Wild Life

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Wild Life Page 10

by Girl, Breukelen

  Cassidy screwed up her nose and silently berated herself. “What?” Addison asked confused. They’d been hot in the taxi. Hot and heavy, he’d been playing with her, in the backseat. Making sure she was sufficiently turned on. Making sure Cassidy did nothing but take it. He wanted her to feel as wound up as he did.

  “I mean, you can come in, we just can’t have a night like last night.” Cassidy said softly.

  Addison frowned, his body relaxing slightly, but he still kept his hold on her. “Why?” Cassidy sighed heavily and smiled at him. “Because I need an early night.” Addison smiled broadly at her and relaxed completely. “I can be good and keep my hands to myself Cassidy.”

  She arched an eyebrow at him. “Right, your hands, but then there’s your mouth, those lips, that tongue, your teeth and well…” She stood back to give him a once over head to toe look purposefully.

  Addison laughed at her. “I’ll take that as a damn fine compliment.”

  “Never meant it any other way baby.” Cassidy smirked at him, relenting and opening the door and dragging Addison in with her as he kept his hands firmly on her hips. Addison kicked the door closed before resuming kissing her. This time, lunging for her mouth as she matched him in eagerness.

  Cassidy started unbuttoning his shirt hastily as he kept walking her backwards between kisses.

  “Which way?” He asked her breathlessly coming up for air. Cassidy shoved the shirt off Addison’s shoulders.

  “Left.” She muttered back at him before resuming their kiss. So far, he was being very good, Cassidy decided as they made it to her bedroom. Slowly loosing items of clothing along the journey to the bedroom. Now she had him, in her room on her bed.

  Cassidy panted and licked her lips, pushing Addison down onto her bed with a shove of her hand to his chest. Addison went down and watched as her hands hastily worked on the waist of his jeans, undoing the fly and zip quickly.

  “I said I’d be good, but don’t test me.” He muttered as her hands hooked onto the waist of jeans. “You take them off, I can not tell you I’ll behave like a saint.” Cassidy paused in her pursuit of personal freedom from clothing through pleasure.

  “Hmmm.” She murmured as if in thought. “Wonder if I want a good guy or a bad boy?” She smirked, opting to slide up his chest, her own skin against his, as she trailed her nipples ever so lightly against him. One hand resting on the growing erection in his jeans.

  Addison moaned at the light touch that was teasing him, far too easily. He had more control than a horny teenager with a girl for the first time. But the image of Cassidy in her Argentine Tango, mating with the male on stage, through her dance, had his werewolf’s mind tempted to ignore that control. He actually felt jealous when he thought about what he’d seen.

  Instead he fisted the sheets underneath him, as Cassidy’s mouth, descended down his throat, as he tilted his head back for her, allowing more access as she nipped lightly at his Adams apple. Another groan as she bit down with a bit of pressure. Not enough to break skin, but enough to temporarily leave a mark on him. Her mark. A thought that made him smile lazily up at her.

  Cassidy lifted her mouth and looked back at him, her fingers tracing the pattern of his body tattoo, lightly. “This is some work of art.” She murmured looking at the continual line design. She frowned as her fingers found a rough, raised, part of skin under the black ink in his shoulder.

  “What’s this?” She asked running her hand over the hidden scar, in the blank ink part of a swirl.

  “Gun shot.” Addison replied matter of fact. Cassidy was horrified, looking wide eyed at him and back at the old scar before kissing it lightly.

  “You were shot? When, how?” Her finger kept circling the rough edges of the old scar as she looked at Addison for answers. He sighed, putting his other un inked arm behind his head, looking back at her. She’d asked, so he’d tell her, he supposed.

  “Hunting incident.” Addison replied watching the sorrow and horror of what he was saying filter across her face. “Yeah, you know they make you wear orange vests for a reason.” Addison quipped, as if to indicate he hadn’t been wearing the proper hunting attire. Like it was a self explanatory reason for the bullet wound. An omission of truth, it wasn’t exactly lying. And it was believable. Cassidy kissed it again and her trailed her tongue along his pectoral muscle. Flicking his nipple. Causing Addison to hiss back at her.

