—a longtime family friend—to help care for his daughter and son. Sally's the perfect person. She's of high birth (but has no money) and she adores Lord Sedgewick's children. It's her deep love of the motherless children and fear that their father might marry an unfeeling stepmother that prompt Sally to consider George's proposal. Even though it will be unbearable living under the roof of the man she loves and knowing she can never have him. Buy at

  With His Lady's Assistance

  (The Regent Mysteries, Book 1)

  (Humorous Regency Romance Mystery)

  Finalist – Best Historical eBook, International Digital Awards

  "With His Lady’s Assistance is a delightful blend of humor, romance, and mystery, a romp through Regency society, sprinkled with appealing characters and colourful figures from British history. Protecting the eccentric Prince Regent from an unknown assassin has never been so entertaining." – In Print

  "A delightful Regency romance. . .The mystery is nicely done, the romance is enchanting, and the secondary character are enjoyable. 4 Stars. – Romantic Times

  "Bolen is a masterful storyteller who brings us enchanting love stories that offer fresh outlooks on love, while combing humor and mystery." – Regency Inkwell on With His Lady's Assistance,

  5-Star Hall of Fame book, With His Lady's Assistance. – Historical Romance Critic

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  To help him mingle in the highest echelons of English society to investigate threats on the Prince Regent's life, super spy Captain Jack Dryden must feign an engagement to the exceedingly plain spinster, Lady Daphne Chalmers. Together they embark on an investigation which brings them into grave peril—and makes the captain reevaluate the skinny maiden who has a most amorous effect upon him. Buy at

  A Most Discreet Inquiry

  (The Regent Mysteries, Book 2)

  (Humorous Regency Romance Mystery)

  In this second installment on Bolen's Regent Mysteries, Captain Jack Dryden receives another urgent summons to come to the aid of the Prince Regent--on Jack's wedd
ing day...

  Will Jack find the missing papers before d'Arblier finds him? Will Daphne find a competent housekeeper before they starve? And will Daphne and Jack ever have their wedding night?

  Read A Most Discreet Inquiry for the answers, and enjoy another adventure with the most charming of Regency detectives. 5 STARS. – In Print

  “Once again Ms. Bolen gives us a humorous and romantic read filled with action and mystery.” – L. Sims, Top Amazon Reviewer

  * * *

  It all started quite innocently when Lady Daphne Chalmers's duchess sister came to her sleuthing sibling for help in retrieving love letters she wrote to Major Styles, now deceased. But as Daphne and her own lover, Captain Jack Dryden of His Majesty's Hussars, join forces to track down the letters, they follow a trail of treachery and murder that threatens the entire kingdom. Buy at

  A Lady by Chance

  Cheryl Bolen has done it again with another sparkling Regency romance. . .I highly recommend it. – Happily Ever After

  Anna de Mouchet has the stuff of which Regency heroines are made—the right stuff, that is! – In Print

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  The Marquess of Haverstock is incensed when he learns the money he needed to buy crucial war information for the Foreign Office has been lost at cards to the illegitimate daughter of an English duke and French noblewoman. When the bewitchingly beautiful woman informs him the only way to reclaim the funds is to wed her, he has little choice but to agree.


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