  What he wasn’t telling her was that he’d been in werewolf form at the time of the hunt, and the hunters in question knew what they weren’t allowed to hunt wolves in the area he’d been in, but they didn’t care. And they’d been using silver, it was why it’d scared him, because it had taken awhile to get it out and his body just hadn’t liked that. It was likely they were actually werewolf hunters. Being shot with silver for the first time, had shocked his body and made his mind muddled, and the shape shift to heal himself had been difficult as a result.

  Cassidy’s lips continued their journey around his tattooed half, her fingers grazing over the design that had taken ten sittings to complete. She stopped when her fingers, found more scars on him. This time on his arm. Around the elbow joint and lower fore arm.

  “Tell me about this one.” She said feeling out the entire scar. It was quite large.

  “My father.” He muttered without thinking about it.

  “You’re dad did this to you?” Cassidy asked her voice raising. Addison stilled as he realized what he’d said and tried to figure out how to explain his way out of it. He never talked about his father to anyone.

  “I mean, my father’s wolf.” Addison went on, watching her closely as she looked at the hidden scar. Hoping she’d think his father had a pet wolf. “Mauled me when I was six. It looks worse because it stretched when I grew.” Addison admitted truthfully at her.

  His father had been a mean man, and a bad werewolf who didn’t mind using physical intimidation or violence on his only son. Especially when Addison was younger and unable to fight back. When he lacked the shape shifting skills or proper healing abilities.

  Shape shifting didn’t usually kick in for pups until their teenage years. For Addison he’d got lucky, it kicked in a little earlier, when he was twelve. The minute Addison had the ability to fight as a werewolf, to heal himself, his father had left. What was the fun on picking on someone who could fight back when you were a bully?

  “Anymore?” Cassidy asked softly, her hands still exploring his tattoo.

  “Appendix scar, a little lower.” Addison lied cheekily at her, lifting up the waistband of his jeans. Cassidy laughed at him.

  “So what does this say?” She asked running her fingers over the lettering embedded in the tattoo design, running over his elbow joint and forearm scar.

  Addison sighed softly.

  “It says, even if I dream in darkness, I see in light.” He stated. “And the other bit of writing,” He said as she went back to the writing running over his shoulder and the bullet wound scar.

  “Excelsior?” Cassidy repeated back at him, running her fingers over the writing. She moved to cover his chest with her own, leaning into him. Addison’s hand ran up the bare skin of her back. “Does the French come from your family?” Cassidy asked softly, as she nipped at his jaw line.

  “Not exactly.” Addison commented as she started planting wet kisses on his face and he closed his eyes. French was the official pack language of the Manhattan Maen and he did consider them family, but he knew that was not what she meant.

  “Tell me.” Cassidy whispered softly to him.

  “It’s a Manhattan motto.” Addison replied truthfully at her. “My friends and I use it as a group saying. As motivation, as reassurance, as a reminder.” He said in a low voice, getting lost in the feeling of her lips moving across his face, until she found his mouth.

  “Reminder of what?” She asked against his lips, laying atop of him completely now.

  “Of who we are.”

  Cassidy planted both her hands on his chest and looked down
at Addison. “And who are you?”

  “I’m currently someone who wants to do right by you and also do very, very, explicit sexual things to you.” He said in a husky low voice that made Cassidy instantly wet, like she could feel the vibration of that huskiness creep into her body. “Now, enough talk, you have to sleep.” Addison stated, shifting so she rolled off him and onto her bed. “And If I stay, you won’t get to do that.” He said pushing her into the bed and untangling himself from her reluctantly.

  “But I’ll get what I need.” She stated staring hard at him.

  Addison groaned back at her. “Cassidy,” He warned her. He had to proceed with caution with her, or not at all. He couldn’t see any other way around what he’d gotten himself into with this very human woman with an inner wild spirit that kept appealing to the werewolf with in, the more the time he spent with her.


  Addison sat in the darkness of his apartment drinking straight from the bottle of bourbon in his hand. What had he gotten himself into with Cassidy? Why was he dating her? Was that what he was really doing? Why was he doing that to himself? Because he’d gotten bored at some party and needed to play with someone. Because he’d been lonely. No.

  Addison sighed and sculled another mouthful of the alcohol. He was never alone. He was always involved in the Manhattan Maen pack’s goings on. So much so, he rarely got to have a life of his own outside of it. And now there was Cassidy.

  Cassidy the night before had been a big wake up call to him. He’d gotten home and jerked off more than once. He’d thought of her and gotten hard all over again. So much so he’d tried to distract himself by watching some porn to get off too.

  It had occurred to Addison then that he had a problem on his hands. The problem was, he wasn’t sure he should be with Cassidy and yet, he kept going to her. Doing more and more sexual things with her. Revealing more and more of himself, his life, personally to her. Something he’d never done before with a woman. That wasn’t him. Was it?

  He’d gone to bed, still horny and more confused than ever. When Cassidy had called him in the day time, he’d deliberately resisted answering her call. Even when she persisted and rang more than once. He had to know what he was doing. What was happening to him when he was around her.

  It was the first night of the lunar week and he had to assure himself, he could handle the regular stresses that lunar week would entail on his physical and mental state. He didn’t need the added complication of Cassidy Owens and the uncertainty of what he was doing with her.

  He lifted the bottle to his lips again. Cassidy who was human. Who didn’t know about werewolves. Who he’d told the abusive tale of what his father had done to him as a six year old. The only other person who knew that story was Paris. Addison was not a sharing and personal growth kind of guy. He did not open up to anyone easily and yet, he’d just blurted it out to her, at first without thinking.

  A human woman who was stealing his heart. He’d avoided taking her call when she’d phoned him, after her show at Provocation was over for the night. And he was hating himself for that action alone.

  Addison frowned downing the bottle on the polished floor boards besides himself. A werewolf flirting dangerously with a human woman. It was ludicrous! Stupid! It was laughable. His friends, his pack, would laugh at him. And yet, he knew he truly wouldn’t care if they did. Because Cassidy excited him. Made him feel like a man as much as he was a werewolf.

  “What have I done to myself?” He asked himself in the otherwise silent room. Addison reached across the table for his cell phone and pressed one on speed dial quickly.

  “Big dog, did I wake you?” He asked Paris.

  “Nah, I’m good.” Paris replied back at him looking across at a sleeping Bg next to him. “What’s up?”

  “I think I need some advice.” Addison sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.

  “Cassidy.” Paris said back at her. “You’re taken with her. I could tell that when I saw you two together. And now, first night of lunar week and you’re not in a club. This could be serious bro.”


  “You were more open, then you normally are around your female interests.” Paris explained. “I think you like her. A lot.”

  Addison lay down on the sofa of his living room as he spoke on the phone. “I have been so controlled around her. I mean, I’m doing the honorable thing, taking it slow.”

  “And now you’re freaking out.” Paris finished for him. “Or are you just getting blue balls from not doing anything with her so far?”

  “Nah, I mean, why would I freak out? I’ve faced scary ass bastards, hell I’ve fought of my father…and my balls are not blue. Yet.”

  “Okay, this is deep. If you’re mentioning your father than we are definitely entering new Addison emotional territory. If this woman means something to you then you are definitely freaking out.”

  Addison listened to his friend. “It’s insane.” There was a soft noise in the otherwise quiet background. Addison rolled his eyes.

  “Is Bg riding you while on the phone to me?” Addison asked distracted by the image he had in his head of what he imagined was happening.

  “No, she’s asleep.”

  Addison frowned heavily, sure he’d heard a moan.

  “I’m just finger fucking her gently.” Paris commented, listening to the slick sounds of Bg’s response to him. “And when I get off the phone to you, I’m going to fuck my pack mate awake from her midnight slumber.”

  “I can not take this, my balls are going to hurt all fucking night long.” Addison growled at him.

  He didn’t know why he put up with it, the sexual atmosphere Paris and Bg created. They both knew he liked being around it, liked watching them. Jesus even know with the whole Cassidy situation brewing, the voyeuristic part of him liked the phone sex that was being thrown tauntingly his way. What would Cassidy think of him if she knew about his sexual preferences? He had to get laid, fast.

  “I need to get laid.” Addison moaned down the line in annoyance.

  “Tell me about you and Cassidy,” Paris said softly at him.

  “I started perusing her but then I started this whole taking it slow approach when I should’ve just bedded her. And now my balls are almost blue and I think I’m okay with that, cause I don’t want to freak her out. It’s insane.” Addison commented. “I have to break it off.”


  “It’s the only answer right? I mean, I’m a wolf, she’s a human. It won’t work.”

  “You don’t know that.” Paris intoned seriously at him. “There is no way of knowing that, unless you take the risk of being with her.”

  “Like you and Bg.” Addison said back at him. “Tell me you think your relationship is worth all the hassle, the looks, the names, the judgment calls. The fact that others see you two as target practice. Is it worth it?”

  “Yes.” Paris said without hesitation.

  Addison sighed. “Well I’m not in the market for a relationship. Whatever I have with her, it’s nice, but I’m not looking for permanency beyond that.”

  “Just be clear with her on that. I think Cassidy’s pretty cool and if she’s letting you hang around her, then I’d say she’s smart enough to handle you.”


  The second night of the lunar week and Addison felt connected, assured of his place as he sat inside the regular nightclub he frequented over lunar weeks. It was his regular routine. It was a sure thing, a safe bet, he knew what to expect and how to manage his werewolf’s tendencies throughout the night ahead. This was how he dealt with horniness brought on by lunar week. This was the best way.

  “There you go.” Said a club hostess, serving him a whiskey neat and a beer on the table in front of him, with a wink and a smile. He glanced her over again for the third time. The thought to grab her and drag her into a dark corner, maybe the female toilets and get a quick, hard fuck out of his system, played on his mind. He knew this scene, he knew it well.

bsp; Jules and Wiatt bantered amongst themselves, drinking. Bg was sitting opposite him on the couch, her bare legs tucked up under herself as she played around on her cell phone, distracting herself while she waited for Paris’s arrival. Whilst two beta female werewolves, sat either side of him, pressing into his sides. Addison had already forgotten their names.

  He needed pack, he told himself. He needed touch. He assured himself looking at one of the blondes as she ran her hand up and down his arm. He just didn’t need it from her or the blonde opposite. But they weren’t bothering him too much, they were just sitting there, doing as they were told, waiting for their chance to latch onto him for the night.

  Addison sighed and picked up his whiskey, a pair of legs in the distance catching his attention. Not unusual, considering all the female werewolves in the werewolf owned, run and frequented club were dressed to impress tonight. Everyone was prowling for a mate, for a warm body and sense of fur to get them through the heightened sensations they were all subjected to, during lunar weeks. When the moon slowly rose to it’s fullest form.

  Addison, watched the legs his eyes travelling up the long uncovered legs, wondering if he’d chosen his female company for the evening, far too soon. The club, later on, when at full capacity would be filled with scent of sex in the air. It as already getting there, warming up with a happy sweaty vibe filling it. But the pair of legs his eyes travelled up, made him think of sex, early. His eyes kept travelling up the luscious female figure as his wolf whined and clawed at him going over the black leather pinafore dress that was plastered on like a second skin. It gave off a highly naughty school girl look. Especially since she wore a short sleeved white shirt underneath the leather dress. She wore sex kitten hair, with dark rimmed eyes, and red lips. Addison was about ready to drool.

  Addison’s heart beat raced. Cassidy. Cassidy poured into leather and screaming sex at his werewolf without saying a word. Cassidy in his club. On lunar week.

  “What is she doing here?” Addison ground out at Bg panicked.


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